Dealing with The Bully


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His eyes went wide and his hands lifted the cami straight up and off Xia. Her naked breasts were bared for him.

"Like what you see?" She asked.

"Yeah!" His hands dropped the cami on the table and reached for her tits. She stepped back and asked, "Are you willing to give me what I want?"

"What do you want?"

"Bareback fucking! I want it hard and strong! My husband can't do it for me. Can you?"

He dropped his letterman's jacket on the floor of her kitchen. His t-shirt landed on top of the jacket. Xia led him to her bedroom and closed the door when they were inside.

"What time does your old man come home?" Bill asked.

"About seven-thirty." She looked at the clock it read 5:44pm. "Does that give you enough time to do me well?"

"How well?"

"Fuck me hard enough that I'm still bruised day after tomorrow."

"Drop those shorts and let's do this."

Xia faced Bill and said, "I don't like these shorts. Rip them off me and throw me on the bed, Stud."

He grabbed the shorts and the button flew to the corner of the bedroom. The zipper parted for the last time and he pushed Xia onto the bed. He tore off the shorts and her thong and put the thong into his jeans pocket.

"Taking a souvenir?" Xia asked, smiling. Bill nodded.

Bill's jeans unbuttoned and he undressed quickly. He left his socks on. Xia held her legs close together and he looked at her when they didn't open for him.

"I'm not giving it to you! Take it! Be the man!"

He forced her legs apart and leaned forward pushing his hard cock at her pussy. When he was lined up he pushed hard, not counting on Xia to move. He didn't get in. He held her legs tightly and forced his way in. He held tight enough Xia was sure she was bruised.

"Oh God, lady, you're so tight!"

"It's been a long time, Stud! Do me!"

When he came for the third time it was six-thirty. The bedroom smelled like an orgy had happened. The sheets were wet from their sweat and bodily fluids. Xia said, "Oh shit! It's late! Get dressed Lover-boy and get home! He'll kill us both if he comes home and finds you here. I'll clean up. You just go! Can I find you at the market next week?"

As he dressed quickly he said, "Every school day at the same time."


"Yes! I'll be looking for you." Without any attempt at a good-bye kiss or any further contact, Bill went out the back door and ran a few blocks before slowing to a walk. Then, rather than walking, he strutted. He'd had a woman! He had her thong in his pocket! He decided he wouldn't date girls any more. Sex with a woman was so exciting! He could still feel how it felt to be inside her. He could still picture her tits in his hands.

Xia tore a hole in the sheet where she could tell his feet had been as he thrust into her. She got on the bed with her hips high so his spunk wouldn't all leak out and used her portable phone. She dialed 911.

She told the operator she had been raped. Fourteen minutes later a black and white police car and a paramedic truck were in her driveway. The police officers noticed her car was parked at an angle in the driveway. They interviewed her. The paramedics did a rape kit. Xia cried. Between the phone call and their arrival she had sliced an onion and rubbed a drop of onion near her eyes. Crying was easy.

A description of Bill was broadcast. They found him walking home with a big smile on his face. The lab people laughed to themselves at how easy he made their case. His DNA was all over her clothes, all over the sheets on the bed and in her vagina. Her thong was in his pants pocket and showed evidence that he had ripped it from her. They even got her DNA off his penis and underwear.

When Matt got home he noticed that Xia looked like she had been crying. She didn't explain, just asked him to go get Jackie at Abe's house.

When they got back an unmarked but obvious police car was parked at the curb. Two detectives were sitting on the couch.

"What's going on?" Matt asked.

Xia said, "While you were gone today, I was raped."

"What?" Matt and Jackie both stopped in their tracks and couldn't believe what she said.

Matt asked, "Just now? When I went to get Jackie?"

Xia said, "No. While you were at work. A high school kid helped me with my groceries in the market. Then he made me bring him home and when we got here he ripped off my clothes and raped me."

One of the detectives spoke, "Mr. Watkins we have the boy in custody. He's a senior at Bellflower High. He had evidence on him linking him to the rape. We just came by to verify your wife's account. I'm sure the DA will be in touch."

"What will happen to the guy?" Jackie asked.

"He'll probably get a minimum of three years in prison. Because Mrs. Watkins is bruised and her clothing torn, the judge may give him as much as eight years."

"Will he get bail?" Matt asked.

"Probably. If he does, I advise you to stay away from him. Most husbands want to do bodily harm to a rapist. If that happens, you end up in prison as well as him. Don't do it! We will take care of him."

"Will I have to testify in court?" Xia asked.

"We can't answer that question. When the DA contacts you about the case, you can ask him or her."

"Jackie goes to the same high school. What if he or his friends do something to Jackie?"

"We have two undercover officers on campus. We'll have them watching out for your son. Do you know the boy who is in custody?"

"You haven't said who he is." Jackie said.

