Debauchery - Ch. 10-13

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Jess begins to settle in to Thailand living.
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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 02/23/2024
Created 11/06/2023
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Note: All persons having sex are consenting and over the age of 18.


CHAPTER 10 -- Settling In and Hathaikan's Surprise

The building where Noi worked was newer construction and had a lot of glass. It looked rich. I guess it was a good place to house a financial planning firm. Nik and I got up to the fourth floor and waited for Noi to come and get us.

Noi was dressed in a green pants suit and had her hair pulled back. She looked fully like a businessperson. She led us back to her office and we sat down at a table where she could sit between us.

"Now Jeff, to live permanently in Thailand you will need to be a permanent resident for a minimum of three years. After being in Thailand legally for three years you can apply for a permanent residency permit, that permit never expires. You also must apply for a Thailand residence certificate." She held up her hand, "I know, 'what's the difference'? Well, let's just say there is and leave it at that. It would be too difficult to explain."

"Now financially investing," she continued, "and living here for those first three years, means you must apply for a Retirement Visa. I can help you with filling out the paperwork and go with you where you need to go and apply for it. The only real requirement you are going to have to do is an 800,000 Baht deposit, into a Thai bank, for 2 months prior to the application."

"How much is that?" I asked.

"A little less than $22,000."

"Can't I just write you a check for $25,000 now and get it over with?" I joked. I knew an American check meant next to nothing here in Thailand. In fact, if you gave a check written off an American bank account, they would begrudgingly take it, but it would take anywhere from 30-60 days to clear. Doing a transfer would take only minutes.

"We can transfer as much as you want into a Thai bank, it just must be a minimum of the 800,000 and in there for 2 months before you can apply for the Retirement Visa. That minimum must also stay in there. I can take you to the Siam Commercial Bank that is inside Central Pattaya to open the account and set up the transfer. The only other thing that you must have to live in Thailand is health insurance, and I will introduce you to my agent, he's English and has lived here for nearly 40 years now and has owned his own insurance brokerage house for the last 30 years."

"That all sounds great Noi. I will probably transfer at least half of what I now have into the Thai bank. It will save me a lot of hassle from having to go to an exchange every day. Please let's start setting things up."

"There's only one last thing we have to do," Noi said, and she looked to make sure the blinds to her office were closed and she kissed me.

"Sealed with a kiss huh?" I joked."

Nik, who had been silent up till now, said, "What about me?"

"I'm not going to kiss you unless you have his cum in your mouth."

"I'm talking about my Thailand citizenship Noi!"

Noi giggled, "Just teasing Nik. I did a little digging for us both. Since I was born here, to a Thai mother, I can get my citizenship automatically through 'jus sanguinis'. You were born here with both of your parent's being Thai, it should be even easier for you. Now, for you to marry each other here in Thailand you only must do a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage. Basically, prove you are free to marry."

"I have never been married, so how do I prove that?" I asked her.

"The certificate will be done through the American Embassy in Bangkok. I assume they will do a records search to confirm everything."

"Do I have to see or talk to my birth parents?" Nic asked.

"I don't think so Nik." Noi replied. "I think that the adoption records at the orphanage will suffice. It's still in business in the same building."

"I guess that's another check box to add to the list then Nik," I told her. "Anything else Noi?"

"That's enough to get started. I will block off a couple of hours in my schedule for us to get that deposit made and will let you know when."

"Sounds great Noi."

"Thank you, Noi," Nik said and gave her sister a hug.

We left Noi's office and walked out of the building. I looked at my watch, 11:34. "Want to hit up some street food Nik?"

Nik looked around to get her bearings. "Let's go up to the Buakhao Market. We can do some casual clothes shopping on the cheap and grab a bite to eat."

"Sounds good. Are we walking?"

"No, Baht-Bus, it's quite a way up and around Third Road. The Baht-Bus will drop us off at S Pattaya Road. We can walk from there."

"You got me lost just saying that. Lead on Sacajawea," and I gave her butt a slight swat.

We walked to the space marked for the Baht-Bus and waited for a few minutes until it came. Nik talked to the driver to see if this one would take us to where we wanted and then Nik told me, "20-baht". I paid the driver, and we climbed into the bed of the small pickup and sat on the bench seat. I leaned back with my arm around Nik and enjoyed watching the city go by.

