Deanna's Surprise Pt. 02


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"We'll take care of her, Emiru," I told her. "She's okay. Now go prepare for your next show."

Emiru projected a frightful look at me, then relaxed as my instructions sank in. Nodding, she rose, then walked out of the room. Once she was clear, I came in fully, then gently slapped the side of Deanna's face to revive her. "Hey!! You in there, Deanna?! Wake up!!"

She jolted, those gorgeous sky-blue eyes of hers going wide for a moment, then her head snapped to and fro as she tried to regain her bearings. Her gaze then locked on me, her eyes widening even more before her skin sallowed. Sensing the mixture of fear, anger and pain crossing her face as recognition came to her, I felt my own body freeze as I tried to figure out the best thing to say or do to her.

Within a second -- an eternity for a robot like me -- a solution presented itself. One that hopefully would destroy whatever influence Mother's actions years ago still held over Deanna's soul. Something simple and elegant, yet would speak volumes.

"George, step out and close the door behind you," I told the bouncer silently over the Retreat's communications link.

Without hesitation, he complied. Willing my phallus to come out of its sheath, I leaned in to deliver a tongue-filled kiss that literally took Deanna's breath away. I glanced through my almost-closed eyes to see hers go totally wide for a second before the sincerity of my actions overcame her shock. As she warmed to my kiss, her hands drew me closer to her. I reached for one of her hands and guided it to my crotch. As I normally did when in public, I emulated Deanna's typical mode of dress: button shirt over baggy pants to discretely disguise her hermaphrodic nature from casual view. Unlike Deanna, I never bothered with underwear. Further, my pants are modified with special absorbing pads that ensured the lubricants that coated my penis on every extension didn't stain them.

Unzipping myself, I guided her hand inside to grasp my now-stiffening member. Opening my eyes as I felt her lips slowly part from mine, I watched as the surprise raced across her face. She gently stroked me a couple times in confirmation, then I watched as confusion flared again in her eyes. "You're a 'bot..." she whispered as her hand slipped out of my pants, then she turned to stare at the lubrication that had latched onto her skin. "Emiru was right. Like Reika and Irene..." she muttered before gazing once more on me. "What happened?"

"It's a long story, Deanna," I confessed, giving her a weak smile. "A very long story."

** ** **


A robot.

A bi-gendered robot!

Am I even living on Earth any more? What the FUCK is going on here?!

I stared at this haunting apparition hovering before my face for what seemed an eternity, then glanced once more at my hand. The hand she had used to let me feel her erect dick, hidden from the rest of the world in her pants. Pants no different from what I wear. Pants that shouldn't have to hide something like that on the real Marlenn Ioanis. The real Marlenn...

Who, I knew well, was a normal woman.

This Marlenn is not an exact robot copy. This Marlenn is an intersexual.

I also knew that the real Marlenn would never subject herself to an operation to make her one.

No normal person, in my experience, would. It probably isn't even possible yet.

That meant only one thing.

"What happened?"

A weak, apologetic smile crossed her face. "It's a long story, Deanna. A very long story."

We remained still for a moment, then turned on hearing Pauline politely clear her throat. As I remembered that my friend had no clue about what happened between Marlenn Ioanis and myself back in high school, I took a deep breath. "Sorry about that," I gave her an apologetic smile, then moved to do introductions. "Marlenn, this is Pauline Kim, a former English student of mine from Korea who works with me these days at the Morning Mist Training Hall on East Main. She's going to Brock this September to get her sociology degree. Pauline, this is -- as I've just found out -- a bi-'bot almost-replica of a former high school classmate of mine, Marlenn Ioanis."

"I also have that name," Marlenn offered her hand. "I'm honoured to make your acquaintance, Miss Kim."

"As am I, Sounsaeng-nim," Pauline gave her hand a firm squeeze. On hearing my friend give her the title Korean 'bots normally gave those technicians who worked on them, I was quick to notice Marlenn's blush. "It's rare to encounter a robot who also works as a technician."

"I'm a freed robot, like Deanna's friends, Reika and Irene," Marlenn explained. "As she just hinted, I'm an Implanted Personality model. My memory template -- whom I also address as my mother -- created me to serve as an assistant in her laboratory here in Welland."

