Daughters and Fathers Ch. 12


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“And what I want to do, too,” Maren added, already lying down.

She waited for them to join her, her thighs open for him to rest his head, her head raised, so her sister's thigh could slide under it. With a mild “um-hmm,” each of their mouths found what it wanted to lick and suck. Many minutes later, they rolled back and relaxed with sighs. He and Maren wiped their wet faces and licked their lips. Britta swilled her tongue around in her mouth and swallowed again, as he fondled her breast and then fondled Maren's. He snorted and remarked:
“But I still want to eat lunch.”
“Hm-hmm! Appetite comes with eating,” Britta rejoined.”
“Um-hmm,” Maren agreed, fondling one of Britta's breast.

They lay there for a few moments and then got up and returned to the bathroom to wash. As Maren was wiping her pussy, she glanced at him with a snort and remarked:
“If we hadn't gone before, we could have done that, too.”
“Just as well; I was only thinking about tasting you - one of you - like I did.”

They chuckled. When they were all finished, they went to the kitchen and made a cold lunch and had beers with it. After they had eaten and were cleaning up, he asked:
“Are you going out again this evening?”
“Worried already about feeling lonely?” Maren replied.
“We are, Lars and I, too a movie. He said you can come along.”
“Not again, thank you. Just a movie?” Maren remarked with raised eyebrows.
“Yes. Oh, he suggested maybe finding somewhere, but I said that I was spoiled after what all we had done and didn't want to do it just 'somewhere'.
“Hmm? You didn't mind about that before.”
“You didn't, either.”
“Don't tell me,” he interjected, adding with a snort:
“'Spoiled', I am too, thank you.”
“We are too, thank you,” the girls replied in unison.

He nodded with a smile and held out his arms. They stepped closer, pressing their naked bodies to his, and they all embraced, the girls nodding with sweet smiles when he murmured again ”spoiled.”
They enjoyed the feeling of their warm bodies touching for a moment, and then separated. Britta snorted and remarked:
“So you won't be lonely tonight, but he will be coming by, so we all have to get dressed.”
“That's a shame,” Maren replied.
“For dinner, too, …” he commented, adding: “like a civilized family.”

They all snorted with with slight smirks. Anticipating a question, he said:
“I'm going to read the newspaper.”
“Good idea, …” Britta agreed: “I have a book.”
“Which one? Not 'Lady Chatterley', perhaps?” Maren asked, smirking again.
“Hmm! I'm not like you; Hemingway, in English, “The sun also Rises'.”
“Impressive. I guess I have to find something to read, too.”
“Good idea, … and we're not all going to sit on the sofa,” he remarked.

Maren feigned a scowl, while Britta nodded her agreement with a quick smile.

They left the kitchen, and he settled down with the newspaper in his usual armchair. The girls returned from their room with books, Britta taking the other armchair, and Maren sitting on the sofa. For the next hour, they were all silent, reading. He got up and found the papers from the previous days and sat back down, catching up on the sections he hadn't read during the week. Maren had stretched out on the sofa, lying on her back.

They all read for another hour, he rustling the papers as he looked through them, reading an article and then finding another one. Hidden behind his newspapers, he had forgotten about the girls and that they all were naked, until Britta murmured:
“What are you reading?”

Since she seemed to be addressing her sister, he lowered his paper and saw Maren's chagrined expression - and that she had a hand on her pussy. Blushing a little, she muttered:
“Just feels good; nothing from the book.”

She turned it up so that they could read the dustcover: “Catcher in the Rye.”

“Hmm! 'Just feels good',” Britta replied.

He thought that Maren might have removed her hand, but she didn't, murmuring in self-defense:
“Why not? Just feels good, … shouldn't bother anybody.”

He couldn't suppress entirely his silent snort, suddenly recalling Manet's painting, “Olympia,” of a nude woman with her hand in her lap. That didn't lessen his cock's stirring between his thighs in response to his seeing his naked daughter after having forgotten about her while he had been reading.

“Just read your book,” Britta replied, returning to her reading.

He glanced over at her, sitting demurely with her legs crossed, and crossed his over his cock. With a last glance at Maren, he raised his paper and found where he had been reading, not without snorting silently again, having to imagine that Maren's fingers weren't just cupped around her red-haired pussy. He rustled the paper, looking for a more distracting article. When he had finished it, rustling the paper to find another article, he glanced at her again, catching sight of the gentle movement of her fingers. “Just feels good,” he recalled her saying, hoping that his cock wouldn't swell more between his thighs, then wondering why not - if that was what she wanted - but not before Lars came to take Britta to the movie.