When we arrived near the Buakhao Market we walked the short distance down S Pattaya Road then took Tai 22 for the short walk down that alley to Buakhao Market.

Again, I was blown away with all the different stalls selling just about everything you could think of, the majority however was clothing.

"Let's eat first, I didn't eat enough for breakfast." Nik said.

"I am too, it's because we both had pussy for breakfast, and it was Asian, so it doesn't keep you from getting hungry again a couple hours later." I said with a shit-eating grin on my face.

Nik stuck her tongue out at me and replied, "But it was such delicious pussy, we really must eat it again soon."

We both laughed and looked around for a food stall that looked good. There was a stall obviously selling fried fish of different varieties, everything written in Thai but the price. It all ranged from 20 to 35 baht, and that was for a huge steak of fish. I shook my head 35 baht was less than $1.

We finally found a stall selling different curries, soups, and stir-fry. I pointed out one of the items that looked like a light broth, pho type, of soup and the lady handed me a bag of it. Nik had gotten a stir-fry, and it also came in a clear plastic bag. She grabbed 2 plastic spoons from a holder and said, "Come on I'll show you how to eat Thai fast-food," she walked off laughing at my confused look.

I followed Nic to an area with tables and chairs where we could sit and eat. She explained, "Some of these vendors in stalls will serve on sticks, or paper boats like what we had at Runway, others are like this one who will serve your take-away in a plastic bag. Around here they are not expecting you to eat here but take it home with you after shopping at the other vendors."

I nodded my head in understanding, although I still felt like I had just left a pet store with a bag of tropical fish. She handed me the spoon and I watched as she carefully opened her bag and started scooping out stir fry and shoving it in her mouth. I did the same and found my soup was very tasty and not too spicy. The meat, however, was suspect. "Nik, what am I eating?"

She looked at what I had on my spoon and said, "Is it good?"

"It's delicious," I answered. "But what is it?"

"If you like it, then that's all you need to know." And she went back to work on her stir-fry.

I ate some more trying to figure out what I was tasting and finally gave up and ate what was in my bag. When we were done Nik kissed me on the cheek quickly to not offend anyone looking and said, "I'm proud of you."

"For what?"

"That was the Thai version of Vietnamese pho."

"I figured that much out Nik."

"It's made a bit differently. The meat is usually beef and pork and it's cooked in Thai dark soi sauce and nam tok."


"Nam tok is cow or pig's blood mixed with salt."

"Oh, then that's why the meat was salty and tasted slightly metallic. I thought it was just the type of meat."

"That didn't bother you like I thought it would."

"I've come to accept that I'm going to eat strange things here. I was just curious because I thought the meat itself was different, and not the way it was prepared." She seemed satisfied with my explanation and took my hand and led me into the bowels of the market and we spent most of the afternoon shopping at the various stalls.

We caught a cab so that we could take our haul back to the hotel. We had bought quite a few things at various stalls and at one of them was a pair of big suitcases to haul it all in. I really didn't mind, because they would also act as another set of drawers sitting next to the dresser in the room. I mentioned to Nik that we would have to do laundry soon and she said she would take me to where her and Anong do their laundry, it has a dry cleaner side to it so everything can be one-stop cleaning.

We decided to make a day of it tomorrow for laundry and spend the rest of Tuesday just lounging around. "Have you given any thought to where you want to go after your 3 weeks is up here?" Nik asked.

"Not really, maybe Indonesia?"

"Babe you really need to learn about places before you just go head long into a country."

"What do you mean?"

"If you and I go to Indonesia together, we will have to have separate rooms."

"Why is that?"

"It's illegal to have unmarried sex, and unmarried people cannot live together. Some hotels will not even allow unmarried people in the same room together."

"Even if we are tourists?" I asked in unbelievable shock.

"Yep, unless you did want to spend a year in a Jakarta jail."

"No, that's alright. We can skip seeing Indonesia for some time after the wedding."

She laughed and said, "We could just go to Europe, sex is open and fair game there. Do you know where your ancestors came from?"

"Well, the Stephens side of the family traces back to Ireland, my mother's family name is Sedlack, and she traced it back to the name Sedlacek in Czechia. What about the Frankin name?"

