Dear George, Marys Date #02

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George Permits Mary to Try BBC, but Only With A Short Leash.
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Dear George, Marys Date #02

By Buster2U

Warning // Warning // Warning // Warning // Warning // Warning //

Cuck Shit//Cuck Shit//Cuck Shit//Cuck Shit//Cuck Shit//Cuck Shit

Please Don't Read if the Idea of Another Man, Especially a Black Man,

Touching Your Wife Upsets You Because That is What This Story Is About!

Please read "Dear George, We Have to Talk" first before reading this second Chapter about these folks.


Dear George, Marys Date #02

by Buster2U

The Story Continues...

Mary is getting ready for her Big Date with her BBC.

It is Friday Night again, Mary is excited to go on her date with her old girlfriend, Linda Morgan's, Black Boy Friend's Black Buddy, Jermaine.

George ponders on his way home...

I have a feeling that when I get home, she won't be cooking my dinner. She will probably be too busy getting ready to get her some BBC tonight.

If she hasn't cooked my dinner, it will be the first strike against her. I am sure glad that I had the presence of mind to have my wife, Mary, sign a 'postnup' earlier this week. Just in case, Mary gets 'carried away' with one of her black lovers she will be 'on her own' without ANY support from me, not a penny.

At the same time, I had my best friend, Jim Duggan, an associate in our office, start the divorce paperwork, so I would be ready to serve her at a moment's notice, when I was fully ready, when I had finally decided our marriage was hopeless and beyond saving.

It is Friday night, and Mary is so excited about her date tonight with a Black Man, named Jermaine. Mary can't wait to become another BBC slut wife, and that breaks my heart. I also had the P.I. we always use, at our office, begin covering Mary, tonight. Regardless of what she admits, I will have evidence of EVERYTHING she does tonight or this weekend.

I am not exactly happy about it, but what can I do? Divorce her because she listened to her black cock whore, girlfriend? Or let her discover for herself that a BBC is or isn't what she wants in life? It is exciting and scary simultaneously, and heartbreaking regardless of the outcome.

She would have promised anything and actually did promise me everything, in her effort to convince me to let her go out tonight. To go try out some Big Black Cock, ignoring her marriage vows. Assured by her old girlfriend that it would be worth anything that she had to do because it would be so good.

I hope Mary crashes and burns in this pursuit, then I will just divorce her cheating, slutty ass. I just can not get past the fact that she thought that I would be OK, with her fucking another man. Especially a black man. The trouble is that I love and desire this woman more than life itself, and don't want to ever have to live without her. But what can I do?

I wonder how she would have reacted if I would have done the same thing to her. Come home from my buddy's house, who has a blonde wife, and pretend that he claims blondes are much much better fucks and I need to try one. LOL, I know how that would have gone over. Like a lead balloon of course. Cheaters and sluts can ALWAYS dish out the pain, but they NEVER can take it.

Once my whore wife, Mary, came back from Linda's, her Black Cock Whore, Girl Friends house, last Friday, where my wife, had acted like a whore, by showing her bare breasts to the two black men that were there. There is probably NO saving our marriage, now, that she has already, so casually disrespected me.

There is "No Upside for ME!" Regardless of the BBC thrill my wife is getting tonight. I'm pretty sure that come Monday morning I'm going to tell my Divorce Attorney to go ahead and have my wife served at her work. That will 'spice up' her day! The fucking whore. The only problem is that I still love my wife so VERY VERY much, I love Mary with all my heart.

I thought, I would try a little reverse psychology tonight before she leaves to see how she likes it. I park in my usual slot in our garage and open the door into the kitchen. I am NOT surprised, Mary is NOT in the kitchen, Nothing is cooking. So fucking typical.

I am arriving at the usual time and she already has forgotten about my dinner. So her slutty ways have already been to the detriment of our marriage, just like I expected.

Walking up the stairs toward our Master bedroom, I can hear the shower running. her little black dress lay on the bed with some stockings. I open the door to the master bathroom and enter into the steamy room.

"Hi, Sweetheart, I am home!" I said to my wife while she was still in the shower, doing my best to fake my mood to hide my breaking heart.

"Hi George, I am glad you are home, Honey. I am sorry that I didn't have time to cook your dinner tonight." Mary purrs from the shower.

