Daughters and Fathers Ch. 06


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For a moment or two, he wondered if it was somehow more reprehensible to be having oral sex with just one of his daughters, just one-on-one, then wondering how sleeping with both of them could be less reprehensible, only for treating them both equally, like a father should. He forgot about that and forgot that the delicious pussy he was licking was his daughter's, that it was her mouth that was arousing his cock so good. When he turned around on the bed, and they kissed, he then did remember, without more thoughts about its having been reprehensible. They went to sleep in each other's arms.

He was surprised when he woke up, smelling that they weren't in the cabin, then remembering where he was and with whom: with his younger daughter at home in her bed - suddenly not such a good thought, nice as it was, but at to home and too close to social mores. In the cabin, they had been further away, easier to forget about that. But it was still nice, and the next day and week they would be back at the cabin.

He wasn't going to start worrying now about it all with both the girls there, not after had been doing it for a fortnight - what they wanted to do and what he also did. It was also nice to be with just one of them - arousing as it was to be with both of them, like the previous day, fucking Britta while her sister licked her pussy. But with just one of them had its charm: like when he had finally told Britta that he wanted to lick her pussy; and the next night - just the previous night - he had asked Maren to suck his cock. And they liked that he had. What would Maren like to, if she woke up? What would he like to do, if she did? Have his cock in her pussy, of course! He snorted silently. But how? As lazily as possible, not the whole, long her-riding-him and then his fucking her for a second orgasm. They could do that next week, would certainly do it, with Britta, too. And everything else. Was there anything else they could do, that they hadn't already? He snorted again.

Her hand moved on his back. Then she murmured:

"Nice. Oh, you, Daddy. Awake?"

"Who else? Um-hmm."

"Hmm? No one in particular, just didn't know at first. Sorry."

"Um-hmm. Been years since that happened with me, ... until the last two weeks."

"Hmm, I guess. At the cabin, it had to be you, but here ... "

"Don't tell me. 'But here'. When I woke up a couple of minutes ago, that was my first recognition, that I - we - weren't in the cabin; smells different."

"Um-hmm. ... Funny, you, here ..."

"Um-hmm, maybe not funny, but nice."

"Um-hmm. ... We don't have to do anything, ... if that's what you mean?"

"Maybe, but not this coming week, so also not tonight, ... if you want to?"

"We talked about it during our nap, also wondering about after that."


"We thought that we probably would still want to, but that it would be impossible - for all the reasons."

"You must have been whispering."

"Um-hmm, lying in bed together, but what I said about your nap wasn't quite right. I tiptoed back and saw that you had fallen asleep, and then drew the door to."

"Nice that you talked about."

"Um-hmm, that we were here by ourselves and could."

"Wouldn't have happened if one of you hadn't suggested our staying here."

"Britta, but she wasn't thinking about this."

"And certainly isn't now."

"No! At least I hope not."

They chuckled softly. He rubbed her back, and she, is. Then he slid his hand between them and held her breast. "Um-hmm," she responded, more softly than during their conversation. After several long moments, she murmured:

"You want to do something?"

"If you do, ... not much."

"Um-hmm, 'not much'. ... Hm-hmm! If it were possible, I would just like to go to sleep with your cock in my pussy."

"Um-hmm, something like that, ... maybe not really do anything."

"Um-hmm, but we're going to have do something to get it there."

Her hand slid down his back and between them, finding his soft cock. He nodded and said:

"You're right. ... Your pussy, too?"

"Good idea. ... Hmm? Maybe if we tell them what we want to do, that will help."

His hand also slid down. Since he already had his thigh between hers, his fingers could slip in over her closed pussy lips. Then with gently moving fingers, they took turns describing what and how they wanted to do it, and how they wanted it to feel, exchanging pleased and aroused little hums, when they felt that they had done something that aroused the other a little, or when they appreciated that the other had aroused them, enjoying themselves that way for longer than they ever had before, continuing well past when they could have agreed to have his cock in her pussy. It twitched in her hand, whenever she rubbed her thumb on the back of his knob, but she knowingly then let it relax for a few moments. His fingers were doing the equivalent, rubbing her clitoris, and then stopping and finding her moist hole for a while, and then returning, slippery wet, to rub her clitoris again.

