Dear Diary Ch. 03


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"It's that time of year," I laughed. "I'll leave a voicemail and call after we get back from dinner with Julie's parents since you'll be out playing in the backwoods when we get to LA."

He just chuckled into the phone. "Alright, but remember to call your mother when you arrive in case you get sidetracked. I know you're supposed to drop Julie's parents off at the airport after dinner, and you haven't seen your girlfriend all week, so I'll understand if you get distracted."

"Daddy, we have to drive back from the airport," I sighed. "Julie's been telling me how bad the traffic is, and I'm not going to distract her while she's driving. Even if we end up talking all the way home, Bruce deserves some alone time with Julie. He's barely seen her since school let out, with all his friends dragging him off to hang out before he left town."

"I still don't see how that's going to work out, but if anyone can manage to share a girlfriend, it's you and your brother. I should probably give the phone to your mother now though. You have an early start tomorrow so you'll want to get to bed soon. I love you pumpkin, and have a safe trip."

"I love you too, Daddy," I said, looking at the clock and shaking my head. It wasn't even nine, but I knew he was probably going to get himself ready for bed. Of course, I could understand why my parents went to bed early. I was open-minded enough to acknowledge that my dad was a hunk, and I'd overheard my classmates calling mom a M.I.L.F on more than a few occasions, so it was no surprise they still have a very active sex life.

"Hi sweetie, how is your trip going so far?"

"It's been pretty boring so far, mom. Bruce isn't really talkative while he's driving, so I spent most of the trip staring out the window or playing angry birds. I tried drawing some, but it didn't work out too well. You don't notice how much the van vibrates until you try doing something that requires a steady hand."

"As long as you're not distracting your brother while he's driving," she sighed. "I imagine the two of you are going to take advantage of being alone tonight, but you need to be the responsible one. You know your brother will do anything you ask him to, so you need to make sure he gets a decent night's sleep. I can't imagine the Los Angeles traffic has gotten any easier to drive through in the past twenty years."

I just cringed as she echoed what my brother said earlier. They were both right though. I usually watched out for my brother's best interests, but my intentions tonight had been focused on my own needs.

"We'll both be asleep by ten, I promise. Are you really okay with this?"

I heard her sigh again and could almost see her shaking her head. "Let's just say I can understand why it happened and I'm not too surprised that it did. You can't get pregnant, so you're not hurting anyone, but all three of you need to be careful. I don't want to see any of you get hurt."

"We'll be careful. We all know how important honest communication is for any relationship, and we know we'll run into difficulties along the way. We have an advantage over most people going into a situation like ours though, Bruce and I already know we can live together. We just need to learn how to integrate Julie, and all the time I've been spending with her will help us do that."

"I hope you're right, but I was more worried about school. I know you're on different campuses, but you'll still need to be discrete. It wouldn't be hard for someone to find out you're related, and even though it's consensual, it's still illegal in most of the world. That kind of legal problem could really mess up your futures. Just keep anything more than normal sibling affection in your bedroom with the drapes closed," she told me. "I just heard the shower shut off, so I'll let it go with a reminder that I love the two of you and I'm only saying all this because I don't want to see you in any trouble."

"I love you too, Momma, and I promise we'll be careful. I'll call you tomorrow when we get to the condo to let you know we arrived in one piece."

"Alright sweetie, I'll talk to you tomorrow and have a good night."

I glanced down as she hung up and smiled, already knowing it was going to be a good night. Even if Bruce was only up for a quick session before bed, this would be the first time we could sleep together completely naked. Setting the alarm for six, I stretched up to put it on the nightstand when I felt Bruce's weight settle on the bed. I started to roll over, but his weight was over the back of my legs and stopped me.

"You might want to grab a pillow because you're going to be in this position for a while. I don't have the energy for more than one climax tonight, but I wouldn't want to leave you unsatisfied if I don't last very long."

