Debbie's Defloration


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"Did I... enjoy it like that last night?"

"I think so but you were too drunk to say much!" he grinned.

I smiled an embarrassed smile then asked in return.

"Was it... any good for you? Did YOU enjoy it?"

There was a moment of silence in which Darren seemed to be making up his mind. To my amazement, when he spoke there was no doubting the sincerity of his voice or the expression on his face.

"I loved it," he said. "It was one of the best!"

I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"Don't tease me!"

"It's true," he protested. "For a newbie Debs, you were amazing. The whole thing was amazing. You were so tight and so soft and..."

I smiled and a warm glow began to fill me. But Darren was just getting into his stride.

"You're one of the best I've had! I really mean that Debs. You were great, and not just for a first-timer!"

I could scarcely believe my ears, of the feeling of pride his words were making swell in my chest.

"How the hell did you know to do that thing with your pussy? You know, squeezing my cock like that? Most experienced girls don't do that but you did it naturally on your first time!"

I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about; I had just done whatever felt natural to a terrified girl enduring her first conscious fuck. But it seemed that what had felt natural to me had felt great to him and I glowed with pleasure at his words.

"Amazing! Simply amazing!"

There was an awkward pause as I watched Darren finish dressing. I had steeled myself not to cry; not to get upset when he made an excuse to leave, having used me for what he wanted. He had bagged the fat girl's cherry; it was time to move on.

But he didn't! Instead he began to busy himself, tidying up the last remaining evidence of the party. I watched amazed but he showed no sign of trying to escape. Quite the contrary, the two of us spent the over an hour cleaning, washing up and putting everything right that could be put right.

"Can't have you grounded, Debs," he smiled when I thanked him honestly for all his help.

There was a bit of damage to a table top and two stubborn food stains on carpets which we couldn't shift but otherwise I seemed to have escaped the worst of my bad decision to hold the party.

The worst problem that remained was the new, large and strangely pink-tinged damp patch on the sofa cushion where Darren and I had just made love. No amount of scrubbing could get rid of it; indeed it seemed only to make the stain worse so I decided to turn the cushion over before Mum and Dad returned and hope for the best.

To my surprise even after the tidying, Darren seemed in no hurry to escape. I offered to cook him some dinner but in the end we ordered in pizza, and watched movies on line all evening, kissing, groping playfully and cuddling on the stained sofa.

Just before midnight the movie ended. Darren took my hand and led me upstairs to the king-sized bed in my parent's room and put some music on their speakers.

Then, slowly and calmly, he stripped my chubby, sticky body naked, laid me on my back on the clean sheets and fucked me half senseless. The sheer sexual passion, the lust, force - even violence with which he penetrated me over and over again shook my chubby body both physically and emotionally until the world simply span around my helpless, compliant body and dazed brain.

Even now, years later and in a steady relationship, that copulation remains one of the best of my life.

It might even be the very best, though I would never admit it to anyone, especially Darren.

At one point I even made a very amateurish attempt at sucking his cock. It felt very strange and I could taste my own sexual juices on the smooth skin of his shaft which had made my tummy squirm. Darren was a good teacher, I had persevered and in the end it went much better than expected but, as Darren said, I needed a lot of practice.

In return, he had given my vulva some much less amateurish attention with his mouth and fingers which had finally brought me the shattering orgasm my inexperienced body couldn't quite achieve though my nearly-virgin vagina.

Part way through our second time, he pulled out, turned me onto my front and entered me again from behind, his hips slapping hard against my chubby buttocks as his cock plunged deeper into my body than I had imagined possible.

The shock of this rear entry, the excitement of this new position along with the unbelievable sensations it sent pulsing through my body brought me closer to my very first vaginal orgasm than I was to get for several years.

It shocked me so much I was convinced I was going to faint, or at least wet the bed. Only years later and after much experimentation with my long term boyfriend did I understand about g-spots and really achieve the mind-altering orgasm I had glimpsed that night.

Afterwards Darren had tried to mount me again but after my orgasm I was too exhausted.

To my shame, I had fallen asleep.

We spent the rest of the night curled up together in Mum and Dad's double bed.



"Aaahhhh! Aaahhhh!"

Darren Clarke's hips slammed into my chubby buttocks over and over again; his muscular, athletic thighs driving his long, thick cock deep into my plump, newly-deflowered body.

I had woken as the morning sunlight spilled through the half-open curtains night to find Darren trying to mount me once again. This time my legs had parted instinctively to receive my new lover and he had entered me smoothly and deeply.