"It is 'OK' Sweetheart, I have a date of my own tonight. No need to worry about me." I explained.

"Who are you going to take out, Honey?" Mary asks in a sudden panic.

"All the guys at work, keep bragging about how hot 'Redheads' are, so while you are trying out black cock tonight, I am going to be trying out one of our new secretaries tonight. She is a Redhead. I can't wait to find out if what they say is true. That Redheads have the Sweetest, Juiciest, and most wonderful pussy. Isn't that great, Honey?" I said.

No answer while Mary ponders what I just announced.

I exited the bathroom, leaving Mary to continue her shower. Going back downstairs I pour myself a drink. It seems Mary didn't like hearing me tell her, almost the exact thing that she pulled on me a week ago.

It appears, Mary wants to "have her cake, and eat it too." In other words, have me at home to support her, love her, and take care of her, while she goes out and acts like a fucking whore. LOL, like that is ever going to happen. She acts like a whore tonight, she is going to be supporting herself come Monday.

A few minutes later...Mary wrapped in several towels, enters the family room.

"George, were you serious? Are you really going to take one of your young secretaries out tonight?" asks Mary, while I am sitting sipping from my 'top-shelf' Scotch.

"Oh, yes Mary. By the way, you look so beautiful tonight. It is too bad you aren't going out with me instead of your New Black Boyfriend. We could be going to Monterey for the weekend, instead of just me and Shirley. But it is, what it is." I said softly.

"You are going to Monterey? I never expected that you would be dating other women when I go out with Jermaine." Mary said softly, almost sadly.

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, Mary. I won't be sitting at home crying my eyes out all weekend while you break and destroy my heart, by acting the part of a 'Black cock whore'. I am going out with Shirley to see how good a replacement she will be for you when we get divorced." I softly explained.

"What? You are going to divorce me? But George, I don't want a divorce! I only wanted to try some black cock on the side! That is why I asked for permission! Please Don't leave me, George. Please Please don't divorce me." Mary starts crying.

"Ha ha ha, Are fucking Nuts Mary? We've been married all this time and you suddenly want to start acting like a complete fucking whore. You tell me that you want to try a Big Black Cock, and you think that I would be 'Ok' with that?" I quietly asked.

"You seemed to be 'OK' with it when I asked you about it last week! Can't you let me give it a try? Just one time, Honey? Without Divorcing me, Please, Honey?" Mary pleads.

"Mary, last week you completely broke my heart. You made me just want to die, what reason do I have to live now, that you don't want to be my wife anymore. You are my whole reason to live. Holding you, loving you, and kissing you are all I want in life. So your desire to have sex with another man destroyed my will to live, my life, and our marriage." I cried.

"Please George, it isn't that bad. Is it?" Mary wailed.

"Mary, you have already been acting like a slut showing your breasts to those two black men last Friday night. You have already overstepped the normal bounds of any marriage. I don't want to be married to a whore, Mary." I calmly explained with tears in my eyes.

"George..." Mary softly cried.

"Mary, If I wanted to be married to a fucking whore, I would have gone to Nevada and picked a nice one up at one of their legal whore houses there to marry and support. But I found you, to love, marry, and have a family with. I thought you would at least, be faithful to me, for life, like we promised when we said our vows, during our wedding. But, NOW, you want to change everything and break our vows!" I explained.

"George, Honey, I thought you were going to be 'OK' with this. That you wouldn't mind me getting 'black cock' on the side. Can't we at least try it one time, before you throw me away? Please?" Mary begs.

"Tell, me Mary, What is 'the upside' to you getting black cock on the side? Why should I want my wife to be a 'black cock whore'? Instead of a loyal and faithful wife? Are your Breasts going to suddenly get bigger, and more shapely? Are you going to be more available to me? Are you going to get prettier? How exactly are you going out to have black cock each weekend, going to be good for me, our marriage, and our future?" I asked.

"George, if black cock is as good as my friend says, then I will be a much happier wife. That will make me much more loving and affectionate towards you. Wouldn't you want that?" Mary pleads.

"Hmmmmmm. I just don't see that happening, Mary. I was very happy with the way things were before you decided to be a black cock whore. But I am not going to divorce you yet. You go have your fun tonight, and so will I. When you get home on Sunday we will compare notes. Then we will decide what happens to the rest of our marriage, and how much longer it is going to last." I said.

