Dealing with Death


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After a little while Amanda sighed. "Mmm, I'm so enjoying this, this really is the life."

"No, it isn't."

"Isn't what?"

"The life."

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, but it's not life. We're dead, remember?"

"Oh yes. Mmm, this is the death."

They went back to their thoughts and to caressing each other, lying side by side in silent pleasure.

"Make love to me, Robbie."

"What?" Jason had momentarily forgotten his pseudo-name.

"Make love to me, properly. I just want to feel you moving inside me."

Jason hadn't forgotten their state of death, and he tried a light-hearted pun. "You make me sound like a worm."

"Oh no!" Amanda seemed confused. "You're much bigger than that, and harder."

"Thank you.... I think." He told her, rolling over on top of her, guiding his worm towards her pussy.

This time when he moved into her it was slowly, gently, and she to meet him, her hands pulling down on his shoulders even as her pelvis pushed up against him. It was an leisurely lovemaking, all soft kisses and caresses, each of them moving in time, unhurriedly and satisfyingly, until each could feel their own orgasm growing inside them.

For Jason it was thrilling beyond measure. Not the exciting and exhilarating kind of thrill like his first ton on a motorcycle, but a pleasant, gratifying kind, the sort you got when your mum allowed your girlfriend to sleep over for the first time, even though you knew she'd only done it so that she could sleep with her new boss. He was pretty sure it was like that for Amanda too. She kept sighing happily, conveying her enjoyment without words as clearly as if she'd described every single sensation in detail. He was sure that she was as much in love with him as he was with her, even though she hadn't said so.

They came together, Amanda gasping little 'oh's' into his ear just as he began spraying his cum into her in long, heavy spurts. This time she didn't rake at his back, she just wrapped her arms and legs about him and held him close, welding herself to him as if frightened to lose a single tiny drop of his cum. Even when they had finished she lay and held him to her, not letting him move away, not even allowing his slippery cock slide from inside her.

Not that he minded. Like her, he had the distinct feeling that this could be the last time for them, unless they could come up with some way of persuading the Reaper otherwise. He didn't care that he wasn't looking at the real Amanda, the one she'd been before she'd died. He was quite happy with the one he'd been given. What a shame it would be to find the love of his life... no, of his existence, just for them to be wrenched apart by their contrasting pasts.

Eventually Amanda loosened her grip and he rolled onto his back, marvelling at the way his cock dried almost instantly as their mixed bodily fluids found their magical way back into their respective bodies to e stored for next time -- if there was a next time. There had to be a next time, he needed there to be a next time, and he was pretty sure, so did Amanda. He lay and thought about it, trying to come up with some way to persuade Death to spare them. Not spare them spare them, it was too late for that, they were already dead, but to spare them the consequences, at least for a while longer, and let them be together. Then the metaphorical light bulb came on above his head. He looked across at Amanda, who was idly playing with her clit.

"Hey, I think I've got the answer."

"Oh good. Do tell."

It wasn't the lovely feminine voice of his companion that he heard, but the hollow, deeply resonating voice of Death himself. He jerked himself into the sitting position, looking around wildly for the source. Death was standing behind him, holding his scythe as if he were sloping arms on parade.

"Bloody hell, how long have you been there?"

"I just got back, as a matter of fact. And before you ask, it was quite a successful trip. There were a few more customers than I expected, but none of them kept me hanging around waiting, not like some folk I could mention."

"I wish you wouldn't just appear like that." Jason remonstrated with Death and pointedly ignored the criticism. "Can't you knock, or at least discreetly rattle your bones or something, so that we know that you're there."

"Oh, sorry." Death tried very hard to look remorseful, but it wasn't easy without a face. "I'm not used to people who can see me. Anyway, you had an answer...?"

"Did I?"

Death's sudden reappearance had driven it from Jason's mind.

"Yes, or so you said. Although you didn't actually mention what it was the answer to."

"To our problem and probably to yours. Can you give me a minute to talk to Amanda?"

"Yes, I suppose so. A minute won't hurt, but I didn't think I had a problem."

Death walked back out, opening the door properly this time, too puzzled to remember to march straight through it. Anyway, he wasn't in the mood for showing off.

Jason turned to Amanda, wondering how to explain the idea he'd just had.

"You know we're in a section called 'Unfinished Business (Sexual)? And you know how he had to hire me -- with a false promise as it happens -- to have sex with you before you could go up to the pearly gates?"

He paused to see if Amanda was listening, or if playing with herself had taken her attention. She carried on gently playing, but nodded her understanding.

"Well, he must get other people who have things they didn't get round to doing in bed before they died, or he wouldn't need this section. And I bet that gives him a whole lot of problems, like you did."

She nodded again, her fingers twirling around the head of her clit.

"What if we volunteer to settle those problems for him in return for being allowed to stay here together?"

"You mean do things with people that they haven't done? So we'd end up having sex with strangers?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. I know that's a draw back, having to do it with other people, but it would let us stay here together, if he's in agreement. And then we could have as much sex together as we liked. What do you think?"

"I think it's brilliant. And I don't mind doing it with strangers, not if it helps them move on. And it would stop us getting bored with each other like we did earlier."

