Death By Fucking Ch. 17


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Emma said, "My sisters, the computer geeks, wrote a new operating system when they were five. Windows sucks. Everybody knows that. UNIX isn't bad, but still has plenty of holes. And Apple isn't even a player. We needed a secure operating system so Eddie and Edie wrote their own. I thought we could maybe sell it, so I told them what to do to make it commercially viable."

I couldn't believe I was hearing this stuff from a seven year old. I asked her "How does it work?"

She looked across the table at her sisters, almost as if she were asking for permission to speak for them. I saw an almost imperceptible nod from one of them so Emma continued.

"First, it is totally secure. I attacked the thing for months without being able to break in."

Andrew felt the need to butt in. "Sorry, Helen, but this part is off the record. Suffice it to say, if Emmy can't hack it, it can't be hacked."

Emma continued. "Anyway, it recognizes hardware automatically. Except for the really weird items, no drivers are required. It will go and find any of the weird drivers and retrieve and install them without operator intervention. We don't need a browser, since the operating system is a browser."

Andrew interjected, "There you go, Jake. Microsoft tried to include Internet Explorer in with Windows and was sued. We'll be sued too for having an internal browser. That's one of the things we have to be prepared for, though ours is totally integral with the operating system. It's seamless. You can't see where the OS ends and the browser begins."

Emma looked at her father as if to say 'shut the hell up' and then went on.

"Our OS requires a special touch-screen that my sisters developed. Most of the control functions can be performed without keystrokes and without a pointing device, since the touch-screen is the pointing device."

"Since we had a touch-screen already, we put a little scanner into one corner of the screen. So there isn't any sign-on procedure. Just touch the corner with your finger and the system recognizes you and brings up your desktop automatically. If it doesn't recognize your fingerprint you can't get in."

Jake asked, "But what if the person is handicapped and has no fingers?"

Emma looked at him with a degree of pity. "Please Jake. I think we know what we're doing here. I'm just giving you general information. We've covered the obvious exceptions to the rules already. If I go into all of the 'what ifs' I'll start sounding like Daddy."

Andrew looked offended. "How come I get insulted around here when I'm not even in the conversation?"

Emma said to her father, "Don't worry Daddy, you're our favorite Homo sapien." That seemed to mollify him.

"Anyway, we built a multi-level degree of difficulty into the user-interface. So the operating system can be set to be used comfortably by kids, teenagers, adults, and computer geeks. All of the options are sensitive to user- competency levels.

Andrew interrupted. "I think we all get the picture. We need to negotiate with a major computer manufacturer that would be interested in making a dent into Microsoft's monopoly. I was thinking IBM, since they've been pushing a UNIX version for a while. Someone like that. Obviously, we need a good legal mind to spearhead this effort."

"Jake, we're not talking small potatoes, here. If we can make some headway against Microsoft, the dollars might be significant. We're talking billions. And I can guarantee you this OS will blow Windows away."

Jake asked, "Can I get a look at it?"

Finally one of the little computer geeks spoke. "We can give you a computer pre-loaded with a beta-version of the operating system."

The other said, "You can take it to work."

The first said, "It'll plug into any network and be recognized."

The other said, "You can even make it a server if you want."

The first said, "Without spending a fortune for server software."

Emma said, "This goes a long way towards making a computer like any other appliance in your home or office. You just plug it in and the computer does the rest. Maybe we'll piss off a few computer geeks who like to think they know the secrets to the universe, but the average H. sapien should like this a lot."

Andrew took over. "The remaining step is to convince a manufacturer to build a computer that has only one kind of port. At the same time we need to convince the peripheral manufacturers to make sure their hardware uses the same type of port, a USB port, probably. That way there will be no confusion about what to plug in where. You can plug any device into any port. The hell with backward compatibility."

I was only partially sure of what was being said, but I knew enough to recognize a big story in the making, assuming any of this were true. I said, "You said there were a couple of things you have to market. What's the other one?"

Andrew answered, "You'll see the other later tonight. It's being demo'ed in our den in about a half an hour."

Well seeing the second product will give me a clue as to the value of the first product, I suppose.

I turned to Emma and said, 'I know what Eddie and Edie do. I understand that Elle is a financier. But what do you plan to do with your life?"

