Decoding Desires Ch. 03

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Wasting an orgasm doesn't count as coming, does it?
10.2k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/28/2021
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The wait until Wednesday is killing me. Lee and I talk every night, and we send each other texts and everything is perfect, but I'm lonely and horny and missing him, which is crazy because I didn't even know him a week ago.

I know it's too soon to be love, but I'm definitely infatuated. And, despite everything, Lee seems to be genuinely interested in me, too. He's seriously the nicest guy in the whole world and I don't know why he's interested in me at all, but he is, so I'm not going to waste it.

My phone rings as I'm getting ready for bed, I'd been expecting it. I catch it before the second ring. "Hey," I say, smiling so hard it almost hurts.

"Hey Cody," Lee says. "How're'ya now?"

"Eh," I say, pursing my lips. "Better now."

"Hmm," he purrs. "Me too."

We get into small talk, how was work, the mundane, yet fascinating, parts of learning who a person really is. I tell him about the raccoon in the walls of the old house I was working in today, and how I freaked out when it chased me. He laughs, which is what I was going for, even though earlier today it hadn't been all that funny. He tells me about the lady who let her three children knock down half the store of demo glasses before he kicked her out, then how she flicked him off when she thought he wasn't looking.

"I miss you," I say into a short silence between us.

"I miss you, too, Cody," he replies, one hundred percent genuine. "But, I'll see you tomorrow still, right?"

I sigh. "Yeah, but I've got work until at least six tomorrow. Big project with a stupid deadline I gotta get done tomorrow or I might have to go in Thursday, too."

"Hey, don't stress," he says, sounding slightly less happy, but he's hiding his disappointment rather well. "Work comes first. I don't want you rushing or anything and then getting hurt."

"I won't," I say, wanting to be offended but not actually offended at all. "I just wish I could see you sooner."

"Me too, but we're both off Thursday as long as you get your job done, so if we can't meet up tomorrow night it's not a super big deal, right?"

"I guess," I say, unable to hide my disappointment as well as Lee. "I'm just... I want to see you again is all."

"Me too," he agrees. "We'll see each other soon." His tone drops a whole octave and I'm instantly hard. "Have you touched yourself today?"

"No Sir," I reply, my throat insanely tight.

"Good boy, Brat," he praises. My face is burning and my butterflies are all in a tizzy. "Doesn't mean you get out of punishment, just means you don't get more."

"What if I want more?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

Sir chuckles. "You don't even know what you want yet, Brat. Behave and I'll make it worth it for you."

'Yes, please, Sir," I say, one hundred percent interested in Sir's promise.

"Miss you, Brat," he whispers.

"Miss you, too, Sir," I whisper back. Neither of us talk for a bit, but I can hear him breathing on the other end. After a while I find I'm nodding off, which jerks me awake, but I'm tired. "Sir?"

"Yes Brat?" Lee asks, also sounding a bit sleepy.

"I should go to bed, prolly."

"Mm-hmm," he hums. "Me too. Good night, Cody."

"Night, Lee."

I hang up and put my phone on the charger, then snuggle into bed. The second my head hits the pillow I'm out.

Later I'm dreaming, I know it's a dream because it's super weird. Lee is there, wearing a black cat suit, or maybe a superhero suit. He's so damn sexy that I can't even look at him directly, it literally blinds me like a sun flare.

"On your knees," dream Sir says.

I fall to my knees and under me the ground is like marshmallows, and I can suddenly smell the sugary sweetness of it surrounding me. "Eat it, Brat," Sir demands.

I look down at the marshmallow floor and whine, not wanting to disobey, but also not wanting to eat the floor. Sir's hand threads through my hair and smashes my face into the floor, but it doesn't hurt or anything because it's marshmallow. He holds me there, then tugs at my pants until my ass is out.

"You want this dick?" he asks, pulling my head back by my hair with one hand, pushing my shoulder to the ground with his other. Somehow he's also stroking my crack with his precum-slicked head, too.

"I want your dick," I say, or at least try to, but he shoves my face into the marshmallow floor again and my mouth fills with something spongy. I can't see his dick, but I can tell it's big, like, really, ridiculously big, and now I'm worried that I won't be able to take it.

"You can take it, Brat," he tells me just before he shoves himself inside me as deep as he can go in one slick thrust. I cry out and then I'm coming and coming and then I wake up still coming. Once I can think properly I realize what I'd just done, the uncomfortable dampness in my shorts indicating that my dream orgasm was a real orgasm, too.