The detective looked at his notes and said, "William Bogner." He looked up from his notes as Jackie said, "He and two of his friends shoved me inside a trash can a few weeks ago, broke my nose and finger too." As if it would verify his statement Jackie held up his left hand.

"Did you report this to the school?"

"It happened at school. The assistant principal called for my parents to come take me to the doctor. I was out for two weeks."

"That makes the case even stronger. He may not get bail."

"When he did it I didn't tell the school it was him. I couldn't. He would have hurt me even more!"

"Just make sure the DA is told about what the boy has been doing."


After a few more questions the police left. Jackie and Matt cleaned up the crime scene. They threw away the mattress pad and put on the one Xia had bought so she could alternate them. Her clothes and the ripped, soiled sheets were taken by the crime lab people. They aired out the bedroom, put clean sheets on the bed and when the room looked Ok then went back to Xia.

"Didn't you know it was Bill?" Jackie asked.

"Yes. And he knew I was your Mom. In the market he came up to me and said I was buying him some orange juice. He put some in my cart and said I needed to get you and my wimp husband to drink some. Then he said he would help me out with my groceries. At the car he said he needed a ride. I said I didn't want him in my car. He asked if I'd heard about the poor kid who stepped in front of a car and got his leg broken. I knew you were next if I didn't give him a ride. When he got in the car I asked where he wanted to go. He said he just wanted to help me take the groceries home. As soon as the groceries were on the table he started ripping at my clothes and telling me I was his bitch. He said he'd leave Jackie and Abe alone for the rest of the year but that he was going to fuck me every week."

"At least he's in jail now!" Jackie said. He was in shock because of what had happened and because he'd never heard his mother use words like those. Matt was feeling impotent, frustrated and angry. He had thought he could frighten The Bully off. Now his wife and son had become victims of this Bully and there was nothing he could do.

Xia asked Matt to call and get Chinese food delivered. He called and soon they were at the table eating. At about eight the phone rang. Jackie answered. It was Mr. Bogner, Bill's Dad. He yelled at Jackie and threatened him as if he was Matt, threatened Jackie and Xia with death if they didn't drop the charges against Bill. Jackie listened to him until he stopped yelling and said, "I'm not Mr. Watkins." Then he hung up.

He told his parents about the call and a minute later the phone rang again. The caller ID on the phone showed "POLICE" so Matt answered.

"Mr. Watkins, this is officer Sanchez at the police station. One of the papers your wife signed was a permission to wiretap your phone. The threatening call you just received from Mr. Bogner was listened to and recorded. We have officers on their way to pick him up. We wanted you to know we take threats of death seriously."

Matt thanked officer Sanchez and hung up. He explained what he had been told to Xia and Jackie.

The next time the phone rang it was Abe to tell Jackie about Bill and his Dad being arrested. He didn't know very much about why but he did know that Bill was in custody before his Dad was arrested and that when the officers came to his house Mr. Bogner attacked one of the officers and hit him with a baseball bat.

Jackie didn't fill him in on the details.

In bed late that night Matt was careful with his wife. When she had undressed for bed he had seen the bruises where Bill had grabbed her legs just above the knees and squeezed hard as her forced her legs apart. He saw how swollen her mons still was, hours after the incident. He saw bruises on her breasts.

Xia had taken something for the pain and she slept through the night. Matt slept too, but not so well.

When Jackie stepped onto campus the next day the campus was already buzzing. The misinformation express was telling tales of why Bill and his Dad were in jail. Every story Jackie heard involved violence, intimidation and threats. Every story he heard missed the truth but had the essence of the truth.

In fifth period a runner came to the class where Jackie was and had a request form for Jackie to go to the office and see the Principal. Sitting in the Principal's office were the two detectives Jackie had already met. Jackie greeted them by name and asked what was going on.

"We just want to know if any of his friends have said anything to you about the arrests." The taller detective asked.

"There are lots of stories going around about why Bill and his Dad are in jail. None of them are the truth. I haven't said anything."

"The first person who says something to you that is the truth, we want to know about it." He handed Jackie his card. "Call me. Tell me who talked to you and what they said."

The officers left. The Principal had Jackie sit down and he asked a few round about questions, hoping Jackie would tell him the story. Jackie said, "Mr. Clarke, it seems clear to me that the police don't want me talking about what I know or how I know it. To me, that means with anyone. I know you'd like to know and I assure you, you will know just not from me and not now. Can I go back to class?"

Xia said nothing to Matt or Jackie about what happened. Matt was more attentive and gentle with her, helped around the house more than normal and listened to her whenever she wanted to talk. Jackie helped more too.

Xia never had to testify. William Bogner accepted a plea bargain and went to prison for five years. One count of rape and one of assault. Henry Bogner accepted a plea bargain as well and went to prison for fifteen to twenty-five years. Seems the law is not fond of people who assault police officers and threaten people with death.

Jackie went away to college and did well. Matt and Xia sold the house and moved away as well. Matt started his own business and they both worked hard to make it a good one.