She said, "I'm going to be President of the United States."

I laughed. "Well that's a pretty big goal for a little girl."

Andrew kind of snickered. "Not for that little girl", he said.

Emma smiled at him. "I could be president by the next election if I figure out how to change the age restriction. The Republicans think that they are the only ones who can rig those touch-screen voting machines. They're in for a surprise."

I was shocked. What was this about rigging voting machines?

One of the wives put an end to the topic. "Emma, you know we never talk politics at dinner."

Emma said, "Or in bed. Did you forget that one?"

Andrew had had enough of Emma for a while. "Well, that about wraps up dinner. What say we have popcorn and juice along with the movie, instead of dessert?"

A Movie

Jake and I moved to the den while Andrew and his wives cleared off the table. The eKids were obviously required to do their part in the cleanup as well.

Jake and I sat on one of the couches in the den. The den was obviously set up to handle lots of people. This is a big family. Jake and I hadn't exchanged two words since we met. But I was certainly interested in talking to him.

"Are you considering the Adkins' offer to be their legal director?"

He replied, "I don't know. They are offering about four times what I currently make. But I've always wanted to be the 'crusading prosecutor'. I'll admit the reality of it doesn't quite live up to the image I had in my mind. But I like it. I'm doing something important."

I said, "On the other hand, this sounds pretty important too. It will be a big challenge, and the potential seems incredible."

He agreed. 'Yeah, it is a pretty exciting opportunity. Besides which, the next lie that Drew tells will be his first. I'd trust these people with my life."

The man's Southern accent was most attractive. He seems sincere and talented. I suspect that honesty goes both ways. The Adkins' wouldn't be making the offer if they didn't feel the same way about him. I felt I had to know something important about him.

"How does your wife feel about all this?" I hoped I wasn't being obvious.

He smiled. "I have no wife, I'm afraid. Right now the only person I have to worry about is me."

That was nice. I asked him, "Is there going to be a lot of travel involved? It sounds like there will be some negotiating going on."

He said, "Drew tells me we can do most of the negotiating through teleconferencing. Obviously I would have to make some trips to New York and to the Silicon Valley, among other places. Maybe even to Washington State. But no, there isn't that much travel involved; just enough to make it interesting."

I said, "You sound like you might be leaning towards accepting their offer."

He wasn't ready to go that far. 'Well, let's see what it is they have. That will help me decide."

The Adkins family began to drift into the room by then. Andrew came in and opened a door in one wall. I realized I was looking at the largest flat screen TV I had ever seen. It must have cost a fortune. I guess these people have money.

Eventually everyone got settled. Donnie and Deirdre were on one couch, each with a little boy on her lap, each child sucking his thumb. Andrew was in a recliner with a little girl riding each knee. Another little girl climbed up on Jake's lap. It was obvious he had been here before.

I looked around for the remaining little girl, thinking she might want to sit on my lap, but she was nowhere to be found.

The TV came on and a movie started. I expected, perhaps a Walt Disney children's movie. Instead an old movie from the '60s was playing. It starred Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. It was called "A New Kind of Love". I don't remember having seen it before, and I must admit that it was pretty good. It was a light comedy.

Joanne Woodward played a dowdy fashion designer sent to Paris to steal the designs of the important designers. Paul Newman was a reporter sent to Paris because he cuckolded his boss.

One by one the children had climbed down and now were all lying on the floor watching the movie. I still wondered where the last little girl was.

Midway through the film, Joanne Woodward was transformed into this lovely thing through makeup, clothes, and a new wig. It was then that I saw how much Deirdre and Donnie looked like her. I was watching the scene unfold in front of me in the den, as Andrew seemed to have a difficult time concentrating on the movie. His eyes kept drifting toward his wives.

They pretended to be oblivious, but I could tell they were both acutely aware of his attention. Both women changed position on the couch, and as they did, their skirts seemed to slide up a little. Andrew seemed mesmerized by the amount of leg being shown by each. This man is in serious lust. He might be as sexy as everyone thinks.

Andrew took a quick trip to the kitchen, and suddenly there was popcorn and fruit juice for everyone. The man is very domestic. I'm impressed.

