Dealing with Sister

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How far is Mark prepared to go to lose his virginity?
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I want to thank bgmisfun for helping me polish the story and finding errors and mistakes I missed. All characters in the story are eighteen or older. Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions I got on the board and in the comments field. You've made the story a lot better.

This story contains incest.


"It's only fucking pot, dad. You're so fucking unfair!" Sarah screamed and with the door open he could finally hear the words.

Mark woke up from the screaming downstairs and he immediately knew what it was. He looked over at the clock and could see it was well past her curfew and she was most likely drunk, too. Mark waited for it to calm down so he could go back to sleep again, but it seemed worse than usual.

"Only pot? If you're not careful, you're going to end up in the gutters. Why can't you be more like your brother? More responsible!" their father screamed back at her.

"Twenty-one, a virgin and still living at home with his parents. No, thanks, dad, I would rather live my life in the real world than in front of the computer!" Sarah screamed back at him and Mark wished he hadn't heard it. He was already felt pathetic for his lack of experience and hearing his sister give voice to what he already felt only made it worse.

Mark was everything his sister wasn't. A good student; he didn't go out partying and yes, he was still a virgin. He had thought things would've changed when he started studying at the local college, but it hadn't and he still felt as awkward around women as he had in high school. His sister Sarah was eighteen and all she had to do to get laid was to wiggle her butt and all the guys would come running. She had probably already slept with more people than he would in his whole lifetime and it was killing him. With her long blonde hair, firm butt and perfect perky tits she was every man's dream.

Of course their parents saw him as the successful one, with good grades and well on his way to get a degree in computer science. It wasn't like Sarah was going to fail to graduate; she only had three months left of her senior year and had done okay so far. On the other hand she had been even more antisocial than normal lately, and he couldn't remember the last time he had a conversation that lasted more than a few words with her.

They continued screaming at each other and even his mother got involved until he could finally hear Sarah make her way up the stairs and slam the door behind her. Tomorrow morning was going to be tense and Mark didn't look forward to it. He wished he had a friend he could call and hang out with tomorrow, instead of being stuck in the house. Playing video games, watching porn and studying was his life was and he hated it. It wasn't fair.

The tension in the morning was even worse than Mark had feared the day before and he understood why when he heard about the punishment. Sarah was grounded for the rest of the semester and she wouldn't be allowed to go to the senior prom. They were going to drop her off at school and pick her up after her last class. She wasn't allowed to meet any of her friends after school until she graduated. Sarah didn't say a word to their parents during the whole day and only a few words the next few days. She didn't say much to Mark either until a week later when she entered his room.

"Hey, Mark," Sarah said and he knew she wanted something from him. It wasn't hard to figure out since those were the only times she really talked to him.

"What do you want?" Mark asked, curious about what she would ask for this time.

Of course there was always the chance that she was lonely and wanted someone to hang out with, but Mark didn't think so. She looked pretty nervous as she walked into the room and he didn't know why. She usually always got what she wanted and even he had problems saying no to her. It was something about her blue eyes and she was still his baby sister and he loved her despite all her flaws.

"Why do you think I want something? Maybe I just want to hang out with my big brother," Sarah said and sat down on the bed as the only chair in the room was the one Mark sat on.

Mark could see her tanned legs dangling a back and forth. She didn't work out, but it was impossible to tell. Her eyes were long and thin and he caught himself staring at them. Sarah was pretty and she knew she was and always used it to her advantage.

She and his mom were the only girls who entered his room and once more he became aware just how much he wanted to have sex. Just do with any girl so he could get it over with. For a second he wondered how she would react if he pushed her down on the bed and removed her clothes. She didn't say anything and neither did Mark until he the silence started to kill him.

"Do you want to play some video games?" Mark asked even though he knew how little interest she had in video games, but it was all he came up with.

The annoyed look on Sarah's face made him regret even asking the question. Why was it always so difficult with her? They had gotten along fine until she started high school, and then not so much. A part of him suspected it was because didn't want people to know he was her brother. He wondered if she still was ashamed of him. He could see how Sarah took a couple of deep breaths. She had a determined look on her face and he was finally going to find out what she wanted. At least this time she had tried to do some small talk before spilling it out.