"George, I don't want you to cheat on me, please don't." Mary begs.

"You have completely broken my heart, Mary. You have destroyed everything that I hold dear in my heart, including the Marriage I thought we had. If we don't make it, it will be completely all your fault and your fault alone for listening to that black cock whore girlfriend of yours." I continued.

"But. but. George." Mary stutters...

"Mary, Do you honestly think that any man, ANY MAN, wants his wife to give her beautiful body to other men? You have already shattered my heart, Mary. The one thing in my life that I have always treasured more than ANYTHING else was your heart and your beautiful body. The entire time that we have been together, I have never even looked at another woman!" I said further.

"I am so sorry Honey. It just sounded like harmless fun." Mary sighed.

"Mary, YOU are so naive, and yet you are SO FUCKING DETERMINED to just give everything in the world, that I treasure with all my heart, to other men. I just don't see this working out the way that you want. You go have your big black cock tonight, come Monday morning don't expect to be married to me anymore, to have me support you, or have my children. Have fun!" I turned and walked out the kitchen door and drove off, peeling out in the street.

Mary breaks down and cries harder than she has ever cried before. It seems that her whole world is falling apart and NOTHING is working out like she thought it would.

Linda lost her husband because she wanted a black boyfriend on the side, and now it looks like she -- will too, Mary thought.

George isn't agreeing and letting her have the Big Black Cock without threats of divorce. It looks like she has lost George anyway, just for showing off her big breasts last week. What am I going to do now? Mary ponders. What will I do now?

Ring, Ring, Ring Mary's cell phone chimes...

"Hello?" Mary answers softly

"Mary, are you on your way yet? I thought you were going to be here by now." says Linda.

"I just had a little discussion with George. He pretty much made it clear that because I intend to have some Black Cock tonight, that our marriage is over. I just don't know what to do Linda." cries Mary.

"Well, it sounds to me like you might as well get it while you can, Mary. I am leaving to go stay the night at my Mom's so that you can use our bed to fuck Jamal and Jermaine both, all night long. I will be back tomorrow to chat with you. Come on over now, because I am leaving shortly." Linda says.

"OK, I will finish getting ready and be there in about another hour. See you later." Promises Mary, with tears in her eyes and fear in her heart.

Mary returns to the master bedroom to do her makeup, finish getting dressed, and heads on over to Linda's house.


Bing Bong, Bing Bong, Mary rings the doorbell.

Jamal, opens the door.

"Good evening, young Lady. Come on in." Jamal says with a smile, standing aside so Mary can easily enter.

"Thank you, Jamal," Mary says. Entering Linda's home.

"Come on into the family room, and we'll have a drink," Jamal says cheerfully.

"OK," says Mary enthusiastically.

Mary takes her coat off, revealing her big beautiful breasts through her very see-through blouse and mini-skirt combo instead of her little black dress. Mary is not wearing any underwear just to make it more convenient later.

Mary sits down on the loveseat next to Jermaine, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. Jamal returns from the kitchen with a tall glass filled with ice cubes and red wine for Mary.

"Jermaine, why don't you roll us a joint or two?" says Jamal.

"OK, Jamal, Good Idea! Mary, might I say that you are surely looking sexy tonight," says Jermaine.

"I was hoping to please you tonight, Jermaine. I am going to give my body to you and Jamal tonight, all night long. Whether my husband likes it or not. I just can't wait to try your Big Black Cock, but Now I don't know. My husband left our house all pissed off at me, talking like we are getting divorced." Mary says with a pout.

"Well, We are glad to show you a 'good time' tonight and help you forget all your troubles, Miss Mary," says Jermaine as he is rolling a joint. While Mary pulls a Kool, cigarette out of her purse, lights up, enjoying her new habit.

"Here Mary, swallow a couple of these. This is MDMA also known as Ecstasy, there is nothing better for sex than that. Except maybe a little coke", Jamal says as he pulls out a little bottle of white powder from his pocket and picks up a small mirror and razor blade that is sitting on the table to make some lines to snort.

"Are you sure, that this is 'OK'?" Mary says.

"Oh yes, take your top off and we can put some on your nipples and see what you think," says Jermaine.