Glancing back over my shoulder, I shook my head. "You don't have to do anything special. I know I was being self-centered earlier, but I'd be happy if you just wanted a blowjob before we fall asleep together. Just the idea of not having to put my nightshirt back on before I fall asleep in your arms sounds wonderful."

"That's good to know, but you're still not moving. You forget that you're not the only one who enjoys bringing their partner pleasure. You always try to focus on our pleasure. Julie and I know how easily you climax, but sometimes we want to give you the extra attention. Just relax and enjoy it, because I intend to either way."

I just smiled and grabbed a pillow as he started caressing my thighs. As soon as I was comfortable, he pulled my hair off to the side and started kissing my neck. He knew I didn't need much in the way of foreplay, and I could feel his hard cock brushing against my ass, but I wasn't going to complain if he wanted to take his time.

He had me purring with pleasure as he worked over my neck and shoulders, then started moving down my spine. I felt him shift his weight before his hand slipped up my thigh. The backs of his fingers trailed over my pussy as his lips continued their slow trip down my back and over my ass.

"When I told you to kiss my ass earlier, I didn't mean literally."

"But it's such a cute little ass," he chuckled before planting another kiss on it.

I just rolled my eyes, not wanting to argue with him right now. He and Julie both claimed I had a nice figure, and with the right clothes, people would finally stop assuming I was a child. I was withholding judgment on that one for now. Being able to find clothes that fit me somewhere other than in the junior section would be nice, but emphasizing what little curves I had would probably make me look more like a girl just starting to develop.

His fingers cupped my pussy and I let out a moan as his thumb slid inside. The real surprise was when he lifted my hips up and his tongue found my back door. "You really don't have to do that," I moaned. His only response was drawing another moan from me as he pushed his tongue inside. "Did you want to try tonight? There's some lube in the front pocket of my bag if you want to grab it."

I was more than willing to try anal again, but I was a bit surprised. We had only tried once, and he had decided it wasn't going to work. That was back before I was able to take his full length in my pussy, and he was worried about tearing me open if he pushed hard enough to get in my ass. He would slip a finger in on occasion, but I usually had to ask. His tongue wasn't very deep, but he still had me biting the pillow a minute later to keep from screaming as my climax ripped through me.

"I'm pretty sure they soundproof the rooms in these fancy hotels, so you don't need to bite the pillow."

I glanced back as I caught my breath and shook my head. "We can't take that chance here. There were dozens of people watching us walk through the hotel, and the last thing we need is one of them calling the police because it sounds like you're having sex with a twelve-year-old girl in your room. It will be easier to hide once we got to LA. Did you grab the lube?"

He shook his head as he leaned forward and kissed me. "I've already told you that anal sex isn't an option. Maybe someday when we have nothing better to do than lie around in bed all day we can try it again, but I'm not going to rush and chance hurting you. You'll have to suffer with regular sex tonight."

"Or you could let me give you that blowjob now," I suggested. "You've been driving all day, so you deserve to lay back and let me take care of you."

He kissed me again and I moaned into his mouth as the head of his cock brushed against my pussy lips. I was more than wet enough as he slid it over my slit, smearing it through my juices and barely opening me up for what came next. "Or you could do that," I moaned as he slowly sank into me. He only got about halfway in, but the angle sucked so I arched my ass up to give him easier access and felt a couple more inches slide in.

"Hold still you little minx, or this may be over before we really start. You feel too good and I haven't gone this long without climaxing since before I lost my virginity."

I glanced back in shock. "You mean you haven't even rubbed one out since our last movie night?"

"With two beautiful girlfriends? I figured I could hold out until I had some time alone with one of you."

"Now I really feel bad about being so selfish earlier. You don't have to hold back for me, big brother. I've been fantasizing about falling asleep in your arms with your cum dribbling out of my pussy for months now. That's all I really need tonight, so cum for me, and help me fulfill my fantasy."

He groaned and I felt his cock swelling as he pushed deeper inside me. I moaned and had a small climax myself as I felt his cum flooding my pussy, and it really was a flood. I was happy he had declined my offered blowjob, because he probably would have drowned me with his climax.