Then he had two fingers deeper in her pussy, wiggling them. She gasped softly, squeezing his cock, and then murmured:

"We'd better do it, before I can't stop wanting your fingers to keep doing that. Fuck me."

"I want to, like we said."

She rolled onto her back and drew up her thigh, releasing his cock, as he moved closer and down the bed a little, and slid his leg under hers, curling his hips in. His fingers slipped out, and hers found his cock. With another shift of his hips, she could guide it into her tight pussy. She drew her thigh back further, and he thrust it deeper in her warm, slippery pussy. She moaned, and her pussy squeezed his cock, and he moaned. He grasped her far hip and pushed it as deep in her pussy as he could.

"Oh God! Yes! Just like that! Just like I was imagining it would be, better!"

He nodded, agreeing:

"Just like I wanted it to be, better. It feels so good in your warm, wet pussy."

"Not better than it feels to have your stiff cock in it. ... Fuck me, just a little. Just make it keep feeling this good."

"For me, too."

He rocked his hips slowly, and she responded with a pleased moan, murmuring:

"Yes, like that."


He continued, now with his calf holding her far leg, and slid his hand up, suddenly feeling the urge to tickle her waist. She squirmed with a squeal and fought off his hand, then laughing and saying:

"Oooh! That felt good, ... not the tickling."

"Um-hmm. It always feels good when you squirm. Want me to do it again?"

"No! Something new. Just hold my breast."

"That's what I was intending to do, but then my hand was on your ticklish spot."

"It sure was! That's better, also feels good, even if it doesn't make me squirm."


His hand was on her breast, playing with her nipple, and for a minute or two, he gently fucked and aroused her nipple, as she purred happily. Occasionally, his cock would twitch, or her pussy contracted on it, and they would exchange pleased chuckles. She reached across and stroked his bearded cheek affectionately and asked:

"How long can we do this?"

"I don't want to try to find out."

"Hm-hmm! Me neither, but for a while longer."

"Hmm? And then what are we going to do?"

"We're not going just to go to sleep like this, like we were first talking."

"Didn't really think we would want to."

"Maybe I was, but that was before we started to do anything."

"Hm-hmm! And began to imagine what it would really feel like."

"Um-hmm, how good it would feel. Just don't want to stop, when it feels this good."

"Very good. ... We probably couldn't be enjoying this, if Lars hadn't happened along."

"No. I hope they are enjoying themselves as much."

"Probably, at least trying to."

"If you want to do this with her, I won't mind - I don't think. I can do something by myself."

"Maybe a couple of times."

"I once did it three times."

"Really good?!"

"Never quite as good as the real thing."

"Or what you two showed me."

"Oh? That. That's pretty wild, and, of course, good, better than what happens with some guys."

"Sounds like a lot of them, well, a few."

"I mean: happens sometimes."

"You're spoiled."

"Hmm! Maybe, but it's not your fault, except for letting Johan stay with us."

"Hmm! So it is my fault, ... but I can't complain; being spoiled, myself."

"And letting us spoil you. Hm-hmm! Now just fuck me."

"You really are spoiled, saying that."

"Um-hmm, and want to be spoiled some more."

"Goes both ways, doing this."

"Hm-hmm! That's nice; then spoil yourself, ... instead of spoiling me."

"Not without your help."

They chuckled pleasantly, and then were silent, as he fucked her a little faster - silent, except for more frequent moans, that got more aroused, now that they were only aware of how good it felt. When her hand slid down and began to rub, he rolled his shoulders up and began to suck her breast. She gave a longer moan and murmured:

"Yes, do everything!"

He nodded with her nipple between his lips and began to fuck her as hard as he could, hoping that her busy fingers would help make her come with him. Her hips were rocking to meet his thrusts, her thighs quivering, and she was beginning to whimper. Like a child crying to have something, he thought; she wanted her orgasm, and he wanted to give it to her.

His throbbing cock came first, but it seemed that his first spurt loosed hers; her body jerked, her shoulders rising off the bed, as she gasped and groaned desperately, convulsing, as he thrust and spurted again and again. When he stilled, his cock twitched again in the grip of her pussy, and her body jerked one more time, then relaxed, as she gasped and sighed with deep moans a few times.

His own satisfied moans accompanied hers, as he relaxed with his cock still deep in her pussy. Then she blurted out softly:

"Oh Daddy, that was so good! I just love you for that!"

