Death By Fucking Ch. 05


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I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes. “Oh. So you had decided not to have children, huh? A lot of professional women make that decision. Until recently? Wait, you mean you recently changed your mind and now you are thinking of having children again? What caused you to change?”

Both girls were obviously embarrassed. But in unison they both said “You did.”

I dropped a significant portion of my Death By Chocolate onto my lap. Fortunately Dee Dee’s hand was there to catch it.

“I did! Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

Dee Dee screwed up her courage. “Andrew, you’ve said things that made me think that you looked at us as having a future together. You’ve tried to make me say the same things to you. You even tortured me, you little bastard. Well I’m telling you now that you can’t have a future with only me. We are a package deal.”

I was finally getting my mind around the whole thing. “So you’re talking marriage, kids, the whole nine yards, is that it?”

Donnie answered, “We’re only saying that we want to consider it as a long term possibility. Dee Dee couldn’t even bring the subject up until she knew that I was willing. Andrew, I’m willing. You might hate the idea. I half expected you to run screaming from the restaurant and stick us with the check. But you had to know who we are, what we need. Only you can decide if you are interested in meeting our needs; or if we can fill your own.”

I might have had a bit of a shit-eating grin on my face by this time. It was more of a fantasy thing than anything else. Not the ‘two girls in one bed’ fantasy that one might expect from such a situation. It was more the fantasy of having Dee Dee and Donnie there all the time. Just to see those soft round bodies, those blue-green eyes. Hear those soft southern drawls. Damn that would be sweet. I made a semi-decision.

“Look girls. We’ve known each other for less than a week. Donnie, we’ve been together just a few hours. I want to move forward. But I want to do it sanely. I want you to get to know me. My little flights of verbal fancy might be cute the first few times. After about a hundred of them you might want to kill me.”

“I’m willing to try vegetarianism. But sometimes you just need a Big Mac! You live in Cincy, I live in Cleveland. Well, that’s not insurmountable, you know. You have these high powered jobs, flying around the mid-west, acting like big shots, firing people, having a ball. I’ve got this nice little job with a nice little company and possibly a nice little future. But I’m not married to it.”

“For quite a while I’ve been considering starting my own business, doing internet development and custom programming. When I start soliciting business (and I have lots of friends in the industry I can talk to) I could be up to speed within a few months. I’ve got all the hardware and software I need at home. It doesn’t have to be at home in Cleveland. It could be at home in Cincinnati. My only requirement is high speed internet access. I can’t live without high speed access. If you don’t have and can’t get high speed access, it’s either buy a new house or ‘see ya’.”

“I could even join you on your business trips. All the hotels have data lines in the rooms now. I can work from anywhere. I could spend a week with Dee Dee in Pittsburgh, then another week with Donnie in Wheeling. You wouldn’t have to come home in the evening to an empty hotel room.”

“Besides, the two of you probably make four or five times as much as I do. It might be nice living off of two little rich girls. Just kidding. I know there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. I pull my weight no matter where I am. But I might be able to give you each some stability, some sense of family while you are living out on the road. I guess what I’m saying is, it might work. I’d like to spend some time finding out if we are as compatible as it looks like we are.”

“Let’s be frank, girls. At some point in time I’m going to be alone with my own thoughts. Then I’ll be able to look this thing over objectively. But right now it’s kind of difficult to think logically with Dee Dee’s hand on my dick.”

Dee Dee had the grace to look embarrassed. “Sorry, Andrew; I just wanted to be sure it still wanted us.”

“Dee Dee let me assure you. Regardless of any other issues that might arise between us, you should pardon the expression, that is not one of them. I will never tire of you that way. Never. However, let me quickly add that if you insist on checking up on me, I won’t object.”

I got that eye lighting smile again. Then she said “Donnie is only going to be here until Sunday. I don’t wish to destroy any boyish fantasies you might have been having about the two of us. But Andrew, we might be a package everywhere else, but in bed we are individuals and separate. Get it?”

I put a hurt expression on my face, at least I tried to. “Get what? I certainly don’t know what you are talking about! I would never think of such a thing. Really. Uh, you’re absolutely sure about this are you?”

Donnie nodded. “Certain as can be, Andrew. Sorry, we’re too old fashioned and straight for anything other than ordinary boring one-on-one interaction, if you know what I mean”.

I said, “I know what you mean about the one-on-one part. It’s the boring and ordinary part I’m having a hard time with.”

Dee Dee said to Donnie “See I told you he always says the right thing. He is a world class bullshitter. Andrew, what I’m getting at is, are you done with us for the night, or would you like some company after dinner?”

“Dee Dee you’ve been torturing me for the last hour and a half. And you thinkI’m a little bastard? I only tortured you for a few minutes. And as I remember it, when you agreed to my terms I rewarded you with your heart’s desire. Well at least I finished you off. If you think I’m going to walk away from you now, you’re nuts.”

“Well then, why don’t you drop me off back at the Hyatt. Then you can take Donnie home to your place. I’ll bet she would like to be put through a little torture of her own. And you’re just the man to do it to her.”

Donnie was turning red. “Will you shut up? I don’t have the foggiest notion of what you are talking about, I’m sure. But I would love to see where you live, Andrew. Regardless of what the wicked witch of the South has to say.”

“Meeow! You girls are going to be fun to be around, I can tell. Let’s get out of here!”

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It's " dessert"(sweet and flaky yums!!...NOT 'desert' (that hot sandy place with dunes and shit...!!)

Another stand-out chapter, ready for more!!

Five**5**Stars, for sure...🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯🌋

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