Daughters and Fathers Ch. 07


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"I said it before, but it was never like that."

"Um-hmm, I said it too."

"Give me a kiss, just a small one."

He did, just the tips of their tongues touching for a few seconds, as their thighs tightened together. Then she murmured:

"Good morning."

"Good morning. ... It was also a good night."

"Um-hmm! And not just the way it ended."

"Um-hmm. That's what I meant, but also the way it ended."

"Hm-hmm! But especially that, too."


They hugged each other closer. Then Britta, who was lying so that she could see the door, noticed that it was ajar. She snorted and murmured:

"Maren must have been watching us; the door is open."

"Can't blame her for wanting to, having to; I'm sure we made enough noise to let anyone know what we were doing."

"Hmmm! For sure. ... Luckily, not 'anyone', just Maren."

"Um-hmm! ... Shouldn't we get up?"

"Do we have to?"

"Eventually. Hm-hmm! And if I tell that I have to go, you probably will to."

"That's unfair; I was trying to forget."

"You do."

"Um-hmm," she agreed, her thighs clutching his.

He rolled back and got up, and offered his hand to help her stand up. She smiled and drew his hand around her back, drawing them closer. He nodded and put his other arm around her shoulders and drew her still closer: her firm, warm breasts pressing on his chest, as she pressed her hips to his and murmured:

"It is special, the intimacy of making love with just one person."


They hugged each other and left the bedroom, saying good morning to Maren, and went outside. They returned. They all smiled slightly, just nodding, and they washed themselves and prepared breakfast, only commenting about the good weather. When they had eaten, Britta said:

"I'll straighten up the bed."

She went off. He and Maren smiled at each other, and she murmured:

"It is nicer like that; I'm glad that I insisted on sleeping on the sofa."

"Um-hmm, thank you. Hmm? Hope we didn't wake you up."

"Hm-umm, but you would have, if I hadn't already been awake."

They smiled again, and began to clean up. When Britta returned, she glanced at the folded bedclothes on the sofa and picked them up, hesitating a moment and then saying:

"I can sleep here tonight, if you want?"

The others just smiled slightly in reply, and she took the bedclothes to the bedroom. When she returned, he offered:

"Or I could."

"If you want to," both girls replied with smirks.

"Hmm? I'm not sure. Just an offer; let you two do what you want."

"Not a good one," Maren replied, adding:"

"Besides, we can do that at home."

They all snorted with wry grins and finished cleaning up. He suggested:


"Of course," the girls replied together, smiling.

He put on his shorts, while the girls collected towels, and they returned to where they had been the previous time. When he snorted, anticipating that they would surely be doing everything else they had done there, his naked daughters smiled slightly, as though they had read his thoughts. He watched them spread out the towels, suddenly recognizing and enjoying their nudity anew, despite all the days - and nights - together like that. He recalled having had similar, surprising flashes of recognition, wondering if they had occurred only when he had been wearing shorts.

They all lay down, and the girls immediately opened their thighs to the sun, resting one on each of his thighs. He snorted and murmured:

"Pity, that I can't do that; feels good."

"Um-hmm, even if mine doesn't tan like Britta's.

"Has mine tanned?"

"I'm not going to sit up to look right now."

"Nor am I," he agreed.

They all chuckled, and the girls drew their thighs up a little higher on his. He was tempted to rest his hands on them, imagining how his fingers could stroke the soft skin on the inside of their thighs, but he resisted the temptation, knowing it would be an immediate invitation for them to start something. Probably, Maren, he thought, since he had slept with Britta, recalling their delightful conversation and that they then gone to sleep in each other's arms without doing anything - but then in the morning! His cock seemed to remember that too. Already again? All ready, again? Not really, but still responding to his thoughts and the warmth from the sun through his shorts. Could he wait till one of them took the initiative?

They all lay quietly for a few minutes, and his mind wandered to less erotic thoughts, then wondering if Maren would remember to continue her sketch of the chopping block, when the sun was where it had been when she started the sketch. He could remind her, but what would he and Britta do then? What had transpired the previous day had been delightful, telling her that it was special with just one of them, but that had been an introduction to their then sleeping together. Tonight, however, she had offered to let Maren sleep with him - or all three of them would go to bed together, as they had the previous two weeks. He snorted softly at the thought that that was obviously also special in a different way, sleeping with both his daughters. What if one of them had been a boy? Would the siblings have slept with each other? He snorted sharply.