He nodded, and she quickly added:

"Sorry, I know I shouldn't say that, and I love you for everything else, of course."

"Um-hmm. I'm getting accustomed to hearing it; it doesn't bother me any more, and I love you too, 'for everything else', ... and this, too. Nothing wrong with saying what you feel."

"And for your saying that, too. Thank you. Just leave it there; I want to go to sleep with it in me."

"Me too. Sleep tight."

He tried to make his cock twitch again, and it did, enough for her to feel it. Her pussy responded, and she murmured:

"There, like that. Good night."

They fell asleep. Eventually, his hips rocked back a little, and his small, soft cock slipped out of her pussy. Soon after that, his leg straightened, and he rolled on his back. He was slightly roused by her rolling towards him, drawing her thigh over his and then sliding down between his legs and she got comfortable, half lying on him with her arm around him. Then they were sleeping again.

He woke up in the morning with her still lying like that, still sleeping. Yes, they had both said that they loved what they had done, he recalled, then remembering that they had said a lot more, and that he had thought a lot more before they went to sleep - the first time - after they had done that too - his licking her pussy while she sucked his cock. Not just her 'anything, everything', his too, he

admitted to himself, and not just with her, also with her sister, his other daughter. He suddenly remembered where Britta was - could be - and glanced over at her still empty bed. He snorted. She had certainly spent the night with Lars, hopefully as delightfully as he and Maren had. Would she see him again, so that she could pass on their thanks? No, of course not! Couldn't tell him what they wanted to thank him for. He snorted more sharply.

Maren stirred, nodding slightly, as her hand rubbed a little. He snorted softly again and murmured:

"Yes, it's me."

He had been about to add: "your Daddy," but didn't. She nodded again, rubbing, and murmured:

"I know. ... how could I forget?! That was wonderful, thank you. Everything I could want."

"'Anything, everything', like you said last night?"

"Um-hmm. ... No, not quite everything; we didn't do this."

She chuckled as she pulled herself up over him, smiling with her face over his, and then kissed him, not just a simple kiss, her tongue seeking his and finding it. They caressed, and the kiss got better. His hands slid down to her ass, holding it. She rocked her hips down. His cock was beginning to respond. He retrieved his tongue and murmured:

"We're not going to do it again, are we?"

"Hm-umm, it couldn't be as good. Just this, since we didn't before."

She started another kiss like that, and he responded, until his cock began to rise. Before it touched her, he murmured:

"Since we're not going to, or even if we were, I got to go, while I still can."

"Hm-hmm! Me too. Wouldn't want you to miss the toilet."


She gave him a light kiss and got up and let him precede her in the bathroom. When he started to use the toilet, she snickered and stepped in the shower and went. He glanced over with a snort. When they were finished, she smiled and asked:

"Want to shower together?"

"Hmm? Where did you get that idea? Oh, don't need to tell me."

As he joined her, she nodded and replied:

"Yes, sometimes - hmm, often - we do. In the evening, when we know we're going to sleep together, or then in the morning, when we have."

"Hmm! That's about what occurred to me. With boys?"

"A couple of times, before I came home, with one. Of course, his parents weren't at home."

"Hmm! I'd hope not!"

They chuckled and enjoyed washing each other. He used Britta's towel to dry himself, and they chuckled over speculation if she and Lars were also washing each other. When they were finished in the bathroom, he reminded her to get dressed to return to the cabin and gathered up his clothes and left to do the same.

They met again in the kitchen, exchanging smiles, and began making breakfast. Although Maren said that she thought Britta would be having breakfast with Lars, she set the table for three, and he scrambled four eggs. She still hadn't returned, and they ate alone, with more smiles than talk. Since she still wasn't there, when they had finished cleaning up, they packed the rucksacks with the sheets and supplies, finally deciding to load the car. They waited in the house, remembering that Britta would have to change clothes.

Finally, she arrived, apologizing for being so late, but smirking with a grin as she said:

"I'll tell you on the drive back."

She disappeared and soon returned in clothes for the cabin, snorting as she asked:

"Who used my towel?"

Maren snickered and replied with a grin:

"Oh, an old friend of mine spent the night with me, too."

"Hmm! Nicely put. Hope it was as good as with Lars."

"I'm sure!"

