Deductive Reasoning

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I'd already figured it out.
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If you find any errors, please remember that I am striving to include something for everyone, and some people are always looking for mistakes.

This is a story. It is not a story about what you would do in this situation, or even what you think should be done. There would be no point in writing a story where everyone's reaction is the same. This overlooks the individuality of the characters and what they, as created by the author, would do. That may not align with what you would do. Please try to keep that in mind when reading.

There is no sex but everyone is still over 18.

Word Count: 2,846

* * * * *

It had been a long and tiring day.

It seemed like I was on the phone constantly and putting out fires. For some reason it seemed like everyone wanted an update on their account today. I was looking forward to a quiet night, but it wasn't to be.

I got home at the usual time, so it was obvious that I was meant to find them in exactly the position I found them in. There, lying on my bed, were by wife, Elaine, my brother, and my brother's wife. My brother and his wife had telling smirks on their faces, and my wife had a big smile and she looked me in the eyes.

"Hey, baby," she said, as calm and cool as ever.

"Elaine. What's this?"

"Hey bro," my brother, Porter, interjected. "We're just here to have an adult conversation about how things are going to be from now on."

"Yes, Parker, how it's going to be."

(Yeah, my parents gave both of us last names for first names. They wanted us 'to stand out'. Well, we did, though not usually in a good way.)

This last comment came from my sister-in-law, Tamsen. She and I had never gotten along, mostly because I thought she was a bitch and she was offended that I didn't bow down to her or place her on the pedestal she felt she deserved. Of course, I didn't much like my older brother, either. He was a bully and a condescending asshole. My wife I had loved but was seriously reconsidering that now.

"Well, it certainly looks like we need to have an adult conversation. Mind if I change first?" I asked.

I was already headed into my bathroom, beyond which was my closet and the change of clothes I was seeking. I never did care for business-wear and always changed as soon as I got home. I could still hear them talking amongst themselves, indistinct though it was, as I pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt. Once I was dressed I grabbed one more thing and then headed back out to the bedroom. I don't know if Elaine had a sudden realization or she heard a noise, but suddenly my wife exclaimed.

"Oh shit! That's where he keeps the..."


"...gun safe."

The timing couldn't have been better as I racked a round into the chamber.

Now I had their attention.

"I'm now ready for our adult conversation. So, let's talk."

"What's the gun for," asked the asshole.

"In case I don't like what you have to say."

Tamsen, the bitch, quickly got tired of what she perceived to be an idle threat.

"Oh, come on. You're not going to shoot anyone and you know it. The damn thing probably isn't even loaded!"

She flung the covers off herself and climbed out of bed, apparently deciding some action was required here. I had never seen her naked, despite really, really wanting to, but that had suddenly changed. Her big tits were as amazing as I had imagined, but I admit to being surprised she didn't shave her pussy, though the nice blonde bush was certainly well cared for. I guess all those fantasies had been wrong. I preferred a more natural look; I had just assumed she'd be a shaver.

Porter and Elaine had been similarly transfixed on the display Tamsen was putting on. So, the gunshot into the headboard, and presumably the wall behind it, about 6 inches from my brother's head caught them, and Tamsen, by surprise. They all looked at me, shock evident on their faces.

"First, let me thank you, Tamsen, for giving me the chance to check seeing you naked off my bucket list. Your tits are spectacular."

She actually smiled! The bitch obviously genuinely appreciated the compliment! Un-fucking-believable. But then I saw the chance to hurt by wife a bit. I looked at her.

"Sorry, Lainey, but your chest has always been too small for me."

She looked down at her breasts, which were now exposed with the shifting of the bedspread.

"You always said you liked my boobs. That anything more than a handful was a waste."

"Well, of course I did. You don't criticize the boobs you're trying to get your hands on. And you certainly don't tell your wife you wish she had bigger ones."

None of this was true. I loved her boobs, loved boobs of all sizes equally, but I knew she was self-conscious about them, especially after meeting Tamsen and, perhaps more importantly, seeing Tamsen in a bikini. Now that was a sight. Oh, back to the story.

"Now, Tamsen, unless you want your husband's head blown off, I'd suggest getting back into that bed."

She did just that, though she kept a bit of a distance between her and Porter now. And I also noticed she didn't pull the bedspread up over her chest, leaving them exposed for my viewing pleasure. Narcissistic bitch! But I admit to enjoying the view. And Elaine left hers uncovered, too, and I think my brother realized it was not for his benefit.

"Now that we have that settled," I continued. "Who wants to go first?"

I looked from face to face waiting for one of them to talk. I assumed they expected me to be more docile as they dictated my new subservient role in the unholy foursome they intended to create and now didn't know what to do or what to say.

"No? No one? Okay, well then, I'll go first and tell you what I've deduced so far. The three of you are obviously in a sexual relationship. No real doubt there, I suppose. You're very comfortable with being in bed together naked so I assume it's been going on for a while. And this, this was your grand reveal. You were here waiting for me to get home so I could see that Elaine was fucking the two of you, and that you intended to continue. I assume the intention was to humiliate me and put me into some type of submissive role. How am I doing so far?"

