Dawn of a New Day


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Laughing at myself and thinking it totally silly, I had trimmed myself before the party. In my ordered mind, it seemed appropriate that every part of me should be in order. Serendipity had served me well here. I was totally naked, even the wrap on my ankle gone.

Jeff's eyes were locked with mine as they moved from his face to his boxers. The message was clear, and I was quickly seeing an erection that appeared very enticing.

"You...are...absolutely...gorgeous," he said slowly, his eyes trailing along my body from head to foot.

The fact that I was naked was possibly coloring his thoughts a bit, but hearing him say it had my body trembling, no matter what was causing it.

"Now, Dawn, I'm going to kiss every bit of your body that looks fantastic, and it may take a while. But, before I do that, I'd like to ask you to have dinner with me when we can finally get free of the snow."

"You're asking me for a date."

"I'd like to ask you for a hundred of them."

"I accept. So please begin."

I thought he was exaggerating but quickly learned that he wasn't as his kisses began at my neck and moved down my body, which was twisting and undulating as he finished with my breasts and moved to my tummy and then my belly. My brain was racing with thoughts of what he might do when he moved just a bit lower. But that would have to wait as he rolled me over and began with my butt, adding toothy little nibbles along with the kisses. I was afraid I might melt. Sal had been good but never patient enough to do what Jeff was doing. When his tongue slid between the two cheeks, I moaned loudly.

But I was suddenly on my back again and watched him looking at that special place where he hadn't ventured as of yet. I lifted my right leg, swung it over his head and down beside him. He was between my very wide-spread legs. I watched his head lowering and waited impatiently for the touch. It was his tongue which began caressing my slit from bottom to top and back again. When I spread my other leg as far as it would go, I knew there were no more secrets in that special place.

His tongue flicked my clit, and I jerked. He did it again, and then again, accompanied by my jerking each time. Two or three more, and all I wanted was for him to bury his face there until I came. My body seemed to be saying that to my brain over and over. "I want to come...I want to come...I want to come." I wanted that more desperately than anything I'd ever wanted. My body was being consumed by hormones and endorphins, and it was burning up. But something else was happening.

I felt my lips parting as a finger gently probed somewhere that hadn't been disturbed in nearly two years. I'd forgotten the feeling, but Jeff was helping me remember. Fully inside me, the finger began wiggling and caressing, touching everything it could reach inside me. I was so overwhelmed that my moans had turned into deep-throated groans. When a second finger joined the first, I wanted more.

I was getting it when the two fingers began moving in and out, faster and faster. And his tongue was at work again until I felt his lips close on my clit, pulling on it, his tongue joining the lips, making me feel like I was going to explode.

"Jeff, oh fuck," I groaned. "Don't stop. I'm going to come."

It was thunderous, the spasms rocking me from head to toe, my pussy contracting hard on his fingers. There had to be thunder and lightning as my body arched with each spasm. There must have been a hundred of them--at least, it felt that way. I was breathing so hard I was afraid I might hyperventilate. Thank goodness there was a doctor in the house.

I opened my eyes to a wonderful smile that grabbed my heart.

"May I kiss you," he asked softly.

"If you don't, you're not allowed to do what you just did again.

"That seals it, then."

Our lips met and melded together, followed quickly by our tongues. I still had things I wanted and needed to do, but this was wonderful. It must have been ten minutes before he raised himself on his elbows.

"I know that look," I whispered, "but now it's my turn. And I have a question for you as well. How were you going to handle it when it was your turn again.

I was getting a puzzled look until he nodded and smiled.

"I assume you have no reason to be prepared, and I didn't go to that party expecting this to happen, so..." He looked away for a few seconds. Since I'm a doctor, I like to use the technical term for things. I believe it's called coitus interruptus."

I smiled as I knew that was a very difficult thing to accomplish for a man. He had no idea how strange I was and how reluctant to change things.

"Dr. Jeffry, you can only imagine how that makes me feel, that you'd do that. What if I'd be happy to have your baby?"

"Well...um...geesh, Dawn," he stammered. "We could go online and have someone marry us that way tomorrow."

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Are you asking me to possibly help you have another child?"

I was hoping he wasn't asking me that question yet, as I wouldn't have the answer he'd want to hear. "Yet" might be the keyword in that sentence, though. I mean, my body was so aroused and tingling that I might say yes. But I had a surprise for him that I'm sure he wasn't expecting.

"A little less than three years ago, I replaced my IUD. It was time. It was there, so why remove it just because of the divorce. Maybe later, I'd thought." I smiled at him. "Later has never come."