The movie was winding towards its conclusion. There was a bedroom scene in which Joanne Woodward was dressed in a sexy negligee, with the intent of seducing Paul Newman.

Just as it was getting to the good part, Joanne turned toward the camera. She seemed to be looking directly at Andrew.

Then she said, "What do you think, Daddy? Am I doing okay?"

Jake dropped his glass of juice on the floor. I felt like we were in the twilight zone.

Andrew smiled and said, "Not bad, honey. I certainly prefer this movie to the last one you did." He looked at Jake and me. "Last week she starred in 'Emmy Does Dallas'. It was embarrassing. But I'll admit that Emmy is a better actress than Debbie."

The Joanne Woodward figure turned to Jake and me. It said, "This is what we call VV – Virtual Video. All of the main characters have been digitized. We have virtual helmets that you can wear that allow you to become one of the characters. I wanted to be Joanne Woodward, because Daddy has the hots for Joanne Woodward."

Andrew looked cross. "Don't start with me, Emmy."

Joanne Woodward just smiled and blew him a kiss. To add to the surreally of it all, Paul Newman looked at Joanne and said, "What's the matter, did you forget your lines?"

Joanne turned to Paul and said, "Shut Up!" He sat on the bed and gave his trademark insouciant smile.

Joanne (Emma) turned back to Jake and me. "The script is displayed right in front of your eyes. We can do it in seven languages right now (because that's all we know), but when we are ready to market it, we'll have every major language available."

"We can deviate from the script a little bit, but right now the other actors can't follow a major change unless they are virtual actors too. And we can use the actor's voice, or we can use our own voice." All of a sudden, Emma's tiny voice was coming out of Joanne's mouth and then the figure morphed into the image of Emma. This was truly weird.

"We even have 'help' available. It can be acting help or criticism. Would you like to see it?"

Both Jake and I nodded our heads. I have no idea where Emma was located, but she must have seen us.

Emma said, "We've programmed several levels of possible help. This is the 'Daddy Lecture' help mode."

Paul Newman slowly morphed into the figure of Andrew Adkins and back into Paul Newman. He began talking. "Emmy, that was very good. But you should learn to put more feeling into the scene. Picture what you want to do before you do it. And open up with your feelings. A) Look into yourself to find the meaning of the words. B)…" the voice droned on and on. Emma's figure morphed back into Joanne Woodward. Joanne put her finger down her throat and made gagging noises.

Andrew said, 'Enough already! We get the joke."

Joanne had a slight smile on her face and said, "We also have a 'Daddy Driver' help mode."

Suddenly Paul Newman stood and began yelling. "What the hell is the matter with you? You fucking idiot!"

All of the children were giggling and even the wives were laughing.

Andrew said, "I think everyone gets the point. Let's just end this before I become violent and start eliminating actors the hard way."

One of the wives looked at us. "Donnie and I have been very concerned about the direction taken by entertainment in the last couple of decades. It seems to us that children spend most of their time looking at some kind of screen: a computer monitor, a television, a video game. This generation has become watchers instead of doers. I asked Emmy to come up with a way that they could become a part of the action. And this is it."

Both Jake and I were stunned. This was the most amazing technology I had ever seen, and it was developed by seven year olds. I heard Jake mutter, "Maybe I should be considering this offer more seriously."

Emma came skipping into the room, reminding me of how very young she is. She jumped into Andrew's lap and gave him a big hug. He was tickling her and she was laughing. It was all so very domestic for an exchange between a genius and a super-genius.

Emma said, "Jake, when we go public with the new operating system, I want to have a contest to prove how good it is. We'll set up a system with a known IP address then offer a million dollars to anyone who can hack into it. We'll have every geek on the planet fighting for the chance."

"My geeky sisters set up fire walls a couple of years ago to keep the government out of our database. They left a little something behind the last firewall to reward anyone who was able to break through, though no one did. You see, our database wasn't even on that computer."

"So I did the same thing with this one. In addition to a million dollars, anyone who breaks into our operating system will get this."

Emma clicked on the remote control and suddenly there was displayed a virtually life-sized picture of Donnie and Deirdre, asleep and naked in each other's arms. I gasped. Jake gasped. It was the sexiest picture I've ever seen.