"What was that about? What were you thinking?" Britta asked.

"Hmm?! You really want to know?"

Both girls nodded with an "Um-hmm!"

"Hmm?! ... Hmmm? ... I was wondering, if one of you had been a boy, if you would have slept with each other."

The girls chuckled and then snickered. Britta replied:

"I doubt it; wouldn't have been sharing a bedroom and ..."

"And not that magazine, and certainly not Johan," Maren added with another snicker.

"Um-hmm, very unlikely - that it would have happened," Britta agreed.

"But if it somehow had - maybe each of us having read the story - would I have? Would he have?"

"Hm-hmm! We did. Hm-hm-hmm!"

" And if you had been him?" Maren suggested.

"Hmm! Hadn't thought of that. ... Hm-hmm! Oh, I would have wanted to sleep with you!"

"Would I have wanted to sleep with my big brother?"

"If we had both read the story? Sounded good. ... Hm-hmm! Even without the story. When do boys start playing with themselves? I'd probably have been having fantasies about my little sister,

wanting to see her breasts, trying to see them. ... Wouldn't you have wanted me to?"

"Hmm! Maybe; I wanted someone to, a couple of years before anyone did."

"Hm-hmm! And wanted to see what was - what would have been - in my pants."

"Would you have shown me?" Maren asked.

"Oooh! It would have been embarrassing, ... but if you had let me look."

"Hmm! I said that I wanted someone to, so why not my brother, I guess. ... But would we have done more than just look?"

"If you had let me touch you, your breasts."

"Hmm! Probably; didn't just want someone to look. When did I discover that it felt good to rub them?

"Hm-hmm! When I did, told you," Britta replied.

"Oh, yes, thanks. But I doubt that we would have slept with each other - gone that far, ... certainly not back then."

"Maybe later. And if you were the boy and had had an older sister - me?"

"Hmm? More likely she would have had to take the initiative. Besides, a younger brother wouldn't have as much to show."

"Oh, if I had known what to do with it, ..."

"And I had already discovered how to play with it, but I would probably have been too embarrassed to let you see it, like Johan almost was."

"But just 'almost'," Britta agreed with a grin.

They all chuckled, and now he did reach down and put his hands on their thighs and lightly stroked with his fingers. Their thighs twitched slightly, and the girls each responded with a soft, pleased "um-hmm." One and then the other thigh drew up higher on his, inviting his fingertips to tickle closer to their pussies. They did, exploring in the hollow below the tendon of each thigh, making then twitch again, as the girls repeated their appreciative hums. He scratched a little closer to their pussies, and they liked that too, but then Britta's hand held his still. When he scratched Maren there again, she hummed again and slid her hand under his arm and down his stomach, her fingers slipping inside his shorts. They each chuckled with an "um-hmm," and her fingers slipped around the base of his swollen cock and drew it around inside his shorts and fondled it. Britta snorted and murmured:

"I thought so. Hm-hmm! One of us would have probably have asked to see, sooner or later, if we had had the chance to."

"And not just see. Hm-hmm! Didn't you want to hold Lars' the first time you saw it?"

"Before I saw it! Did, too."

They all chuckled. Then Britta murmured:

"Um-hmm! Go ahead and do it. ... I can still remember how good it was this morning."

He scratched Britta's thigh under her hand, and also Maren's, his little finger moving onto the swelling of her pussy. "Um-hmmm!" she responded, clutching his cock as she sat up and moved to straddle his face. As he grasped her hips with both hands, she shoved the elastic of his shorts down and guided his almost stiff cock between her lips. Her hands wanted to shove his shorts down, and he raised his hips, letting them, as he drew hers down on his face, his tongue finding her sun-warmed pussy, that was already a little moist. He looked up at her perfect little asshole and then closed his eyes, as his tongue re-acquainted itself with the soft folds of her pussy and its taste.

For a while, they each enjoyed more what they were doing than what the other was doing. She was fondling his balls in his loose sack, as her tongue explored around the head of his cock, humming when his cock occasionally twitched. His tongue was lapping, occasionally giving her clitoris a little more attention, but then probing in her opening to taste more of her moisture.

