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Two BBC's tag team a white woman.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/09/2018
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I was racing along the interstate highway in Oklahoma when my phone rang. Not recognizing the number, I decided to answer.

"Hello?" I said.

"What are you doing in my county without giving me a call?" Barked a loud and deep voice.

"Dedi?" I asked shocked.

"You ain't answered my question!" Barked the voice again.

I started laughing, then thought about it again, Dedi wasn't the sort you'd joke with if he wasn't in the mood to laugh. Staff Sergeant Anson Jones Dedi and I had both worked at the Multi-National Headquarters in Afghanistan at the same time.

Dedi was a defensive halfback who quit football the day after 9-11 to join the US Marines. It was rumoured that he tackled an insurgent during the First Battle of Fallujah, which is surprising since he was a tanker.

"What can I say Dedi? I didn't know this was your plot of land." I replied cautiously.

Silence filled my car; one never knew if that was a good thing or not with Dedi. The laughter that erupted from phone however said it all.

"Good answer, now write this down, it's my address. I have ribs on the barbeque and I won't take no for an answer." He said in a tone that let me know I couldn't refuse.

"Dedi, do you want me to bring anything?" I asked.

"You own a dog?" Dedi asked.

"Heavens no!" I replied quickly.

"Then no. There ain't nuttin you need to bring." He said.

Forty minutes later I pulled up to his rural ranch, where I was greeted by him and three other people. Dedi introduce each of them, before leading me to a picnic table laid out with dinner. When I got closer to the table, I smiled when I saw the table covering was a giant Texan flag.

"This here is my girlfriend Samantha Houston." He said gesturing to a woman with red hair and skin the colour that only a farmer's wife could have. She wore a white one piece dress with brown cowboy boots.

"I'm pleased to meet you madam." I said with a bow, she blushed and whispered a soft hello.

"This is Mirabelle Lamar, and David Burnet. They are friends of ours come over for a visit much like yourself." He said with a wink.

Mirabelle was a short brunette lady sporting the same farmers tan, and a deep purple dress with a plunging neckline. She also wore cowboy boots. I felt out of place with my Italian loafers, and golf shirt.

David was a tall man in his late fifties, who looked like the fellow in the American Gothic painting, except he had a full head of bushy salt and pepper hair. He shook my hand and smiled.

Dinner was a jovial affair; Dedi, David and I sat on one side, with Samantha and Mirabelle across from us. The ribs were delicious! Dedi had a Caribbean sauce that reminded me of Aruba.

While we ate, I noticed that his girlfriend Samantha pronounced his name as Daddy, she would also frequently asked his permission to do the smallest things. It wasn't my place to comment, but I did make a mental note of it.

I had both hands covered in sauce, with a mouthfuls of ribs when I felt something touch my calf. I looked over at Dedi who describing his son's last football game, then I glanced at David who was buried in his meal. When I glanced at the ladies, they were both intently looking at Dedi.

Confused I dug into my food, convinced that I dreamt it all up, that's when I felt it again. It was higher on my leg, and moving upwards. I now could tell it was a foot, however neither lady was giving any hints. No winks, or knowing smiles could be observed.

Frustrated I gave up on discovering who was teasing me, if I couldn't solve the mystery, at least I could enjoy it. I opened my legs as the toes tickled my inner thigh. As a boobman, feet have no interest for me, however this teasing was getting me excited.

I could feel manhood growing as the foot stroked it up and down. I didn't think a foot could be so gent and yet so firm in it touch, but it was. Logic dictated that I should lift the table cloth and see which direction the leg was, but the mystery was enchanting me. Both women were speaking to each other, paying me no attention.

When I was fully hard, the footjob I was receiving abruptly ceased. I felt both frustrated and relieved; I was positive that I would have came if it continued!

The end of my footjob coincided with the end of dinner, we moved to the kitchen where the men washed dishes and the women put away the food.

"Where are your kids Dedi?" I asked handing a dried plate to David.

"They are with the Ex." He said smiling. "Tonight's an adults only party."

As I nodded in acknowledgement, I could feel Samantha pushing up against me from behind. She was reaching for a glass of wine on the counter, it was possible for her to get it without touching me, but as her breasts press against me, I forgot why it mattered.

No one else in the kitchen seemed to care that she was so deep into my personal space, even Dedi who was beside me at the sink, paid us little attention. It wasn't until Samantha topped her glass did he acknowledge her.

