Daughter's Former Teacher

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Virtual re-connection turns into a very physical connection.
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Eric was wasting time on Facebook, looking at his friends' posts and trying to avoid the innumerable sponsored ads which seemed to have overtaken his feed. There were the usual jokes, a few of which were funny, the usual pet pictures, a few of which were cute, the usual political statements, a few of which were appalling, and the usual new profile pictures, a few of which were good. As he was scrolling down, he suddenly stopped and stared at the new profile picture posted by Heather. She was wearing purple yoga pants and a simple white tank top that hugged her body.

"Wow," he thought, "she looks fantastic!"

Heather had been his daughter's third grade teacher. It was her first year of teaching, and she was very good at it. She really cared about each student, and she took time to really know and understand each of them. She used different techniques during lessons since she knew different kids reacted better to different methods. When kids had a weakness, she worked with them individually to help. She also got to know the parents and wanted to understand any difficulties the child might be going through.

Eric's daughter loved her, and she continued to keep in touch even after she starting going to middle school. In fact, once his daughter turned 14, Heather asked her to babysit for her own daughter. Eric would sometimes drop off or pick up his daughter, so he used to see Heather throughout the years. He and his wife occasionally ran into Heather and her husband around the neighborhood.

Last year, after Heather's daughter graduated high school, she and her husband split up. Eric never really liked him, and he always thought Heather got the raw end of that marriage. But he felt bad that she was now alone, with her daughter off at college. He heard from his daughter, who kept in touch with Heather, that she had started working on her Master's degree in Education.

Although he hadn't seen her in a while, he decided to say hi. He flipped over to Facebook Messenger and sent her a note.

Eric: "Nice picture! You look fantastic! How are you doing?"

She replied pretty quickly.

Heather: "ERIC!! How are you? So nice to hear from you."

Eric: "I'm doing well, thanks. Sorry to hear about your divorce."

Heather: "Oh, please don't be sorry. He was an asshole. Abigail and I were much better off after he left."

Eric: "OOOOOOOOOKay! How's school? Kinda' hard to go back after all these years?"

Heather: "Oh, you know about that? I suppose Hannah told you, huh? You know, it took some getting used to -- thanks for asking about that. But it's going pretty well. I've got some exams next week, so I've been studying a lot."

Eric: "Okay, well I didn't mean to mess up your studying. I just wanted to say hi and let you know it was nice to see your new picture. Looking good!"

"Heather: "Thanks, Eric. Really nice to hear from you. Keep in touch."

Heather smiled after she sent the last message. She always liked Eric. Of course, she loved his daughter, Hannah, and thought his wife was okay, but Eric was always really nice to her. She liked it when he'd drive Hannah to her house when she was babysitting -- she just liked saying hello to him.

After he read Heather's last note, Eric smiled. He always liked Heather. She was a good teacher, was great with Hannah, and was always friendly to him. He heard some of the other Dads talk about how hot she was when she first got to the school, but he never joined in those discussions. But the truth was he definitely thought she was hot.

A couple of weeks later, Eric used Messenger to IM Heather again.

Eric: "How did your exams go?"

Heather was online again, and replied quickly.

Heather: "How nice of you to remember and to ask! They went pretty well, thank you. How are you doing?"

Eric: "Doing well. Nothing too exciting going on... but no complaints. As long as I can get to the gym 3-5 times a week, it's a good week. You know, as an old guy, I have to work on keeping the heart strong."

Heather: "Ha - you are NOT old!!"

Eric: "Well, not if your 50s are the new 30s. I see all these young kids at work, and I know they're thinking, 'geez, that Eric guy could be my father. What an old man.' "

Heather: "Haha. I know what you mean. The new teachers are so enthusiastic, and THEY look really young to me. Hell, they're way younger than Hannah. Makes me feel old, too."

Eric: "C'mon. You look just like you did the day you started teaching. The new kids probably think you're only two or three years older than they are."

Heather: "Clearly you haven't seen me in a while."

Eric: "I saw that last picture you posted. You look GREAT!"

Heather smiled. She DID think she looked pretty good in that picture, but she liked hearing Eric say HE thought she looked good.

Heather: "Really? You think so? Can I list you as a reference if I join a dating site?"

Eric: "Sure, but I'll be jealous of the guy who gets to go out with you."

Shit, he thought, that was a stupid thing to say.

Gee, Heather thought, is he flirting with me? I'm sure he's just being sweet to me.

Heather: "Ha -- yeah, sure you would. But thanks for pumping up my ego. You're good for my soul, Eric. Anyway, I have to get back to work. Major paper due in two weeks for my class. Nice talking with you."

Eric: "Oh, sorry... didn't mean to interrupt you."

Heather: "No, no... I LOVE chatting with you. You always make me feel good about myself. I just have to get this damn paper going."

Eric: "OK. Take care. Have a good week."

Eric smiled to himself. He liked the thought of making Heather feel good. Lately he'd been thinking about her more and more -- and he wasn't just thinking about her schoolwork.

Eric loved his wife very much. But she had virtually no interest in sex. Occasionally -- maybe once a month -- he could convince her to do it, but even that was getting harder and less frequent. Eric, on the other hand, thought about sex all the time. And lately, when he jacked off, he was thinking more and more about Heather. He doubted she had any interest in him -- he was almost 15 years older -- but in his fantasies, she was VERY interested.

Three weeks later, Eric messaged Heather again.

Eric: "How did your paper turn out? Were you happy with it?"

Heather: "HI! Wow, you've got a good memory. Thanks for asking about it. I was actually pretty happy with it. Ask me next week when I get my final grade in the class. Of course, let's be honest -- my grade in any of these classes isn't going to change my job situation. While I actually enjoy most of the classes, one of the primary goals is to get the degree so I can record it and move to a higher pay band. But I definitely felt like the paper was pretty good."

Eric: "Yeah, but if YOU like what you did, you feel good about a job well done -- even if no one else cares about the results."

Heather: "You are so right. You really understand me. Have you been sneaking into my head without my permission? :-) "

Eric: "Ha. No, I wouldn't touch your brain - or any parts of your body - without your permission. "

"Fuck," Eric thought. "I can't believe I said that. That was too much."

"Any parts of my body?" Heather thought. "Did he really just say that?"

Heather: "Okay, that's good. You're welcome to jump into most parts of my brain any time you'd like. As long as you stay away from my secret thoughts."

Eric: "Secret thoughts? Oh, but those are the ones I REALLY want to find out about."

Heather: "Nah, I think I'll keep my fantasies to myself."

"Fuck," Heather thought. "Did I just say FANTASIES? Why did I use that word?"

"Holy shit," Eric thought. "Did she just say FANTASIES?"

Eric: "Well, I told you I wouldn't steal your thoughts without your permission. Just remind me to keep trying to get your permission. Any plans for the weekend?"

Heather: "Actually, I'm going to go see Abigail this weekend. She's pretty settled in at school, but I really miss her. Sometimes it gets lonely here by myself. So, I'm really looking forward to seeing her."

Eric: "Oh, that's great -- have a super weekend. And anytime you're lonely at home, just message me."

Heather: "Thanks, Eric, I will. And thanks for your friendship. You don't know how much I enjoy chatting with you."

Eric: "Right back at ya'. Take care."

As usual, Eric thought about Heather after their chat. And that night, he again imagined fucking her when he jacked off. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about her so often, but he couldn't help himself.

As usual, Heather smiled and thought about Eric after their chat. He was really a nice guy -- not to mention good looking. If he wasn't married, she'd definitely try to get him in bed.

As Heather got into bed that night, she started thinking about Eric. She hadn't had sex in well over a year, and she thought about how wonderful it would feel for Eric to be on top of her. She squeezed her breast hard before she moved her hand down to her wet pussy. She slipped in two fingers and let out a loud moan. She didn't masturbate very often, but she couldn't get Eric out of her mind. She was imagining Eric's fingers inside her, making her feel so good. She moved her hand to her clit and started rubbing it.

As she got wetter and wetter, she started moaning more loudly and gasping. As she used her other hand to slide two fingers back into her pussy, she pictured Eric sliding his dick into her. In and out, in and out, his dick felt so good! Her other hand was rubbing her clit faster and faster until she bucked her hips and felt her orgasm roll over her body. She grunted every three seconds, continuing to finger herself and rub her clit. But in her mind, it was still Eric's dick in her pussy.

After 30 seconds she removed her hands. She was breathing very hard but was otherwise motionless. After her breathing returned to normal, she rolled over and fell asleep.

Tuesday evening, Eric was back on Facebook and happy to see the green dot by Heather's name on Messenger.

Eric: "How was your weekend with Abigail?"

Heather: "Hi, Eric! We had a great time. It was SOOO good to see her. She's very happy at school, has a good group of friends, and is working hard. I was happy to see how happy she was!"

Eric: "That's great. Did you guys hit the bars? I hope you didn't get arrested for dancing on the tables."

Heather: "Ha! No, it's been a while since I've been dancing on the tables. And since Abigail is under age, I told her I didn't want to be with her when she was using the fake ID I assumed she had. So, we didn't hit the bars. But, somehow, we still had a good time."

Eric: "I saw the picture she posted on Facebook. She captioned it 'Mommy -- Daughter weekend", but it took me a few minutes to figure out which was the mom and which was the daughter."

Heather: "OOOH, aren't YOU the charmer. Full of shit, but nonetheless a charmer!"

Eric: "Just speaking truth, ma'am. Just speaking truth."

Heather knew Eric was just trying to flatter her, but she WAS happy with the way she looked. She tried to run a few times a week, although classes sometimes got in the way. Suddenly, Heather felt a dirty streak flow through her brain.

Heather: "I'm glad you liked the picture. Hold on... I'll send you another I recently took, but I didn't think it was appropriate for Facebook."

She found the picture she recently took in a bikini. It covered everything but certainly showed her flat tummy and fit legs. Even her small-C breasts looked decent. She pasted it in the chat and hit send. Then she held her breath. Maybe she shouldn't have done that.

When Eric saw the picture, his eyes got big. She wasn't naked, but there was a lot of skin showing. And her boobs looked absolutely fantastic.

Eric: "Wow, nice picture. Have you been hired by the swimsuit company? I'm sure no one's ever looked better in one of their products."

Heather: "Maybe I should hire you as my agent. Or at least my full-time bullshit charmer! But thanks for making me feel good."

Eric: "Any time... any time."

Heather: "Well, I gotta run. Thanks for checking in. You are good for my soul, Eric."

Eric: "Take care."

Eric looked at the picture for a while. It was just a girl in a bikini, but he really liked it. He thought Heather's body was really hot. He continued to look at it over the next couple of days.

That weekend, Eric ran to the grocery store to grab some milk and eggs. As he opened the cooler to grab the milk, he heard someone say, "There's my agent!"

He turned around, and there she was. He hadn't seen Heather in person in a long time, but he was very happy to see her now. She was wearing navy shorts and a red, open-back halter top. She had a huge smile on her face, and she looked great!

Eric returned the smile. "Hey, there!"

She walked up to Eric and held her arms open. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a tight hug. Heather quickly remembered Eric was always a good hugger, never doing that "stick out his ass so our bodies don't really touch" kind of hug. When he hugged you, you felt it. And she liked it.

When her breasts pushed against him, he felt himself getting hard. He was a little embarrassed, but Heather felt really good.

Heather had not touched or hugged a guy in over a year, and Eric felt great. She felt him getting hard, and she moaned as she pulled him closer and said, "Great to see you!"

After holding the hug a little too long, they both let go.

"You're looking good!" Heather said. "Which gym do you go to?"

"I go to the one on Main Street just west of the highway."

"I've heard good things about that. Do you like it there?"

"I've been going for a number of years," he replied. "I'd be happy to have you come as a guest one day, and I'll show you around."

"Really?" Heather said. That would be great! Do you ever go after school is out or on the weekends?"

"Sometimes in the morning, sometimes later afternoon. Could you do 5:00 one day?"

"Sure could! Name a day, and as long as there are no afternoon meetings that day, I can go."

"Does next Wednesday work?" he asked.

"It sure does."

"Great. If you'd like, I can pick you up on the way."

"THANKS," Heather said, with a smile. "See you next Wednesday at 5:00."

"Looking forward to it!"

Wednesday afternoon, Eric pulled into Heather's driveway at 4:59. He didn't want to honk the horn like he was summoning her, so he went up to the door and rang the bell. A few seconds later, Heather opened the door, and Eric couldn't help but check her out. She was wearing a navy-blue sports bra and matching blue yoga pants. She looked terrific.

"Hi, Eric! Nice to see you!" she said, as she put her arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his body.

"Hi, Heather. Good to see you too."

"Ready to go?"

"Yep," she said, "just let me grab my bag."

When they got to the gym, Eric told the greeter at the front desk that Heather was his guest but that she's thinking of joining. She wanted the official tour, but then she was going to work out with him. He asked if he had to pay a guest fee. The greeter said he could waive the fee since she was thinking of joining, and he called over someone to show her around.

"I'm going to get started, okay? I'll see you after your tour. I would have done it myself, but they get upset every time I take someone into the women's locker room to show the facilities."

Heather laughed. "Oh, is that something you do frequently?"

"I'm going to exercise my fifth amendment right to not answer so I don't incriminate myself."

Heather laughed again. "Okay, I'll catch up with you later."

Just as Eric was walking away to go find a treadmill, a young woman walked up and introduced herself to Heather. She said she'd give her a tour of the facilities. As they started walking, she asked Heather about her workout regimen, how often she liked to work out, and what results she was looking for. The woman used Heather's answers to highlight different sections of the tour. The tour might have been different if Heather was completely out of shape, but that was clearly not the case.

After the tour, Heather found a treadmill next to Eric.

"So, what did you think?" Eric asked, through his heavy breathing.

"Seems pretty nice," she replied. "I like that they have spin classes at all different times of the day and evening, so it would fit in my schedule. The women's locker room is really nice -- but, of course, you already know that from all the tours you've given in there," she said with a smile. "The rates seem reasonable. I'm going to review the stuff she gave me, but I'll probably join."

The two of them worked out for another hour and agreed they had had enough. When they walked out to Eric's car, he popped open the trunk and pulled out two towels. He laid them over each of the seats.

"After I work out, I try to protect the seats from my sweaty body," he explained.

When they got to Heather's house, he pulled in the driveway and turned off the car.

"Hey, thanks for this," Heather said. "I really appreciate it. Can I give you a hug?"

Eric quickly got out of the car.

"Um, I'm still a little sweaty," he said.

"Me, too. And I'm obviously going to take a shower, so it's okay with me."

He walked into her open arms. She wrapped him up, and he pulled her into his body. She was, indeed, sweaty, but he really enjoyed hugging her. It got him excited.

Heather felt him getting hard, so she pulled him a little harder and held the hug a little longer than usual. She pulled her head back just a little bit while still holding him.

"If I join, I need you to promise to do me a favor. If I stop going regularly, when you're going, will you make me come?"

Since Eric was already excited about holding this beautiful body against him, his mind was somewhere else. When he heard her say, "will you make me come?", he was definitely thinking about something else. Fortunately, he only groaned in his own head when he thought about making her come, though he also got harder. But he recovered quickly enough to answer, "Of course. It's always more fun going with someone else."

Finally, they broke their hug, said goodbye, and Heather went into the house. Eric got in the car, and before he started it, he chuckled to himself. "I can't believe she asked me to make her come," he thought.

A week later, Eric clicked on Heather's name in Messenger again.

Eric: "Hey there. Did you join the gym?"

Heather: "I sure did! I've gone a couple of times already, though it's not as much fun going by myself."

Eric: "I can wait until 5:00 tomorrow, if you want to join me."

Heather: "Really? That would be great! Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."

Heather couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt every time she hugged Eric. She wondered what he would do if she gave him an opportunity to do more than hug... and how bad of a person she'd be if she tried that. The conflict between morals and horniness was intense.

The next day, Eric showed up at Heather's at 4:59. He rang the doorbell and heard Heather yell, "Coming!" He chuckled to himself, thinking about their conversation the other day when she asked if he'd make her come... to the gym.

When Heather opened the door, he quietly gasped. Heather was in a bikini, and this one was a little more revealing than the one she wore in the picture. The top showed just a little bit of the tops of her breasts, and the bottom just had a thin string connecting the front panel to the back.

"I'm really sorry. I was trying on swimsuits to see how they fit, and I lost track of time," she said. "C'mon in."

"No problem... no problem at all. Feel free to try on as many as you'd like. And, FYI, this one looks GREAT!"

"Ahhh, my favorite bullshitter is back! Give me a hug!" she said, as she opened her arms.