Dave and the Gloryhole


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Once done, she shuffled to the next hole and the next cock and started all over again. The spent guy pulled up his pants and left the room, receiving claps on the back as he went like he should be congratulated for shooting his load. In a pecking order thing I didn't understand, another guy took his place.

I concentrated on the blonde. She seemed to be giving a more languid blowjob than her friend, but the groans of her guy seemed to indicate he was enjoying it.

The redhead finished her second and was moving to the third when there was action at the blonde's hole. After a loud grunt from the outside, she pulled the cock she was blowing from her mouth. She continued to wank it but pointedly aimed it over her shoulder while it spewed jet after jet onto her back and the floor. The guy mumbled something, presumably a thanks, through the hole before retreating. On screen, the girl wiped her hands on a towel before shuffling to the next cock.

I noticed there wasn't the same rush to fill the vacancy as there'd been with the redhead. A lesson there, ladies. Guys really do prefer a girl who swallows. Someone did move into position, though. I guess any blowjob is better than no blowjob.

That pretty much set the pattern. The redhead furiously swallowing all the cum she could get, as quickly as she could get them off. Talk about on a mission. The blonde taking her time and getting a messier and messier back.

The fourth guy must have given inadequate warning as he received a smack on the cock while he was still jetting, like a parent might smack a naughty child. Then she ignored him as she spat repeatedly into her towel. Clearly, it didn't pay to be naughty and disobey the rules.

The blonde moved to the next hole and the pre-blowjob lecture seemed to last longer than for the previous punters. She did vary her routine with that one, though. This time she allowed the cock to spew onto her cleavage, which, judging by the expression on her face, was doing good things for her.

I had to admire the girls' stamina and dedication. I don't know if my aging knees could have stood that treatment.

It must have been around the half-hour mark, when all the waiting chairs were empty and a hole became free. It was on the wall of the booth facing the room, so, position three if I could call it that. The third of the redhead's duty stations.

Bluey gestured for me to take a turn. I stepped up, dropped my strides, and looked in the little window. The redhead was furiously sucking at position one. The blonde, with her back to me at her position two. As I watched, she pulled the cock out of her mouth and let it spew on her tits. The bra had been discarded somewhere along the way. I couldn't see her face but knew from past viewing of the screen that she'd be wearing a cat-with-the-cream smile, if you'll pardon the pun.

As she moved on to the cock next to my hole, I finally heard her speech; a firm, "DO NOT CUM IN MY MOUTH. GIVE ME WARNING." No surprise there. Just then, the guy around the corner from me, groaned and unloaded into the redhead's mouth. She swallowed as was her want, then moved to the guy on the other side of me to the blonde. I stroked my cock as I looked to either side and saw fellatio happening. Call me weird if you like, but I wasn't anywhere near hard.

I wasn't really surprised when the guy the redhead was blowing groaned and shot. The redhead was a fast worker.

This was it. This was my moment of decision and destiny.

The redhead shuffled over and grasped my only half erect cock through the hole. Once I felt those luscious lips circle my dick the old fella did me proud and full erection occurred. I had to prevent myself thinking how many cocks had taken this route in the last forty-five minutes or so. Never was one to like standing in line.

Fuck, she was good. I felt her tongue sliding along my underside to a different rhythm to that of my cock going in and out. Her right hand was twisting my loose skin in a third rhythm. Fuck-a-doodle-dandy. No wonder she was popular. I closed my eyes and thought of England; pride making me want to last longer than my predecessors. As a bit of a thank-you, I reached in through the spare hole and caressed the back of her head.

A good distraction was provided by the guy being serviced by the blonde finishing. Again, the beatific smile as rope upon rope of cum was directed at that luscious chest. The blonde nodded at the mirror, perhaps in thank you, before sitting back on her haunches.

That left me as the only cock standing; where Bluey was I do not know. Feeling myself close to the edge, I made a snap decision. The redhead looked confused as I withdrew my cock, took a pace left and stuck it through the vacant hole toward the blonde. Well, gentlemen prefer blondes, don't they?

The blonde kind of smirked at her friend, then grabbed my cock. This allowed me to compare techniques. The blonde had a hold of my dick further from the base. That meant less penetration of her mouth and a decidedly inferior experience in my opinion.

It was still pretty good, though. I wasn't about to complain. If only the redhead could swallow her pride and come over as well; definitely a bucket list story. I glanced over my shoulder at the bouncer, who looked bored. Between him and me was Bluey, looking at the screen. A decision was made.