He looked for a more distracting article, picking up another section of the newspaper. Maren's hand was still there, her fingers still gently moving.

He had to wonder about girls' capacity for prolonged arousal. Could they just enjoy it without wanting to have an orgasm: “half the pleasure is getting there”; “anticipation is ninety percent …”? Maybe, because men had theirs and left them unfulfilled? Behind his paper, he suppressed another snort, thinking that with his daughters that hadn't happened - not with him, nor with his wife - at least, not in the last few weeks. With her brother or father? Hadn't sounded like it.

Before he finished the next article, interrupted by similar thoughts, he was surprised by Maren:
“Since you're just going to a movie, do you … uh, … want to do something first, … knowing what we'll be doing?”

He hid behind his paper, waiting for Britta's reply:
“Hmm! You do! Lying there doing that.”
“Just a suggestion; … trying to be helpful.”
“Hmm! … More because you do. … Hmmm? … No thank you. Sweet of you to offer.”
“Hmm? You never said no before.”
“Hm-hmm! Always has to be a first time.”

He couldn't suppress an audible snort, thinking that “a first time” in that context usually meant something else, having to chuckle at Maren's implication that they had always agreed about sleeping with each other. He lowered his paper with another snort, glancing at Britta with a smile and wink, and then at Maren - whose hand was just resting on her pussy, now looking even more like Manet's Olympia. He snorted again and said:
“I don't either, … if you were including me. … Hm-hmm! But if you want to, by yourself, we can just watch.”
“Hmm! That's no fun, … even if I do. … Just didn't want Britta to be all frustrated in the movie, if she started thinking about us. … We are going to, aren't we?”
“Hmm! Sure sounds like it,” he replied.

Maren gave him a broad smile as Britta said:
“I don't think it will be a movie that makes me think of that.”
“But maybe not so interesting, and your mind wanders, … or maybe Lars wants to do more than just hold your hand in the dark.”
“Hm-hmm! Like he did before we slept together. I think we're too old to have to do that.”
“Just trying to be helpful. … You're spoilsports.”
“And you're spoiled,” her sister replied.
“You are too.”
“We all are,” he said in a conciliatory tone.

The girls nodded with brief smiles, as they did in the past, when he averted an argument between them. As he returned their smiles, he was still a little surprised, however, about his doing so in the context of their all sleeping with each other. Maren got the last word:
“Um-hmm, spoil each other.”

She gave him a suggestive, promising smile. He and Britta nodded with slightly wry smiles. When he picked up his paper, the girls returned to reading their books, at first maybe just looking at the words, as he was.

They managed to busy themselves with their reading for a while. When he had finished all the papers, he began to gather up the pile beside his chair. The girls immediately put their books aside. Maren sat up and said that she had to go to the bathroom. As she left, he called after her:
“And get dressed, … and not in those shorts or shirt; Lars is going out with Britta.”

She nodded with a snort, as he got a last look at her naked backside. Britta snorted, giving him a smile, and said that she would also get dressed, and got up. He appreciated the view of her and then got up. He was already heading for the kitchen, when he remembered that he also had to get dressed. In the bedroom, he put on his trousers, snorting as he wondered if Maren was also going to forget to put on underpants. He returned to the living room and got the shirt the girls had chosen and put it on, liking the idea that the girls would appreciate it, maybe give them something to mention when Lars arrived.

In the kitchen, he got out what his wife had prepared for their dinner. Maren joined him, wearing a summer dress, asking him with an impish grin:
“All right?” Oh, you're wearing our shirt. Looks nice.”
“Um-hmm, thanks.”

She grinned again and thrust out her breasts. He snorted and remarked:
“I know: no bra.”
“He wouldn't expect me to wear one.”
“Hmm! Not after all he has seen of you.”

She grinned with a nod and began to set the table. He watched her, wondering if he could recognize whether or not she was wearing panties. Was her dress clinging to the nice round cheeks of her ass? He wasn't sure, even after watching her move away from him a couple of times. When she returned, standing closer to him than usual, he rubbed her bottom, moving the light cloth on her smooth skin. She snickered with a slight nod and grin, responding softly:
“Um-hmm. But don't do that again, or I will wet my pants. Hm-hmm! My dress, if I sit down.”