"Look, Mark, I'm going to be honest, but first you have to promise not to tell our parents. Pinky swear," Sarah said, sounding very serious.

Again he wondered what she was about to ask. He had never told on her before, so he didn't really understood what she was worried he would tell this time. It also made him more curious and he moved over to the bed and stuck out his pinky finger which she quickly intertwined with hers.

"I promise I won't tell," Mark said and he saw how Sarah immediately felt more relaxed.

"I won't talk with you ever again if you tell...Okay...Here's the thing; you know why I got grounded, right?" Sarah began and she didn't continue until Mark nodded. "I've been feeling really bad this week and I'm lonely and I can't talk to any of my friends since mom and dad got my phone. I'm going crazy, Mark, and... I just really need a joint. Just one to relax my nerves," Sarah said, begging him.

"No way, Sarah, there's no fucking way. There's no way I'm going to help you get drugs," Mark angrily answered and he started to feel worried about her. She must really be desperate if she wanted him to get drugs for her.

"Come on please, Mark," she begged him and looked at him with her big blue eyes that were so hard to turn down.

"I can't do that, I'm worried for you. What if you're an addict?" Mark voiced his concerns and he saw Sarah's trying to think up a plan. It was clear that she wasn't about to give up.

"First I'm not an addict, I just like to smoke some pot and since I'm stuck here with nothing to do I deserve some fun. Why do you always have to be... never mind. What if I could get you laid? I know how desperate you must be, spending all these lonely nights wanking in front of the computer watching porn. If you help me out, I can set you up with one of my sluttiest friends..." Sarah said and Mark felt tempted by her proposal.

He knew how hot some of her friends were and he would be happy to sleep with any of them. She was right. He wanted to experience the real thing, but how could he be sure that her friend would sleep with him?

"I don't know, Sarah," he answered and even he could hear how close he was to giving in to his sister's request.

"I guarantee that Lisa will sleep with you. She sleeps with anyone who shows her some attention and if I encourage her a bit, I can guarantee it will happen. Also I've seen her sleep with much uglier guys than you. If you just did something about the hair and put on a nice shirt you would even look half decent," Sarah said sounding more and more confident as she saw how Mark was giving in.

"Fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this. Can you really guarantee it?" He felt bad how easy he gave in and let his libido take the decision for him.

"I guarantee it, now if you just let me borrow your phone, so I can call her now and set it up."

"What does she look like?" Mark asked.

He knew it was wrong, but at this point he just wanted to get laid. This was the best shot he had in years. Mark didn't think she was lying and he knew most of her friends were just as slutty as Sarah. He felt his sister's hand squeezing his thigh.

"Oh, she's very pretty: Long dark hair with a fit body and a nice ass. She makes me wet just thinking about her and I'm not even into girls... I can show you how she looks on Facebook later, but first I want you to hand over your phone, Mark."

He didn't want to think about his sister getting wet, but with her hand on his thigh and the way she said had turned him on a bit. If she really was as hot as his sister said, he would do a lot more than buy pot to get a chance to sleep with her. He knew it was wrong, but he had no problems handing over the phone to Sarah. After all it was just pot.

"I'm just gonna call my dealer really quick first," Sarah said as she dialed the number. She had the number in her head Mark wondered just how many times she had used it.

It was too late to back out now and he didn't want to either. He wanted to have sex more than anything else and if it meant buying pot for his little sister, then so be it. He listened to his sister talk patiently, while he studied the way she looked. She had long hair now, it wasn't her natural hair color but it looked good on her. Of course she had looked just as good as a brunette. She had nice firm breasts. They were a bit on the smaller side but he doubted anyone complained. Sarah was a looker and she could be very charming when she wanted too. Once she finished the call she turned to her brother once more and handed him some money.

"This should be enough; all you need to do is go pick it up at his place."

"Eh, what about Lisa?" Mark asked, not too keen about picking up her pot without any insurance. He still trusted her to uphold the deal, but he had some doubts.

"Oh, yeah, I don't remember her number. I'll just use your computer to contact her while you're gone. It will be all set up once you're back. I promise." Sarah said and he knew he was screwed.