Mary is already feeling the rush from two hits of MDMA on her empty stomach, so she takes a drag on her Kool cig, exhales, then takes a big hit on the joint passed to her from Jermaine, and then she stands up to strip naked to let the party begin. Mary is proud of her bare pussy that she had waxed just yesterday, in anticipation of tonight.

Naked, Mary, then is offered a straw to snort up a line of coke, as Jermaine reaches over and fondles Mary's bare breast. The breast that No One has ever touched before, besides her husband. Then she snorts a line of coke, passing the mirror to Jermaine.

Jermaine continues squeezing Mary's breasts as Jamal gets down behind Mary and fingers her pussy from behind. Mary is then offered Jermaine's cock to suck, which she enthusiastically enjoys.

Mary is in another world within just minutes of her arrival and is quickly naked, carried into the bedroom, laid on her back, legs spread and Jamal quickly begins to ease his long fat black cock into Mary's pussy a little at a time stretching her pussy wider and deeper than ever before, with every stroke in and out.

"Fuck me, Jamal. Oh, fuck me deep. I am fertile tonight. Put your black baby in me, Honey. Fuck me deep. Fuck my jealous husband, I don't need him anymore. I love your big black cock pumping into me. Give it all to me tonight, fuck me forever." Mary purrs, as Jamal fucks Mary in the missionary position as she sucks Jermaine at the same time, trying to take his long black cock deep into her throat.

"Yes, my slut. We are going to fuck you tonight and all night long. Take this black cock into your fertile pussy tonight. We are going to knock you up for sure bitch. You are going to have our black baby, as you have always dreamed of having," says Jamal.

Meanwhile, Jermaine gets his first nut of the night, deep in Mary's mouth. He then gets up off the bed and goes into the bathroom to take a whiz, then the family room for a smoke and a snort, and then calls his buddies to come on over, leaving the apartment door unlocked for his friends.

Jermaine returns to the bedroom bringing his beer with him.

Mary sucks Jermaine back to life and at about that time Jamal, fills Mary's womb with his sperm, climaxing with him, from the excitement of being black bred. Jamal gets off Mary, and Jermaine takes his place between her legs, quickly pumping another big load in Mary's fertile womb.

Jamal returns to the bedroom fully refreshed and wants some of Mary's back door. Greasing up her ass with lube Jamal begins to ease his big black cock deep into her ass. It is a tight fit, but Mary enthusiastically takes more black cock.

Mary doesn't even realize when more men slowly enter the bedroom, naked and hard in anticipation of fucking Mary. The night continues with Mary having sex with a total of 10 different black men.

9 am finds everyone gone except for Mary, Jamal, and Jermaine sleeping soundly on the bed. All exhausted from a full night of sexual pleasure. Mary is very satisfied and very proud of her ability to please so many black men.

Around noon Linda returns home finding everyone still sleeping from their all-night-long orgy. Her mission today is to get Mary ready for another night out, this time at the Zebra Club in Santa Clara. Where she will be dancing naked and pulling a gang bang for almost 100 black men. Mary just doesn't know it yet.

Linda really does not give a shit or care if Mary is divorced because of her actions this weekend on not. Linda's loyalty is to Jamal who takes care of all her sexual needs. That is Linda's priority.

Mary is taken to the Zebra Club by Jamal and Jermaine. With more Ecstasy and Cocaine encouragement, several shots of tequilia and before she knew it Mary was having a great time, naked on stage dancing for hundreds of black men. Then enjoying an enthusiastic gang bang for over 90 black men afterward.

Sunday early evening, Mary finally returns home. Sore, exhausted, and satisfied. Not looking forward to a discussion with her husband, George. He was not home when she returned, anyway, so she just took a shower and went to bed.

9pm I finally returned home from my trip to Monterey with Shirley. I am sore, exhausted, and satisfied as well. I take a shower and climb into bed with my wife Mary. This wakes Mary up, to address me, her husband.

"Hello, Sweetheart. Did you have a good weekend?" asks Mary.

"Well, Shirley did her best to show me that she would be a decent choice to replace you if you continue to break my heart. How about you, get your fill of black cock did you?" I respond.

"I have to say that I did, for now. Friday night I not only had sex with Jamal and Jermaine but at least a dozen more of their friends that came over. Then Saturday night I had the very thrilling experience of dancing naked on stage at the Zebra Club for almost a thousand black men that were there.