"You won't get jealous of me with other women?"

"Not a problem." She shook her head. "I fancy a bit of variety, so why shouldn't you?"

Jason looked at her somewhat strangely. He'd expected more resistance than that, and a bit more loyalty.

"Then shall we see what he says?"

"Yes, let's. I do hope he agrees. Oooh!"

Jason gazed adoringly at Amanda just as she began to gasp with her self inflicted orgasm.

"Have you decided what you want to say?"

That same cemetery voice sounded from Death, who was somehow suddenly standing peering down at the writhing Amanda.

"What's she doing?" The empty cowl turned to Jason with a puzzled look lurking in its darkness. "She can't be ill, not here. But that's what it sounds like."

"Well she had the big death, and now she's trying out the little death." Jason explained, alluding to 'la petite mort'.

"Oh, I see." Death clearly didn't see at all. "Now, what did you want to discuss?"

Jason explained his idea. There were, he said, bound to have been other people who died before fulfilling their sexual dreams, to which Death nodded in enthusiastic agreement, and this plan would absolve him of all the difficulties and problems that any future dissatisfied customers brought with them.

Death turned his back, and paced about the room.

He swung back to Jason. "And you would both undertake to sort out all of them, no matter what they had missed out on?"

Jason nodded happily, seeing that Death was close to agreeing, but not seeing the consequences of the contract he was about to enter into.

"And do you agree too?" The hood pointed itself towards Amanda, who was still panting from her climax.

She nodded even more eagerly than Jason. "I wanted to let Robbie be my first, but now I want as many as I can to make up for waiting, so anything that keeps me getting screwed will keep me happy." She beamed up at the Reaper.

Jason looked on disbelieving. Surely the girl he loved wasn't that eager to put herself about, especially because she knew how jealous that would make him. But it was too late for worrying now; he was on the verge of eternal sex with her.

"Oh, you'll get screwed all right, both of you." Death told her, an invisible smirk on his non existent lips. "All right. You have a deal. I agree. We'll just get you to sign these contracts.

The two pieces of parchment appeared as if by magic and Death smoothed them out on the table, handing Jason and Amanda a quill each. Jason looked around for an ink well.

"You sign in blood, that's traditional. Just stab it into your arm, it won't hurt." Death instructed them.

They did, and it didn't, and a few moments later their bloody signatures were affixed to the parchments, and they were committed. But at least they would now always be together, and Jason was sure that he wouldn't get jealous of Amanda being with other men. Well, he thought, it's not as if they could run off with her, is it? He frowned at this thought, but then put it out of his head, happy that he's found a solution to their problem.

"Right." Death told them. "Here's your client list for today. I'm afraid it's a bit more than usual. That Chinese train wreck has generated a couple that I didn't expect, and nor did they I shouldn't wonder, but I'm sure you'll cope. I'll let you to look through it and decide who you want to do first."

Jason took the list with a dawning suspicion that the two or three a month that he'd had in mind might be a little bit of an under-estimate. There were nineteen names, eleven men and eight women. He wouldn't get much time with Amanda after that lot.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He whispered to Amanda. "I think I've landed you in it. You've got eleven men to see to."

"No I haven't, which is a bit of a shame." She contradicted him. "Look, it says here what they want, and three of them want to fuck another man in the arse, so you'll have to sort them out." She giggled. "They must have been killed in the closet so to speak, but never mind, they're out now!"

Jason felt himself go paler than ever.

"Oh look." Amanda pointed to a name way down the list. "There's a woman here wants to have a man go down on her. You'll like that. It's a shame that she's so old, and you'll have to be careful of her incontinence."

"Oh my god!" Realisation was beginning to set in. "But what about you?"

"Oh, I don't care. I'll try anything with anyone. And I've often wondered what another woman tastes like." She pointed at the list. "Mmm, yummy! I'm so glad you arranged this for us Robbie, it's the best thing ever."

"I'm glad you think so." He told her, going steadily greener around the gills. He had just spotted a newly dead leper who wouldn't move on until he'd been sucked off by another man. "I can't think of anything worse."

"There, now you understand." There was a distinctly triumphant note in Death's otherwise funereal voice. "I said that Amanda would be in heaven and Jason was bound for hell. You see, when it comes to dealing with death, you can't avoid the inevitable, whatever you do."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent! Imaginative, well-written and engaging. Lots of nice little titbits thrown in and a good twist at the end, like in several of his other stories.

I don’t know whether Ozatel is a professional mainstream writer, but he should be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I enjoyed this one

Thank You


alikerryalikerryover 8 years ago
the twist

i like it

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago

Well, think about it.

For an Eskimo, an Arctic coastline would be heaven, a tropical island would be hell.

For a Melanesian, a tropical island would be paradise and a Arctic coastline would be hell.

For any one of our onepercenter overlords, Heaven would be Hell and Hell would be Paradise. Imagine trying to thread any of those bloated ego's through the eye of a needle!

mokkelkemokkelkeabout 13 years ago

finally had time to read this and damn it was funny. you can't fight the inevitable hahahaha

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