Debut, Clean Sweep, Encore


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Her whole body glowed: those were lovely words to hear.

"But the socially-responsible thing would be for me to put on the brakes and stop right now. Stop this all cold. I'm not saying that's what I want, just that it's the 'societally proper thing to do'. On the other hand, I could also let things develop, either by following your lead, or else by putting on a full-tilt effort to seduce you..."

As he paused, she shifted towards him, laid a hand on his thigh, and asked, "My turn now?"

He nodded – he wasn't sure where he would have gone anyhow.

"Chris, I've been thinking, too. A lot. First, you have to know that I've had a crush on you for years and years now. Second, I've been thinking about your experiences and trying to learn something from them – especially about that one awful day you had, back when you were about 20... the day that everything bad in the world seemed to happen to you at once. I think you said your father died in a crash, you flunked out of college, got arrested for some big crime, and your girlfriend jilted you. Maybe some other things too."

She had that right... it was interesting, having her use HIS experiences in this discussion – it didn't tame his hardon at all, but did leave him admiring again her ability to think quickly.

"Chris, I remember that it was because of all that stuff that you joined the Marines – at least, you took some action! You made a decision!"

Where was she going with all this, he wondered, even as she was mimicking his delivery and style, something she did unconsciously when she was being thoroughly serious.

"Well, in case you hadn't noticed, today I have been having sort of a reverse version of your bad day – my first performance went well, I got my very first flowers and they were those beautiful roses, I've been asked out on my first date by my long-term crush, and we're going to my favorite restaurant. I've had my first-ever real, serious kisses. And here we are, all ALONE. Together. Overnight, if we wish! Can you imagine how many times I've dreamed of something like this? Only thing is, the dreams never got this good! My decision is that it shouldn't end yet – and certainly not with your 'socially responsible thing to do', either."

She paused for several heartbeats: "I want to make a clean sweep of "important firsts" tonight. And there's a very important one left to go. Plus a bunch of lesser ones, I think."

There was a very long pause before she finished up "If that's something you'd like, too." Her voice carried a tiny, enticing quaver of pure uncertainty and self-doubt, as if she didn't really know how beautiful she was, lying there. She patted the bed again, whispered "Please?"

Then, suddenly, she giggled and broke the seriousness. "AND, Mister, neither you nor anyone else could seduce me if I didn't want to be seduced, however much experience you may have. If you DID, wouldn't that really be rape? And I can't believe you're anything like that kind of person, not at all. Plus, if you're talking about putting on the brakes, well, maybe I'm busy being the accelerator?"

Chris knelt on the bed's edge: "Are you absolutely sure?"

She nodded, and her gaze took his over to the dresser, to the crystal vase full of roses. Beside the vase stood a tiny pressure-can of contraceptive foam, and an already-used applicator. He was boggled. "Oh... um. I guess you are!"

She grinned at him: "Mom's been very busy being a Good Mother, you know."

He stood again, kicked off his shoes, dropped his trousers: a fully formed, ready-to-function, blue-steel hardon bulged through his jockeys, under the shirt-tails. She fondled his tie, said "Can I take it off for you? Then later I can use your shirt for a robe!" She fumbled not at all with the tie – Chris remembered how her father had once bragged about having The Kid tie it for him.

Then he was naked save for undies. She stared at his crotch as she tugged them down, jumped slightly as his hardon sprang free.

He let her stare her fill. After a few moments she reached out and trailed fingertips around the base of his cock. "Gee... You're SHAVED! Most men don't do that, do they? I like it, though. Your skin is nice to touch." Then, "Bet you don't know Mom shaves down here, too! She says she likes it that way because it makes her feel extra-naked. Meaning extra sexy."

No way was Chris going to let her know that he had introduced Mom to the technique, and had personally given Mom her very first shave only half an hour into their initial night together, so long ago. Instant –and apparently permanent - convert. If Juliet knew or suspected, and was trying for a rise, she was going to have to be a lot more blatant than this!

He settled beside her, on his knees, and leaned down to kiss her. She made him pause – "Chris, two things. First, I want to learn absolutely EVERYTHING. And second, I want lots and lots and LOTS of kissing. Is that okay? You won't mind my being demanding and greedy like that?"