"Come on, Sarah," he said trying to put up some resistance. He didn't want her to use his computer, but he didn't know how he would be able to turn her down either.

"Hey, you already promised to buy me pot, letting me us the computer for an hour is nothing compared to that. Besides do you want to get laid or not, 'cause I can cancel the whole thing if you want to."

"Fine," he said, annoyed that somehow she had had become the one in power again.

She knew how much he wanted to get laid and used it against him. At least once the date was set up he would be free once more. If he was lucky it would lead to more than a onetime thing. He cursed at how weak he was as he got up and waved a lackluster good-bye to his sister. She was too busy staring at the computer to care.

Mark had his own car he used to drive to school. The address was on the other side of town and he wondered if his sister hadn't set him up, so she could have more time in front of the computer. There wasn't much he could do about it, at least it wasn't in the worst neighborhood in town. It took him thirty minutes to find the place and he felt nervous when he walked up the stairs to the apartment. The guy who opened the apartment was older than Mark was and he looked scary.

"I'm here to meet Leon. My sister called and..." Mark said, sounding just as unsecure as he felt.

"Ahh, little Miss Sarah's brother. Come on in," the man said and Mark followed him inside.

There was stuff everywhere, a couple of guys sat in the sofa and smoked weed. One of them even offered Mark to try but he politely declined and soon they were all calling him a narc and laughed at him. He wanted to get out as quickly as possible, not comfortable with the situation. Luckily Leon wasn't interested in having him around either. Leon handed over the bag and Mark hoped that he wasn't getting ripped off.

"Tell Sarah I miss her," Leon said to Mark when he left.

Mark nodded in response. He had no real intention of telling his sister. Leon was not the kind of guy he wanted her to hang out with. He did this to get laid. He felt bad about what he was doing, but he didn't have any other options unless he wanted to stay a virgin forever. It was too late to back out anyway. Once he got what he wanted, it would be worth it. It had better be anyway, if not he would regret ever doing this.

This was by the worst thing he had done, but he didn't feel weighed down by it. It felt liberating breaking the rules for once. It wasn't something Mark was used to. He could hear Sarah's voice coming from his bedroom when he got home. It was his room, but he still felt the need to knock on the door before entering.

"Yeah, yeah, he's back now so I gotta go. Love ya," Sarah said to the person she was talking to. Hopefully it had been Lisa but he couldn't be sure.

"So, Mark, do you have my weed?" Sarah said now turned towards him, sitting in a commanding pose. He was about to turn the weed over, before he realized that he would lose all power if he did.

"Have you set me up with your friend yet?"

"It's next Saturday. Try not to act like a dork, you have to cut your hair and you really need to buy a new shirt, Mark, and make sure you don't act too meekly. Lisa's mom works the night shift and the dad is out of the picture, so you will have the place all to yourself." Sarah said and she actually sounded supportive. It was enough to convince Mark to give her the bag of weed.

"Thanks, Sarah," Mark said. Sarah get up from the chair with the first smile he had seen on her face since she'd been grounded and it made him feel nervous.

"The date is actually in two weeks and on a Tuesday. Sorry," Sarah said and now it was more of a grin than a smile, but he didn't know what he could do about.

At least it was this month and he didn't care if it was on a Tuesday as long as he got laid. Mark didn't like being lied to, but as long as he got the opportunity to sleep with her friend he could take it on the chin.

"Hey, what does she really look like Sarah?" he shouted after her and she turned around.

"I didn't lie about her looks and her parents won't be home. You won't be disappointed, I promise," Sarah said before she continued into her room, obviously eager to try out the pot.

As long as she was at least somewhat attractive it would be enough. It irritated him that she left before showing hat Lisa looked like and it irritated him that she had lied. Then it hit him, his parents were going to see a play next week and it could very well be the same Tuesday she was sending him out on his date. Mark wouldn't let her back out of Sarah promise no matter what and he needed to tell it to her face. She had already started rolling the joint and looked up worriedly until she saw who it was.

"I'm not going to let you back out of this promise. If you don't pay up..."

"Don't worry, you will lose your virginity next Tuesday, Mark," Sarah said to reassure him and he felt more at ease again.

