De Sauveterre Mansion


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"Good riddance."

Alexandre returned to the table with dinner. He noticed Mark was not at the table and asked,

"Mademoiselle, where is your husband?"

"Oh who cares, say Alexandre, what are you doing later tonight?"

Cindy reached out and caressed his hand. Alexandre knew where this was going. He boldly responded,

"Please, call me Alex. And as for what I'm doing tonight, it's a very beautiful American girl named Cindy."

Cindy's face lit up. She knew she would be getting laid tonight. She never really understood why a woman should be forced to have only one sexual partner in marriage. It was a joke to her. She gave him her number and he smiled. They noticed Mark coming back, having calmed down from earlier. Alexandre left the table and Cindy said to him briskly,

"Call me."

Once Mark sat down, Cindy greeted him with,

"Took you long enough."

Mark wanted her to stop, but he felt that he was in no position to demand that when he himself had let his emotions get the best of him. He apologized,

"Hey Cindy, I'm sorry, I let things get to me. I have no one to blame but myself."

"...uh...yeah, well you should be."

Mark and Cindy ate together, but he was not enjoying himself. He was starting to get depressed again. He just wanted to drink his scotch. After the uncomfortable dinner atmosphere, Mark gave Alexandre a big tip and said,

"Thank you Alexandre."

"No Monsieur, thank you." Alexandre said, knowing that he was getting an even bigger tip than Mark knew.

The couple walked back and Cindy was quiet. She thought about Alexandre while Mark thought about her. He gently took her hand and she looked at their hands touch, but she quickly looked away, clearly not caring. Once they made it back to their suite, Mark threw himself on their bed. Cindy's phone went off and she checked to see who had texted her. It was a new number, but the text read,

Unknown number:

-cindy? this is alex


-hey sexy, when are you free?


-any time after 10, let me know when you are


-okay, just got to sneak out, maybe in an hour or so


-I'll be waiting :)

"Who's that?" Mark asked curiously.

"My secret lover." Cindy joked.


"God Mark! Take a fucking chill pill!"

Mark could not stop being bothered by Cindy's cruel jokes. She had cheated four months ago and two times prior. She could be a bit more considerate of his feelings. He wanted to have his wife all to himself and did not want to share her with any other man. What was so wrong about that?

Mark believed that when you take your vows, you vow to be faithful to your spouse—unless you were a swinger, but that needed to be approved by your spouse and he did not approve. He knew Cindy would never approve of him sleeping with other women. It was completely unfair. Why was he not allowed to get some pussy from someone else if she was getting dick from someone else? However, Mark did not need that. He knew that all he needed was Cindy. He saw no other woman the way he saw Cindy. He loved her and no one else.

Mark remained quiet after Cindy's chill pill remark. She then said angrily to him,

"You know what, if you're gonna be a baby about it, then you can fucking sleep on the couch!"

Mark sat up and said,

"No! We're both sleeping on the bed!"

"The bed is only for mature adults you baby!"

"Cindy, I'm not sleeping on the couch!"


Mark was quiet. Cindy yelled at him louder now.

"I'm leaving! I can't stand when you're like this! When I get back, you better be sleeping on the couch!"

"Now wait just a min—"


Cindy had left Mark in the room to God knows where. The trip did not turn out the way he wanted it to be. Depression was kicking in and there was no booze to help him now. Mark was tired, so he decided against buying some and chose to sleep instead. It was a cheaper alternative.

Chapter II: Is This Love?

Mark was sleeping peacefully on the bed when he felt Cindy shaking him. She called to him,

"Mark, honey, wake up."

"Mmm...what?" Mark moaned groggily.

He turned over to see Cindy in sexy white lingerie. She gave him an embarrassed expression due to her appearance and said,

"I'm sorry honey. I do love you. You up for some fun?"

Mark felt his cock become erect in a split second. He said "yes!" quickly and removed his pants to show Cindy his hardness. She giggled and went through his bag. Mark was confused by this. What was she up to? She pulled out his ipod and went to her luggage. She pulled out portable speakers for the ipod and hooked it up. She placed the ipod and its speakers on the shelf next to the bed and pressed play. 'Is This Love' by Whitesnake began to play. The environment felt so surreal.

Cindy climbed on top of the bed slowly to keep Mark in suspense. She crawled towards him while she smiled seductively. She exposed her breasts to him and rubbed them for his entertainment. She rubbed her nipples with each respective pointer finger and asked,

"Are they okay?"

