Dear Steve, We Need to Talk

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Honey, I leaving to fuck my black boss all weekend.
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In an original story by Buster2U for Literotica, For Adults only, no one under 18 is depicted as having any kind of sexual activity. Please no reproducing for other websites without permission.


Dear Steve, We Need to Talk...

It was just another Friday, like any other Friday here in Silicon Valley. Except this Friday had been especially hard, long, and painful. I lost a case today, My client was convicted of first-degree murder. It seems he had shot and killed his wife and her new lover when My client came home unexpectedly early and caught his wife and her lover having sex in their bed. I sincerely thought that the jury would understand and that I could save him. I guess NOT today, this time.

I have finally arrived home, to my loving wife and sweet children again, after a long grueling day of a nightmare trial in the Courthouse today. Now, all I want is to get home to my young children and loving wife to hold them closely and to feel some love and affection, to justify why I go to work so hard each day.

Pulling into my garage, I had to stop and remove Cindy's tricycle from my side of the garage before I could park. I got back into my Honda Accord and finished parking. Ahhhhh, it is so good to be home, finally I can relax and enjoy the love of my family. I hit the button to close our garage door, shutting out the world.

I get into the kitchen, it is so quiet, too quiet. Wendy isn't cooking dinner like she should be. The kitchen is empty. I look into the living room, family room, and dining room and even look out the sliding glass kitchen back door out to the back yard. No kids anywhere. Since we have three young, very energetic, and noisy young children it kinda freaks me out with all this quiet, almost too quiet.

Maybe, Wendy has something special planned for us tonight. I wonder as I climb the carpeted stairs toward our bedroom. I can hear the shower running in the bathroom in the Master Bedroom, and see a cute short little black dress on our bed with some hot-looking underwear and even a little overnight bag on the bed.

I am so tired, and depressed and don't even feel like going out anywhere. I wish Wendy would have told me earlier so I could have tried to come home even a little bit earlier. About that time the shower shuts off and Wendy comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a couple of big fluffy towels.

"Hi Steve, I am so glad to see you, Honey, I've something important to discuss with you tonight. Oh, poor baby, looks like you've had a rough day. Just take your pants off and lay on the bed, let me make you feel better Honey. OK?" Wendy purrs softly.

"Thank you, Sweetheart. It has been an exceptionally rough day, I lost a big case, my client was convicted and my Boss chewed me out for losing the case." I said.

"Dear Steve, We Need to Talk. Please, just go ahead and take off your pants and just lay down on the bed for a minute, Honey. Let me help you feel better, like only I can do. OK?" Wendy almost whispered as she spoke so softly.

"Sure Baby," I said, as took off my suit pants and lay on my side of the bed, (My wonderful, beautiful, and sexy wife, ALWAYS knows how to make me feel better. I am such a lucky man to have her as my wife!)

Wendy carefully picked up her LBD, hung it on the closet door, and finished drying herself with her towels. Then she slowly, softly, and very senseuously laid her beautiful sexy DDDs and slender beautiful naked body against me. Does she know how sexy she is? How could she ever learn to be so sexy?

Then she surprised me by reaching into my boxers and grasping my soft tired and frustrated cock.

She slowly began to fondle me, touching my balls, massaging my package, then she leaned over me and began to kiss my cock, lick it, pump it gently, and lovingly touch it while looking deeply into my eyes and speaking so very softly, warmly, and lovingly, My day is suddenly turning around, the first time today anything good has happened to me.

"Steve, Honey, You know I love You, don't you? We have a beautiful family, a beautiful home, and pretty much a perfect life together. Don't you think, Honey?" Wendy purrs,

Wendy, then takes my soft tired cock into her warm mouth again, while I ponder and answer her.

"Yes, very much so, Sweetheart. I couldn't agree more, I wouldn't trade our family life for anything in the world. We have amazing children and You are so gorgeous, sexy, beautiful, loyal, and trustworthy. I love your figure, You have amazing breasts, and one of the things I love best is how wonderfully tight and juicy your pussy has always been when we make love." I said softly.

"Good, I was hoping you would feel that way and say something like that Honey. Because I feel that way as well. I am glad we agree. On top of that, we both have great exciting, and challenging careers that enable us to have the finer things in life. Don't you agree, Honey?" Wendy purrs. then takes my cock back into her warm loving sweet mouth.