Fuck, I was so backed up I was having wet dreams. Sir is gonna punish me, I just know it. My stomach fills with dread, and also nervous glee. The corner of my pillow is soggy, explaining the marshmallow spongy-mouth. I'm filled with shame, but also I can't wait to talk to Lee, to tell him, or rather force him to make me tell him about my nocturnal mishap.

I check the time and find it's way too early to be awake, but here we are. I get up and get ready, already irritated and sexually frustrated before I begin the day, and oh man, it is the absolute worst. Wednesday is the last day for this big project, rewiring the whole floor of an office building that's also in a building designated as a historical preservation site. It has to be done today, there's no way around it, and it's a shit ton of work, so I'm ready to just hunker down and get it done.

I already knew it was going to be a long day, and that was before my boss Bill decides his nephew, Jon with no 'h', should be my apprentice, like, just this morning. Lee's waiting for me at the end of today like a beacon of light at the end of the tunnel. So, fine, whatever, okay, I just need to get this done.

But, it's not okay. Not at all.

Jon-no-H doesn't have any tools, and I am sure as hell not going to let him use mine without knowing him, I've made that mistake before. So, I send him to the truck to get the spare toolbag, some caps, and electrical tape and instead he disappears for almost an hour. I ignore it, figuring I'll just do the work and to hell with him, because I'm not going to let some family nepotism mess up my day.

Finally he comes back and he brings all of the wrong stuff, and I realize he hadn't even bothered listening when I was telling him what to get. I show him what I'm doing, but each time I look back to him he's glued to his phone. Okay, bad plan. Instead I give him some work to do, something simple that even a child wouldn't be able to mess up.

I underestimated him, he was less than an elementary school student, at least they sometimes do what you ask. When I go to check on him he's on his phone again. I don't know what to do to get this shithead to pay more than thirteen seconds of attention to anything but his device, so I tell him if he doesn't want to be here he should get out of my way.

The look he gives me makes me hot like a live wire, I'm ready to slap the fucking acne off his face. He could care less, and he lets me know that he's here because he's family, like I didn't fucking know that already. I ball my hands up hard enough that I feel the bite of my nails into my palms, because if not I was going to hit him and then they'd press assault charges on me and I'd lose my job, and I'd also be in jail so I wouldn't get to see Lee tonight and that was just unacceptable.

I walk away, I don't give a shit what he does, as long as he stays out of my way and doesn't mess with my work.

My boss comes by to check on him later and he's boo-hooing to Bill about how mean I am, and how I won't teach him anything. That I called him an idiot. I don't remember if I did, but I stand by it either way. Kid's a bad wire, that's for sure. It takes all I have not to throttle the self-entitled prick, but again I just ignore it, because going to jail means not seeing Lee tonight.

It kills me to do it, but I tell my boss I'll get Jon working on something more his speed, which doesn't go well since the idiot comment was out there already, but like I said, I stand by it.

I have no idea what to give him to do, his only speed is zero. Not a minute after Bill is gone, so is Jon, again. I think about just continuing working, but I don't really want to get in trouble again, and I'm also a glutton for punishment, apparently, so I hunt him down. He's in the truck, music on, feet on the dash. We get into a little verbal altercation and the day just goes downhill from there.

Long story short, it's after nine already and I'm just getting off of work after almost fifteen hellish hours. The job is done, and I threatened to quit around five thirty if I had to have Jon as an 'apprentice' and I wasn't bluffing, and Bill knew it, too, but he still gave me hell about it.

I think about calling Lee on my drive home, but I can't. I'm too pissy right now, upset and frustrated beyond belief. Bill didn't want to pay me the overtime, so he gave me Friday off, too, which I was already contemplating calling off anyway. Maybe I could make it up to Lee then, but I couldn't see him now. Not with how toxic I was feeling.

I text him instead. 'Just got off work. Sorry about today, work was shitty, still need shower and I'm exhausted.'

He calls me as I'm driving and I seriously consider not answering it, but I want to hear his voice. "Hey Lee," I say as my phone picks up over my car speaker.

"Shit, Cody. You sound exhausted."

"Mmm-hmm," I agree. "Shitty day. Beyond shitty. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry for having a bad day," he chides. "What happened?"