They exchanged smirks, and he whispered:
“I don't either.”

She grinned and rubbed his ass, first the side with a hip pocket, then the other side, her fingers confirming that there was nothing between the cloth of his trousers and his skin. He nodded with another smirk and whispered:
“But don't do that again, … not before they leave.”

They exchanged warm chuckles and continued preparing dinner. Britta joined them, also in a summer dress, and also remarking that his shirt looked nice. When she saw that the two seemed to be sharing a secret, she snorted and said:
“I know, that's all she has on. Told her that she could wet her pants.”
“Not if I don't have any on.”
“Hmm! Just don't let Lars notice; I do.”
“At least one of my daughters shows some propriety.”
“Because she's just going to a movie.”
“Hmm! You once admitted that you did - without.”
“That was in winter; too many other clothes.”
“Hmm! Your excuse.”
“We already had - that far - so I knew we would again. He liked that I didn't.”
“Hmm! And him?”
“Hm-hmm! Boxer shorts, … new ones.”
“Save me the details; … you could ruin my impression of you both!”

They all laughed. He patted both girl's bottoms, and they finished preparing dinner. As they were sitting down, Maren snorted and hiked the skirt of her dress up, sitting with her bare ass on the chair, murmuring:
“Just in case one of you says something arousing.”

They all chuckled. Britta grinned and replied:
“That's a challenge. Just remember to wipe your chair.”

They chuckled again and began to eat, still chuckling softly. Britta glance at her father with a shrug and nod, suggesting that he start their challenge. He snorted, considering a moment, and then chuckling again and asked:
“You said, 'spoil each other,' and I agree; you spoil me, and I hope that I spoil you just as good, and we are pretty sure that we are going to try to again this evening.”

Maren nodded with a grin, as Britta interjected with a snort:
“Don't make me wet, too.”
“Hm-hmm! Hike up your dress, too,” Maren recommended, then adding: “And?”
“And, … well, … I love it when your pussy goes all wet, … like before lunch …”
“Stop! I'd better,” Britta interrupted him with a smirk.

She rose up and pulled the back of her dress up, sitting back down and nodding for him to continue.

“And I was kind of looking forward this afternoon to see if you could make it that wet again. You sure seemed to be wanting to. Can you.”
“Hmm?! Hm-hmm! Not as good as you can.”
“Or Lars? Britta suggested.

Maren shook her head with a grin, adding:
“Nor Johan, … but - hm-hmm! - but better than a couple of other guys - beginners - did.”
“Thanks, for including me.”
“Couldn't tell them what I wanted, like I said last night.”
“Pity. Hmm? But if you could have, what would you have told them to do.”
“Hm-hmm! To do it like you do!”
“Hmm! This isn't a dinner table conversation. You would have liked them to lick and suck your nice firm little button? For them to make your hips undulate in arousal. I just love that!”

Britta interrupted him again with a snort, remarking softly:
“Me too. Going to have to change my panties.”
“Hmm! Should have accepted my suggestion. … Go on; the chair isn't really wet yet.”
“I just love it when your pussy lets me taste your sweet love juice. Hm-hmm!”

Maren moaned slightly with a smirking nod, murmuring:
“Just keep talking.”

Britta nodded her agreement with a soft but emphatic “um-hmmm!”

“Oh, this is good; I always wanted to tell you how much I like it, but it's too good to stop and talk.
I just love to lick your sweet pussies; they're just so smooth and slippery. Oh, I love the way they taste before your sweet love juice comes, … like they probably taste now. Wish I could. Hm-hmm! My cock is beginning to like the idea, but it can't taste, … at least, I don't think so, but it loves it when it feels your juice flood around it, and then I feel it all warm on my balls.”

The girls nodded with “um-hmm.”

“That's so good! Your pussies clutching my cock, and thrusting it in your hot, slippery pussies. I love to taste them, but … yes, fucking in them is even better. God! They hold me so tight when you come.”

“Um-hmmm!” the girls agreed, and Maren murmured:
“Like mine wants to now, it's so wet!”

Britta nodded. He put down his fork and reached under the table and helped his stiff cock slide around out of his left trouser leg. The girls chuckled, and Britta murmured:
“Like us.”
“Maybe you should have let us before,” Maren remarked with a grin.
“Hmm! But not now; would take too long.”

Maren nodded, snickering with a smirk and remarking:
“Lars ringing the doorbell, while we were all doing it.”
“Finish your dinner, and go wash, if you smell like I think.”