"That's it, big brother, let it all out. I promise you'll never have to suffer another long stretch without sex again. Julie and I plan on keeping you very well fucked in the future."

He groaned again as his climax ended and flopped down on the bed next to me. "I imagine you will, but I was hoping to draw tonight out a bit longer. With the three of us living together, I don't think I'll get much time alone with either of you."

I chuckled as I scooted over and curled up next to him. "You may want to rethink that one. Julie and I have talked, and we both want nights alone with you on occasion. It won't be a regular thing, but now and then someone will be sleeping alone, including you. If we want this relationship to work, those individual bonds are just as important as the group one."

"Why do I get the feeling the two of you have already planned my future?"

"We haven't really, there are too many unanswered questions about your future still. You've never talked about it, but there's always a chance you could go pro. USC is one of the top five football programs in the nation, and pro agents monitor their games looking for talented players. I know you picked them for their physical therapy program, but suppose one of those agents asked to represent you?"

He thought for a moment before shaking his head. "I honestly don't know. NFL training starts in July for most teams and the regular season ends in December, so I could still take winter and spring classes to finish my degree. A few years as an NFL player would also help with marketing when I went into practice for myself, but I don't know if I want to play professionally. That's a lot of time away from my two favorite ladies."

"That's why we haven't planned past school yet. We all need to talk about your hopes and dreams for the future. Most guys in your shoes would do everything they could to improve their chances of getting into the NFL draft, so you need to really think about what you want. Don't think about me and Julie when you consider your decision, unless you want to piss both of us off. This is about you. We'll support you no matter what you decide, and find a way to make it work if you get drafted, but we don't want you to look back and regret your decision."

"I'll try, but it's hard not to consider the two of you as a factor in my decision. How do you think I'd handle a couple of months without seeing you?"

I snorted as I lifted my head off his chest and looked up at him. "Do you really think we'd let that happen? If you get an agent, we'll have him focus on the local teams first. One of the LA teams would be ideal, but Phoenix and San Francisco are only a five-hour drive from there. That's five teams, and there's a decent chance one of them could use a tight end. Our second area of focus would be the northeast, preferably the Patriots or one of the New York teams, because Julie's parents would be ecstatic if she transferred to Yale to finish her doctorate. Either way we'd be in easy driving distance to visit you on the weekends."

"You really have thought all this out, but what happens if I get drafted by a team in the middle of the country, or the southeast?"

I shrugged. "The same thing that happens if you get drafted by anyone outside of the area. We won't know if you make the team until it's too late to transfer, so you have a laptop, and those beautiful girlfriends you mentioned have a web camera. It's not a perfect plan, but we can survive your rookie season that way if we have to. By the time you start training for your second season, I'll have finished my degree and Julie will be able to transfer to another school."

"It's still a tough decision," he sighed. "Mom and Dad would love it if I played professionally. They already signed up for that ESPN college football package so they can continue to watch all my games. I guess I'm the only one who never really considered it. You were the one who convinced me to start playing, and as much as I enjoy the game, I figured it would just be a way to pay for my schooling. Since it sounds like you've discussed it already, what do you and Julie think I should do?"

"Other than the idea you might not be in bed with us most nights for your rookie season?" I laughed. "We think you should follow your dreams, whatever those happen to be. Not exactly what you wanted to hear, I know, but it's the truth. If you're asking for our opinion though, the answer is a resounding hell yes. What girl wouldn't want to go to work and brag about how well she got drilled by a famous football player the night before?"

My brother laughed as he looked down at me. "Only you would come up with an argument like that, considering you really couldn't admit it without getting us in a world of trouble. The idea of being famous is kind of tempting though, and a few years as a pro would give me enough capital that I could probably get both of our businesses off the ground. How about this? If an agent offers to represent me, I'll take the chance and see if I'm good enough to play professionally. I have to stay in shape and play my best to keep my scholarship so they'll see what I'm capable of. Will that work for you?"

