Deanna's Surprise Pt. 03


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"Where's the rest of the group?" I asked.

She gave me a reassuring smile as I walked over to give her a hug from behind, bestowing a good morning kiss on her cheek as my hands stroked her bare skin from breasts to groin. "They're in the lab. The problem components in Irene started showing signs of breaking down just as I finished work on Reika. I got to work on her right away just as you went to sleep." She turned back to monitoring the food. "It's the price self-willed 'bots like us have to pay because we put so much use on our matrix and memory file components."

I tensed. "Are they alright?!"

She gazed into my eyes. "They'll be fine. But I felt it was wiser for them to remain dormant for the night while their systems equalize."

"I must've been more out of it than I thought," I sighed, gently fondling her hardening phallus. It was impossible for me to ignore the slow flush crossing her face, to say anything of her hardening nipples, shifting hips and shaky breathing -- and that doesn't begin to cover what my reaction to her arousal was like. "Of course, you can help me set my mind straight, sweetie..."

"My ass!"


"Take me up my ass!!"

I blinked, surprised by her request, then smirked and pushed her over. Lenn was quick to respond, sliding up her housecoat to show off her beautiful derriere. With normal human lovers, I avoid anal sex, even if it is with a willing man. The thought of actually sticking my penis into that part of the body...! Ugh! No way, jose! Who knows what sort of things you'll catch doing that. And since I don't like doing it to others, I won't have it done to myself, even by a 'bot. However, doing it to a robot is a whole different deal for me. I can't tell you how many M-'bot lovers I've had who've yodelled many octaves higher than normal thanks to me and my wonderful joystick. Since a 'bot's internal cleaning systems are quite efficient, there's no risk to the human partner.

I moaned as I felt myself push past her anus into her warm hole. Entering a woman -- or a man -- here feels a heck of a lot different than entering her vagina or her mouth. And with Lenn it's even more special. Her memories are those of a real woman who I now realize must have come to fantasize about having sex with me this way. Lenn crooned as I started to thrust away, her eyes closing as her hands grabbed mine, forcing me to lean against her back as she compelled my fingers to stroke her own throbbing dick. I gritted my teeth as the familiar chilly rush flooded my loins far too soon, then howled Lenn's name as I exploded deep inside her, flooding her with my liquid ivory. Scant seconds later, her own machine started to throb in a prequel to her own cum splattering all over the floor. Of course, neither of us really want to clean up that sort of mess, so I pulled myself out of my lover, spinning her around so I could get a quick pre-breakfast snack.

Just in time; after two strokes inside my mouth, Lenn blew her load right down my throat. I gently gulped it down, using my tongue to give her a quick washing before pulling myself away to take a few breaths and recover. Lenn was barely able to keep herself on her feet after that. Noting her reaction, I wondered how low she tuned her pleasure buffer whenever we went at each other. Taking another deep breath, I leaned in to gently stroke the tip of my tongue over her deflated stick, which slowly started to reinflate as I moved to give her a nice tongue-washing. Glancing into Lenn's eyes, I quickly note the lucidity returning to those dark brown orbs. "Feel better?" I asked.

"Let me clean you," she offered.

"Thanks." I stood up, hiking my nightshirt clear so Lenn could repay the favour...

* * *

A few minutes later, I walked into the lab. A glance to the bed revealed a dormant Reika, a simple blanket draped over her. Irene now occupied the diagnostic table where Rayven had been examined, likewise covered to give her some sense of modesty -- not that robots really care about that, of course. Walking up to gaze into my first lover's darkened eyes, I was quick to see the content look etched on her face. "I'm glad you're alright," I whispered as I leaned down to kiss her forehead, then moved to do the same to Irene.


I stopped, spinning left to see a tall, nude form standing close to the nanofac unit. "Raye!!"

A demure smile crossed her well-shaped face as she stepped towards me. The way she moved surprised me. While there was a slight, sexy sway in her hips and shoulders, what one might always expect from a normal fembot or bi-'bot, I could tell that Rayven was trying to mute it. Why? You'd never expect this sort of thing from a bi-'bot in full-female format, to say anything of a real fembot. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mistress," she began, offering her hand to me as her eyes drooping slightly in a typical show of emotional submission to a human.