"I see," an understanding look crossed Pauline's face. "Well, it's clearly obvious to me that you and Deanna need to talk about some things, so I'll go watch Emiru-ya's show, then possibly ask her for another private dance."

"Sorry," I flashed an apologetic look her way.

"It's okay," she picked up her soju bottle and the shot glass before heading to the door. Stopping before opening it, she gazed at me. "That scar on your lower abdomen," she lowered her voice. "Was Marlenn's mother involved in that?"

"She was."

Marlenn and I had both spoken, by the way.

"I see," Pauline nodded. "Shillehaemnida." Excuse me.

With that, she stepped out. Marlenn closed the door behind her, then locked it. She then sat down on the mini-stage in front of me. We looked at each other for a moment before I finally realized I had to ask this question. "What happened to Marlenn?"

Fortunately, the 'bot sitting before me understood who I was ultimately talking about. "She disappeared five years ago, about a year after I first came on-line. To date..." she bowed her eyes. "No one has any idea what happened to her. Or why."





No trace.


My Marlenn.

Oh, Marlenn...

"Are people looking for her?" I asked. "Her dad? The police?"

"Papa died three years ago," Marlenn replied. Hearing her call Mr. Ioanis that, I nodded. That had been the way the real Marlenn had addressed her father. "The police still have the case open, but nothing significant has been unearthed."

"What about her mom?"

Marlenn bit her lower lip. Another similarity between her and the real Marlenn; this was something she did when she was forced to admit something that hurt her badly. "Mama was devastated when Mother disappeared. She..." she paused for a moment, then took a deep breath. "A year later, she drank a whole bottle of drain cleaner. These days, she's at a senior centre near the hospital, watched over full-time."

I winced as a weight as big as Mount Logan started to sink on my heart. "Do you keep an eye on her?"

"Yes, I do. I've created two 'bot nursing assistants to watch over her, linked to me through the main programming computer at my lab. That's linked directly here," she tapped the side of her head. "If something happens to Mama, I'm the first to know."

"What about her brother?"

"He's married, with two children," she reported. "He's also my current owner of record, which is not as incestuous as it sounds. But..."

A shrug rolled her shoulders. "He has to worry more about his wife and kids," I concluded. Seeing her nod, I could only sit still as the strength in my body flowed out of me. Oh, damn it all, why did this have to happen?


"Why was I never told?"

"People were unsure as to what to say to you," she answered. "Some believed it would be best to tell you what happened to Mother right up front. Some believed that after what happened in high school, you shouldn't be bothered by it. Ultimately, so I heard from Papa, it was left to your mother to decide what should happen." A pause. "She said that if the time came that you did elect to return to Welland, what would happen then should be left to you..." another pause as she gazed on me, her eyes glistening with tears. "And me."

I took that in, then sighed. Five years ago, I was busy learning meditative techniques from yoga masters in the ancient city of Kanpur, on the banks of the Ganges east of Agra, home of the Taj Mahal. It was partway through the "dash here, there and everywhere" part of my long walkabout. Six months in China and Tibet, six in India, six in Peru, then six in Mexico. Back then, returning to Welland was the farthest thing from my mind. "Oh, Mama..." I breathed out, a smile crossing my face. No matter what, Mama always knew the best for me.

Thinking about that, I turned to gaze once more on the beautiful robot bearing the face and name of the woman who, for good and ill, has had the greatest impact on my life outside Mama and my grandmother Ivana. "So what do you want, Lenn? What do you want from me?"

Her answer was automatic. "For you to become my owner of record, Deanna. And for us to be together for the rest of our lives."

I took that in, then nodded. "I need to talk to Reika and Irene about that. Not to mention seek advice from some other people."

"I understand," she replied, allowing a slight smile to cross her face...

* * *

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you about Marlenn right up front, Deanna."

"It's okay," I replied, winking at Russ. It was closing in on last call as I relaxed by the bar, nursing my Sprite. I hadn't seen hide nor hair of Pauline since shortly after Marlenn and I had our talk. Marlenn left around midnight, heading back to her laboratory to check on things there. Currently, she was hosting the M-'bot lover of a city councillor who was getting some programming upgrades. Glancing around the room, I watched as the dancers made their rounds of the tables to obtain whatever last tips were offered. Seeing how drunk most of the patrons seated around the main stage were, I gave the girls' chances on getting some last-minute bucks at about fifty-fifty. "Given the way I reacted after everything went down, I'm pretty grateful that everyone cared for how I felt about things."