I sigh, I don't really want to talk about it, but I will because I want to talk to Lee more than I don't want to talk about it. "Stupid shit. Had to babysit the boss's nephew today, and the kid's a bad capacitor. Got in trouble for not teaching him anything, but in my defense, he was either on his phone or in the truck listening to music all day, and dumb as a box of rocks to boot. I swear to god, Lee, I almost quit today. Threatened to, cause there's no way I'm going to 'apprentice' some entitled college dropout who's only there cause he's family."

Just talking about it was making me pissy, and I was really trying not to be upset, but I'm so tired I just don't know if I can calm down right now. I want to go back in time and slap Jon as hard as I can the first time he plays the 'Cody's being so mean to me' card.

"Wow, that sounds pretty shitty," Lee agrees. "Would you really have quit?"

I sigh again. "I dunno. I mean, I make decent scratch here, but I don't need this shit if this's how the operation's going to work moving forward. I can't stand nepotism, not when I worked my ass off to get where I am. And, in my experience, there are always places looking for good electricians. If Jon with no 'h' was gonna be forced on me as an apprentice, then yeah, probably would look for something new."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't quit," Lee says.

I smile, but it's strained. "Sorry, Lee," I say, then try to fight off a yawn and fail. "I'm just in a sour mood now. I was supposed to be done hours ago, and here I am just now getting off, the whole night ruined."

"You didn't ruin anything," Lee tells me.

I purse my lips to the side. "Yeah, sure."

"I mean it," he insists. "You got your work done, so you're off tomorrow, right?"

"And Friday," I blurt. I was going to make it a surprise, but I'm so tired it just comes out.

"Wait, I thought you were off Thursday and Saturday?" he asks.

"Now I'm off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, since I worked more than ten hours and they'd have to pay me overtime if not since I worked over on Monday, too."

There's a second of silence. "Do you have plans for Friday?"

"Maybe," I say, trying to hint that I'd like to spend time with him.

"Oh," he says, and he's missed my hint completely.

Subtlety isn't my thing. "I mean, I might be busy with you, if you had something in mind."

He chuckles. "Oh, I see. Well, I'm sure I can come up with something..."

"Wait, I mean, I didn't mean to imply you had to plan stuff. I was just, like, if you wanted to get together on Friday, like-"

"Cody?" he cuts in on me.


"I like planning things."


He clears his throat. "Have you eaten dinner yet?"

I shake my head, then open my eyes up wide. I'm really, really tired, and glad to be talking to Lee, it's the only thing keeping me awake while I'm driving. "Nah. No time. I'll probably just eat in the morning." My stomach cramps at the thought of having to wait until tomorrow, but I'm too tired to cook when I get home.

"I could bring you by some food. Burritos? I mean, if you, if it wouldn't make you feel weird. If you're too tired I totally understand."

"Lee, please don't go out of your way for me," I beg. I really don't want to put him out, but the spark of hope in the back of my head has me longing to see him at any cost.

"What if I wanted to do it?" Lee asks. "I promise, it's not out of my way."

"Burritos?" I ask, feeling so stupid special right now it hurts.

"How long til you're home? Also, what do you want if I go to Chipotle?"

I tell him what I like and it seems like it's making him happy that I'm letting him pick me up food, but maybe that's just in my head, like, hoping he doesn't feel like I'm being needy. Which, when I think about it is pretty stupid, he offered. It's not like I asked.

"I'll see you in probably 20 minutes, at your place, okay?"

"Hey, Lee?"


I'm blushing. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

"Seriously, Cody, think nothing of it. It's really an excuse, I wanted to see you tonight even if it was only for a few minutes."

"Oh. Yeah, me too. Thanks either way."

He hangs up and ten minutes later that I don't quite remember I'm pulling into my driveway. It takes all the energy I have to get in the shower, and I'm quick, because if not, I'll probably fall asleep standing up in the hot water and hit my head and die, and then Lee will see me all dead and bloody and naked and how freaking embarrassing would that be?

Did I mention I was tired?

I pull on flannel pajama pants without underwear because I just can't be bothered and a soft, old t-shirt, then wander to the front door. I was hoping to find Lee's car there, but it wasn't. I check my texts and see I've missed one from Carrie, asking about lunch tomorrow. I text her back a thumbs up and then headlights are flashing in my front window.

I rush to the door like a dog excited that their owner is home, and maybe I'm more like that dog than I'd like to admit. Doesn't matter. Lee is here, and he's climbing out of his car and somehow he's still the best looking guy I've ever met, even in the dark and from a distance. He's perfect, completely my type, actually even more my type that I knew was possible.