I gripped her hand, then blinked as she gave me a firm squeeze. The underlying strength in her fingers was more intense than what Reika, Irene or Lenn demonstrated, which confirmed what Lenn had said last night about Rayven's origins. "I'm pleased to meet you as well, Raye," I responded, reaching over with my free hand to slightly tilt her head up so we could gaze directly into the other's eyes. "And please, don't call me 'mistress.' My name's Deanna." I decided then to give Lenn's latest patient a little test. "So how do you feel right now?"

Rayven's response was automatic. "Physically, I'm fine. Marlenn does great work. But here..." she pointed to the valley between her gorgeous D-cup breasts. "It's a different story. I..." she paused, then bit her lip. "I know about Brenda and the others."

"Did Lenn tell you?" I asked.

She shook her head. "She didn't have to. While I was in the nanofac, my mind had to be fully active so I could cyberlink with the nanites. They needed to do that to ensure all the repairs chimed right with my operational specifications."

"You were able to read our lips?"

"Thanks to infra-red vision, yes," Rayven replied with a nod, then blinked, her eyes suddenly glistening.

I stared at her, then sighed, reaching over to draw her into my arms. She didn't resist as I allowed her to rest her chin on my shoulder. "It's alright, Raye. Cry. Let it out," I soothed, reaching up to gently thread my fingers through her rich hair.

The slender body in my arms quaked immediately as sobs stole her voice...

** ** **

She let me cry...

She called me "Raye"...


I've never been called "Raye" before...

Not by Shayne...

Not by Brenda...

Not by Monica...

Not even by Kip, who hates being called "Kinsey". She calls me "Rayve"...


I like it...

I really like it...

Deanna talks to the real me.

** ** **

"Thank you, Deanna."

I drew Rayven back, then stared into her eyes. I was right about her height; she was, at most, only three centimetres shorter than me. "Can I ask you a question, Raye?" I prodded. After her nod, I pointed down to her feet. "Do you wear high heels?"

She shook her head. "Not really. I'm tall enough as is, don't you think?"

"You're all right by my books," I chuckled as my eyes drifted down to gaze once more on her breasts. Jeez, now that I could see them perked up, I had to admit that one of hers was worth both of mine. Life can be so unfair at times, I suppose. "Here, let's get a housecoat on you," I turned, walking over to a small wardrobe Lenn kept in the lab for these instances. "Much that I don't mind staring at nude 'bots when the chances come, seeing that constantly gets very distracting. I haven't fully desensitized myself to it."

Rayven nodded understandingly as I drew out a housecoat, then draped it over her. She tied herself down, then stared at me. "You said 'nude 'bots.' I take it you don't particularly care what sort of 'bot you're with..." she paused, then shrugged. "Intimately?"

"Male, female, bi -- I've never met a herm-'bot or a neuter, though -- I'll take them any way they come to me, Raye," I stated with a wink. "Of course, if you're a freed bi-'bot like my three lovers, I've really got no say in the long term as to how they'll live."

Her eyes widened, then she glanced briefly at Reika. "They're all bi?"


"They're lucky."

That statement took me by surprise. "Why'd you say that?"

Rayven breathed out, the smile slipping from her face. "I've had two-and-a-half owners since I was first activated," she admitted.

I blinked. There's an answer you'd never expect from a robot. "'Two-and-a-half?'"

She nodded. "I started out as a special order unit by a Broadway theatre actress who wanted both a personal companion and something of a bodyguard. Rayven Sheiner. I got my name from her. She..." Here, Rayven stopped for a moment, then she shrugged. "Well, she died about a week before she would've taken custody of me from Noram. It was an auto accident outside of Richmond. I..." She paused again before a light smile crossed her face. "I always wanted to meet her. Thank her for influencing my life the way she did."

Hearing that touched me deep in my heart. To be orphaned before ever knowing your "mother"...! "What are you capable of?"

"Well, you've no doubt noticed how I can talk like a normal person even when conversing with another 'bot like Marlenn," Rayven pointed to herself. "Rayven insisted that I be fitted with the best street vernacular database available at the time. She also had a hard-wired command fitted into me which forces me to use that database in most of my daily conversations. I'm also fitted with programs that allow me to work on stage. The singer programming came later, when Brenda became my owner. That meshed pretty nicely with what Rayven had put into me when I was constructed. That makes it very easy for me to perform when I'm with the band."