It occurred to him that he still couldn't recognize any difference between hers and Britta's pussy, just that they both were different from their mother's - a comparison that he wished hadn't occurred to him. He concentrated on enjoying what he was doing, appreciating that Maren was also just enjoying herself, without trying to increase his arousal. They both knew how to do that to each other, but there was no hurry, just the promise that eventually they would, and then that it would be very good.

Suddenly, he was aware of movement beside his head and opened his eyes to see Britta lowering her head above his, her face almost touching the taut cheeks of Maren's ass. Her tongue extended and licked down between them. Maren started and then chuckled in her throat, raising her hips a little. Britta's tongue licked further. He saw Maren's asshole tighten in anticipation, and then the tip of Britta's tongue find it, and it twitched again, as he felt the vibrations of Maren's hum on his cock. Then Britta's cheek was touching his forehead, as he watched her tongue probe, reminding him to move his again.

He was surprised by how vigorously Britta's pointed tongue probed, its tip disappearing when Maren's asshole relaxed, but then being forced back when it contracted, as she moaned in appreciation and began to lick his cock more eagerly, now also sucking. Britta's cheek was resting on his forehead, and he could feel her humming, wondering if Maren also could. Enough of just enjoying licking her pussy, he thought; she was trying to make him come, he wanted to make her come, to make her groan and feel her hips twitch and have her love juice all over his face.

His hands slid up Maren's body and found her breasts. A minute or two later, he got everything he wanted - in that order, his own orgasm in her mouth seeming to release her sweet flood, as her body convulsed and her mouth tightened sharply on his cock.

Britta rolled back with snort, while his and Maren's stomachs pressed together with their deep breathes, then relaxing as they sighed with soft moans. Britta snorted again and murmured:

"I never did it that much ... and for so long."

The others snorted, nodding. Maren licked around his cock again and sucked gently as she raised her head, her closed lips letting his cock slip from her mouth. She swallowed and replied softly:

"Hmm! Two tongues; that was a surprise; ... thanks."

She rolled off him, lying on her back. When his hand found her breast again, she put hers on it, squeezing his fingers around it, then murmuring:

"I just love it when I feel you come and that makes me - my pussy - do that."

"Um-hmm, but no more than I love to have you flood my face, ... both of you, either of you."

Britta snorted and said:

"Good thing - that you do - it's so good when that happens."

"Um-hmm! How could a man - anyone - not like it? It's so obviously being especially good for you, even without your telling that it is."

"Um-hmm," the girls agreed.

"I better pull my shorts back up."

"Hmm! Not yet. We're going swimming, ... and you know what I want to do first," Maren replied.

"Hmm! Forgot about that."

"Hm-hmm! She wants to do it without missing a drop."


"Um-hmm, to see if it's possible."

"Hmm? ... Hmm! If you want to. ... 'Without missing a drop': maybe I can slow it down a little, so you can swallow."

"Hmmm! If you can! ... Hm-hm-hmm! Maybe I can too, ... for you."

"No, for me, or I will be left out," Britta remarked quickly, with a snicker.

"All right, then for you."

"Hmm? Also without missing a drop? Seems more difficult," her remarked

"Probably," the girls agreed with snorts.

They all sat up, smiling wryly at each other. Maren said:

"Take off your shorts."

With another snort, he did, snorting again as he stood up and asked:

"You really want to?"

"Of course."

Maren looked up from his cock to his face, smirking and then opening her mouth. He returned her smirk and watched her get on her knees and beckon for him to step closer. Then Britta interrupted them:

"Not on the towels. ... Hm-hm-hmm! Maybe next time, after she's proved that she can - without missing a drop."

They all chuckled and moved off their towels and the rock to where they had done it before. When Maren was kneeling down before him again, he snorted and said:

"Hurry! I have to go after talking about so much."

Maren grinned up at him and then leaned forward and raised his cock to her lips.

"Ready?" he asked.

She nodded, tilting her head back with the head of his cock in her open mouth. With a snort, he relaxed and let his stream start. It began to fill her mouth. He saw her jaw move, as she swallowed, and cut off his stream for a moment, managing to hold it, while she swallowed again. It started again as she nodded. The next time, he squeezed off his stream with his fingers above hers on his cock. As she swallowed again, he snorted and said: "You can do that."