He smiles when I open the door for him. "Evening," he says. God, I love the sound of his voice. I want him to read me bedtime stories.

"Hey, thanks again," I say, stepping aside to let him in. He kicks off his shoes and I shut the door behind him.

"Here, one carnitas burrito, extra beans, no rice, all salsas."

He hands me the bag and my stomach is calling for it with painful little gurgles. I take it and I don't even wait to sit down, I rip into the bag, then rip the foil down and shove way too much into my mouth at once.

"Woah," he says, watching me with this amused look on his face. "Slow down. It's not going anywhere."

I don't even have time to chuckle between bites. I'm so tired, and hungry, and the combination has turned me into an animal. I eat half the burrito before any shred of humanity returns, and then I'm mortified that Lee saw me pigging out. I sit on the couch and he sits next to me, close, but not close enough that we're touching.

"Thanks for the food," I say, feeling shy now for no good reason than Lee's here.

"Anytime," Lee says. "I'm glad I could get you something, you were really hungry."

"Worked too late. I didn't pack a dinner cause if I wasn't fucking around with my former 'apprentice' then I would've been done by six at the latest. So, yeah. I mean, I coulda taken a break and gotten something, but I really just wanted to be done, so yeah. How was your day?"

"Hmm?" Lee asks as if he wasn't expecting me to ask. "My day was... It was good. Long, but good."

"Nice. I'm glad you had a good day."

"You know," he begins, twisting to face me. He spreads his legs wider and suddenly his knee brushes mine, shocking me. "I got my results back today. Clean, one hundred percent."

I haven't checked my emails today. Usually I have to call, they don't call if you're clean, and I haven't called yet, either. I'm mad at myself now, even though I also realize I have absolutely no energy to do anything sexy right now anyway. Even with Lee's knee pressed against mine, my little man isn't super responsive, which is actually surprising considering he woke me up way too early this morning. We're both too tired, which makes me pissy.

I try to reign it in, because I'm not going to be a pissy asshole to Lee for no reason. "Nice. That's, I mean, it's awesome."

"You don't sound as enthusiastic as I'd hoped," Lee says.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so tired. I meant to call, they don't call if your results come back negative, only if you have a hit of something. I meant to call and confirm but I didn't yet."

Lee's hand falls to my knee and I jump like he electrocuted me. "Hey, I get it. Also, I didn't come here for that tonight. I really did just want to see you, I knew the second you called me that you were beat. I can go, if you wanna go to bed now."

"Kinda," I say, feeling instant regret. "I also want to hang out with you, but I'll fall asleep."

Lee looks like he's considering something. "If you wanted we could watch TV, a movie or something. And if you fall asleep, it's no big deal, but then we'd still spend time together. But," he said, keeping me from interjecting, "if you want to go to bed, that's cool, too. You still wanna hang out tomorrow, right?"

"Of course. Like that was even a thing you had to ask. I want, yes, Lee, I want to hang out tomorrow."

"Okay. So, should I go?"

I debate internally. I want him to stay so much it's killing me. I'm also so close to passing out now that my stomach is full and my body is clean that I know I'm not gonna be good company. "You can do whatever you want," I end up deciding.

"Cool. I'm gonna stay for a bit, let's watch some TV, okay?"

"Aren't you hungry?" I ask, suddenly realizing I was the only one with food. I hold out what's left of mine, offering it to him like an idiot.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "I ate my burrito on the way here," he confessed. "Where's your remote?"

He's looking through Hulu for something to watch and I'm already nodding off and I know it's not gonna work and I almost say something, but instead he leans over and wraps his arm around my shoulder and I'm suddenly super self conscious. He pulls me against his side, his arm still around my shoulder, then continues his search.

I'm not even conscious to know what he decided to watch. The steadiness of his breath and the heat of his body is a lullaby and I'm out.

The world shifts, but I'm too tired to open my eyes. "Cody?"

"Mmm..." I love how my name sounds when Lee says it. He chuckles and I'm barely awake enough to realize I said that part out loud.

"Cody, hey, come on, which room is your bedroom? I'm gonna get you tucked in."

"Hmm? Isss fine. Sleep here is fine," I mumble, trying to snuggle into his warmth again. "Good couch, couch is good." I'm fully asleep again when he wakes me with a firm hand on my shoulder.