"You're breasts are beautiful!"

Cindy blushed and stopped. She crawled closer and began to rub his thighs. Once the second verse began, Cindy grabbed Mark's testicles and stroked his cock. He inhaled and exhaled nervously, enjoying the stimulation. The stroking and ball play felt wonderful, especially because Mark had been blue balling. The song expressed his feelings as Cindy played with his genitals. The song went on: "...cuz I don't think I can take anymore."

Cindy stopped stroking Mark and opened her mouth. When the chorus began with 'Is this love', his cock went in her mouth. She bobbed her head to the beat of the song. He could feel the warm wet feeling of her mouth. He wanted to squirt his cum inside the moment it was in. Never, had Cindy pleasure him while they listened to his music. He was not even allowed to play any form of rock while she was in the car. This was a dream come true. The song made Cindy's blowjob touch him on an emotional level strangely. She stared into his eyes as she blew him. This was not something she usually did. He was loving it. When he really thought about it, Cindy did look a bit like the woman in the music video. Her body type at least.

The song continued with the end of the chorus, going '...a hold on me.' As the chorus ended and the guitars harmonized together, Cindy pulled his cock out of her mouth. She stuck out her tongue and smiled at him while licking the tip. She wiggled it around, giving Mark unbelievable pleasure. He did his best not to cum and somehow succeeded. As the guitars stopped and the next verse started, Cindy stopped licking and climbed on top of him. She rubbed his cock against the outside, giving her pleasure as well. Her clitoris and the bottom of his head rubbed against each other. They moaned together from their mutual stimulation. Mark could feel just how wet she was. Her secretions were getting on his cock.

Cindy raised her body and let his cock press at her entrance. The song's verse was ending with ' I can hold you in my arms.' As the chorus began again with 'Is this love', Mark felt his cock slip into his wife. Cindy was grinding her pussy on him. She looked into his eyes as she fucked his cock passionately. She humped to the beat of the song. He grabbed her breasts and played with them. Once the solo started, everything appeared to be in slow motion. The guitar solo mixed with Cindy's moaning sounded angelic to Mark. Cindy moaned to him,

"Oh Mark! Make love to me!"

Mark began to force his cock in deeper, causing Cindy to moan louder. He did not care if the neighbors complained. This was the hottest sex he had ever had with Cindy. She reached down to stroke her clitoris. She screamed,

"Oh Mark! I'm cumming!"

"Me too baby!" Mark cried.

"Please honey! Cum inside me!"

Mark began to squirt his cum inside Cindy. He felt her pussy contracting as he did this, which only served to make his ejaculation more pleasurable. He could feel his cock shooting load after load, filling her. He came so much that his cum was leaking out of Cindy even though his cock was still inside. She moaned sensually,

"Oh yes."

Mark felt satisfied and he could see that Cindy was too. The chorus at the end was repeating and fading out. He enjoyed the feeling of Cindy's insides as he heard 'Is this love or am I dreaming. Is this the love, that I've been searching for...' Cindy called for his attention,


"Yeah babe—"


"Oh! Getting a bit rough aren't we? Hehe."



"Aw, Cindy, it's starting to hurt. Please sto—"




Mark woke up on the bed to find Cindy yelling at him. Her hair was a mess and she smelled of sweat. She demanded from him,

"Get the fuck off the bed!"

Mark now remembered his current situation. He refused, but she continued to slap his face. He told her to stop, but she still continued to slap. He insisted on staying on the bed. Cindy lifted her leg and kicked Mark on his side, hitting his rib and causing him to fall off. Cindy lied down and said,

"Don't you dare climb back on here you fucking baby!"

Mark remained silent and bitterly walked to the couch. He lied on it and angrily thought,

'Is this love? No, I was fucking dreaming.'

Chapter III: Further Downhill

Mark woke up with a stiff neck. He knew it was from sleeping on the couch. He was not happy with how his little vacation was going with Cindy. The moment they get to the hotel, he planned to order room service, but what does Cindy say? She wants to dine at a fancy restaurant. He takes her there and what does she do? Flirt with the waiter. When he attempts to be reasonable and apologetic, how does she react? She accuses and blames him, which led to him sleeping on the couch while she slept like a baby on the bed. He turned to find her sleeping on the bed alone.