She did the next time, still squeezing his cock after she had swallowed, nodding with a snort, and then letting it flow again. After a few more times like that, his stream died down. She swallowed a final time and held his cock in her mouth, licking its little slit and chuckling. Then she looked up at him with a triumphant grin and remarked cheerfully:

"It worked - 'without missing a drop'. ... Hm-hm-hmm! Nice party trick."

"'Party trick'?! Hopefully not!"

"No, of course not. ... Hm-hmm! But he had to go, and it wasn't convenient ..."

"Hmm?! Don't tell me, if that ever happens."

They all snickered, and Maren stood up, licking her lips with a smirk. She glanced at each of the others with a snort and asked Britta:

"If you want to now, ..." then looking at him and asking:

"or do you want Britta to, ... for you, first?"

"Hmm?! Never thought I would be trying to do this!"

He dropped down on his knees and gave Britta a wry grin, gesturing for her to step in front of him.

"Me neither," she agreed with a snort.

He held her hips and drew her closer, his knees between her feet, as he lowered his body and drew her pussy over his face, opening his mouth wide. From now long habit, his tongue lapped up between her pussy lips, but her stream started before it could get under it again - all wet and warm under his tongue, and then filling his mouth. He tried to swallow, and she tried to stop her flow, but his mouth was overflowing. He got better at swallowing, with his mouth less open, just letting her stream flow between his lips, but it definitely wasn't "without missing a drop."

When her stream slowed to a dribble, he opened his mouth wider again and lapped up the last of it, then licking her clitoris. She snorted and pushed his head back, murmuring:

"Don't start that."

"Hurry, Britta. I've got to go."

The others looked over and saw that Maren was holding her pussy lips together, her thighs twitching a little. They snorted, and Britta quickly dropped down in front of Maren, who held her pussy until Britta's mouth was under it. She snorted and licked up a couple of drops that had already leaked past Maren's fingers, and then Maren removed her hand, her stream gushing out. Britta caught it in her mouth, an inch or so from Maren's pussy.

He watched her trying to gulp it down - better than he had been able to - but also not "without missing a drop," and then watched her finish by beginning to lick her sister's pussy. She snorted and said:

"Oooh! You can do that some more, now that I don't have to go."

Britta snorted and did for a few moments more, then raised her head and replied:

"Enough, even if I wanted to. Can't let you have everything you want."

"Hmm? I guess not, not after what you both were doing before."

She smiled at her father and added:

"Thanks for letting me try."

"Hmm?! That was the easy part. That we want to do that? Even like to do it?"

"I do. Yes, funny, but ... well, ... I don't know .... If we like to do everything else, ... I guess I like to be raunchy enough to do that, too, ... want to, ... and like that you are like that too."

"I guess so. Can't say that I didn't, ... that I don't."

Britta grinned wryly and agreed:

"I guess not, just funny that we do. ... Hmm!"

"Yes, 'hmm!'" he agreed with a smirk, adding:

"Swim, before I get too much sun."

The girls nodded with smiles, and they went down to the lake. They splashed each other and joked about liking to see their nipples stand out, and then joked about his small cock and tight sack, when they got out of the cool water and returned to their towels. He put on his shorts and told them about his suddenly refreshed appreciation of seeing them naked, when they had been spreading out the towels. The girls smiled and agreed with snickers that they always enjoyed seeing him take off his shorts. He snorted with a grin and drew them down again for a moment. One of the girls snorted and said:

"Thanks, but we like to see it when it's a little more ... interesting."

"Hmm! Should have seen enough of that this morning."

"Um-hmm," they both agreed with smirks.

They lay down again, now with his arms under their heads, and his hands on one of their breasts. The girls put their hands on his, and they lay there quietly for several minutes. Then Britta pulled his hand aside and said:

"Can't have one of them less tanned than the other one."

"Hmm! Your problem. You can still hold mine, since it isn't going to tan. I like my pale skin, lets my nipples stand out better."

He tickled it, and it popped out. She snorted and remarked:

"Not like that. Hers do too. I mean the contrast between their pink and the white."

"Each to her own; I like my allover tan, especially like having no bikini line around my breasts. Hm-hmm! Makes me feel like I could be having vacation on the Riviera."

"Hmm! With lots of guys seeing them?"

"Why not, if all the other girls are topless? And mine - yours too - are better than most of those French girls'."