"Pretty much, I guess Sweetheart," I answered, feeling my cock starting to get harder.

"So, in a moment, when I tell you something, that might upset you, a little bit. I want you to remember that we both love each other with all our hearts and want the same things in life. That we work on the same team, to do the best for our family, that we can. That as long as we TRUST and LOVE each other, everything will be 'OK'. Doesn't that sound reasonable, Honey?" Wendy coos so softly.

Wendy then takes my hardening cock back into her warm sweet mouth.

"Sure Sweetheart, it sounds very reasonable. We love each other with all our hearts. I agree completely. So, stop beating around the bush. Are you wanting a new Car?" I ask impatiently.

"Honey, please, just try not to get upset! OK?" Wendy whispers sweetly.

Wendy then takes my cock back into her warm, pretty, mouth again. I am getting to like this treatment, however, I getting confused by her words.

"Upset? Why should I get upset? What are you trying to say, Baby?" I ask.

"I just want to make sure that you understand that NOTHING has to CHANGE in our lives unless YOU MAKE IT CHANGE. So PLEASE TRY, NOT to get upset with what I am about to tell you. OK?" Wendy coos so sweetly

Wendy quickly goes back to sucking my cock, rubbing her fantastically beautiful sexy body against me.

"OK, I will try to remember that you love me and that NOTHING NEEDS TO CHANGE. Correct? What? Why would anything change?" I whispered and wondered to myself.

Somewhat confused and concerned by what she said, yet I am loving the wonderful attention she is giving my cock. Absolutely loving her sucking.

"I just don't want YOU to get UPSET with what I am about to tell you, Honey. I want YOU to REMEMBER that I will ALWAYS love you with ALL of my heart and all of my body will forever be yours, that I will always take care of you, and always make love to you every night, just like always, when I am home. You are NOT losing me, or my beautiful body, or my love for you." Wendy purrs softly

"Why does it feel, like you are about to castrate me, then?" I ask gently.

"Oh, Steve, don't be silly Honey. I would NEVER EVER castrate the man I love with all my heart. I just don't want to hurt you at all, in any way. But, I am just afraid, that what I MUST tell you shortly, may just hurt you, unfortunately." coos Wendy.

Wendy then goes back to sucking on my cock.

"Wendy, I love and trust you so much, Sweetheart. I know in my heart that there is NOTHING in the WHOLE world, that you can do, or SAY that will hurt me. I know that you LOVE me with ALL of your HEART, and I know that you know that I LOVE YOU with all my heart." I reassure my beautiful and sexy wife.

"Oh Steve, you are so sweet. I do love you with all my heart, and I know in my heart, that you love me with all your heart and always will. That is why I am afraid that YOU MIGHT NOT UNDERSTAND when I tell you that I am going out on a date with another man tonight. But don't worry, I will make it up to you when I get back on Sunday, because I love you so much." Wendy whispers so sweetly

"What Honey? You are going out with another man? WHAT? How can you do that to us? Honey, You just said you were happy with me, why are you trying to destory us, our marriage, our love, our family, and our way of life?" I cried.

Wendy has my hard erection deep in her mouth now, but this news is starting to cause it to start getting softer again.

"Steve Honey, You were NOT listening to me! After I go out on my date with another man tonight, EVERYTHING will still be the same between us when I come home Sunday. Unless YOU make it different." Wendy coos,

and then Wendy continues to suck my cock while I talk.

"What? Why would you want to do something like that? Why do you want to hurt me? Haven't I been a good husband to you? Please don't go out with another man Honey. I love you so much, I can't live without you, Honey. Why, Why would you do something like this to me?" I asked.

( It feels like an Ice Cold Giant Sword has plunged through my heart and my soul)

"Steve, You haven't been listening. Please try to focus. I am leaving tonight for the weekend, to spend it with my Black Boss, Mr. Jamal Andrews, and his Brother James Andrews, our V.P. We are going to spend the weekend having sex at The Ramada. They intend to black-breed me. I will return to you late Sunday, nothing needs to change for you and me unless you make something change, Steve." Wendy purrs softly

"Wendy, Sweetheart, how can you say this? How can things NOT change between us if you give your beautiful white, sexy, body that you have worked so hard to achieve again at the gym, after your pregnancies, to those fucking horny black bastards that you work for? You are getting ready to cheat on me with your Bosses, whom you obviously care more about than me!" I cried tears running down my face, my day was completely ruined now.