In the darkness of the night, all had been touch, sound and smell; the repeated joining of two aroused, eager bodies. Now daylight flooded the room. Lying on my back on my parents' bed and with my thighs spread obscenely wide underneath Darren's long, strong, energetic body I couldn't avoid seeing the over-generous flesh of my tummy and my large boobs wobbling horribly with every powerful thrust.

But Darren didn't seem to care and at that moment I simply didn't care either; the sensations radiating outwards from my over-sensitised vulva dominated my whole existence.

The pain of my broken hymen was still present but was fading with every stroke of Darren's incredible cock and the new pleasures I was discovering were getting stronger and stronger.



"Fuck, Debbie! Oh fuck yeah!"

His pace was fast but steady as his thick cock penetrated deep into my eager but until-recently-inexperienced vagina. The once-unfamiliar sounds and smells of sex emanating from between my sticky, wet thighs filled the room. Whenever I had smelled them on my friends they had disgusted me but now, coming from my own body and Darren's, things were very different.


My hands, which had been lovingly stroking my first and only lover's strong arms and muscular chest, now flew to my sides and grasped the bed sheet as his pace and power increased.

"Mmmm! Darren! Mmmm! Oh yes!"

The warm glow that had appeared only slightly during our previous copulations was returning but this time it was stronger, moving faster and with growing intensity.

"Oh Deb-beeee!"

Darren was fucking me and fucking me well that Sunday morning as he had fucked me throughout the night; a night that had lacked sleep but which had been full of emotion, exertion, exploration and for me, liberation.

I was exhausted, bewildered but at the same time, elated.

Less than thirty-six hours ago I had been a drunk, overweight virgin. Now, although I was still overweight, I was definitely sober and, as the large erect penis that was repeatedly penetrating my body could testify, I was most certainly no longer a virgin.

Darren Clarke had finally added my virginity to the long list of conquests on his belt. However much I knew that it was purely a physical thing, however much I knew this relationship would not outlast the weekend, however much I understood that now he had taken my cherry he would cast me aside as he had done with so many other girls, for now my body was his to do with whatever he pleased.

"Nnngh! Nnngh! Nnngh! Nnngh!"



At that moment, whatever was pleasing Darren Clarke was pleasing me even more!



"Oh Darren! Oh Darren! Don't stop! Don't stop!"



And for the final time, Darren's fit, athletic body went into spasm, his handsome face turned into a grimace and his body began to empty itself into mine.


His voice sounded half-choked but I already knew from the pulsing, throbbing pole buried deep in my body that my lover had reached yet another orgasm and was ejaculating what little semen his body might still hold against my cervix.

It didn't last long; after such a night it couldn't last long, deep down, I knew he wouldn't stay long.

But that didn't mean it wasn't a wonderful experience.


By the time Darren actually did leave on Sunday morning we had made love four times; five if you count the one where I fell asleep on him.

I took the first two 'morning after' pills in front of him on Sunday morning and promised to take the next two the following day. I most certainly intended to; although I was completely under Darren's sexual spell, I was by no means ready to have his baby!

We kissed our goodbye's in the doorway, long and slowly before I waved him out of sight and went back into the house to tidy it and myself up. The sheets on Mum and Dad's bed were horrible; rumpled and stained with Darren and my combined juices. I stripped the bed, put it all in the washer and prayed silently it would all be dry before they arrived home

My phone had buzzed throughout the previous evening and into the night but I had ignored it, completely enthralled by my exciting first lover. Chatting with my friends had seemed a poor second to being with Darren so mid-morning I was very surprised to hear a banging on the front door.

I ran to open it and found my best friend Izzy on the doorstep, her face was pink and she was very agitated.

"Is he still here?" she asked breathlessly as I let her into the house.

"Who?" I replied, unsure how far to let me best friend in on my new secret.

"Darren of course. Is he still here?"

"What do you mean?" I tried to bluff.

"Don't be stupid Debs. I KNOW what happened yesterday. Everyone knows what happened yesterday!"


"It's all on WhatsApp. Haven't you even looked at your phone? Darren's finally fucked you! You're busted! Everyone knows about it."

"Oh my God!"

"The whole house smells of sex, Debbie. You smell of sex! For Christ's sake what were you thinking of?"

Now I knew I had no choice but to come clean and tell Izzy everything. It wasn't as if I didn't know plenty of secrets about her.

"Who told everyone?" I asked first.

In reply, Izzy simply handed me her smartphone. Her WhatsApp screen was open. There were pages and pages of messages and they were all about one thing: my loss of virginity.

I scrolled back and back until I found the single message that had set it all off. A chill came over me; there it was, from Darren Clarke himself.

'chubby cherry popped 16:47 this afternoon. seems I saved the best till last. mike you owe me one iPhone.'

"Oh my God!" I said, horrified.

"Is it true?" Izzy demanded.