Jeff's brow furrowed. "You mean you still have it?" He smacked his forehead with his hand. "Of course, that's what she means, idiot." Now he was really looking at me. "Does that mean?"

"Yes, but there are other things first. Prop a pillow behind my head and shoulders." He did as requested. "Now, straddle my body and come up here where I can get hold of you." The you I wanted was that long, dark, and throbbing erection that had been bumping against my body since he had started his kissing adventure.

"You don't have to," he said, not moving.

"I hope we're not doing any of this because we have to. I want it, and you're going to let me have it."

I held out my arms, and he shuffled his body toward my head. I encouraged him by grabbing hold of his cock and giving it a couple of strokes. The groan I heard was encouraging.

I opened my mouth wide, waiting. He was close enough now, and he moved it between my lips, expecting me to close on it. But I didn't. He pushed forward a little further. My mouth was still wide open. I think he understood by then, and he kept moving forward until it touched the back of my throat. It had been a while, but I did a good job of suppressing the natural reaction. I knew he was puzzled when I still didn't close my lips.

He groaned loudly again as the head slipped into my throat, and with just another small movement, my nose was buried in his pubs. Just as I was about to pull my head away, he moved his hips backward. My head hadn't moved, and my lips were still spread wide apart.


I rolled my eyes upward to his but didn't move.

He pressed forward again, slowly but without hesitation, until he filled my throat once more. Then back out and back in. More thrusts until, with the head deep in my throat, I closed my lips, and my tongue caressed the tender underside.

"Dawn, I'm not going to last," he muttered.

He might not last at this moment, but we had a day or two for him to recover. I smiled internally at that because I knew he'd be recovered in a few minutes. But he was right, and suddenly my mouth and throat were being filled, his erection pulsing hard with each blast of the hot liquid. I was swallowing and keeping up with him, and he finally stopped.

"You can let loose now," he managed to say.

"What if I don't want to," I said, the words garbled since he was still in my mouth.

"I want you to let loose, and I want you to hold on. I think you're more than I can handle."

That was a nice compliment, and I released him as I wanted him to recover as much as he did.

"I hope I recover soon," he said, almost looking embarrassed.

"Don't worry. In fifteen minutes, I'll work on it."

"Are you cold?"

"Are you kidding? I'm about to burn up. I could see a sheen of perspiration on my body, even in the dim glow of the nightlight.

"Good," Jeff said as he jumped off the bed, went to the wall, and flicked on the light switch.

I instinctively covered my breasts.

He grinned. "I want to see that fantastic body of yours, and I don't want to miss a single detail."

He lay back down, looking at me from very close range. "Your skin. How do you do that? It's absolutely flawless."

"Good genes and I do have a birthmark high on my right arm."

"Let's see it," he said almost eagerly.

I lifted my right arm, and he looked carefully.

"A unique shape," he said. "I want to take a photo and make it the wallpaper on my cell phone."

"Jeff. That's perverse."

"Okay. I'll use your face then. There are a few other things--"

"--Shut up," I interrupted with a laugh, and then was getting a very serious look.

"So, you'll really go on a date with me...and maybe more. I mean, you're very unique and very special."

"Yes, I will. Being with you in this weird and unusual situation has let me see someone in a way I'd never thought I'd see someone again. A man that is. And, now that I've said that, there's one more way I'd like to see you before the night is over, and I cuddle against you and get a good night's sleep."

I had anticipated the necessity to get him ready, but when I said I wanted to cuddle against him, he was doing alright by himself. Still, when I grabbed hold and and gave a couple of pumps, he was more than ready.

I was so wound up I said, "I don't like condoms. I like the real person to person touch. It just ups the level a little."

"Then that's what we'll do," Jeff said, giving me a warm and juicy kiss.

It was time, and I was ready...more than ready. I started to move into position, my back temporarily toward Jeff when he grabbed me from behind, squeezing my breast and pulling himself against my back. I gasped in surprise as it was totally unexpected. But Jeff wasn't slowing down. He lifted my leg, and before I could react, he was inside me, kissing my neck and groaning into my ear. One hand was still squeezing and kneading my breast, but the other was between my legs, my clit being rubbed vigorously.

The slapping sounds of Jeff's body hitting my ass echoed around the bedroom, accompanied by grunts and moans. I could barely breathe, but he wasn't letting up, and I could sense that feeling on its way once more. I didn't realize how much I'd missed it until it was happening once again. The spasms began, accompanied by the rhythmic moans...and Jeff biting my neck as he joined me in orgasmic ecstasy.

In moments, he was just holding me.

"Dawn," he said quietly. "Is your ankle okay? I forgot all about it."