They all snickered and then remembered that their mother - his wife - would return before they did, and straightened up things in the house. In his bedroom, he flung back the covers and made a sloppy job of replacing them. Then they were off. When they got out of the city, Maren said:

"Now tell."

Britta snorted and replied:

"You could first; probably a shorter story."

"Hmm? Just to make it quick: we drank all the beer and watched TV, and had to go, and then - to keep it short - licked and sucked, and slept, and then ..., well ..."

When Maren paused, he continued:

"And then we woke up and talked, thinking it would be just very nice to go to sleep again with ... my cock in her pussy."

"But we didn't go to sleep, not till later."

"Hmm! Didn't do anything else?"

"We talked a lot, with his cock in my pussy, before we did what we did, before we went to sleep, with it still there. Now you tell."

"Hmm! I can imagine how."

"Why I didn't have to give any details. Now tell."

"Hmmm? Where to start? When we had closed the door, outside he asked what Daddy had meant - if he had meant what it suggested. He liked that, and I did, that he had understood the implication, just surprised when I said that I had told you that he was the first boy I slept with. He then admitted I was the first girl he had slept with. I didn't plan to raise that subject, but he liked it. Thanks, Daddy.

"So we talked about what to do, and he mentioned that his parents weren't home, and I suggested that we didn't need to spend money for a movie or dancing, could just watch TV. Of course, he liked the idea; we both knew that something would happen, maybe not all the way. On the way back to his place, he asked about our two weeks at the cabin - just Maren and I.

"Oh, I made that sound interesting, telling him that we did a lot of sunbathing - my tan - and that it was a little lonely, just two girls alone in the country. I even remembered to compare us with the three dairymaids in "Peer Gynt." That made him openly curious, as I wanted, and then tried to blush and told that at night we would lie in our bunk beds, trying to please ourselves. He snickered. And then I made the story better, that we talked about what we would like to do if we had a man there.

"Hm-hmm! It was only too obvious what I was suggesting: two weeks without a man, and doing it to myself, and talking like that. Of course, we didn't watch much TV. I don't think we - not with him, certainly not with him - ever were so quick about forgetting the TV, if you know what I mean."

The others nodded with chuckles, and he said:

"Don't make it too good; I have to drive."

"I'll try not to. When I had my sweater off, and it was obvious that wasn't all we were going to take off, it occurred to me that he might be thinking that we weren't just renewing an old friendship, but starting a new one. Maybe we were, but I didn't want him to assume that what we had started was a promise for the future, and said something about wanting to do anything he wanted to do, but just for the one night, something about the two weeks alone.

"Of course, he accepted that - my having said that I wanted to do anything he did. We didn't need three beers, even all the first ones. Of course, he wanted to be on top, and I wasn't going to suggest anything else. Oh, yes, and he liked my all over tan, smirking and saying that he could imagine us lying in the sun doing it to ourselves. I hadn't said that we had done that, but also smirked with a nod. It didn't seem to surprise him to hear that girls did that, but he hadn't really learned much since the couple of times we beginners slept with each other, but it was better than I remembered with him.

"There we were, and it wasn't yet ten o'clock, and we had the whole night. Had I already promised that I would make breakfast for him? Of course, I wanted to do it again, and better. Was he surprised when I said that I wanted to suck his cock! 'You want to do that?!' Of course, I didn't say it like that, say anything, just started to move down to do it. I just nodded. He just grunted in surprise."

"Like I would have," her father interjected. The girls chuckled, and Britta continued:

"But only to get him aroused again, so that I could sit on him. Oooh! He liked that, almost came in my mouth, but I didn't let him, and then he learned how good it was to let a girl be on top and do everything she wanted. We both came twice, me, like he had never experienced before. He was surprised that I wanted to talk about it, tell him how good it was feeling, but he also liked that, telling too. He probably wondered about my experience, but didn't ask, and I was enjoying showing him what else girls wanted.

"Then we fell asleep. When we woke up in the night, I fondled him, now with my reputation for being a deprived, oversexed dairymaid. As I fondled him, he did the same, and - good boy - asked what he could do for me. You know what else I like. He was again surprised when I suggested that, but - good Lars - was willing to try it. Of course, it was good, and he didn't mind my telling him how to make it better and where. And I wanted him to find out how it was to do it all the way, and wanted him to, that way.