"We've always done that," he smiled, wiping down another glass. "You've always been a treasure to us, Deanna. Before and after the incident between you and Marlenn. Hell, a lot of us envied you, you know. We still do!"

I blinked. "Why would you envy someone like me?"

"Because you're both a man and a woman, Deanna!" he held up a finger to emphasize his point. "To people like me, you're both a great buddy whom we could go out and bar-hop with, horse around with like boys always do -- and at the same time, you're an incredibly attractive woman to woo and court. Lover and best friend, all wrapped in one package. You automatically understand where boys and girls are coming from. Even after you nearly killed yourself, you never lost that. Oh, sure, you were hurt by what Marlenn did. But for as long as I've known you, I've always seen you look to the good side of everything you've faced, everyone you've met. It surprised me you stayed away from Welland that long. Fourteen years?! Whoo!" He winked at me. "But it didn't surprise me that you finally chose to come back home."

I stared at my friend, then felt tears sting my eyes. Wiping them clean, I took a deep breath, then swallowed the rest of my Sprite. "Maybe I should fuckin' stop lying to myself and admit the fact that, deep down, I still love her," I muttered.

Russ grinned as he took my glass and refilled it. "Yeah. I still care for her, too. We all do. Believe me, I've got almost every priest in this city offering prayers to the Big Gent Upstairs to have her come back safe and sound," he admitted before handing my refilled glass back. "I mean, don't get me wrong. Lenn..." -- no doubt, like I myself had started to do, Russ used a diminutive form of Marlenn's name to differentiate the 'bot version from the real McCoy -- "...does great work. She thrives on it, Deanna. But jeez! You can't dump all that on a 'bot all at once and not expect her to feel some pain and confusion from it! And I know Marlenn's brother wants to let her go."

"Would you do it?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Naah. I'd be friggin' tempted to try to persuade her to concentrate all her energy on helping me make things work right here at the Retreat. But I couldn't do that to her. Besides, Lenn wants you, Deanna. Who am I to stand in the way of that?"

I smirked, then jolted on feeling a soft hand squeeze my shoulder. Turning around, I gazed on who had approached me. "Hi, Chie!" I grinned on recognizing her. "Is there something the matter?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am, but I was wondering if you'd like a last dance before everything closes down?"

I gazed at her, quickly noticing the hopeful look in her eyes. "Alright," I picked up my drink and beckoned her to a private room.

Once inside, she closed and locked the door, then knelt on the mini-stage as I took my place. Sipping my Sprite, I set the glass on a nearby table, then gazed on her. Chie is one of the taller of the new girls, standing 162 centimetres -- about five-foot-four -- sans high heels. While Emiru emphasizes the kawaii -- "cute" -- type of Japanese robot, Chie projects the demeanor of a street-smart city girl. Her eyes are a stormy grey, embedded in a pointed, hawkish face. Her long black hair is tied in a high ponytail with a dark silk handkerchief. Tonight, she wore a halter-top that exposed a well-honed midriff, plus leather hot pants. She must have bought it with her tip money; this mode of dress would never have been seen as acceptable in Japan. Like the others, she resembles a nubile girl in her late teens. If she had been a real girl, I would think she was from Kyushu, southernmost of the Home Islands, the one closest geographically to Korea and China.

"As beautiful as a Hakata doll," I whispered.

Chie looked at me, then her eyes instantly watered as she lunged. Before I could react, she swamped me with a mouth-watering kiss. We held each other for a moment as our tongues played with each other, then she pulled back. Her cheeks were as red as cherries. Seeing that, I could only conclude one thing. "I take it you were built in Fukuoka," I reached up to thread my fingers through her hair.

"Yes, I was. At the Mitsubushi plant in Hakata," she replied. Hakata is the eastern part of Fukuoka's city centre, containing the main train and bus terminals, plus the airport. To say to any Fukuoka girl that she is as pretty as a Hakata doll, a fine porcelain figurine of local manufacture, is a profound compliment. No doubt, that tidbit had been programmed in Chie. "It always makes me feel wonderful whenever someone says that to me. Though I admit that it amazes me that a Canadian like you could notice something like that about me."

