Debauchery - Ch. 04

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Hathaikan, and my surprise dessert.
6.8k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 02/23/2024
Created 11/06/2023
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**Warning: this chapter has elements of sex with a Thai ladyboy. If this does not interest you you may want to skip this chapter.

All persons involved in sex are over the age of 18.


We walked out the hotel room door and to the elevator, down to the lobby, and out the front doors. We walked along the front of Central Pattaya where there were some street vendors, a couple of them had converted VW vans with tops that opened and turned out to be a bar to buy juice smoothies.

As we came up to where Starbucks was Nik saw her first, the girl from the hotel. Sitting out at one of the tables drinking what looked to be a Frappuccino. Nik pulled me over with her to the girl and spoke to her in Thai. She then sat down at the table across from her and said, "Jeff, be a dear and go get me a small Oleato Golden Foam Cold Brew, please?"

I walked inside and ordered one for both of us, and came back out to find the two girls chatting away in Thai. I put Nik's drink down and pulled a third chair around from another table so I could sit between them.

"Jeff, this is Hathaikan." She pronounced it ha-tai-KAN, "But we can just call her Kan, it means dear."

"Hello Kan, nice to see you again."

Kan smiled and looked down at her drink.

"Kan is a bit shy to speak to guests at the hotel, it's not really allowed I guess."

"I don't want to get her in trouble Nik."

"We're fine, she's not working, and we are not at the hotel. We are just three people sitting down, talking, and enjoying some coffee."

Kan and Nik talked in Thai while I took a sip of the cold brew, it was quite good and refreshing in the heat. It gave me a chance to get a good look at her.

I would guess she was near Nik's age of 19, she had short hair, but just as black and shiny as Nik's. Her voice was deeper than Nik's and the Thai language sounded better coming from her. I found the Thai language to be a little tinny from some people and the lower tone that Kan had was pleasant to hear.

"Jeff, Kan says she does not have to be back to work until Monday so she can stay out late. Do you mind if she came with us tonight?" Nik was pushing this girl on me it seemed. First talking about her this morning after she brought the breakfast cart and then just before we left the room.

I thought I would play along and see what developed. "Sure Nik, I don't see a problem with that."

Nik continued speaking to Kan in Thai and at one point Kan turned a nice shade of red and looked away from me. "Nik, what did you just say to her?"

"Why, whatever do you mean? We are just having a conversation."

My eyes narrowed a bit. "If you wouldn't like it so much, I would bend you over my knee right here and spank you."

"Oh, don't you know it!"

"Really Nik, what did you say to her that made her blush and turn away like that?"

Nik leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, "I told her that tonight you were all hers if she wanted. I will just enjoy watching."

"Nik, she's just a kid."

"So am I lover, so just remember that if you are going to say something like that. Besides, she's closer to being 20 than I am, her birthday is next month."

I let the girls have their conversation and I did some people watching. I noticed quite a few men and, surprisingly a lot more women, who looked our direction and was obviously checking out Nik. I caught the eye of one Westerner, who was probably in his mid 60s, and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back at him and gave a slight nod.

When the drinks were gone, we got up and I took the empty cups to the garbage can. When I came back the girls each took an arm, and we walked back up to the sidewalk and made our way up toward Soi 6. Kan was small, she was about 5'2" I would guess and maybe 100 lbs. But it still felt good to have her on my arm opposite Nik. She was very cute and from what I could tell her breasts were a good handful or more, probably a C-Cup. She was wearing a loose top that allowed me to get sneak peaks of a tattoo that was obviously on her left shoulder that came halfway down her arm and down to somewhere near the top of her breast. I could also see another that seemed to be a bird in flight with red highlights on her right thigh. A loop nose ring in her septum with a diamond in the middle of it finished what I could see of her body modifications.

Now, I don't mind tattoos and piercings for the most part, it's when they are taken to extremes, I find them a turn off. I do not, for example, understand why someone would want to stretch out their earlobes with those huge rings and plugs, but that's just me.

We came up to a line of bars. The Mirror, Red Cat, and Lucky Star, and because of the motorbikes parked there we were not able to walk together so Nik took the lead and Kan followed her with me bringing up the rear. I sighed as I watched them walk and thought to myself, *Why is it in some cultures women are made to walk behind men? Those men are fucking morons!* The dress Nik was wearing hugged her tight and was able to show off her ass, but my god the Daisy Dukes on Kan!