"Did you ask me if you can have another glass?" Dedi said in a calm and strong tone.

"I'm sorry Daddy." Samantha whispered back.

A smile crossed my face for a micro second, then I wiped it away just as quickly, it wasn't my place to make comment on their relationship. David and Mirabelle continued with their chores; they were either in on this, or didn't care.

Samantha got to her knees in submission before Dedi, with her eyes closed and head turned down. Dedi was five foot ten, and had skin the colour of a Kodiak bear's fur; I had the strong urge to smirk, but remembering the Fallujah tackle, I found something else to do.

In the corner of my eye, I continued to watch events play out. He ran his hand through her red hair, murmuring in a soothing tone. She turned towards him; as she kissed the front of his trousers she apologized a final time. He then helped her to her feet, kissed her forehead, and gave her a soft pat on the bottom.

A few minutes later everything had been cleaned and put away, the five of us stood in the kitchen chatting about North American football, the weather, and politics. I noticed that Samantha had gravitated towards me, Dedi to Mirabelle; and although David was solo, he didn't seem to mind.

During my discussion with Samantha about a recent marathon I had done in Lexington Kentucky, I noticed her hand on my arm. It must had to have been there for a while, and it appeared that she had no plans on taking it away.

I was sure Dedi saw, he was facing us. Taking her cue, I switched from idle chat to more flirting, she giggled and laughed as she moved closer to me.

Listening to Dedi an Mirabelle, I could hear that he went from his speaking about his pre-9-11 time in Calgary to describing a wooden paddle he owned. She was both a little drunk, and staring deeply at him.

I reached for a stick of celery from the nearby tray, then dipped it; a small amount of the dip ended up on the tip of a finger. Looking for a napkin, Samantha stepped closer, so close that we could share an umbrella, a very small umbrella.

"Let me tidy that up for you." She said pressing her breasts against me.

I mumbled an incoherent reply; I was stuck in a booby-trap that left me speechless. She giggled as she raised my finger to my mouth. When her tongue touched my finger it was electric! Like a bear waking for the first time in spring, my erection slowly began to uncoil to poke at her.

She treated my finger like a mini-erection, slowly stroking it between light kisses. A glance at Dedi revealed that he wasn't watching us at all, or if he had, he'd lost interest. Mirabelle had grabbed the bottle of wine from the counter and put it to her lips.

Normally a lady drinking straight from a bottle is not all that unusually; growing up Europe I saw it so often that you'd think we had a cup shortage. It was how she was drinking that suddenly caught all our attention.

She lifted the bottle ass-end up and slowly lowered it into her mouth, then her throat. She reversed this slowly, pulled it out took a breath then repeated faster! A sword swallower would certainly applaud her skills, I know I was enthralled.

Mirabelle set down the bottle, bowed to our clapping and smiled. Dedi seemed very impressed; he looked over at Samantha who was replicating the same feat upon my fingers.

"Samantha dear." He said.

She pulled my finger from her mouth to speak in a cheery tone. "Yes Daddy!"

"Mirabelle and I are gunna go to her car, she might have a collar. I want you to keep my friend company while I'm gone." He said as he left the kitchen.

I wasn't sure what he needed a collar for; perhaps it had to do with him asking me about a dog earlier? I didn't hear any four legged creatures around his home, so I filed it along with the other bits of info that made no sense.

Previously I stood there dumb-founded at the blowjob my finger was receiving, now with Dedi's implied consent, I decided to push some boundaries. I moved my once limp arm to Samantha's hip, then pulled her tight.

"Oh..." She cooed.

I then pulled my finger from her mouth and replaced it with my lips. The kiss we shared wasn't the hurried passionate smooches you get during a one-night stand, but a slow and sensual one that lovers share.

David returned to the kitchen, and started chatting with me as if nothing were amiss. I spun Samantha around to give her a light swat on the bottom.


She purred at my touch as she ground her ass into my crotch. It was a teasing unlike any other I had experienced.

Mirabelle and Dedi entered the kitchen smiling, her cheeks were flush as if she went for a quick run, or... a brief make-out session.

"How are you feelin?" Dedi asked me.

"I'm ready to pull her dress up and make this a real party right here in the kitchen!" I replied.

"Good to hear." He said in acknowledgement; he then looked over at Samantha. "Baby, I need you to come over here."