"You better. Is this the same Tuesday mom and dad are going to see that play?" Mark asked, wondering if maybe she was just setting him up, so she could be home alone.

"Maybe it is. Listen Mark, you have to decide if it's more important to do what our parents want or what you want. Lisa is a real slut, Mark, and she will fuck you in every way possible until you can't take it anymore, but if you want to stay home..."

Mark groaned, knowing he couldn't back out. She was right; he really wanted to have sex. He gave her one last look before heading back to his own room.

The next week went slow and he had a hard time concentrating on his studies. His mind kept drifting to what would happen with Lisa. He didn't talk much to Sarah and every time he went by her room he could smell the marijuana. If his parents hadn't been so naïve they would've smelt it too. He felt a bit bad, but she probably would've gotten her hands on it anyway. At least this way he got something out of it. It was still wrong, but there wasn't going to be a next time; Mark thought in an effort to comfort himself.

The week after went even slower and he counted down the hours until the date. He followed his sister's advice and he cut his hair, bought a couple of new shirts and a package of condoms. When the Tuesday came he was more than ready. The same Tuesday his parents were going to the play. He didn't like lying to them, but it was something he had to do. He promised them to make sure she didn't sneak out or brought any friends over: all to keep their parents happy. Nothing was going to ruin this night for him.

"You actually look half-decent for once, Mark. Good luck," Sarah said. She helped him with the last preparations before he was leaving. She even showed him a picture of Lisa and she looked really hot. She had super big smile in the picture.

"She will sleep with me, right?" Mark asked, still feeling nervous about the whole thing. He didn't know what he would do if it didn't work out. He had done things he wasn't proud of to make it happen, but as long as Lisa slept with him it would be worth it.

"Guarantee it," Sarah said, reassuring him and he started to feel better again.

It was really happening. He was still nervous and his palms were sweating, but tonight it was really going to happen for him. After tonight he wouldn't be virgin. He wouldn't have to feel pathetic about his lack of experience anymore. Tonight was the night he was becoming a man. Mark felt good. He liked his new haircut and he felt that the new clothes looked good on him. His palms felt sweaty, his knees weak and his arms heavy. He got behind the wheels and took a deep breath before turning on the ignition. This was really it.

So many thoughts were running through his head as he made his way over to pick her up. What would they talk about? Would she like the restaurant? Should he wait until the end of the evening to kiss her? Mark didn't know and it made him nervous, but Sarah had guaranteed it.

He wasn't sure if it made him more nervous or not. On the one hand he didn't have to worry about getting it or not. On the other hand he felt really nervous about actually having sex. What if she didn't like it? Mark took another deep breath and parked the car, another deep breath as he walked up to the door and one last before he rang the doorbell. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this nervous. Lisa took her time and Mark started to get irritated and for a second he wondered if anyone was home, before the door opened.

"So you must be Mike. Let's get this over with," Lisa said. She wasn't dressed up, just a top and a pair of jeans, She didn't seem too eager to go on this date. She even got his name wrong, but it didn't matter to Mark as long she slept with him. Her attitude may be a bit off, but her looks more than compensated for it.

"It's Mark actually, nice to meet you, Lisa," Mark said and held out his hand to greet her, but she ignored it and walked passed him after locking the door.

"So, where are you taking me...Mark?" Lisa didn't sound very enthusiastic, but at least she got the name right this time.

"An Italian restaurant that is supposed to be really nice," Mark answered. He had checked some online reviews beforehand and this had seemed like the best choice.

"I like Italian," Lisa said, finally showing some interest.

They walked over to the car and he held the door open to her. The ride to the restaurant felt really long as Mark didn't know what to say and Lisa mostly looked out the window. Her legs looked good even under the jeans and he wished he had the gut to move his hand over to them. He had expected her to show some interest, she hadn't even looked at him since she got in the car. Doubts started to enter his mind, if she really planned to sleep with him. His sister had guaranteed it and giving up already would be stupid. But when he saw Lisa pick up her phone and started playing with it, some of his hope died and was replaced by anger. Mark squeezed the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were getting white. It started to feel like his sister was actually tricking him.