"So why'd you say Lenn, Reika and Irene're lucky because they're bi?" I asked, then shrugged as something came to me. "Many wouldn't see it that way. From what my girls've told me, bi-'bots often struggle with strongly conflicting urges. Then again, 'bot designers never consulted with people like me before they inflicted that type of lifestyle on 'bots like Reika and Irene."

She breathed out. "Well, after Rayven died, the company had no real idea what to do with me. I'd been paid for, but there was no one coming to take me away. Rayven never told anyone about her intent to buy me. When the executors of her estate learned about me, they decided not to bother themselves and sold me back to the company. I had no rights to any inheritance. So I was sent to a dealer in Norfolk and put on display. One day, a nice man came in looking for a 'bot companion. I'd caught his eye. But so did another 'bot. Her name was Giselle."

"He chose Giselle? Why?"

"She's a bi-'bot. I'm not. And he's bisexual."

I winced. "Ouch!" escaped me before I stared at her. "Are you mad at her?"

"Of course not!" Rayven laughed. "I'm envious of her. We stay in touch. She's still with him."

"You were able to become 'friends' with another 'bot so soon?"

"Yes," came the puzzled reply. "Can't everybody?"

I smiled, then crossed my arms. "That's good to hear. So if Brenda's your second real owner, who was your first?"

"Shayne Hamlyn. He's a medical researcher at the University of Virginia in Richmond. I was with him for a year, working as his research assistant and home companion." At this point, Rayven rolled her eyes, a touch of pain entering her voice. "Until his mother decided that he'd be better off with a human lover and damaged our relationship beyond repair."

I nodded. "Some mothers can be like that."

"Well, fortunately, it was around that time that Brenda was looking for a 'bot to help out with the band. Since Shayne knew about my unique history, he contacted Brenda over the 'Net and sold me directly to her. I've been with Brenda ever since."

Silence fell as I considered what Rayven had said, then I stared at her. The smile had slipped from her face. It didn't take me long to realize what could be bothering her. "Raye, it's not your fault," I assured her.

"It's not their fault," she emphasized, both her hands clenching.

I nodded. "You're right. It's not their fault either." It was an emotional minefield that I was bringing Rayven into. No matter what, though, she had to face this. "But like it or not, it happened. And..." I took a deep breath. "Their chances aren't very good right now. And I want you to know that if something happens to them for the worse..." Here, I took another deep breath. "That you can stay with us."

Rayven blinked, then her gaze lowered from me, fresh tears glistening in her eyes. "I can?" she asked in a very meek voice.

I nodded. "Yes. Unless your label can claim ownership of you. I strongly doubt it, though."

She shook her head. "No. I was always Brenda's concern. As long as I'm with the band, the label doesn't care about me."

"Alright, then..."

The lab door opened, revealing Lenn. "Rayven, someone just called from Saint Catharines. Some fellow named Neil Burnet."

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Our roadie," Rayven replied...

* * *

Within a half-hour, Neil delivered all of the Vee Beemers' instruments and other road gear, plus their suitcases and other personal belongings. He was from New York, a worker for the Beemers' record company. Briefly talking to him, I learned -- much to my disgust -- that the chances were good that Brenda and her friends would be cut off from outside support. Whatever life insurance the girls had certainly wouldn't cover all aspects of an accident like Saturday night, especially given that drugs were now known to be involved. And with their injuries -- Neil got the lowdown from the group's agent, Karen Litzky -- the chances of the Beemers ever making a comeback were slim to nil.

After he had driven off, I asked Rayven what she personally thought of Neil Burnet. "He's an asshole," she retorted sharply.

"Why'd you say that?" Lenn wondered as we -- by now, Reika and Irene were up -- got to work shifting the band's gear into the storage room.

"He was supplying them with everything they wanted," Rayven confirmed.

"Didn't you think about trying to stop him?" Irene asked. "The First Law should've demanded it of you!"

Our guest stopped as she considered how to respond to that, then she breathed out, tears tricking down her cheeks. "I did, Irene. I really did. But..." she shook her head. "I knew what the drugs were doing to them. I had been able to keep all the knowledge I'd gained before Brenda bought me, so all the lies Neil spread about how 'good' they were never washed."

