Dawn of Dawn


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The small girl leaned across the net, pulled Laruen's head down into a solid hug. Breaking it, she kissed the tall girl. Both women then left the court, knelt gracefully in front of their owners.

Karen's master was, of course, all smiles as he lifted her to her feet and swiftly removed the bells from her breasts. His hands gently massaged them; I was impressed with how well she concealed the sensation of blood returning to her soft and sensitive flesh. He bent his head; the girl lifted her lips to his for a lingering and surprisingly tender kiss.

Beaming, he turned to Alexa. "Is there a shower convenient to here?"

"Of course," she smiled. "But perhaps we should wait just a moment? There was, I think, a wager..."

"Ah, yes, of course."

Beside him, Lauren's dejected owner sagged a little.

"Over to you," he said to his counterpart. "Only..."


"I do treasure her skin. We had an agreement and chastisement is of course in order, but I would take it as a personal favour if she was returned without welts or serious bruises. I had plans for her tomorrow, you see."

The other man smiled graciously. "Certainly." He turned to Karen. "You heard that?"

"Yes, sir," the small girl replied softly. "No welts or blood or serious bruising."

He turned to Alexa. "Have you a tripod we might be able to use, please?"

She frowned. "Actually, no, I do not. Not as such."

She thought for a moment, leaned over to Him and made a suggestion. He laughed and nodded, responded in a low voice. Her eyebrows went up and she laughed herself before calling her girls to her to give directions. The women scattered to their tasks.

In five minutes, a small table had been set up on the path by the arch under which Ingrid remained tethered. On it was displayed an array of paddles, floggers, cuffs and such. Nine chairs had been arranged in a circle on the grass surrounding the arch.

Alexa and the other owners took a seat to watch the spectacle. Standing behind them or kneeling beside them were their girls. Alexa had motioned Him to sit beside her, leaving me standing between and just behind them. I tried my best to stand straight, to do Him credit in front of His peers.

One of the housegirls circulated with more champagne as two of Alexa's women led the defeated and crestfallen Lauren into the circle, up to the table. The tall woman was swiftly cuffed and led to the arch.

"Take the blindfold off," Alexa commanded, pointing at the figure already spread-eagled there. Ingrid's blue eyes blinked in the bright sunlight. If she was surprised at seeing the activity around her, she didn't show it. Full credit to her,  I thought.

As they stood there, a housegirl knelt before Alexa and Lauren with a selection of ball-gags.

"No," Alexa said, raising her voice so that all the girls could hear, "That would defeat the purpose of this. No gag for Ingrid."

"I have no objection to Lauren crying out," Karen's victorious owner said with a smile. "This seems like a good time."

He glanced at Lauren's master, who smiled thinly in return.

Alexa's women turned Lauren to face Ingrid, stood them together so that they were touching, breast-to-breast, belly-to-belly, thigh-to-thigh. Lauren was the taller of the two, but not by all that much. To compensate, Alexa directed that her feet be spread still further apart, bringing her face down to about the same level as Ingrid's.

The two women were pressed together the full lengths of their bodies. I could see them staring at each other through eyes just inches away.

Alexa herself rose, went to the toy table and picked up a handful of shininess; two pairs of Japanese clover clamps sparked in the sun as she returned to the tied women.

I was familiar with these. He had decorated me with very similar sets many times. Properly placed, the long chain between two clamps would drop in a graceful arc over my belly. It was one of His favourite toys.

But these chains were not nearly that long, I realized. Indeed, the clamps were only separated by a few inches of chain. How curious.

Then Alexa bent to her task and I realized her diabolical intent.

Instead of securing each woman's breasts together, Alexa applied the clamps across, between  the two captives; each of Lauren's nipples was securely fastened to one of Ingrid's.

If the two stood still, there would only be the gentle pressure of the clips. If either of them moved however, all the clamps would tighten. Moving more than a little would cause the clamps to sharply tighten their grip, even as the chain kept the two girl's boobs shackled together.

And the two were certain to move, to jerk, to writhe under the punishment to follow...