"Me too," I said. There were so many endorphins energized within me that the ankle wasn't bothering me one bit. "I'm fine but sleepy now. I want to cuddle."

"Are we all set for...?"

"Yes, now be quiet."

"Should I rewrap your ankle?"

"If you say another word before you're pulling me against you to keep me warm, I'll banish you to the guest room."

His arms closed around me, and I didn't remember much after that.


I awoke with Jeff breathing heavily close to my ear. It wasn't a snore, just the breathing of a contented man, I guess. At least, I hoped so. Sal had often joked about "morning wood," and I wondered. Carefully I reached behind me. At least in Jeff's case, it was true. I slowly rolled over, facing him, and began a slow and rhythmic stroking of his near-erection, which quickly became a full erection. He groaned. A few more strokes, and he opened his eyes.

"I was having the most wonderful dream," he said. "I was in bed with a beautiful woman, and we were having fantastic sex. Then I opened my eyes, and I was with an even more beautiful woman, and we were about to have even better sex."

"Do you believe that dreams come true," I asked, grinning.

"This one will," he said as he moved between my legs.

The second one was as good as the first in a very different way. His eyes held mine the whole time, even as he orgasmed for the third time in the last few hours..

"Now you," he said.

"Later. I just want to be here with you holding me, thinking about what might have been but wasn't."

He held me for probably thirty minutes, and then we got up and dressed, much like normal people would do. Jeff went to the living room and reported there were no snow plows in sight. There was something I needed to do. I texted Shana, then went to my computer. A few clicks, and there she was in full view, smiling at me.

"Mom, how are you doing? Your ankle and all."

"I couldn't suppress the huge smile that filled my face. I wanted to be cool and subtle, but it wasn't going to work. I grabbed Jeff and pulled him in beside me.

"Shana, I want you to meet Dr. Jeffrey Martin. He's been taking care of my ankle and is stuck here with me."

"Hello, Shana. Dawn has been talking about you quite a bit."

A subtle smile on Shana's face. "Dr. Jeffrey, I'm so glad to meet you."

"Just call me Jeff."

"Mom, may I talk freely?"

I knew what that meant, and I looked questioningly at Jeff. He smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead, hon."

"I couldn't help but note the look on both of your faces. At least for my mother, that's not a look I've seen often lately. Can I expect to be seeing more of Dr. Jeff.?"

"He's asked me to go to dinner with him, and I've accepted." I could tell she wasn't satisfied with what I'd said.

"Jeff, did you dance with my mother at the party?"

"Oh, yes, more than once."

"Did you like her dress?"

"The dress was spectacular, but not nearly as spectacular as the lady wearing it."

I knew my face was turning scarlet again, and I knew that Shana had heard the message that Jeff was sending.

"Mom, I was right, wasn't I?"

Jeff was beside me, his shoulder pressed against mine, and my heart was pounding.

"Yes, dear. You were right...and I was wrong. Unless something weird happens, you'll be seeing a lot of Jeff."

"I wish I could hug you both. But I'm sure you two can take care of that."


"Right, Dr. Jeff?"

"You're absolutely right, Shana. I will be hugging this lady regularly."

I thought I might shrivel up and disappear. Both of them were on the same track, and there was nothing I could do about it short of shutting down the computer. Before I could say or do anything, Jeff took hold of my face and kissed me. Shana clapped her hands.

We had a day or two to somehow fill with whatever. I knew Jeff would shovel snow, and I would get to know him and how to fulfill his every fantasy as I did. Two days with nothing planned left a lot of time for exploration. He had convinced me that forty years was just the beginning of life, certainly for him, and me as well. I hoped and prayed that my second forty years would be as exciting as last night and this morning had been, confident that's exactly how it would be.


As always, my thanks to the Ancient Ancestors for their help and encouragement.

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olddave51olddave519 months ago

I'd love to see a part 2 "Dawn's New Day"

Maybe Dawn could turn the tables on Shana set her up with Sonny.

It would serve Sal right if Dawn became a Doctor's wife AND new mother.

Maybe Sal would acknowledge his wayward Ways, and apologize to both his ex-wife and estranged daughter.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please write another part, maybe Shana will get a new father and brother or sister!

ilalsilalsabout 1 year ago

I found myself rooting for her to resist. Probably just to spite the irritating busybody daughter.

Still, well thought out and written.

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 1 year ago

Fairy tales never happen, but it's nice to read them just the same. Why can't people dream about great things happening to them? So as we live our ordinary lives we occasionally brush against the edges of real life fantasy. So enjoy! 5*

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