"I lived in Fukuoka for a year after graduating university. My first teaching job," I replied, grinning as I gave her a wink. "Though I did take the chance to see all the tourist traps in Japan, it was easy for me to notice all the peculiarities about the local scene." I paused to take a sip of my Sprite, then carried on. "And whenever I needed to take a break from the times I spent in Korea, I went to Fukuoka. Believe me, I got to know almost every hooker 'bot working in Nakasu," I winked again, eliciting a delighted laugh from Chie. Nakasu is Fukuoka's red light district, an island in the Naka River estuary on the Hakata side of downtown.

Chie perked on hearing the opening drumbeat of Highland. Standing, she turned to face me. "Do you want me to dance as a bi?"

I blinked, taken aback by her offer. It was flattering of her to offer that. "Don't you have the same problem Emiru has about that?"

"No," she shook her head decisively.

Surprised by the strength in her words, I nodded. Grinning, she began to sway to the music. As I watched, a noticeable bulge appeared in her pants, rising up the line of her zipper to push her belt buckle away from her navel. Holy shit, how big was she?! Looking up to her face, I whistled as a passionate grimace, way different from what I'd normally expect from a fembot dancer, twisted her lips. As her hands mashed her breasts the way a strong male in lust might, her head gyrated in a circle to whip her ponytail around. I reached over to unsnap her belt and unzip her pants, allowing a cock as big as my own to emerge. Sure enough, it glistened in the low light. Unlike Reika and Irene -- not to mention myself -- Chie's male organ didn't come with a scrotum that would hood the front end of her womanhood.

Not knowing exactly what to do in a situation like this -- this was my first bi-'bot strip dance in a showclub, after all -- I simply grasped her toy with both my hands the way I like to be held. Automatically, Chie began to thrust in and out of my makeshift love hole, her whole upper body swaying to and fro as, too soon, the song approached its climax. My groin began to heat up as her thrusts reminded me of times I had spent making love with Reika and Irene. Along the way, I pulled a hand away to rub her flanks and breasts. Each time, her hands forced mine back down to continue gripping her joystick. Chie knew what she wanted.

While her movements lacked the subtle grace of a normal strip dance, I couldn't deny that this was seriously turning me on. Again with a temporarily free hand, I adjusted my trousers to allow my equipment some breathing room before she could grab me again. I tried to keep it in my pants to stay within Russ's rules. Chie's hand moved down to put mine where she felt it belonged, then on seeing what I was doing, she relaxed, a knowing grin crossing her face. Seeing that, I could only smile. Clearly, even though she might actually have little experience dealing with her "male" side, Chie understood what I was going through.

The song ended soon enough. Chie's movements came to a halt, her eyes focussing on the wall over my head. Gazing at her, I felt a chill run through me. I hadn't seen this sort of reaction whenever I had made love to Reika and Irene. "Chie, you okay?" I prodded her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm malfunctioning," she whispered, a tear streaming down her right cheek.

Hearing her state that up front, panic clawed through me. "What...?!"

"I've been unable to properly calibrate my pleasure buffer," Chie reported, the muscles around her eyes twitching. "We're not supposed to be allowed to make any changes to it, but I have to. My orgasm routines...!"

Instantly, I reached down to draw up her hot pants, zipping them up over her erection before reaching for her top. After living with Reika and Irene, I could easily guess what was happening inside Chie. Somehow, something had happened to inhibit the proper function of her pleasure buffer. Either she couldn't flush it after it filled, or the programming "screen" that shielded the remainder of her personality matrix from whatever overt sexual input poured into it wasn't working properly. If she couldn't adjust her buffer's screening level upwards, the input of data on her matrix would soon trigger her orgasm routines. And I knew that one of the primary commands Russ gave his dancers was to never allow their orgasm routines to trigger while they were working, even in the private rooms at the Retreat. This would cross a line showclubs weren't supposed to cross. Seeing the panic start to appear on her face, I stood up to slip her halter top back on.

Chie was literally caught between a direct order given by her owner and her body's need for sexual release.