Her arrangements made, Alexa leaned in to Ingrid, whispered something in her ear. A tear appeared in the girl's eye and she nodded. Alexa ran her hands over the girl, as much as she could reach without pressing Lauren out of the way. Her hands lingered over the girl's thighs and buttocks, ran slowly up to her neck before grasping her head and turning it towards her for a long, smouldering kiss.

I could see Alexa's colour change, saw her breathing speed up.

How very curious!  I thought.

There was quiet talk among the owners, but no explanations were made or questions raised. It was obvious -- well, obvious to them  -- what was going to happen. There was of course a rising buzz of masculine interest at the spectacle of the two beautiful women kissing, of Alexa's hands running over the tethered woman's form.

The talk quieted down when Alexa broke the kiss, pushed away, returned to her chair and gracefully sat down, arranging her long skirt as she did.

Karen's owner then motioned at the table. The small woman bowed in acknowledgement, went forward and picked up a tawse. She tried it lightly on one thigh, put it down.

Her hand drifted over the display on the table in front of her, paused, selected a very pretty flogger with a long handle and broad falls. Picking it up, she twirled it, hefting it expertly. I realized to my surprise that she must already have had some experience wielding floggers.

She turned to her owner, nodded that she was ready.

He in turn looked to Alexa, awaiting her direction. She held up a forefinger. Wait.

Alexa leaned over, whispered in His ear. His eyebrows shot up, as if in surprise. He turned away from the arch and the naked figures under it, looking first at me, then at Alexa.

The majestic woman merely smiled.

He turned back to me, His expression enigmatic.

"Join Karen," He commanded me.

I must confess that my jaw dropped just slightly at that. This was a definite first. Never since we had been together had He ever directed something like this. Shocked, I again dared to look Him in the face for confirmation.

"Go, Dawn," He said softly. "Do it now."

Nonplussed, I thought of turning to Alexa, Ingrid's owner, but caught myself just in time. I was His to command, not hers.

I felt the eyes of all present follow me as I turned and made my way to the table beside the arch. I will confess it took a great deal of effort to walk up there in front of His friends with the grace He had the right to expect.

The table contained the tawse as well as canes, crops, paddles, whips, floggers -- a cornucopia of correction awaiting my choice.

But that too was a dilemma. I well knew their effects -- very well, in fact -- but had no experience in actually using any of them. Moreover, His order had been clear, but Ingrid belonged to Alexa and it seemed clear that, in punishing the blonde girl, I was to do Alexa's will. I knew how angry Alexa had been at Ingrid's indiscretion, which suggested she would want a severe punishment. Yet the tender display I had just witnessed suggested moderation.

It was all very confusing.

I decided that if Alexa wanted her marked, she would tell me. I discarded the canes as they left almost instant and long-lasting welts. The tawse too I set aside. One of the crops looked interesting, as did the floggers, but I finally settled on a leather paddle, perhaps a hand-breadth across and twice as wide. It was heavy, imposing.

I stepped to Ingrid and, unsure of myself, decided to follow His usual habit, which was to caress me before a spanking. I began to run my hands over the girl's stretched and delectable form, squeezing her cheeks, her breasts, her calves as my hands passed over them. The sensation of the girl's silky skin passing under my fingers gave me an insight, for I found my initial trepidation replaced with a growing arousal.

I leaned in to beside her ear, whispered as my hands continued to fondle. "Hello, Ingrid. It's me again."

I could feel her body stiffen as she took that in. What was she to draw from that? I let the tip of my tongue run around her ear, nipped its lobe gently with my teeth. Let her puzzle that one out, too.

Backing away suddenly, I gave her bum a slap with the palm of my hand, first on one cheek, then the other.

Another insight - I found that I liked it, liked being in control, even to this extent. It was stimulating in a way I had never experienced. I curled my hand around her bottom where I had slapped it, felt its heat. I found that enjoyed that, too.

"Begin." Alexa's voice was clear.

I raised the paddle, gave a full-arm smack to Ingrid's bum. Firm as her buttocks were, stretched as her frame was under the arch, her skin rippled under the blow; the sound of the crack actually echoed from somewhere. I'd never seen that, of course, but now had an insight as to why He might find spanking me so fascinating. I gave the girl another swat and turned to look at Him for approval.