The bars were not crowded and for the most part no one called out. We passed Soi 8 where Sailor's was, and we were once again able to walk on a sidewalk together. When we came to Lonely Corner Bar that was when someone called out to Nik in English, "Hey baby, great dress. Can I talk you out of it?"

"Thank you, but I'll have to take it under advisement." Nik replied and kept walking. Everyone started laughing, including the cat caller. I don't think anyone expected Nik to reply in perfect unaccented English. Everybody was just having fun.

We finally came up to a line of places that served food, I was really getting hungry. Then Hard Rock came into view and Nik said, "You ready for this baby, it's going to get wild!" She then spoke with Kan and they both laughed. Finally, we arrived at Soi 6.

So, YouTube had prepared me for this. I was sure of it. Boy was I not prepared one bit. To say that it was loud, well so is a heavy metal concert and a Seattle Seahawks football game. The girls and music out of both sides was an assault on my ear drums just in the sheer number of different sounds. The music, guys trying to talk above the music, the girls on the street trying to talk above them all to bring guys in who were walking by. Forget the assault on my ears, it became an assault on my eyes. Everywhere, different colors, sights, GIRLS! Oh my God the girls! There was one for any man's tastes. Short, tall, and every inch between. Long hair, short, see where I'm going here, right? Most of the different bars had them wearing the same thing or at least the same style and colors. My favorite ending up being the sailor outfits that, well, didn't quite go down in a length long enough in the skirt to cover their whole ass. That bar I noticed, aptly named Seduction.

We finally made it through the gauntlet of girls and turned back north going along Second Road when Nik asked, "Did you see anything that you liked?"

"Nik none of them compares to you."

"Your sweet, but I'm serious, did you see anything you liked?"

"Well, those sailor outfits in Seduction, and I did see someone that was different than the rest, so maybe her?"

"Where was she?"

"I think she was outside of the place called Flirt."

"Oooh, the really tall blond?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Does the thought of two tall girls turn you on who have opposite coloring? Maybe like a devil and an angel on your shoulder?"

"M-a-y-be? I'm thinking you would definitely be the devil of the pairing"

Nik laughed and spoke to Kan in Thai. Kan blushed and giggled over what Nik said. I'm sure it was something at my expense. I was going to have to figure out a punishment later for Nik.

I could see the line of stalls in the next block and then I saw the passenger jet airplane that Runway was famous for, we had arrived, and I was beyond famished.

Kan said something to Nik, and she translated it for me. "She says that we should all choose something different from a place and then share what we got. I think it's a good idea, it will give you a variety of flavors and styles to try."

"Yes, I like that idea." I reached into my pocket and pulled out several 20-Baht bills and handed a few to each of them, not really knowing yet how much things cost. "I'll meet you at the end of the row of tables over there near Club K, I saw the infamous dance club's sign at the other side of Runway."

Kan took the money and waited for Nik to translate, and then she smiled, giggled, and went off in the direction of the rows on the opposite side of the line of tables. Nik followed but looked to be going to the other side of the line that Kan was going to, so I took the line on the other side of the tables nearest me.

I first found a fruit stall and bought a few different things. They were all portioned out in clear plastic cups with lids. Not knowing exactly what some of them were, but I was sure Kan would. Next was a stall that had crocodile heads all around it. Oh well, I thought to myself, I'd try anything once, and bought a couple of sticks of the fried meat. Next was a place that had chicken and little signs on them in English, I chose one that said BBQ. Finally, my last choice was a couple of corn-on-the-cob on a stick, I bought 2 of them. Just before I got to the end tables there was a place selling drinks and I got a cup of the one with a picture of a mango on it, then turned to find a table.

Kan was already at one and gave me a wave. I walked over and sat down next to her. I place my findings out in the center like she had hers. She seemed to have more stir-fried type of things. Three in all, and she had a Coke.

I decided to try and talk to her, "Kan, do you speak any English?"

"Little," she said in a heavy accent. "I no good."

"That's ok, we have Nik."

I didn't know if she understood what I said completely, but she smiled and nodded. "Yes, Nik ok."