Just as I felt myself lose control, I snaked my arm in the spare hole, took a handful of blonde hair and pulled with hand and pushed with cock. The blonde bucked and moaned, not in a good way, as I unloaded right down the back of her throat. I could feel her trying to pull away, but I was using all the strength in my good arm to keep her just where I wanted her.

It was the first time since I was young and single that I'd enjoyed a full, complete blowjob and was, for sure, the best of my life.

As the last pulse passed, I relaxed my grip, allowing her to pull off.

She hissed her displeasure, "Fucking cunt."

The words were no sooner out of her mouth when she began barfing up all over the floor between her and the wall. With a glance, I saw Bluey step into the rising bouncer's path to buy me some time, god bless him.

That allowed me to sink to my knees and speak through the hole my cock had so recently vacated. The blonde was still there, alternately shuddering through a dry reach and using a corner of the towel to scrape her tongue. I spoke loud enough to be overheard above her gagging.

"Let's see, where did Karen go this evening? To a Tupperware party. Hahaha, more like a Fuck-Her-Where Party. Now, that wasn't so bad was it, dear. But, quite frankly, Julie gives a far better blowjob than you. Don't bother coming home tonight."

The look on my wife's face kept me smiling on many a long night after that. It certainly swamped the memory of the bouncer laying the boot in as he threw me out of the club and banning me for life.


The following night, Bluey was obviously as nervous as a butcher's thumb when I saw him waiting for me in the pub and remained so even after I shouted him a second beer in a row. When I finally convinced him that it was an act of true friendship to tell me he'd seen my wife in the club and that I would have been violently upset if he hadn't told me, he finally accepted a third beer, then a fourth and fifth. There may have been more after that but fucked if I know.

Karen, beginning the next morning, bombarded me with pleas, entreaties, half-assed justifications, and downright pathetic excuses. All of which seemed to be leading to the mother of all excuses; that her friends had suggested that by going out and doing wild things, our sex life could be resurrected without the aid of modern medicine.

I presumed that's where it was leading. I can't be one-hundred-percent sure because I hung up most of the time much to Karen's absolute frustration. Why she did what she did is completely irrelevant. The facts speak for themselves.

I did consider doing something nasty to Julie but then just couldn't be bothered. Having the fundamentally shitty self-esteem of knowing she was a marriage wrecking cum slut was more than adequate punishment in the long run.

I had done most of the mourning for my marriage as soon as Bluey clued me in. Six months of sexual drought and being treated like I was a perverted leper might have helped too. Anyway, I was out socialising pretty quickly. That's when I found that single men in their late forties, in decent shape, with good morals and a sense of humour were a bit of a rarity in our town. I wouldn't say there was a queue but not bloody far from it.

I played the field for a while but then was pinned down by Susan who was just too good to let go. She's a couple of years older than me and is having the early symptoms of menopause treated by good old modern medicine. Two years after our wedding, she still rocks my world several times a week and half the time pleads with me to stick my cock in her mouth. Calls it her all-day-sucker. Wish to god I could stay all day in there but she's just too damn good with that tongue of hers.

After our divorce, Karen stopped trying to apologise and keep in contact. The kids keep me informed of how she is, though. Ironically, she thought I hated her so much when the spit hit the fan—sorry, couldn't resist that pun—she was convinced I would tell the kids all the gory details. To pre-empt that, she told them first. She spun it, of course, and there was no mention of there being fifteen-plus penises involved, but she admitted to all the blame and that was fine by me.

I'm happy.


Yes, I bullshitted a bit and this firmly belongs in Loving Wives. I had to do something to distract you from an obvious plot. For what it's worth, I'm really fucking sorry, ok.

You may not know this, but I'm keenly interested in the origins of words. I have no idea of the origin of the word 'Tupperware', but let's philosophise for a minute. Let's say it is a combination of Tupper and Ware. Sheep tupp, they have a tupping season. So, Tupper means Fucker. Ware is the Old English form of the modern 'Beware'. So Tupperware means 'Beware of Fuckers'. Sounds like good advice to me.

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WargamerWargamer4 months ago

What a bitch, the only difference l have is that l would’ve told the kids about the 15 penises she sucked that night alone, and alluded to the other nights when she went to Tupperware parties.

Fuck her, why protect her sensibilities????

she doesn’t deserve any leeway, cheats never do.

kirei8kirei810 months ago

Cum'on, the least you could have done was give her HIV (yes, I know the risk is low) or oral herpes, or even the clap. Then post their pictures as Wilma and Betty for all to see. At least he'd have some 'cred' then instead of being known as a wimpy cuck!

JimQ2JimQ212 months ago

Tupperware comes from the company being founded by Earl Tupper in Grafton, MA in 1946.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


Fun stuph!


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