I nodded.

"He left an hour ago."

"Shit Debs! You've been at it since yesterday?"

I nodded again, ashamed. Then suddenly realised what was wrong.

"But it happened on Friday night not yesterday afternoon!" I protested.

Izzy laughed out oud.

"Don't talk rubbish Debs. You weren't in a fit state to do anything when we left you on Friday!"


"You were unconscious! Out of it! We put you to bed and left you to sleep it off."


"You never could hold your booze. You got so hammered you tried to snog Louise then went for a piss in the bath. Lou and I put you to bed."

"But what about my skirt and knickers? And my bra?"

She took a long deep breath and spoke more quietly.

"Well to be honest we were all pissed off with you for passing out and ruining the party. Lou and I decided to play a trick on you. We took them off before putting you to bed and spread them round the house.

"But there was all that sticky goo on my... on me too," I protested, getting really upset now.

"Yoghurt Debbie! It was yogurt mixed with sugar. Couldn't you tell?"

"!" I stammered.

"It was Lou's idea. Like I said, we were very pissed off with you. The party was over hours too soon!"

A chill passed over me.

"So Darren wasn't even there? I didn't call him?"

"Debs you weren't capable of speech. You couldn't even flush the toilet, let alone use a phone!"

"But Darren left me flowers; he said we'd... we'd..."

"I'm so sorry Debs. It looks like he tricked you."

"How... how did he know what you'd done?"

Izzy's voice became a bit more serious.

"Lou and I met him and Mike in MacDonald's yesterday morning. They were hung over too and asked how our party had gone. Lou told them how you'd got so drunk you passed out and about the tricks we played with your clothes and the sticky stuff."

"What did they say?"

"Mike said you were frigid.; that the only chance of anyone getting into your knickers was if you were unconscious and that you would probably die a virgin."

"Bastard!" I grunted. "He's not such a stud himself!"

Izzy snorted; she and Mike had once had a fling for a few weeks. It had ended badly.

"You can say that again! Anyway, Darren laughed and said he didn't need alcohol to get a girl's cherry and could have you any time he wanted. Mike told him he was talking crap but Darren said that if he really wanted to, he could get into your knickers before Monday morning."

"Bastards!" I croaked, beginning to cry in humiliation.

"Mike said he was a big-headed liar so Darren told him to put his money where his mouth was. Mike got all macho then and said okay, if Darren could fuck you before Monday morning he could have Mike's new iPhone."

I was aghast; the whole thing had just been a bet?

"I take it he was successful?"

Izzy's eyes were on mine; she knew me so well there was no point in pretending. I nodded slowly, ashamed. Thanks to his tricks, Darren had actually taken my cherry within an hour, let alone two days.

Had I really been that gullible?

"Did he stay long afterwards?"

"All night," I snuffled. "He only left an hour ago."

Izzy's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"All night? You really did it with him all night?"

I nodded again, hanging my head.

"Christ! How many times did you..."

I held up my hand with all five fingers showing.

"Jesus Debbie! You really went straight from losing your cherry into an all-nighter with Darren? Your pussy must hurt like hell!"

She was right but the pain in my vagina was nothing compared with the agony of shame that rocked my body and stunned my mind. As the tears began to flow in earnest, I finally understood.

I had fallen hook, line and sinker for his elaborate trick.

The last cherry on the tree had been plucked by deceit.

I had been fucked by Darren Clarke in every possible sense!


Being tricked into losing my cherry; being the victim of a bet between two stupid boys and having the shame of my defloration broadcast around social media could have ruined my reputation, my schooldays; maybe even my life.

But it didn't. This story isn't a tragedy. It isn't really a sad story at all.

True, the next few days were very difficult for me. Going to school with all those pointing fingers and ill-concealed giggles was almost more than I could bear but thankfully it didn't last long.

And the person who brought it to an end was the person I least expected to.

Daren Clarke himself.

Okay, he didn't repent of his crime, he didn't fall in love with me, beg me for forgiveness, sweep me off my feet and head off into the sunset with me. We didn't even sleep with each other again but he did do something that changed my life, and for the better.

Unbelievably, the thing that turned my world around was a single line of text he posted on WhatsApp a couple of days later.

'The iPhone's great Mike. Better luck next time! Btw I'm only screwing fat girls in future. They try so much harder, feel so much tighter and last all night long!'

Of course it was a joke, but there was a real if twisted compliment in those few words. There could only be one 'fat girl' he could possibly mean. And there could only be one reason why he would say that.

The news that a boy with the sexual reputation of Darren Clarke thought I was good enough in bed to spend all night with and fuck at least four times spread like wildfire.

At first I was horrified, then I gradually realised that both the girls and the boys at school had stopped making fun of me.