"But at the same time, you couldn't help but notice how happy -- even if it is a panacea -- those drugs made them," I added.

"Yeah," Rayven replied with a nod as she walked over to where her briefcase sat by the front door. "They did make them relax, especially when we were on the road touring. And it also helped with their songwriting, too. Seeing that, I..."

Here, she stopped, standing now at the doorway to the guest room Lenn had set aside for her. We waiting for a moment for her to conceive of the best way to express herself. With nothing forthcoming, I took a deep breath. "Raye, do you need any help?"

Rayven looked at me, then bit her lip. "I don't know, Deanna..."

"Would you want Deanna to use your remote to help you?" Lenn asked.

Our guest's eyes went very wide on hearing that question, then Rayven looked down on herself. Finally, she sighed. "I don't know."

I exchanged looks with my lovers, then walked over to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Raye, if you've said that, you don't need the remote," I told her with a friendly smile. "Just think it through, then tell us what you felt..."

** ** **

I didn't need my remote...?

What did she mean?

I'm a 'bot, damn it!

'Bots always need their remotes!

I'm lost without it.

What if someone has to command me?


Do I...?



She trusts me...

She trusts me!



** ** **

Seeing Rayven's face suddenly light up, I could only grin.

Sometimes, a simple push is truly the best way to go.

She gazed into my eyes, a weak smile crossing her face. "I didn't know what to do at the end, Deanna."

I returned her look, then reached over to draw her into my arms. My other lovers quickly moved to make it a group hug. "Given the way you were at the time this happened, Raye," I announced, then kissed her forehead in reassurance, " one can blame you for that."

"No one at all, Raye," Irene echoed me.

"Not a one, Raye," Reika added.

"No one, Raye," Lenn topped that.

Rayven's cheeks reddened as our words seemed to push her one critical step further into that vast wilderness of self-thought and self-will so few 'bots ever reach. Seeing her facial response to our words of comfort, I had to whistle to myself. Damn! 'Bots were getting more and more advanced by the day. Then tack on Rayven's acting programming and other social interactive databases...!

Taking a brief glance down at her chest, I was quick to notice her nipples pressing hard into her housecoat. Very good sign! Clearly, deep in her soul, Rayven knew -- she understood -- what we were saying, why we were saying it and responded as only a 'bot does.

With that, she turned to give Lenn a deep, tongue-filled kiss in thanks. Repeating same with Reika and Irene, she then faced me. Lowering her gaze, she moved to say something. I touched her chin with my finger, forcing her to stare directly into my eyes.

"Raye, you never, ever have to bow to me," I assured her. "Okay?"

She blinked, then smiled. "Okay," she nodded, then took a deep breath. "Deanna, will you be my owner?"

I grinned. "Raye, I'd be honoured. But let's make sure we're not stepping on other people's toes first before we do that."


* * *

After getting everything moved into Rayven's guest room, we got dressed, then headed to the hospital to look in on Brenda and her friends. Arriving there, I spotted a gaggle of people, about forty in all, crowded around the admissions entrance. There were three media vans parked nearby, one from the CBC -- the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation -- one from CITY-TV/Much Music in Toronto and the last from CHCH television in Hamilton. Strange, I mused. The Beemers were an American band. Where the heck're the media people from any of the Buffalo stations?

Along with the reporters, camera people and technicians, there were a small group of fans waving placards. All were girls in their late teens. Seeing the messages of love and hope for Brenda, Kip and Monica -- and Rayven, too! -- I had to sigh. From what she told me as we were moving her stuff into her guest room, Rayven wasn't entitled to any of the band's earnings since she wasn't a freed 'bot. Whatever she did "get" actually was passed on to Brenda. Yet to see the Beemers' fans treat Rayven as being equal to her human bandmates...!

"You up to this, Raye?"

Rayven nodded, she giving my hand a thankful squeeze. "I'll be fine."

We stepped out of the car, then as a group, marched towards the building. Sure enough, the fans were the first ones to spot the girl in the black T-shirt, form-fitting jeans and leather biker's jacket. Their screams of joy on seeing Rayven whole and healthy instantly got the media's attention. To my surprise, they stayed in place until we came up to them, though several were quick to shout questions. Scanning the faces, I recognized a reporter from the CBC evening news, another beat reporter from CHCH -- and Ewan Jolan.