His eyes were fixed on Lauren as Karen's flogger fell on her bottom and thighs. The blonde girl writhed under the lashes; despite the obvious pain, she gave only the lowest groans as her perfect skin began to turn pink, then red. Karen was obviously practised at this, for the flailing falls whirled around and back, catching Lauren's bum from one side, the other side, from above and below. Artistically, I could appreciate the skill the small woman was demonstrating, but I winced in sympathy for her bronze victim.

He merely sat watching the scene unfolding in front of him. As I looked at Him, He took a small sip of His drink.

His eyes turned from Karen to me as I gave another hard, rising blow to bottom of Ingrid's derrière. He gave me a small smile, lifted his glass towards me in apparent salute. Had I earned His approval or was there something else?

Such was my focus on He and Ingrid, I had missed something else. All the girls had moved from standing behind their owners to kneeling in front of them. One of Alexa's housegirls was in front of each of Karen's and Lauren's owners. My eyes opened wide at the sight, widened further when I noticed that only He was unattended, He alone did not have a head bobbing, rolling over His organ.

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, given the activity around her, but Alexa had one of her girls -- I couldn't tell which one -- kneeling under her long skirt. I could see the shape of the girl's head move under the fabric as it bobbed and shifted over her mistress' sex. Despite the girl's obviously energetic oral attentions, Alexa was maintaining her poise, only a small refined smile on her face indicating her pleasure.

As I watched, her hand reached over, caught Him by the forearm. She leaned in towards Him, asked a question. His head shook slightly. She smiled and stroked the head of the housegirl under her skirt before again saying something as she nodded towards me. His eyebrows went up and, after a pause, he smiled, nodding in apparent agreement.

Alexa turned to her remaining housegirls, beckoned, spoke again. I watched as two of them, one dark-haired and the other with long blonde tresses, knelt gracefully in front of Him.

I swung the paddle again, watched Ingrid's silky bottom flatten under the impact.

And again.

For the first time, her whole body jerked in reaction to my blow. Both she and Lauren cried out as the diabolical Japanese clips pulled at their nipples.

When I turned back, one of the girls had His half-erect manhood out of His trousers. The other girl was fondling His sac with gentle fingertips. His eyes were on me but His hands were caressing their heads.

My lips set, I swung at Ingrid again, a more forceful blow. This time I drew a cry from the tethered woman. I repeated it as quickly as I could, aiming at her other cheek. Both women cried out as Ingrid's body twisted under my punishment.

Turning my head, I saw that Alexa's eyes were closed, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Obviously, she was in another world now, one where my chastisement of the delinquent Ingrid was neither here nor there.

My eyes again went to Him. He was fully hard, His balls pulled in tight against His abdomen. As I watched, He lifted His bum off the chair and the black-haired beauty wiggled His trousers down to His ankles before joining her partner in taking long, slow licks from His base to His crown.

No doubt it was my imagination or maybe my memory, but I swore I could smell Him.

His eyes were shut now, focused on His pleasure as the one girl took Him deep into her mouth and bobbed rapidly up and down while the other licked behind His sac, dragged her fingernails lightly over His inner thighs. The brunette bent still more, took in His length all the way to its base. I thought I could hear her hum over the cries as Karen began to flog into Lauren more forcefully.

I gave a quick series of swats to Ingrid, watching Alexa and He from the corner of my eye. Alexa's eyes were closed, her magnificent bosom heaving.

Even as His hands continued to stroke the hair of the two beauties kneeling in front of Him, His eyes were open, locked on mine. I could not read His expression.

Some of the other men had obviously hit their pleasure, for their girls were kneeling back on their heels. Several others were clearly close, the heads and hands of the bare figures in front of them moving rapidly in their service.

With a series of loud cries, Alexa came, shuddering in her chair. As I watched, she pushed the girl's head back and away from her. The girl pulled herself out from under the skirt and assumed a proper kneeling position beside her. I could see Alexa's juices on her face.

I turned back to Him and watched the blonde housegirl sucking His balls into her mouth, stretching them away from His body. The black-haired girl had His cockhead in her mouth. Her cheeks were hollow with suction; she was pumping His shaft as rapidly as she could with one hand.