One night they sat watching the eleven o'clock news and an item came on that got their attention. The TV screen showed a house burning with firemen and equipment battling the blaze. The voice identified the town as the one where they used to live, the street where they used to live and the captured arsonist. Bill Bogner. He had called the TV station after he lit the fire and took credit for the fire. The TV station played the tape. Xia and Matt heard Bill's voice say, "I raped a woman in that house. I can't be forgiven by God as long as the house still stands."

Matt took Xia in his arms and they sat quietly on the couch. The broadcaster said that they had found out that Mr. Bogner had been released that very day from serving in prison for a rape. His father had also been sent to prison and had died the year before in a prison yard fight.

Matt hit the channel changer and a scene of lions in Africa filled the screen. It showed a lion cub running from a leopard. The voice over talked about how rare it was for a leopard to attack a lion, even a cub.

Suddenly the leopard was attacked by a female lion. The fight only lasted seconds. The female lion killed the leopard with such ferocity that the leopard did nothing to the lion. It suddenly was over and the lioness walked away from the body. She didn't eat any of it.

The voice over said, "Females of any species will do anything to protect their young. That young male leopard just learned that lesson."

Matt shut off the TV. They sat in silence for a few seconds and Matt asked, "Is that true of human momma's too?"

"No. Human mommas want the bastard to suffer first."

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AA82ndAAAA82ndAA6 months ago

How about a dad, a bully, an isolation. a black ski masked clad guy with a taser and an asp A punk kid that has trouble walking, a crushed left nut, several broken bones and a family is safe and protected? Seems much more simple and practical to me?

jesterhjesterh6 months ago

Obviously thought provoking!

WisquejacWisquejac9 months ago

I don’t know I kinda liked it. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

What a waste of a story. Woman turns whore and her little hubby is accepting of it. Must be a total idiot to buy the bullshit. She probably feels great for protecting her son. She would get to martyr herself after the divorce too.

Such a stupid stupid woman.

Boy tries to bully my son ( never happen, my son was over 6’ tall in the 8th grade and stopped at 6’ 8” and always knew to never bully someone weaker or smaller. Also to how to handle anyone that even tried to threaten him. First warn them off....if that didn’t stop them putting their head through a locker would. Fuck the woke school bullshit and zero tolerance of the useless school administrators. Home schooling is a better education then public ever thought of being. Without the stupid indoctrination they pull.

Never had an issue with the school officials while my kids were there. They knew me that their BS would end well for them if they pulled their shit with my kids.

The scariest thing the public school ever faces is a parent that is involved with what their kids are being taught and being active in warning them of the consequences if they detour from what is deemed acceptable to unbiased subjects and activities. When school activities pushed or tried my kids were told to leave the class and not participate in the deviations from acceptable curriculum. The school was informed of this in writing at beginning of each school and what the ramifications would be to the district if any derogatory action was ever taken against my kids.

This only occurred once when my kids left the school classroom when they tried to mandate a speech from a leader of a political party be played without the notification of the parents and also with out the ability of the leader of the opposite party to give a rebuttal. Their threat to fail any students that did not participate in the class failed miserably.

Oh how they climbed down their stance when over 70% of parents threatened to keep their kids at home if this was acted on. It went from mandatory to voluntary to being played after school to being available if requested by the students to being deemed not appropriate for minor kids without parent approval.

I guess they felt the loss of federal money due to only 30% attendance or less plus the guaranteed lawsuits to follow if continued was enough to understand that WE RAISE OUR CHILDREN AND YOU DON’T!

Never had another issues with the school after that.

Of course being able to have a group of attorneys available and the ability to release them on their bullshit didn’t hurt.

This CRT Bullshit would have never gotten started back then, and any school official who approved what basically is porn and woke agenda indoctrination to be allowed in an environment of minors without the knowledge of parents. Would not be yelled about at PTA or Board meeting. These assholes would be sued and criminally charged for their actions. With “zero tolerance” for any excuses or claiming they had no control over it. They would all be in jail at best or ruined to the point of never being allowed in a position to influence minors again at worst. The “legal” systems would allowed to deal these idiots first. If some woke judge or liberal tried to prevent the issue from being heard. Then fuck the “legal” system you had your shot. It would be time for the JUSTICE system to take over and make no mistake they are not even close the same thing. Nor are the penalties involved and sentences carried out.

But alas this all a moot point.....once the spotlight is turned onto these cockroaches they scatter and hide until they sneak out again. Only this time the light will never go out and their return to business as usual will never be allowed again stay in the sewer where you belong. The repercussions of trying to re infiltrate the system will be permanent.

It all boils down to one thing you cannot deal honorably with anyone or any group that has no honor.

They hide in the system for a reason, they are cowards and fear the actions that will occur if they are caught.

Well, they have been caught red handed and the woke bullshit they push is dying and hopefully their ilk with it.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Um I basically just bypassed the lat half of this story, what a sour twist

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