Chris shook his head, grinned at her and said "Not at all! Best thing would be to combine them, don't you think? After all, there are plenty of varieties of kissing that I'm pretty sure you haven't tried yet..." His lips and tongue paid gentle homage to nipples left, right.

She gasped and sighed, then stared as his face trailed down her midline. When his tongue dipped into her navel, she stopped his head with her hands, asked "Where are you GOING?"

He smiled and said "Guess!"

She guessed correctly, and made no move whatever to stop him again.

He finally let her surface from her first long string of linked climaxes. After catching her wind she giggled brightly and said "Goody!" when he told her "Turnabout is fair play, Madam... this stuff goes both ways! Lots more lessons in varieties of kissing coming up tonight. Hell's bells, from your reactions, we may never get to dinner at all!"

The next several hours were mostly energetic, but ranged the gamut from the quietest of snuggling and stroking to the near-ferocity of complete abandon: the time left them both pleasantly exhausted, the satin sheets sadly in need of maintenance, and the foam bottle significantly depleted. Together, Chris and Juliet provided for one another enthusiastically and effectively – him an astounding four completions, and for her an uncounted but large number and variety.

The evening left her with no significant major virginities to trouble her ever again, which thoroughly pleased her. Such interesting, exquisite spasms, and their prolonged tingles!

They barely made it to the Angus in time – so late that Juliet had to make do with medium rare instead of her usual bloody cut. Just before closing, Chris asked if she wanted dessert. He hadn't meant it as a lead-in but she ran with it. "If this is a real date, then you should get me whatever I want for dessert, right?"

Satiated for the moment, he nodded.

She reeled him in. "For dessert, Chris, I want you to spend the night with me. You can get up and leave right after breakfast. Mom can't be home before mid-afternoon, remember. That's IF they let her loose today!"

Chris grinned widely at her: "If that is what M'Lady wishes, that's what she gets!"

Next morning she wore his unbuttoned shirt down to breakfast as a robe, the hem about her knees, his tie as a belt. Chris wore her robe, flowered terrycloth, ridiculously too small. In the kitchen she pottered, put on coffee water, transferred eggs from refrigerator to countertop, then paused, stepped to him, pushed his armless chair back from the table, tugged the robe's lapels wide.

She looked down at his resurrected erection and smiled: "Goody! I hoped Mister HardCock would be up and awake with the rest of us! May I?" Without waiting for permission, she straddled Chris's thighs, positioned the helmet, and sat down.

After several strokes she asked cutely, "Does this nonstop hardon of yours mean you love me, or are you this way with every woman? Just kidding about 'love' by the way."

As she writhed slowly, eyes closed, a voice sounded gently from the kitchen doorway behind Chris. Juliet's eyes flew open in five-alarm mode, face-color draining instantly to dead white. Chris craned to see behind him.

It was Melanie, leaning on the door-jamb, grinning at them.

She'd entered without a sound.

"Hello, you two. That there is certainly a GREAT way to start the morning, dears... but letting it interrupt you when you're cooking is a fine way to spoil breakfast, or even set the kitchen afire."

She stepped to the stove, turned off two flaring burners.

Juliet's mouth opened and shut twice before any sound emerged. Then it was "MOTHER! YOU are SUPPOSED to be in the hospital... you said you couldn't be here until midafternoon at the earliest..." Then, her voice suddenly tight, "Where's the CAST for your broken wrist, anyhow?"

Melanie just smiled at her and said "Oh, I'm perfectly fine, kiddo. The whole falling business was pure fiction."

Juliet looked back and forth between Melanie and Chris, obviously thinking fast and hard. In an even tighter voice she asked "Mother – did you and Chris set this all up? Was this you two's PLAN all along?" Inside her pussy, Chris's cock throbbed, and he wondered vaguely why he was still hard. Odd!

Melanie shook her head gently and said "No, Juliet, it was NOT some secret conspiracy. Just look at Chris's face if you don't believe me! Look!" Juliet did - and it was obvious Mom was telling the truth. Juliet's upset disappeared.