Mark felt that coming to this place was a mistake. He loved Cindy so much, but she had been mistreating him lately...more than usual. He hopped in the shower, making sure not to wake Cindy up. He turned it on and the moment the hot water hit his body, he felt better.

'I think this is the best thing I've experienced since I got here.'

Which really was not much to say. Mark hated to admit that, but it was true. The rekindling of their marriage was something he truly looked forward to, but if Cindy was only interested in the waiter, then what could he do?

'I got it! We could go sightseeing!'

Mark quickly finished his shower and got out. He dried himself off and changed into a fresh set of clothes. He opened the door to find Cindy still sleeping. He always found her sleeping face to be the most adorable thing in the world. Cindy was cute to him no matter what way he looked at her. Mark made a couple of phone calls and he soon had a rental car available for them.

Cindy began to open her eyes; she saw Mark greet her with a smile. She wondered what he was smiling about.

"Good morning honey, I got us a car, we're gonna go sightseeing today!"


"Yup, I wanted to take my beautiful wife around the place and spend some time with her."

"Why didn't you tell me this?!"

"It's a surprise! Just get ready and we'll go."

'Oh great! There goes my plans with Alex today! least I was lucky enough to fuck him last night. I better text him.'

"Mark, honey, I'll go get ready."

"Okay babe, breakfast is downstairs."

"Thanks honey..."

Cindy went to the bathroom and quickly texted Alexandre,


-hey sorry

-my idiot husband made a surprise sightsee

-last night was incredible though, we'll continue it later today ;)


-not a problem

-let me know when you get back


-don't worry

-I will ;)



Cindy put down her phone and took off her clothes. She showered quickly and was out the door with Mark in less than twenty minutes.

They got into the car and Mark was thrilled. Cindy gave him back the same enthusiasm, but it was all just a farce. First place Mark took Cindy to was the most stereotypical place: The Eiffel Tower. Mark had high hopes since Paris was a city of romance. However, during the drive, Mark could not help but notice Cindy checking her phone periodically.

He parked and took Cindy with him when they finally made it. Even during their walk to the Eiffel Tower, Cindy still occasionally looked at her phone and texted. It made Mark uneasy. When the tower was right in front of them, Mark asked her,

"Alright, you ready to go all the way to the top?"


"What?! Cindy, I didn't just drive here just to see the tower up close and leave."

"I don't feel like it."

This made Mark upset. Cindy did not have the decency to even look at him while denying him. Her eyes were glued to her phone. Cindy sent her text and said to Mark,

"Okay, we're done, let's go now."

"But...we just got here!"

"And now we're leaving. Let's go!"

"Come on Cindy, for me?"

"God! It's always gotta be about you! If I don't want it, then you can't fucking force me!"

Mark could see that there was just no getting through to her. Her sour attitude seemed to have come back again from last night. He did not understand why she was so irritated with him. He decided to leave. She was right; he could not force her. He drove to another location, the Notre Dame Cathedral. Unfortunately, Mark was met with the same cold behavior and attitude. Cindy was genuinely uninterested. It really hurt Mark to see that. He took time in the morning to get a car for him to drive her around just to not be paid attention to. It was the same no matter where he went. From Centre Pompidou to the Louvre Museum. It did not matter. Cindy was too concerned with her phone.

The two finished their visits to the tourist attractions. However, Mark was not happy with Cindy's behavior. Once he started the car, he asked her without any attitude,

"Do you not wanna be here?"

Cindy finished texting and replied angrily,

"What are saying?! What? I'm a stupid bitch who doesn't deserve you?!"

"No, it's just—"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Mark decided not to talk anymore. It was just a waste of time at this point. He put the car in reverse and left. It seemed that his get away with his wife kept getting worse and worse.

He looked on the road to calm himself. He got annoyed from the voice of the GPS, so he turned it off. He was not very happy right now. He continued to drive without knowing where he was going. He just needed to get his mind off of how upset he was. Soon, he found himself driving by the countryside. He was glad that they were driving in an area so quaint. Lots of fields and no cars to be seen but his own on the road. He noticed a black mansion standing all on its own to his right, but other than that, it was peaceful. Mark knew that if he kept it like this, his mood would be better in no time...but life can be so cruel sometimes. The car broke down with smoke fuming out of its hood. Mark complained,

"Oh no! Now what?! You gotta be fucking kidding me!"