"As long as it's what you want, we'll be happy with your choice. I won't really need help for my business though, as it's better for me if people don't see the face behind my work, at least until I get my name out there. When people picture an architect, I would be the least likely image to pop into mind. There's a ton of freelance jobs on the internet, and people never need to see more than my drawings."

He glanced down and smirked. "It's a shame, because I think you'd look pretty hot in a suit. I will need to get up for a minute though. I went to the bathroom after my shower, but unlike you, I don't want to fall asleep all sticky down there."

"Silly boy, when have I ever let you fall asleep all sticky?" I slid down so my head was at his waist. "Close your eyes and relax while I clean you up. If you happen to fall asleep while I'm doing it, I'll still curl up next to you and be content sleeping with you."

"I know you've always said you enjoy doing that, but is it really necessary? The bathroom's like five feet away. It would be easy enough for me to get up and grab a washcloth to clean up with."

I ran my tongue through our combined juices before looking up at him and smirking. "It would be, but I really do love how we taste together. The only thing I love more than that is the taste of you and Julie together, so you might as well get used to my lips and tongue on your cock. I'll let you know if I ever get tired of this, but I don't see that happening anytime soon."


"How did you manage to learn the city so quickly?"

Julie snorted as she waited to get into the turn lane. "I can get to our schools, the airport, and the beach. My parents insisted on having a Bluetooth receiver installed in the car so I can use my phone as a GPS when we need to. You may want to get earbuds so you can use yours the same way when you're riding."

"I not big on going out alone. Other than work or school, I doubt I'll go anywhere unless you or Bruce is driving. Work shouldn't be hard though, as my only realistic option is cashiering. The only question is will it be fast food or a retail store."

"Not really," Julie said, blushing a bit. "I've been looking through the local job postings this week, trying to help you and Bruce with a starting point when you arrive. It was too good an opportunity to pass up, so I called and you kind of have an interview tomorrow. I hope you're not upset with me."

"I guess that would depend on what the job is."

"Architectural design, and before you say you're not qualified yet, they already know. It's a group in the art district that does display and set design for the local galleries and theaters," she explained. "Professional architects are expensive, but students with computer-aided design and drafting skills looking for part-time work are willing to do it for just over minimum wage. Their current designer graduated last year, but stayed on to help them out until classes started and they could find someone new. All you have to do is go in and show them some of your work."

"Wow, that's a lot better than what I was expecting to find."

"You're welcome, and it's a lot better than what I ended up with," she chuckled. "I start work next week in the laundry room at the hospital next to our condo. Monday through Friday, 8 am to noon until school starts for training, then they'll work around my class schedule. I hope you and Bruce don't mind doing laundry, because I don't think I'm going to want to look at it after work."

"I'm not sure my brother would know how to do a load of laundry, but thankfully I'm used to doing it. Doing your laundry isn't going to cover you finding me that awesome job though."

She pulled into our parking area before looking over and grinning. "Nope, but we'll discuss that tomorrow after you get the job. Since I'm taking you out to shop for clothes tomorrow anyway, I programmed their office as a stop on the way to the mall."

"So you did have something in mind? Not even going to give me a hint?"

Julie just gave me an enigmatic smile and shook her head as we got out of the car. We were quiet as we walked up to our door, but as soon as I closed the door behind me, she pulled me into her arms and kissed me. "It's been a couple months since all three of us were in bed together, and I'm feeling a bit impatient."

"That was also the last time you had any time with Bruce," I reminded her. "I wanted to give the two of you some alone time. He took very good care of me last night, and we woke up early enough that he let me give him a blowjob before we hit the road this morning. I'll finish unpacking while the two of you catch up."

"I appreciate the offer, but this is the first night of our new life," she said as she tucked my hair behind my ear. "I need tonight to be about all three of us, with nobody being left out or holding back, even if it is out of love. Maybe it's just me wanting to reaffirm how much I love both of you and show that I want all of us together. I feel bad enough about how I'm able to openly express how I feel about the two of you while you have to hide your feelings for each other. What do you think?"