"Honey. My Black Boss, Mr. Jamal Andrews, the Big Boss at our law firm is taking me for the the weekend to dinner, dancing, and of course, mostly just sex for the weekend. He and his brother, James Andrews, our VP, are both going to fuck me over and over all weekend trying to breed me. Then when I come home to you on Sunday, life will continue on, just like before. Nothing will change at all unless you make it change." Wendy purrs.

"Are you serious, Wendy?" I asked,

Tears running down my cheeks, even more now. I feel like my life is over, that my life is ruined. It feels like there is NOTHING left to live for. My life treasure, which I value more than anything else, my wife, is wanting to sell her pussy, just to become a Company whore.

"I know this is a lot to take in, all of a sudden. But Mr. Andrews, my black boss, has been wanting to breed me so badly, ever since I went to work for him. Now, I admit that I have been sucking him off several times every day for a long time now trying to keep him satisfied and happy. Have you noticed anything different in the way that I treat you? Nothing has changed in our marriage. Has it?" Wendy coos.

"You've been sucking off your Big Boss several times a day, every day at work. While I am at work busting my ass, you are sucking off your Boss? That is what your promotion was all about? How can you do that to me, and out family, Honey?" I cry.

"Steve, come on now, Honey, Please don't get upset, Steve. You HAVE NOT lost anything. I still come home to you every night and give you all of my kisses, all my body, and all my love. Please, be reasonable Honey. So anyway, He has finally decided that he just has to breed me. And then this weekend worked out because I will be fertile this weekend. So l just won't be using my diaphragm while we take a little trip to The Ramada for the weekend." whispers Wendy, with a naughty smile.

"But Wendy, you are My wife! You can't just take off with your Boss for the weekend to fuck him! Your sexy body is for ME, NOT for your Black Boss! And then there is the pregnancy issue. Your Womb and Body DO NOT BELONG to YOUR fucking BLACK BOSS!" I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Don't get upset, Honey. See these beautiful breasts of mine, that you love to play with every night when we make love? Aren't they still the same as they were before my black boss started sucking them and playing with them every day at work, a couple of years ago? See. he didn't hurt them in any way. They are still the same perfect breasts as always. Don't you understand? There is No Need to get upset." Wendy purrs

"OK, I guess. As far I can tell," I reply.

"See, You aren't losing anything, but You are gaining extra money to spend. While my breasts are still yours for you to enjoy all you want, for free to you, when I get home! See, that is the Great thing about a woman's body. Women can fuck like whores all night long, and then the next day after a shower and cleanup they are still good as new! Ready to do it all over again, once again! Understand Honey?" Wendy purrs.

"But You are MY WIFE Wendy. Please Don't do this." I asked softly.

"Here is another example. Honey, you have fucked my pussy hundreds of times. You have never hurt my pussy by fucking it, have You? No, of course Not. That is what pussy's are for, for fucking. So if My Black Boss, sticks his big black cock in me over and over all weekend, my pussy is still going to be just like it is right now. Except maybe, a little stretched out for a while. But basically, nothing to get upset about. Understand now, Honey?" Wendy whispered so softly.

Wendy continues touching me so sweetly, and sucking my cock some more, when she isn't talking.

"But, Wendy, I don't want you to fuck your Boss all weekend. Maybe I would like to have you with me! Please, honey." I said.

"Honey, if Mr. Andrews gets me pregnant with a black baby, we get a $25K bonus. When I deliver the black baby, we get another $25K bonus. When I nurse our black baby in public, showing everyone that we have a black baby, we get another $25K. When he gets into kindergarten we get another $25 bonus." Wendy purrs so sweetly

"I don't care about the money, Honey," I whispered.

"When he graduates grammar school we get another $25K bonus, When he graduates high school we get another $25K bonus. When he graduates College we get another $25K bonus. And finally, when he graduates Law School, of course, we get another $25K bonus. Wouldn't that be great?" Wendy Coos sweetly.

"Wendy, he is just paying you to be his BREEDING WHORE! Please don't do this, Honey." I begged.

"Steve, that may be TRUE. But there is no reason FOR YOU TO BE UPSET, depressed, or cry. I am just acting like the whore that I truly am, and now, we are just going to be paid for it! Isn't that Great? When I am bringing home more money, that enables us to be able to enjoy life more, won't you be proud of me? Won't that make you happy? Making use of this hot pussy that you get to fuck every night for free, that is otherwise just going to waste." Wendy bubbles

"I still don't agree, and I still don't want to share you," I whispered.