Cindy groaned in irritation. She asked Mark,

"What's the problem?!"

"I don't know!"

Mark was not too much of a grease monkey or an engineer for that matter. So he decided to call for help. He checked in his pocket for his phone, but it was not there.

'Damn! I must have left it on the bed!'

"Hey babe, can I borrow your phone? I forgot mine at the hotel."

Cindy groaned in irritation again. She was about to give Mark a hard time, but then she saw that her phone just died. The sexting last night and all of today took its toll on her phone's battery. She was pissed.

"Oh, you gotta be fucking joking! My phone's dead!"


Mark hit the car's steering wheel out of frustration, causing it to honk its horn. He put his hands to his face, unsure of what to do now. He thought of his options,

'The hotel number is the only number we know. It's the only contact that knew us. What are emergency numbers in France?...what does it matter?...we have no working phone to begin with. There's no repair shop within a hundred miles. No houses either...the mansion!'

"Cindy, honey, I saw a mansion back there not too long ago. We can ask them for a ride."

"This is just great! God! I just wanted to visit a masseur today and relax! Why did you have to fuck that up?!"

Truth was, she was going to use that as an excuse to have sex with Alexandre again.

"You know what Cindy, fffffuu—" Mark restrained himself again. He continued in a calm sad tone, on the verge of crying, "I planned this for you. All of this was for you. I didn't do this purely for sightseeing. The most important thing was to spend time with you. The reason why is because you are the most important thing in my life."

Mark was good at restraining himself and turning the conversation around. It was much like avoiding a war. Asserting yourself without being too aggressive to start a fight. Cindy was good at twisting Marks words and turning it into making her out to be the victim and him be the asshole. However, Mark had won this time. She could not find a counter for that moment.

"...let's just get to that mansion and head back to the hotel." Cindy said bitterly.

"Alright, the sooner we do this, the sooner we can get you that massage."


As the couple walked in the direction towards the mansion, thirty minutes had passed and they still saw no building. Cindy's mood spiraled down exponentially.

"Are you sure there was a mansion?"

"Yeah, it was a big black one."

"You better not be making this up."

"I'm not, I promise."

"And why exactly are we out here anyways?! What does this have to do with anything you planned for today?"

Mark was unsure of how to handle that question. If he told her that he was angry or even upset with her, then she would throw a tantrum. However, he did blame himself. He thought in his head,

'If I had just controlled my emotions, then this wouldn't have happened.'

"Hellooooo! Mark, answer me!" Cindy interrupted his train of thought.

"Oh, sorry,'s my fault. I got sidetracked and ended up going the wrong way."

"What?! Are you fucking serious?! You better know how to get us back! You better not be lost!"

"Everything will be fine, in the—"

"In the end, it'll all work out." Cindy said, mockingly imitating Mark's catch phrase.

Mark could not take talking to Cindy at the moment, so he stopped talking. Cindy, however, continued to beat on Mark verbally,

"God! If we just didn't go out, then we wouldn't be in this mess!"


Mark laughed in his head as he thought,

'You're the one who said to go out last night and not be antisocial while staying in the room.'

"It's all your fault!"


"Say something!"

"There it is!"

Mark pointed to the black mansion. Cindy looked and could not believe it. There was a big black mansion in the middle of nowhere. She toned down her beating on Mark.

"Let's just go already, the situation's already bad enough as it is."

Chapter IV: The Mansion and the Mistress

After a few more minutes of walking, the couple had finally made it to the mansion. Mark saw that they needed to enter a big garden arch with doors in order to reach the front door of the building. The garden arch had a pointy gothic style to it. Mark did not want to trespass, so he looked for any door bells or intercom buttons. He found none, so he decided to enter the front yard garden. Luckily for him and Cindy, the doors of the arch were not pad locked. He opened them and entered the garden with Cindy.

The garden had quiet the elegant design. It was clear that the plants had been maintained. The hedges were well kept and there were plenty of black roses with a hint of dark red. Mark even thought that the black gothic designed benches were well placed. However, the stone statues appeared to be on the fragile side. They were gargoyles with cracks on them, which showed age. Mark supposed that they served to be the garden gnomes. There was even a fountain with a statue of Cupid in the middle with water coming out of his penis, going into the fountain. It seemed a tad bit more recent than the gargoyles. Overall, Mark was liking the scenery.