The girls smiled wryly with snorts, and they finished eating in silence, exchanging more wry smiles. When he said that he would clear the table, the girls got up, the skirts of their dresses dropping down. Before they turned to go wash, they snorted with nods, and Maren smirked and said:
“Maybe I will tell you how much I like to do it.”
“Hmm! You would, … and if you're both right, when I come home, I will too.”

Their father chuckled with a nod and began picking up the plates. In the kitchen, he snorted and wrung out the dishcloth and returned to the table. Britta's chair was just moist. He wiped it, and then saw on Maren's chair a wet spot, more than just moist. He snickered as he wiped it up, liking that his telling had made them both aroused. On the way back to the kitchen, he jostled his cock, now back next to his thigh, but still bigger than normal. He snorted with a grin, remembering that Maren wanted to tell him how much she liked to suck it.

With this nice thought, he cleaned up the kitchen, anticipating that he wouldn't have to wait till bedtime to hear her response to his arousing description. The girls joined him, snickering with smiles. He didn't wait for an inadvertent opportunity to rub their bottoms, didn't need to; they were standing close to him, so that he could immediately reach down and fondle their asses, eliciting smirks as he felt Maren's bare ass through her skirt and Britta's panties. She snorted and said:
“We thought you want to do that.”
“Wanted you to,” Maren added.

He nodded as they all chuckled. Then the doorbell rang. Britta went to open for Lars, greeting him with a smile and handshake. Then he greeted her father and Maren, snorting slightly as they exchanged smiles, then asking if she had had a pleasant evening. She nodded, replying:
“Nice enough, thank you. Kind of funny, after you left. Not as good as yours.”
“Sorry about that. Want to come with us to the movie?”
“No thanks, not tonight. Enjoy yourselves.”
“We'll try,” he replied, giving Britta a smile.

She nodded, and they said goodbye. Her father followed them to the door, getting another handshake. He closed the door and turned back to Maren.

His eyes opened wide in surprise, seeing that she was gathering up the skirt of her dress, smirking at him as her thighs and then her bare hips - her red pubic hair - came into view. Before she began to pull her dress over over her head, she said:
“I'm not just going to tell you what I like to do. Take your pants off.”

Her face disappeared. As she struggled to pull the waistband past her breasts, her hips moved enticingly, and then her breasts popped out from under the cloth.

His hand moved instinctively to open his pants as he felt his cock move. He knew that they would eventually do whatever she wanted, but hadn't anticipated that she would be so direct and soon about wanting to. When her face reappeared, she smiled, nodding at seeing him unzipping his pants. He snorted, returning her smile with a slight nod, his eyes taking in the view of her naked figure as she glanced around and then tossed her dress on his armchair. As he stepped out of his pants, she murmured:
“Better take off your new shirt too.”

He nodded, beginning to unbutton it as he also tossed his pants on the chair. When it was off and also on the chair, she came closer and put her arms around his waist, rubbing her breasts on him as she smiled up at him and murmured:
“This going to be good.”
“I'm sure.”

His hands found her ass, holding her hips to his.

“Ummm! Could take a while, if I want to tell as much as I think I do.”
“Hm-hmm! The longer the better!”

His cock was already anticipating, and they both chuckled with smirks as it pressed against her. He remarked:
“You'll just have to tell me how much you like to start with it all soft.”
“Hm-hmm! I guess so. I do. It's so nice to feel it all soft and small, to play with it. But it doesn't stay like that for long.”
“It sure doesn't. You'll have to talk for a long time if you want it like that.”
“Hm-hmm! Not the way I want to talk!”

They snickered. He murmured:
“Maybe a little like my tongue, though.”

He stuck it out and lowered his head. She snorted and licked it, then sucked it in her mouth. For a few moments, it remained soft as she caressed it with hers, but then he couldn't resist responding. They chuckled as they enjoyed that, and chuckled again at feeling his cock press harder against her. Despite his hands' holding their hips together, she drew hers back, and his cock sprang up between them. As they both moved their hips, rolling it a little between them, he snorted and murmured:
“I haven't done this since before we married.”
“Hm-hmm! Nice, … nice to know that you did.”
“Um-hmm, but she - not just your mother - didn't want to do what you do.”
“Hmmm! Thanks for reminding me.”

As she loosed her hold around him, one hand sliding down to his cock: he murmured: