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"We'll figure this out," "I'm not letting you off that easy," and "suck my nipples while you wash my ass and pussy," were some of the things that she cheerily said as we were pelted with warm water and soaped each other up.

I started to relax a little, but by an order of magnitude I was still the most mortified that I'd ever been in my life.

After we dried each other off, still naked, she led me to her bedroom and then – yet another surprise – removed her notebook computer from her night table, put it on the bed, and powered it up. "Let's see if we can figure this out with a little research," she beamed, smiling at me and planting a few quick, sporadic, kisses on my lips. My humiliation was so great that I didn't know what to do except to go along.

She started doing Google searches using a number of key words, and asked for my suggestions. Feeling obligated to assist I threw out a few words, none of which gained us any insight, until I said "Maybe I was intimidated by your aura of sexiness."

She got a look somewhere between realization, wonder, and humor on her face. Staring me in the eye she asked "Could a big strong good-looking guy like you really be sexually daunted by a little pipsqueak with dichromatic eyes, a diastema, and a freakishly small glabella?"

She chortled as her fingers flew over the keys entering "daunted" and "intimidated" into the search engine with various other words for the next ten minutes. She finally pulled up an article on female sexual intimidation from a 2012 edition of Psychology Today. "Look at this," she excitedly said pointing to the screen. We read together for the next few minutes as she asked "are you finished?" each time before scrolling down. When we finished the article she got the cutest look on her face.

"You've got a type of atychiphobia because you're intimidated by me," she shrieked. "I know that it's just temporary," she shrieked again, lightly clapping her hands together she was so proud of herself.

"I can't believe it, Blake. I've longed after you since I met you three years, two months, and five days ago; and here you are sexually daunted by me."

I didn't know what to say, but found myself unable to break eye contact. "God, that is so fucking awesome," she chuckled. "You know what that means once you snap out of it?" she apparently rhetorically asked, although I attempted a reply.

"Uh...no...I mean...I can't...uh..." was my pathetic try.

"It means that we're going to have the best sex ever. Fucking AWESOME!" she screamed pumping her fist in the air.

I had no clue what was going on, or what to do.

"Since Rachel and John aren't back until tomorrow late afternoon," she chortled, and then looking at the clock by her bedside, "or, I guess this afternoon since it's 12:11 a. m. now, let's get under the covers and you stay overnight. I'll give you a massage, we'll spoon, and then once you're used to body contact and your big strong linebacker self is no longer intimidated by scrawny little me, we'll let nature take its course."

I slavishly followed her orders and got under the covers. She rolled me onto my face and mounted my back and started kneading all of my suprasinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles. Then she worked on my neck, and finally my lower back. When I was relaxed and almost asleep she rolled me over on my side and slid her ass into contact with my crotch, and pulled one of my arms around her and into contact with one of her little tits with oversized rock hard nipples. Contentment washed over me, and obviously Jill too, and soon our breathing got deep and drawn out as we fell asleep.

I woke up sometime mid-morning – I believe that the clock said sometime around 3:30 – probably because my cock was so hard that it hurt, pinned up against Jill's ass. We were still in the spoon position that we had fallen asleep in.

I started probing her pussy with my finger. She involuntarily groaned as I gently moved my digit in, out, and around, while she was obviously still asleep. When I moved my pelvis so that I could push my cock head into the entrance to her slit she had an involuntary muscle spasm; then I heard purrs coming from her mouth. After my cock was about half way into her snug snatch she lifted her upper leg up and mumbled what I interpreted to be "Fuck yeah; probe my cunt."

Not long afterward I was fully buried in her incredibly tight pussy and I was biting her neck and simultaneously pinching one of her distended nipples. She started pulsing her crotch muscles as I gently stroked. We both cooed in contentment until I felt my balls boiling, she yelped as she clamped her pussy muscles onto my cock, and I ejaculated what seemed like a liter of cum into her.

I think that the next half hour I was the most content that I had ever been in my life. The sounds, twitches, shudders, and shivers that emanated from Jill's mouth and body were erotic, calming, and enchanting all at the same time. Sleep came again when she stopped moving and my cock finally deflated and popped out of her pussy.

I woke up a few hours later with Jill sucking my cock. I moved her hips so that we were in a sixty-nine position and proceeded to finger, tongue, and lip her pussy and G-spot while she continued sucking my cock and playing with my balls. After she had a shuddering orgasm, she turned around, mounted me, and proceeded to try her best to rip my dick off while I played with her little tits with the big sensitive nipples.

We finally dragged our asses out of bed about 8:30, took another shower together, and still nude tried to make breakfast. That only lasted long enough to crack some eggs into a bowl to make an omelet since I picked her up by her ass cheeks, pushed her against the refrigerator door, and proceeded to fuck the ever-loving shit out of her as she squeezed my neck and whimpered into my ear.

When we recovered from our earth-shattering orgasms, we laughed as we swept up the broken refrigerator magnets, and finally did make a cheese omelet and some toast, which we washed down with orange juice. We picked up the clothes we had discarded in the living room the night before and hung them up or draped them over a piece of furniture, while still remaining naked. Then we sat down at the kitchen table to have a "talk."

"So, Blake, I guess that I no longer intimidate you, huh?" Jill chuckled.

"Once I figured out that you were as hot for me as I was for you, and that even though you were goddess-like weren't actually Aphrodite, I just followed my hormones," was my honest reply.

Jill came and sat on my lap with her arms around my neck. "I didn't figure either of us for cheaters, did you?"

"Not before last night – but I honestly had no choice. I was compelled by an irresistible force, and you were an immovable object."

"Do you feel guilty?" she asked, cocking her head and making intense eye contact.

I thought long and hard. Finally I said "I really should feel guilty. I've never cheated on Rachel before, and my actions in the last twenty hours or so are contrary to my basic belief system. However, I honestly don't feel guilt!" Maybe that was because of what I considered Rachel's personality disorder, and what I saw in her suitcase Friday morning.

"What do you feel?" she asked, biting her thumb and batting the eyelashes of her penetrating dichromatic eyes.

"A feeling of serenity that I've never had before in my life," I blurted out, as surprised that I said it aloud as I was that I truly felt it. "How about you?"

"The best sex of my life has scrambled my brains and I'm not willing to trust what I feel right now," she replied with a big grin. "However, I think that we need to meet sometime this week to talk some more."

"How about lunch on Wednesday – at that New York-style deli near your office?" I inquired.

"Sounds like a plan," she giggled, biting my nose.

We continued to talk for the next hour or so about all sorts of subjects most of which I had never talked with anyone about before. This included me telling her sympathetic ears about Rachel's apparent inability to share my enjoyment of personal achievements. It also included her telling me that once she met me three plus years ago she started becoming less and less enamored with John to the point that she now wasn't sure that she even really liked him, let alone loved him.

After we had bared our souls, she started looking down at her and my laps and licking her lips. My cock started getting hard again. "How many times does that thing inflate in a day?" she humorously asked.

"It's never gotten completely turgid four times in less than a day before, but then again I've never been in the presence of a near goddess before either," I snickered.

"Let's see if the problem with the couch has been overcome," she snickered in return as she bit my nose.

There was no problem with the living room couch. She had three scream-inducing orgasms as a result of my mouth and finger work on her pussy and nipples, and then when I pounded her pussy with my rock-hard cock while her heels were on my shoulders, for the first time in my life I fucked a woman comatose – and I was close to it myself as I withdrew my slimy cock from her pussy, a rope of mixed fluids following it.

When I finally was dressed again and ready to leave it was close to 3:00 p. m. "That was – starting with the spooning around midnight – the best fifteen hours of my life," I seriously said just before planting a passionate kiss on her lips and pinching a still bare nipple.

"Wednesday, lunch, deli – be prepared to talk about the future," she cackled just before she got up on her tippy-toes and planted another zealous kiss on my lips. I turned with a smile, and she playfully pushed me out the door saying "I'll need a bath and another hour to recover from that last fuck."


Rachel got home about 4:30. After we exchanged perfunctory kisses she inquired about dinner. At no time did she ask me about the dinner/dance, my award, or my speech. At no time did she offer any explanation about why she never called my cell phone. I had made up my mind not to prod her about any of those subjects. We finally called up two couples we were friends with, went to a casual restaurant, and then watched a sappy movie on DVD at one of their houses. Neither Rachel nor I initiated sex that Saturday night. My cock and balls were so sore that I never could have performed; I suspected she had a similar reason. In any event I was thankful that she was content with just snuggling in bed.

I had a lot to think about that week. John came into my office Monday morning and said "Thanks for taking Jill; she said that you two had a good time."

"That's the understatement of the year," I thought, but what I said was "It was my pleasure." Then John started on some crude and obnoxious subject, reminding me of why I didn't like him, and how he was mismatched with Jill.

Also on Monday I contacted Harry, the only person at Rachel's office that I knew well. Harry was the oldest guy there, and someone who most people – including Rachel – were not nice to. However, the six or seven times that we had interacted I had gone out of my way to be pleasant to him and he liked me. "Say, Harry, I need a favor. Can you check up on the client trip to Indianapolis Friday and Saturday and see what it specifically related to. I need some information about it for our taxes."

Of course Harry knew that it wasn't about taxes. "Sure, Blake; I'll call you back later today."

Not surprisingly, that afternoon Harry told me "There was no business trip by anyone in the office to Indianapolis, or anywhere else, Friday or Saturday."

"Thanks, Harry; I got the dates wrong, but I appreciate your efforts anyway." He just chuckled – he knew that I didn't get the dates wrong.

Despite what I found out from Harry, Rachel and I had two really powerful sex sessions Monday and Tuesday nights. I don't know what her motivation was, but mine was simple horniness thinking about Jill. As I was wantonly pounding Rachel's cunt during both sessions I was thinking only about fucking Jill, which likely led me to perform better than I ever had before with Rachel. This was confirmed by Rachel on Tuesday night when she half-deliriously mumbled, "Holy shit, Blake, you didn't just ring my fucking chimes, you shattered them," before she passed out more than fell asleep.

My cock remained hard thinking only of Jill.


Wednesday at lunch Jill and I got our sandwiches and drinks at the deli and then walked to a nearby park, hand-in-hand. We had only light banter before we finished eating. As Jill drained the last of her lemonade, making a loud provocative slurping sound as she sucked her straw with a half-smile while staring at me, my dick started to twitch.

"I see that some part of you still really likes me," she giggled, after clearly noticing that my crotch had palpitated.

"All of me likes all of you," I smiled.

"So, Blake; here's what I'm thinking. This weekend you and I go to a resort together to really get to know each other. Then next week we share a hotel room at night during a normal work week to see how compatible we are under normal circumstances. If things work out we divorce our present spouses and get married. How does that sound?"

"You don't beat around the bush, do you?" I chuckled.

"The only beating around the bush I'm interested in is when your cock, tongue or fingers are beating around my bush," she snarled, then laughed.

"What do we tell our spouses?" I asked.

"We tell them that we've got some real issues to work on and need a week away from them; and if they don't like it, they can lump it," she casually responded.

I thought for a second then with a big grin responded "What resort do you want to go to, and what in-town hotel do we spend our nights after work next week?"


Rachel was really non-plussed when with suitcases in hand I told her Friday morning that I needed a week away from her to think about things.

"What's going on, Blake; what do you need to think about?" she asked, apparently totally surprised – unless it was her thespian abilities coming out again.

"Well, Rachel, in general I need to figure out if I can overlook your inability to share in any of my accomplishments although I do everything I can to support you; and more specifically, I need to find out if I can live with you going on a completely fake business trip with someone else instead of to an event where I was honored."

"Uh...well...what do you mean...a 'fake' business trip?" she stammered.

"Don't go there right now; in my present frame of mine I'll say things that we'll never be able to forget or forgive. I need a week, period – end of discussion."

With that I marched out the door.


Jill and I had the fuck-fest to top all fuck-fests Friday night through early evening Monday – we extended a day at the resort we were enjoying ourselves so much. Although we did lots of other things including water sports, dancing, hiking, and dining, every sex session was better than any other sex session in our lives before that weekend.

The work week with nights at the hotel also turned out ideally. By that I don't mean that things were completely harmonious. We actually had two dust-ups, but unlike any arguments I ever had with a woman before there was no acrimony, tears, drama, or hurt feelings. We dusted-up, came to a conclusion, and moved on. The mind-blowing, over-the-top sex might have helped (cough, cough), although as objective as I can be, it was primarily due to the fact that our goals, personalities, and desires were entirely compatible.

We met John and Rachel at a park on the Saturday morning after our week-long sojourn. They both had long faces, and Rachel had a nervous tick that I had never seen before.

"Let me be blunt," I said, making concentrated eye contact with both John and Rachel. "Jill and I have fallen head-over-heels in love with each other. We're quitting our jobs and moving out of town on Monday. We've taken exactly half of our liquid accounts, and aside from our personal possessions you can have the rest of our property, including the houses. We'll file for divorce in absentia; we hope that you won't contest the divorces, but they'll happen regardless. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the way that it is."

At first there were tears and pleading. Then it was lucky that I was forty pounds heavier and twice as strong as John because after the tears and pleading there was physicality by both Rachel and John. I held off John without hurting him too badly, and prevented Rachel from getting at Jill, although I suffered many blows to the chest and two to the face in doing so. Finally, they both stormed off.

While Rachel and John were at work on Monday, we removed our personal possessions – only the most important ones, which fit in the small U-haul that Jill towed with her pickup truck (yeah, that's what she normally drives). We both quit our jobs over the phone, leaving two very unhappy employers, and of course forgoing any severance pay. We simply didn't care. We both had stars in our eyes.

We had already decided to try a city about 800 miles from our previous location. We moved into a small apartment. Even though our bosses were really pissed at us, they still gave us good recommendations – although they did grouse to new potential employers about our precipitous exit – but we finessed the last point and both of us got new jobs within three weeks. Jill was as pleased with my success at quickly landing a new job as I was, and we celebrated both of our achievements – together!

The divorces didn't go particularly smoothly long distance, but they did go, and two years after we left we married each other.

That was five years and two kids ago. We've never looked back, although Jill still loves to tease me that we started out our relationship with tiny little Jill intimidating big strong Blake.

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IndyOnIndyOnabout 2 months ago

And just what did he see in that suitcase???? FTDS

RileyKingRileyKing10 months ago

I liked this story a lot because I felt he actually was happier and not really sad to lose Rachel. These stories where the guy gets cheated on and finds someone else, are good but you still feel his pain. In this case, I didn’t feel that. Great job of introducing Jill and their attraction.

5 stars

mariverzmariverz12 months ago

A veces menos es más, en esta historia no fue así.

Tenías margen para crear una MUY BUENA OBRA

Gracias por el esfuerzo y tiempo autor!

NitpicNitpicabout 1 year ago

Too much of a rushed ending for it to be a good story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

I feel like there were two more stories left out here. And I'm not sure that I like the two principals. However, it was still fun.

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