"Dad's family is as British as you can get, he is second generation American" Nik laughed. "His grandfather came to the US just after WWII. My mom's maiden name is Turner, so still British Isles, but she had a great-grandmother she told me about that was Spanish."

"Well, I guess we could go visit some homelands of our ancestors. We could fly to Progue and tour around Czech Republic, then to Madid to tour Spain. Follow it up with a few weeks in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland." I thought about it some more then said, "On the way back we could stop in Colorado and meet your parents, and San Diego and see the gang. We would have literally gone around the world at that point."

There was a knock at the door. I looked at Nik, "Were you expecting Anong to come by?"

"No, and I don't think Noi would have come over without texting first."

I got up and went to the door and opened it. It was Hathaikan, with a cart that had a covered plate on it, and a champagne bottle in a bucket with two glasses. "Hi Kan, come it. But we didn't order anything."

She came in and said to Nik, "Bxk khea wa chan seiyci kab kar kohk thi khun sang reuxng ni tæ chan txngkar khx kætaw." She then turned around and closed the door, then got on her knees in front of me, undid my shorts and pulled them down.

My cock wasn't at the ready since I wasn't expecting this, but she didn't care and took my whole flaccid cock into her mouth and started sucking. I looked over at Nik who said, "She said something about being sorry and needing an excuse? To be honest I didn't catch it all because she was talking so fast." And she stood up to walk over to Kan and me. She watched Kan sucking on my cock for a minute and then started running her fingers through Kan's hair and then took a good grip and pulled her off. She stood her up and kissed her hard on the mouth. Then pulled her away and said, "Chan ca hi khun mi sing thi khun txngkar meux chan di rab sing thi chan txngkar serc læw." And then went back to kissing her hard.

Kan was tugging on my cock while Nik kissed her. I took the opportunity to feel her firm breast over her uniform. Nik pulled away and pushed her back down to her knees and Kan at once put me back into her hot wet mouth. I looked at Nik, "I told her she could have what she wanted after I got what I wanted." And then Nik put both hands to Kan's head and started to force her to bob back and forth on my cock.

I could hear Kan gag each time Nik forced her down on me, she was taking about an inch of me down her throat with each thrust. It felt great. I took Nik by the back of her head and pulled her into me for a kiss. Nik let go of Kan and put her arms around my neck to keep kissing me. Kan started to use one hand to stroke me in time with her mouth and the other to cup my balls.

Nik broke the kiss and looked down at Kan. "This was a nice surprise." And went over to the covered tray as Kan kept up her work on my cock. She lifted the tray to find different chocolate covered strawberries. "Oh, yummy!" As she took one a bit into it. "Baby, fuck her face really good, and give her a big load as a thank you for me."

And so, I did. I reached down and grabbed a handful of hair on each side of Kan's head and bent my knees a bit so that I would be able to pump my hips and pull her off and on my cock at the same time. I fucked that beautiful ladyboy mouth like I was fucking a pussy and soon was shooting shot after shot of hot cum in her mouth and down her throat. When I was spent, I pulled her up and kissed her hard. I had one hand in her hair at the back of her head keeping her kissing me. My other hand pulled up her skirt and pulled her panties aside so that I could grab her hard cock. I tugged on her while I kissed her then stopped and pushed her away.

"If you want more, then you will have to bring more surprises for us." I told her and Nik around a mouthful of chocolate strawberry translated.

"Yes sir." Kan said with a big smile, as she tucked her hard cock back into the lace panties and straightened up her uniform.

I took my hands and used my fingers to run through and comb her short hair back into place. I then kissed her again, not with force, but with desire. When I pulled away, I slipped one of the blue 50 baht bills into her bra from my wallet. I then opened the door and as she walked out I gave her a swat on her ass, and closed the door behind her.

I walked over and took a strawberry from Nik's hand and ate it. "Hey, get your own!" She said and grabbed another one. "Open that bottle and pour me a glass."

I did as I was told. I handed her the flute and said, "To the future Mr. and Mrs. Thomas." Nik giggled and we carefully clinked our glasses, and I took a sip. "Mmm, this is pretty good."

"Enjoy it, you're paying for it. All champagne is like wine in Thailand, it's a luxury because it is heavily taxed. I would not be surprised if that bottle is costing you the price of a go-go girl for the night."