Then I realised I was being treated with more respect; much more respect.

Then the offers of dates began.

The first batch came from the 'chancers'; opportunists hoping to get quick, no-strings sex from the girl even Darren Clarke rated; hoping she was a slut as well as a good fuck.

But I was a fast learner; having just swapped a reputation for being 'fat and frigid' for one of being 'good in bed', I wasn't going to get a third for being an 'easy lay' and I turned them down flat.

Once the rest of the boys saw I wasn't desperate enough to go to bed with just anyone, I began to get asked out by the more sensible, more attractive boys.

Some these offers I accepted; only very few ended up in bed; absolutely none before the third or fourth date.

What's more, with many more physical distractions, my habits began to change too.

Without really trying, I dropped first one dress size, then another. This meant I could choose nicer, tighter and sexier clothes which, under Izzy's guidance, I wore most of the time.

As the end of the school year approached, for the first time in my life I was considered if not actually 'hot', then at least on the 'I would' list for many of the boys at school.

By the time my exams were taken and my schooldays had ended my tally of sex partners had risen from zero to four, if you include Darren. It was enough to send me off to University feeling happy and confident.

By the end of my first year at Uni, the tally had risen to six, the last being the relationship I am still enjoying years later.

He's not as good a lover as Darren but when he's in my bed we're perfect for each other. And I know he's not going to leave as soon as he's finished with me.

I have hardly spoken to Darren since he left my home that Sunday afternoon but if I do get the chance, I have only one thing to say to him.

'Thanks for the memory!'

And you can bet I mean that sincerely.

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ZalanaZalanaalmost 3 years ago

Oh what I would have given to have been able to donate a firm knee in the junk to guys like Darren, but that is life I guess, nice guys get to pick up the pieces. It was a horrible story JennyG but artfully rescued at the end, somehow it seems to bring back all those uncomfortable memories of young adulthood and the terrible mistakes we made and the hurt we needlessly caused. Older and wiser everyday eh?

OGHMNWOGHMNWabout 3 years ago

Jenny, I just came across this Wonderful Hot Erotic Story while looking at your recent stories. Deb handled the situation better than a lot of virgin girls. Darren was an opportunist and predator. I will admit that he did come across as caring and not just a wham bam I’m gone one night stand. His guilt likely is what made him post those comments. Debbie’s intelligence came out as she was more selective in who she slept with. Knowing that she ends up in a happy relationship is nice. Thank You and now back to your current series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Lemons to lemonade is a great concept...

that seems stretched beyond reason by the MC in this captivating story of a young woman's painful sexual awakening. The circumstances surrounding Debbie's defloration cannot honestly be spun into anything pleasant. The punishment exacted on their inexperienced, severely intoxicated hostess by her purported friends was vindictive and petty. Viewed benignly, Darren's actions after learning of their deception were opportunistic, exploitative and callous. Seen more objectively, his behavior was predatory, cruel and dehumanizing. The repugnant lothario's assessment of his victim as a surprisingly good sexual partner, worthy of further exploitation, makes the loss of her virginity under these circumstances all the more tragic. She, and we, will never know how transformative and fulfilling her first time might have been with a caring partner who treasured the gift of her innocence.

It is most fortunate the MC had the strength and resilience to move forward from this betrayal with grace and self determination. Her victimization was so public, humiliating and heartless, it easily could have pushed her into a deep spiritual darkness. The author offers an intriguing, and pleasingly cogent, rationale for Debbie's recovery and eventual development of a healthy self image and sexuality. Unfortunately, however, her psychological evolution was pushed to the point of aberrant mutation. Debbie's ascent to a state of gratitude toward the monster who defiled her makes a sad mockery of her poignant journey. Her unlikely sentiment, imo, minimizes the marauder's depravity, trivializes her suffering and demeans her humanity.

Thank you, JennyGently, for sharing your talent and imagination. Despite my criticism, I enjoyed reading Debbie's story. The strength of my views is a reflection of the power of your work. Please write more.

ibeenibeenover 3 years ago
That was excessive...

There really was no need to mention again and again that she was chubby. We get it, she is fat. It's alright well written, but that was annoying.

Also, there was no actual impregnation like tagged.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsabout 4 years ago

I enjoyed it. Telling us Debbie is (or was, as it turns out) chubby one time was sufficient. Twice all the more so, and three is a bit of overkill. You did it much too often. Okay, she's overweight and has a complex about it, but give the reader some credit: We can retain that fact. Aside from that, though, the story is excellent. Darren is a true bastard, and Izzy should have warned her good friend, but as Shakespeare once said, All's Well That Ends Well. Five stars from me, JB Edwards

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