I laughed as Nik was coming up behind us having to come around the whole side. She was like me choosing items on a stick or single things in a container. She sat and added her items to the middle of the table. I noticed however; she was sitting opposite me next to Kan. I assumed so she could translate for Kan easier.

"I tried to speak to Kan while we waited for you. It didn't go well."

"I bet it didn't. She's only been in the city for 2 weeks and working at the Hilton was her first real experience with Westerners. She is from Nan in northern Thailand on the Laos border. She speaks both Thai and Laotian fluently."

"Wow, I'm lucky I got what I did!"

Nik told Kan what I said, and she laughed. She looked at me and said something in Thai, pointed at the food.

I looked at Nik and saw the surprise in her eyes and she looked at the food in front of us, and then translated to me, "Which one is the crocodile? She asked if this was going to be your first time trying it, and if you knew what you were getting?"

I laughed, "It's this one," I said pointed at the full sticks of deep-fried meat. "I knew what I was getting, and I have never tried it, but hey 'when in Rome'."

"Well, it's going to be a first for me too," she said and reached for one of the sticks.

I looked at Kan, "What is this?" I said and pointed to a mound of green rice.

Nik translated for us both, "She said it is green curry with chicken. It's something her mother always makes at home and is a favorite of hers," she said around the bite of croc. "Hey, this is pretty good!"

"Then I will definitely try it, and what about this one?" It seemed to be rice, but inside a halved and cleaned out pineapple.

"I can tell you that. It's just as it looks, pineapple fried rice."

"Huh, ok. I'm starving, let's eat."

We ate and spoke more about what things were like. The crocodile ended up pretty good. Its meat was mild, and the coating was most of the flavor. I would have to say the texture and taste was kind of like eating a piece of pork tenderloin.

The 'BBQ' chicken that I bought turned out to be just grilled with what seemed to be a basting of lemongrass on it. It wasn't too bad, but Nik claimed most of it, it turned out to be her favorite of all the foods we had. I liked the green curry with chicken and there was something that Nik brought that looked and tasted like small, hard-boiled eggs on a stick. Kan said they were woodpecker's eggs.

As we were eating Kan slowly inched closer to me and eventually put her hand on my leg. When I looked at her, she was looking away and talking with Nik, but her hand stayed there for the next few minutes without moving away. I was enjoying listening to them talk, of course not knowing anything they were saying, but I was watching for clues in their expressions and inflections of words.

Kan said something directly to me, and I felt her hand slide up until she was touching my cock. Nik translated, "Did you enjoy your meal? Are you ready for dessert?" And as she ended the translation Kan gave my cock a squeeze.

I cleared my throat and said, "Yes, it was wonderful." I looked down at Kan and said, "Where are we getting dessert?"

Nik translated for Kan who started running her fingers over my hardening cock. "She said, the Queen Victoria Inn because she can't go to the Hilton. We passed it on Soi 6. It's an English restaurant with rooms to rent."

She said more to Kan, who replied, and then Nik said with a sly smile and giggle, "She lives above the Queen Victoria and has told the girls who she shares the room with that they can't use it tonight."

Kan stopped teasing with her fingers and grabbed a hold of me through my shorts and said "Pord?"

"She said..." Nik started to say.

"I know what she said. She said 'please'. Well, we can't let a good room go to waste, can we?"

When Nik translated Kan looked at me and smiled, sliding her hand down farther and found my balls that she made quick flicks over with her fingertips. She had leaned close enough that I reached up and lifted her face to me and was going to kiss her, but she pulled away. I then looked at Nik and asked, "Did I miss read this?"

"No," Nik said, "I guess you didn't know, it's illegal in Thailand to kiss in public. Most Thai will not do any sort of PDA, older Thai won't even hold hands."

"What about when you two took my arms when we walked?"

"That really wasn't an outward show of affection. Besides, you forget I'm not really Thai." And she gave me a smile and wink.

"Ok, tell her that I'm sorry and that I didn't know."

As I stood Kan got a good look and the outline of my cock. I was not fully hard, but my cock was running down the leg of my shorts and was unmistakably large. I heard Kan give a sharp intake of breath and look at Nik with wide eyed wonder. "Yes, it is." Nik said in English but then went on in Thai.

When that conversation ended Nik looked at me and said, "Well, I guess the tall blonde 'angel' will have to wait until next week. This little minx is wanting some of what you've got."