"Yes Daddy!" She cried out as she left me.

Samantha walked over to Dedi, halting in front of him. He spun her around, then had her hold her red hair up. I watched as he attached a black leather collar to her neck, it had two rows of small metal studs and at the front was a small metal hoop, presumably for a leash.

"Thank-you Daddy!!" She beamed loudly with joy.

"Baby, don't thank me. It was Mirabelle's, she had a spare in her car." He replied gesturing to the lady beside him.

Samantha squealed again in delight before giving a big hug to Mirabelle. Collars weren't my thing, but I could tell it brought her great joy. After a few moments of embracing the two ladies commenced with a deep kiss that made my previous smooch look like a peck on the cheek to grandma.

When the kiss broke Samantha returned to the standing lap dance she was giving me. I missed her warmth against me, and with her return the burning desire to ravage her had also re-emerged.

While we teased one another Dedi opened the fridge to grab a large ball-shaped ice cube. It looked like those mammoth ice pellets they get during hail storms. He spoke softly to Mirabelle while running it across her bare shoulders and upper-chest.

Mirabelle was flushed before, and now I could tell she was being tantalized as much as I was! I could see the sexual shivers running across her body. I could feel the sexual tension in the air, it felt like an orgy was going to explode right there in the kitchen!

Dedi held the ice ball in his hands before setting it down in a tray. He then used his chilled hand to rub Mirabelle's shoulders; she cooed in chilled delight at his touch. He then looked over at us.

"Baby take him upstairs and relieve some of that pressure." Dedi said.

I kept my mouth shut, I was worried that in my lust for her, I'd say something dumb.

"Sure Daddy!" She said pulling me by the hand.

Dedi stopped me at the doorway with a large hand on my shoulder.

"No mercy." He said.

"Count on it." I replied.

He removed his hand, allowing me to pass. In my current state of sexual frenzy I was convinced that 'no mercy' would involved thirty seconds of sex followed by a long nap.

At the top of the stairs was his display case, there were trophies, game balls, and even a large black Jama'at flag. I personally didn't keep anything from my tours, but after seeing his collection I wish I had.

We then went into a small bedroom with a bed and desk, on the desk were more sex toys than what you'd find at a nunnery! There were dildo's, vibrators, and ball-gags; handcuffs and rope. There was even a long metal pole that looked like a bed part with leather straps on both ends.

"I didn't think Dedi was that kinky?" I thought to myself.

"What's that dear?" Samantha asked.

Embarrassed at getting caught speaking aloud, I mumbled a quick. "Oh it was nothing."

Samantha wasted no time, she sat on the bed then pulled me close she undid the belt. I dared not speak, I was convinced I was in a dream. If I said or did the wrong thing I'd wake up under a car in Afghanistan.

Grasping my rod with her hands she set to her work. She had this technique whereby she stroked while she twirled her tongue about clockwise, it left me breathless and reciting baseball statistics!

While this whirlwind of pleasure swirled about me, I didn't notice Dedi until he was already in the room.

"She's a real pro ain't she?" he asked walking by.

I nodded my head, I feared that if I spoke I'd spill my seed, which was the last thing I wanted to happen two minutes into our fun-fest. Sensing my discomfort Dedi laughed.

"Baby, show him what you can do." He commanded.

Samantha mumbled 'Yes Daddy' while my cock was still in her mouth. She then proceeded to impale my rod as deep as humanly possible into herself. I felt like an explore of old, travelling somewhere new an unique.

I could feel her throat squeezing upon my shaft; then with a gurgle, she withdrew it. We both took a deep breath before she decided to plunge again. Dedi watched the first two deep throats, after which he patted her on the head and left the room.

I wiped sweat from my brow; holding back the orgasmic tide within myself was serious work in the face of such a pleasure onslaught! Samantha returned to her early battle plan when Dedi returned with David and Mirabelle.

"Very impressive!" Mirabelle said.

David nodded in agreement; I assumed that she was speaking about my man-rod, however it was possible they were referring to Samantha's technique.

Dedi walked around me to stand next to us. He seemed to be studying us, as he took in the situation. As if I light went off in he head, he had made his decision. Stepping forward he leaned down to grasp Samantha's dress, then lifted.

"I think it's time for some pussy poundin!" He declared exposing her nudity to the room.