It was not my place to feel jealousy, but... wasn't it my place, to be serving Him so?   I turned away and rained a flurry of spanks on the bound and groaning Ingrid. On the other side of the arch, Karen's careful lashes wrapped almost completely around Lauren's body, the tips sometimes catching Ingrid as well. The bums of both captives were now quite red, with individual lash marks showing on the former's torso and thighs.

Another one of the men came, this time with a low cry. Even as their girls licked and sucked them, even in their post-orgasmic haze, all eyes were fixed the show Karen and I were providing.

I could see His thighs tighten as His orgasm approached. I paused my punishment of Alexa's girl to watch. Instead of closing His eyes as it engulfed him, He kept them instead locked on mine.

His muscles tightened, His orgasm imminent. Instead, He pushed the two girls away from Him, leaving His glistening organ swaying in the afternoon sunlight, as if a display for my contemplation.

Might I now be invited back to where I belonged?

Without looking away from me, He spoke softly to His two fellatrixes. Obediently, the blonde simply began fondling His sac, rolling its twin contents gently in soft fingers. The brunette rose and refilled His glass. Handing it to Him, she again knelt beside Him.

It was a long minute before the two began to again lick and nibble His rigid member. Alexa laughed lightly, reached over and patted his arm fondly.

His eyes were still on my own, had never left them. What was He thinking?

I turned back to Ingrid; my paddle wrung a series of low cries from her lips.

I paused, lowered my arm, again turned to look at Him.

He smiled at me, an odd smile, as the two again pushed him higher, closer to His release. Intellectually, I admired their obvious skill at what they were doing, but it was my place!  I struggled against the jealousy, so unfitting an emotion for me.

Lauren gave a low scream as the lashes cut around to her stomach, barely missing Ingrid's body -- Karen was obviously well-practised.

Lauren jerked at the blow and the chains between the two sets of breasts again snapped taut, pulling suddenly on Ingrid's nipples. She gave a soft cry, tried to stretch towards Lauren as her tender flesh was pulled.

He raised His eyebrows again at me, His smile continuing.

Suddenly, I understood. Whatever our relationship had been before this day, it had changed, changed in ways I couldn't yet understand.

His eyes never left me, even as Alexa's housegirls finally pushed Him over the edge, launched Him into His orgasm.

I understood now. I was 'the new one'. That didn't mean...

My lips set, I strode to the table, discarded the paddle and picked up a cane.

It whistled as I swung it on the way back to Ingrid.


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bobbycull55bobbycull554 months ago

Rxquisite detail, both of the activities, and of the feelings or Dawn: her recognition of her activities and her responsiveness to the training by He, as we as her changed "status" was a glory to read

BigotedeFocaBigotedeFoca8 months ago

I seldom delve into the realm of BDSM because, personally, I find it quite unpalatable. That being said, the phrase “whatever tickles your fancy” obviously exists for a reason. The only reason I didn’t give 5⭐️s was my discomfort with the story’s substance. However, that doesn’t detract from your wonderful writing skills and your ability to evoke emotions in me that I thought were long dead. Thank you again for sharing.

cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

I really enjoyed your descriptions & slow walk in this erotic garden.

maddictmaddictover 2 years ago

I know the men are on a pedestal here, but Lauren's owner should have been unattended. A result of his boasterios attitude at Lady Alexa's.

As always your stories are delightful to read and live in them a little

tangledweedtangledweedalmost 4 years ago

As usual when I find myself in the BDSM section, I find myself slightly off balance, yet aroused by things I can't quite comprehend. Some very good authors (if you haven't read secretsxywriter, you are missing out) have helped me begin to understand, at least as well as one can without the actual experience to go with it.

This story grabs you with the main character's intense desire to please her master, while still hinting strongly that there is a lot more to her than it first appears. A very erotic look at a point of view that I cannot totally relate to, but the MC's seemingly submissive, soft and sensitive exterior with a rock hard inner core is irresistible to me in any format.

This story is beautifully rendered by TarnishedPenny, who writes with such a sensitive touch it leaves you hanging on every line, waiting for that penny to drop so that it all comes together.

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