"That's only $100 or so, not any more than a bottle at a nightclub in the states."

"Oh, well I wouldn't know that. I've never had bottle service at a nightclub."

"When we go to Europe, I'll take you to one or two. Drinking age is only 18 there."

"Are you going to put that away or are you planning on using it again soon?"

I looked down at my naked cock. "I honestly have gotten so used to you being naked around here, it must be rubbing off." I picked up my shorts from the floor and put them back on. "That really was a nice surprise."

"Yes, it was. I will have to thank her properly myself when I get a chance."

We laughed and clinked glasses again. I looked at the time; 7:38pm. "I'm not tired, do you want to go out?"

"Why don't you go on your own and experience one of the gentleman's clubs. I would never be allowed in, so you go and have fun."

"Do you have any suggestions, other than Skyfall?"

"A gent's club is not like a gogo such as Skyfall. Your will see the difference when you get there. KitCat in Jomtien, but you will have to leave soon, it closes at 10:00. If you see someone you like just wait until closing and take her across the street to Neo for the night. It's a 3-star hotel so it's nice inside, better than the room upstairs she would take you to."

"You would be fine with that?"

"Of course, have fun!" And she kissed me.


CHAPTER 11 -- Nguyen

I went out and got into a cab, "KitCat Jomtien." I told the driver and hoped that he knew where I wanted to go. He nodded and I paid him the 260 baht he asked for and away we went.

When I arrived and got out it looked like a normal bar with a high table with barstools out front. Each seat had a girl in it. The only difference I could see was that it had a door and not an open front. I walked up and all four girls greeted me with an exaggerated 'Hellooo!' in a sing-song voice. It was pleasant and made me smile. "Hello ladies." I told them and the closest one to the door stood up and opened the door for me. "Thank you," I said smiling at her.

Once inside I was hit by the color. Orange and brown, in varying shades. I noticed even the pool tables were covered in orange felt. The seats were high back padded bench seats for the most part, some tables did have padded chairs without armrests on the opposite side of the bench seat.

I was greeted right away with who I assumed was the mamasan, an older woman in a long dress. "Welcome to KitCat," she said with a warm smile. "You like seat?" She motioned around the room, there were not many customers. I saw 5 booths with a guy and women sitting around drinking and 2 playing pool.

I walked over to a booth that was not as wide as the others, but still was a half-square and could easily seat 6. There was matching colored leather pillows to the leather padding on the back of the bench, and I sat down and leaned back. "What I bring for drink?" The mamasan asked.

I thought about the drink that Noi had ordered for me at Skyfall and asked, "Painkiller?" She nodded and went toward the bar making a motion with one hand and several girls who were not currently sitting with any of the men all stood up and came over. They were all dressed in clothing that would enable each of them to walk into just about any restaurant in the world. All of them were beautiful, and the dresses tasteful. This was very similar to some of the fancier strip clubs I've been to.

I was sitting just inside the first curve of the bench and two girls scooted in on either side of me, the other three lined up in front of the table. The girl that sat to my right said, "Choose one or many as like."

I knew that choosing one would mean that the others would leave. I looked each of them over. One was older, maybe late 30s or possibly even 40. She was pretty and had a nice smile. She had a light blue dress that showed off her arms and legs, only going down to about mid-thigh. The girl who spoke was also older, I would guess about the same age, but she had on more makeup and looked more like a model than a MILF. She had on an orange top that showed off arms and cleavage, with a black miniskirt. "You, I said to the woman who spoke to me, and you, I said pointing to the MILF."

The girl on my left got up and left with the others, after giving me a kiss on the cheek, and the MILF sat down to take her place. "First time KitCat?" the MILF asked me.

"Yes, and my first week in Thailand." I replied. I took a good look at her. She was most likely pushing the 40 mark, but at 55 that suited me fine. She was small, I would guess under 5' and about 90 lbs. Her hair was longish, falling past her shoulders, but not down farther than her mid-back. She smiled and I saw small dimples on her cheeks.

I turned to the other woman. Not as old but in her 30s and taller than average, maybe 5'4. Her top showed off cleavage that was made by breasts that could be DDs. Her hair was shiny black but pulled back in a loose bun on the back of her head. Various strands of hair seemed to be consciously pulled out in places, it was sexy looking.