"Are you ok with this Nik?"

"Of course, I'm ok with it. She's a hot little firecracker, and this little Thai spinner is going to ride you hard and put you away wet I'm betting." Nik made a motion like she was swinging a lasso around over her head, making sure I didn't miss the cowgirl reference.

We all walked back and down Soi 6 until we came to the burgundy paint and gold lettering that proclaimed Queen Victoria Inn. Kan took us inside and to the stairs up to the rooms. When we got to the hallway, she went down past two doors and stopped at the third. She knocked on the door first and listened. Not hearing anything she went ahead to unlock the door and we all went inside.

The room was nice, not at all what I expected. The king-size bed took up the center of the room, it's head up against the wall. There was a wardrobe on each side of the bed, and a desk against the opposite wall with a TV above. Beside the desk was a tea cabinet that held a tiny kitchenette. In the nearest corner was a seating area that was L-shaped with one end having a lounging seat that came back out, so it was more like a half-square. Kan led me over to the lounger seat and had me sit down with my legs out. She started taking off my Birks.

"Jeff, before she gets you all hot and bothered, there is something you need to know," Nik started, and I knew she had another surprise for me. Kan had finished with my Birks and now was straddling me to unbutton my shirt. "In Thailand you must be 20 to go into or even work in a bar or club. That is why I was on the street and Kan is only working at the Hilton. She is going to be 20 next month, and already has a job waiting for her in one of the nightclubs, but it's a special club."

Kan was finished with the shirt and moved to the golf shorts. Nik sat down at the other end of the settee side to watch. I guess that was all the explanation I was getting for right now, so I watched Kan do her work on my clothes. The shorts unbuttoned and the zipper down she grabbed the waistband, and I lifted a bit so she could slide them off. Then she sat down in my lap to take off my shirt.

When I was only in the silky black and golden boxers, she started taking off her shirt. I then got a good look at the tattoo on her shoulder. Flowers in basic tattoo ink some that was covering her shoulder from the base of her neck and down to just above a very nice set of C-Cup breasts, she was not wearing a bra. I could see a faint line near the bottom of each implant, was this my surprise? I looked up at her as I raised my hands moving to touch her. She smiled and nodded and then took each of my hands and placed them on very soft, but firm, twin mounds with nipples that were small and very dark brown. I noticed each nipple had a ring through it that matched the one in her nose.

Now, I've seen porn that had older MILF and GILF women with these huge fake boobs that had really turned me off, but if I had not seen the scar, I would probably not have known these were not just normal breasts for someone so young. They felt fantastic and I leaned in to take one of her nipples in my mouth, my tongue flicking the ring. She gave a little sigh, and I felt her hands go to my head and pull me in. After flicking the nipple ring with my tongue a few more times, I looked up at her; she leaned in and kissed me. Our tongues wrestled a bit in both our mouths, and she was grinding on my lap. I'm sure she felt my growing hard on.

She broke her kiss and slid down my legs, her hands sliding down my chest as she went. When her ass reached my shins, her hands were at my boxers and she was rubbing me with both hands, between her hands and the silk of the boxers. My cock was nearly sticking out the bottom of one leg. She made sure that leg pulled up during her hands sliding along and my cock's head appeared she went down to lick it. This went on for a few minutes before she needed more and quickly put her hands on the waistband and pulled the boxers down. My cock sprung up hitting her chin as it came.

She giggled and left the boxers around the top of my thighs and began to stroke and lick. I was rock hard and saw a bit of pre-cum ooze out of the tip. Kan quickly took her prize, sucking on the head for everything she could get. I looked away for a second over at Nik, but she was watching it all with wide eyed lust. I'm sure something like this was in my future with her. My attention going back to Kan she was taking as much of me into her mouth as she could and still running both hands over the shaft. I gave her a bit of non-verbal encouragement by putting my right hand over the top of her head and giving a gentle push on each downward motion.

I felt myself getting close and I didn't want to cum so soon so I stopped her and brought her up with both hands on her shoulders so I could kiss her. Her breasts rubbing along my cock then on my chest felt fantastic. When my cock slid through the middle of them, and I nearly came anyway. I reached down to the button on her shorts when she stopped the kiss, and my hands, and sat up, shaking her head no.