"But Steve, please understand, what I am really doing is making us some good money and being a whore for my Husband, selling my pussy to my Black Boss. Selling him my pussy Honey, Isn't that Great? Isn't that Sexy? I love it!" Wendy whispers,

Wendy continues to suck my cock slowly into her sweet mouth.

"I don't care, Honey, I really don't want that, Sweetheart," I said softly.

"Steve, look at another way. Say you have a beautiful football. Your black buddy wants to play with it all weekend and is going to pay you a lot of money for letting him use it and he guarantees you it will be in just as good shape when he brings it back Monday." Wendy purrs

"I guess, if it was just a football, I might do that. But you are NOT replaceable. If he fucks you all weekend, HOW DO I KNOW that you aren't going to fall in love, leave me, and go and run off with him forever because the sex is so great?" I ask.

"Honey, we've already been plenty intimate already, I just never told you before. I suck my black boss's cock several times every day and of course, we fuck all the time for almost two years now, ever since I got this last promotion to be his personal assistant. I have already been his little 'fuck toy' ever since I got that last promotion to be his PA." Wendy softly explains.

"What? You are already his little 'fuck toy'? How could you do that, Wendy? How could you be selling your love and your body at work? It sounds like your last promotion was just to be the company whore!" I said softly.

"Steve, stop being so dramatic. Everybody knows that personal assistants in the legal system are nothing more than 'Constantly Available Paid Company Whores'. Everybody, I guess, except you, Honey. You don't think I get paid $100K a year to type letters, do you? My Boss has already done everything to me sexually a long time ago, so I don't expect any surprises this weekend. Only I get paid for it, from my Boss. Now, he wants to take it one step further and give me his Black Baby! But now, we will get some great bonuses! There is nothing to worry about, Really Honey." Wendy smiles.

"Wendy, I just don't like the idea of you getting naked with another man and sharing your beautiful naked body with him. And most especially a black man. And even more importantly having his black baby. I am just not comfortable with that, Honey. Please, Please stop. Please don't do this." I softly explained

"But I want to Honey. I really really want to do this. I want to feel his massive Big Black Cock pumping his thick come into my fertile womb, frankly I am expecting a giant orgasm when that happens. A Big Black Cock that I have been sucking several times every day. I want to feel his cock shooting all his sperm deep in my fertile pussy and Knocking me up with his Black Baby. I will feel so well used, and satisfied that I have finally done my best, to support our children!" Wendy smiled so sexy.

"Wendy, I don't want to share your beautiful body with anyone, and most especially your Black Boss that you work with every day. I don't feel good about it, and I don't like it." I said.

"Steve, Honey, it will be all right, everything will be 'OK', Honey, I promise. It doesn't have to hurt our marriage. It won't change anything. Unless you make it change our marriage, Honey. Don't you see that? Let me explain something else to you, Honey. OK?" Wendy whispers.

"OK, explain away, Sweetheart," I whispered back.

"Steve, Honey, Do you think that it is normal that my pussy is always wet and always hungry for more cock, do you? No, it is NOT normal. I am that way because I have always been a whore, a hot fucking piece of ass that fucks any and every man I can. Only just since we've been married I have tried so very hard to be much more discreet, plus now I am getting paid good money for my pussy." Wendy purrs so softly.

"I thought it was just me. That you were just attracted to me, Honey." I whispered.

"Steve, Have You Ever Looked at Your Wife? HAVE YOU EVER REALLY LOOKED at ME? Here, let me stand up so you can see me better and so I can remind you, of what you are married to. Look at me, see this tight round and perfect shapely ass of mine? These long shapely perfect legs? Look at how firm and shapely, my Gigantic breasts are and notice how far they stick straight out! Look how PRETTY your wife's face is!" Wendy explains with a sexy smile.

"Yes, you are very attractive Wendy. I am happy about that." I answer.

"STEVE, don't you realize? I AM A WALKING and TALKING SEX GODDESS!

I can't go ANYWHERE without men seeing me, wanting me, and desiring me! Don't you know what that does to a woman to be so very highly desired all the time, Honey? Do you have any clue?" Wendy coos so softly.