One of the wives let out a little scream. "Andrew! You promised that picture would be hidden."

Andrew tried to sound sorry, but he was looking at the picture at least as diligently as Jake and me. "Dee Dee, you know if Emma wants to get into something, nothing I can do will stop her. Besides, this is high art. It's the best picture I've ever taken."

Deirdre's and Donnie's faces were crimson. But I had to put in my two cents.

"Really, Andrew is right. This is a beautiful picture. Please consider letting me show it to the editors at Cosmo. I feel sure they would want to use it for the cover. At the very least it would be put at the top of my story. It's an amazing picture."

The girls were looking daggers at Andrew. He looked innocent. Having met Emma, Andrew may well have been innocent. I was wondering if tonight might be one of Andrew's rare off nights.

Finally one of the wives said, 'Time for bed, children." There were a few grumbles, but I saw that most of them had been rubbing their eyes. The girls and boys took off up the stairs, all except for Emma.

She looked at Jake and then she looked at me. I felt Jake's eyes on me. I looked into his eyes, and I suddenly wanted him. He is very sexy. I don't know what got into me, but I was hot! I heard Emma giggle, and saw her run for the stairs. She turned and looked at us one more time, and then went up to bed.

I expected there to be recriminations between Andrew and his wives, but when I looked up Andrew had an arm around each one, and they were both snuggled into his neck, hugging him. I guess anger doesn't stand much of a chance around here.

Andrew turned to us, both wives in his arms. He said, "Good night kids. It's definitely past our bedtime. Feel free to stay up as long as you like. The TV has cable if you want to watch. We usually eat breakfast about 7:30 in the morning. You're both welcome to join us."

And then the three of them went up the stairs, still holding each other. My God, I just realized that Andrew just assumed that Jake was going to spend the night. With Me!

I looked at Jake. He appeared to be uncomfortable with the situation. He said, "Uh, Helen, I sure didn't put Andrew up to anything, and I don't expect anything to develop tonight, so to speak."

I just walked over to him and took his hand. I said, "Oh, the hell with it", and pulled him into the bedroom.

Jake's Story

I must be the luckiest guy on earth; well, maybe the second luckiest. I'm being taken to bed by the third most beautiful woman in Georgia. I've got to give Donnie and Deirdre their credit. They are seriously hot and deserve to share the #1 and #2 ranking.

But Helen is a definite lottery pick. And tonight she's mine. I've just got to keep hanging around Drew.

We were in the 'Get Andrew Laid' room. Well I guess tonight it's the "Get Jake Laid" room.

Helen pulled me into the room and closed the door behind us. She turned to me and we instantly embraced.

I don't know how it happened. I had been sitting there after the movie just looking at her when I was overcome with lust for her. I guess the same thing happened to her.

We were in major lust. My lips devoured hers as her slender body crushed itself against mine. Our tongues were dueling, barely touching; teasing each other. I was hard as a rock. Damn was I turned on!

She was wearing a dress that buttoned down the front. I like that kind. As I slowly unbuttoned her, the dress fell away from those gorgeous shoulders.

I love soft round shoulders on a woman. Drew tells me it is because it makes them look like an ass. Well maybe, but he's got other crazy ideas too, so I don't put much stock in this particular notion.

Helen has 'grade A' shoulders, is all I can say. I kissed down her long lovely neck and then started attacking her shoulders. I'm a shoulder man, I guess.

I kept unbuttoning that dress and finally it fell to the floor. She stood before me in her glory, with just a bra, panties, a garter belt and stockings. She sure as hell looks like she came ready to fuck.

Next to come off was her bra. She has small but beautiful breasts. I know guys that need huge breasts to make them happy. I just don't see it myself. Any breasts will do as far as I'm concerned. Her breasts may be small, but her nipples were ready for the major leagues. They stuck out like erasers, hard and rubbery, just longing for my tongue.

I picked her up and carried her to the huge four-poster that serves as Drew's private brothel. She's as light as a feather.

Helen wasn't content to let me take over. As soon as she reached the bed she also reached for my pants. She was in a hurry to see what was in there, I guess. I'm proud to say, I've got nothing to be ashamed of.