She was a very beautiful lady, her curves were truly seductive. Her breasts were large, easily a D-cup from what I could judge. Her areolas were a deep brown, darker than my own skin! Her nipples each bore a pink dumbbell nipple-ring! Pussy pounding sounded like a good idea, however I was now in the mood to lift those weights with my tongue!

Dedi put her on all fours before sitting down on the bed in front of her. I stepped out of my trousers then discarded my golf shirt, leaving socks and a white tank top to protect me against the air conditioning.

I spat on my hand to grease up my ebony pole before stabbing it into Samantha; behind me I could hear Mirabelle gasping. I assumed it was for me until I looked up.

Dedi had pulled his pants down to reveal his mighty oak. I always thought I had both length and girth in my favour, however Dedi was certainly much thicker than I!

Not one to waste time in staring I set to the task before me as I pushed into Samantha. She grunted in pleasure as my battering ram destroyed her gates to plunder what lay within. For a woman who must have had sex with Dedi several times, she was very tight!

Holding her hips I picked up my pace, then decided to slow down. It wasn't a challenge between Dedi and I to see who could last longest. It was more about me lasting long enough for all of us to enjoy the evening.

"You know you can pound as hard and as fast as you like." Dedi said with two fistfuls of red hair.

Amid the pleasure I was being bombarded with, I wasn't able to string together more than a grunt of agreement. We had effectively put Samantha onto a spit roast; I was thoroughly convinced that we could have rotated her around repeatedly with our cocks!

Samantha appeared to be in heaven! She moaned in pure delight as we rammed her from both ends. She swayed back and forth with each thrust and movement we two of us made towards her.

The desire to explode continued to grow within me, I slowed down considerably and prayed for the stamina to last another minute.

"That's some good pussy ain't it!" Dedi declared loudly.

"Yeah, she is amazing!" I said surprised that I was able to speak.

"If its that amazing, then give it a good pounding!" He stated

I gave it a quick thought, then decided that he was right. I was there to have fun, if I came, I'd wait a few minutes, then start again. With my new courage I sped up, I had an audience standing behind me, and I didn't want to let them down.

Dedi abruptly stood, dropped his pants before grunting something about 'switching places'. I was in such a good mood now that I wasn't holding back that I held up my hand for a high-five as we switched spots. Dedi halted and gave me a stern look.

"It won't slap itself!" I said with a grin.

Giving into my Dutch humour he slapped my hand hard! It hurt, but it was well worth it. Both ladies giggled, while David and I laughed.

Laying down on the bed, Samantha pushed her way between my legs; the view of her hanging breasts was truly magnificent! Dedi got down on his hands and knees behind her then started kissing her ass cheeks.

She stroked me slowly, causing my man fluid to ooze out from the top of my volcano. She lapped at it patiently, like a cat to a bowl of milk. I took this slower pace as my cue to reach down and admire her breasts. They were both large and soft. I even managed to fondle the dumbbells on her nipples.

I could not see what Dedi was doing, but I was convinced that it was deeply pleasurable for Samantha. She often closed her eyes and held her breath.

A glance over at David and Mirabelle showed they were watching intensely as Dedi worked Samantha from behind. He spoke to them much to softly for me to hear his words.

Samantha seemed very focused on the attention she was receiving from behind, so much so that she forgot about me! She held my flag pole pointed towards the ceiling, hard as ever.

Deciding that there was an easier way of doing things, I pushed my hips down and under her. She didn't clue in until I was snug between her breasts, at which point I started humping away.

"You sure like boobs." Samantha said between breaths.

"More than you'll ever know!" I replied back enthusiastically.

While David and Mirabelle laughed at my little joke, I couldn't help but admire her lovely curves. If I had mind control powers, I'd direct her to lose the top and join Samantha.

Without warned Dedi got on his knees and plunged himself into Samantha. Whatever he was up to back there had gotten him so worked up that he was hard and ready to party. He pushed and thrusted with the energy I was holding back minutes before.

Mirabelle licked her lips, I could only imagine how she much she enjoyed being in the middle of this BBC Oreo cookie. Samantha moaned loudly with each ramming she received. I didn't mind one bit, as she moved back and forth it only enhanced my tittyfuck experience.

Dedi slapped Samantha's ass repeatedly, I could tell he wasn't going to last much longer. Sweat dripped from his brow, and glistened his body. I wanted to slide my cock back into Samantha's mouth to give her a double explosion, but she clung to me much too tightly for me to move.