Chris looked at Juliet, then Mom, and muttered "Hell, ladies, I could ask if maybe this wasn't some conspiracy between the two of YOU... that would make better sense, wouldn't it?"

They both eyed him, looked at one another, and finally shook their heads simultaneously. Sheer nonsense.

Mom went on. "Juliet, all I did was set up the opportunity, and THAT I will freely admit to doing. But whatever you did together – and that means EVERYTHING – well, the two of you did it because you wanted to, needed to. And you dreamed it all up for yourselves. Nobody had a script, it wasn't a piece of choreography." She paused, letting Juliet fully catch her breath. "And as for last night's events between you two... I do NOT want to know, and I'm never going to ask, except for these two questions, Daughter Mine. Did you thoroughly enjoy yourself, and were you really, REALLY careful? I am WAY too young to be playing grandmother!"

Juliet was fully recovered now, in control despite being perched – very blatantly – atop a cock in full view of her Mom, and enjoying the odd piquancy of being an exhibitionist – even if an unwilling one.

She managed a strong voice this time: "Mother, YES! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. And Chris is an absolute fanatic about being careful. I'll bet we'll need to buy another bottle of foam pretty soon."

Mom nodded, slowly turned her back on them saying "Good! Now, why don't you two go upstairs while I'm not looking, and get properly cleaned up. Take your time, too. I'll just finish making the coffee and have a cup, and fix us all some real breakfast. One of the NICE things about sex is its total lack of calories, and I suspect you both need something to eat. Besides one another. Now GIT!"

Juliet stood up, took Chris by his glistening cock, and led him upstairs. In the closed bedroom, before he could say or do anything, Juliet pulled his face down to her and kissed him with a grand urgency, then dropped to her back on the sheepskin rug. "Chris, please, you're hard already. Or still. Or forever, whatever! Let's fuck again NOW. Before we go back downstairs. Please? Who knows when we can do it again. Please?!"

Chris was perfectly willing and ready. He eyed the foam applicator, but she shook her head, pulled her legs high and wide, then, smiling impishly, used her hands to cross her ankles behind her head, whispering "I dreamed about this position, and being on the sheepskin, early this morning! Do my butt again, please, since you like that particularly. I'm really ready, so you can go in hard and fast and deep, right from the start, just the way you pound on me when you're finishing. I'll do my clit for myself."

Fifteen minutes later - fucked, showered and dressed - they were at the table, holding hands in silence as Melanie served all three plates.

Deafening silence.

Finally, Melanie said "Damn it all, don't look so stricken and uncomfortable. Daughter, you've been mooning over Chris for years... and Chris, you have been very nice and discreet about your attraction to my little girl – or "used-to-be-little" girl - especially over the past couple of years, and I thank you for that. Juliet, you've been pestering me now for years and years with detailed questions about sex. So I thought I'd do something a bit unusual, instead of one of those parent-child talks that sets the cartoonists going. I don't suppose there's anyone better to teach a woman than Chris... and I trust him."

At that, Juliet raised her head sharply, eyed Mom, then Chris, but said nothing: you could see her thoughts racing to the obvious conclusion, beginning the unspoken analysis with 'So tell me, Mommy, exactly why do you have such a high opinion of him as a sex teacher?'

"Look, you two..." Melanie overtly ignored the obvious but unspoken question, laid a hand on an arm of each. "Here's a plan. Juliet, you pack your overnight bag, and be sure to take all the stuff you need for the weekend performances. Then you two go over to Chris's, and you stay there together for the next two nights. Chris, it's your job to get her to the performances on time and in good condition – not too sore or too tired to dance properly! I'll come to both performances. Then on Monday early, say at 0600, you can drop her off here, so she can get ready for school."

She almost laughed at their expressions, then squeezed Juliet in a solid hug and said "After all, young lady, you DO have to finish up your semester next week! We cannot have you overly distracted during your exams – it'll be Chris's job to see to THAT. So have an especially good time together while you can... and we'll just have to see what happens in the future."

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AxelottoAxelottoalmost 6 years ago
What a great Mom!

And I mean that.

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