My question was met with silence, with both Elaine and Tamsen making a glance toward their co-conspirators like they were waiting for one of them to say something. I wondered whose plan this was, and why they hadn't just kept fucking behind my back, at least as far as they knew.

"What, no feedback? Okay, I'll just keep going, then. Now, presumably you were just going to lay this all on me and expect me to be okay with it. Or at least go along with it. What, I wonder, would have led you to think that? Is there something I've done to make you think I would just roll over?"

Again, I looked from face to face looking for some response, some acknowledgement, and thought I noticed an almost imperceptible shake of Elaine's head, but I may have been mistaken.

"Okay, so you didn't think I'd just accept it. That suggests that you thought there was some way you could force me to accept it."

All 3 of them involuntarily looked at me when I said the word 'force', so I knew I was on the right track.

"Oh my, that got a reaction. Anyone want to elaborate on your plan? Anyone? You know, for people that wanted to have a conversation you aren't doing much talking. Hmmm. How could you force me to accept this? Let's consider the possibilities. The most obvious ploy would be to use our kids against me. Whoops, no kids! That won't work. Maybe threaten my reputation? But no, my reputation would only be hurt by accepting your plan. Only my loving wife's reputation would be hurt when everyone finds out she's a slut. That wouldn't force me to do it. Hmm, I am stumped."

I was really trying to goad one of them into saying something, and I was impressed that none of them did.

"Well, the only other thing I can think of would be some sort of legal trouble."

I saw them flinch.

"Ah, legal trouble it was, then. But I don't do anything illegal, except perhaps speeding a little too fast, but I can't see how that would work. No, it would have to be something that could lead to real jail time. Hmm, what then?"

I sat for a moment 'thinking', then I genuinely and literally snapped my fingers.

"Wait a minute! (snap!) I think I've got it! The computers at work have been flagging some of my accounts for review for some irregularities. The kind of errors that could get one of the regulator's attention and land me in prison for fraud. Of course, that wouldn't work either."

Again, their heads moved, this time glancing back and forth at each other. This was clearly the lynchpin of their plan, which they must have thought was foolproof. They also must have wondered how I thought of that so quickly, and why it wouldn't have worked.

"That wouldn't work because all the errors are on the master file, in the central server. But I keep my originals on my own secured computer that only I can access, and when I make any update or change I update the entire file so any changes would be overwritten. If there was some sort of investigation I could easily prove that the errors weren't mine. Plus, the system tracks who makes the changes so it would show it wasn't me."

None of the 3 people in front of me was overly tech savvy even on a regular level; they wouldn't have any idea of the layers of security that were in place to both protect our client's information and to catch anyone that tried to jeopardize it.

"That would certainly explain all the odd things that have been happening at work. But you'd have to have access to the master file, and certainly none of you does. In fact, the only people that would have access to my master files would be my boss, Mr. Herman, and his boss, Mr. Bennett. I can't imagine Mr. Bennett doing something like that, but Mr. Herman? He might be susceptible to a little influence, a little manipulation. But how could he convinced to put his freedom and career at risk by doing something like that? Anyone have any suggestions?"

I looked around and got no response. That didn't really surprise me. I was hitting close to home at this point. They obviously thought they had me completely fooled.

"Mr. Herman is really smart, I'll grant him that, but not really a computer guy and he's kind of lonely and awkward. Very introverted, so I'll bet the opportunity to fuck a couple of hot women, say you, my darling wife, and you, my slutty sister-in-law. I'll bet that would have been sufficient incentive for a guy like that. I wonder what he'd say to law enforcement about the coercion he was offered. Thoughts?"

They just sat there, looking as defeated as they were. It was sad, really. They thought they were going to have it all. You see, I had noticed the discrepancies in my accounts some time ago, and had the proof that Mr. Herman had done it. I went to him and had a private conversation and he had told me what he had been doing and why. It wasn't hard to figure out the rest of it.

With the information Mr. Herman gave me, including the revelation that Tamsen had given him a blow job (I did envy him that) and Elaine had let him lick her pussy, with promises of actual intercourse after the plan had succeeded. I also kept an eye on Elaine's email.

Between the two I pieced together their plan:

I made far more money than my brother, whose dreams of making it as a professional athlete never had a chance. He worked hard enough but simply lacked the talent. He somehow latched on to Tamsen, who he had met while visiting a local strip club, and got her to marry him. She really seemed to think the sun shone out of his ass, or maybe it was his larger than average pecker. Yeah, I must admit that he was bigger than me, which I found out in locker rooms in high school, but he made barely $30,000 a year, and only if overtime was available. They never had much money and had planned to get me to support all of them with the threat of prison hanging over my head.

The plan was doomed to fail from the beginning, though they didn't know that. I liked Mr. Herman and could understand why he did it, so I agreed to keep his secret on the condition, of course, that he stop doing it. He agreed and thanked me for not turning him in.

Oh, and he also gave me the recordings of the meetings in his office where the terrible trio approached him. Because of the regulations that we had to follow, he recorded everything that went on in his office. They had not just offered 'incentives' but made threats of what would happen if he didn't agree.

"What do you want, Parker?" asked Tamsen, finally participating in the conversation they wanted so badly. "You've obviously figured it out. You beat us. So, what do you want?"

"Well, Tamsen, I admit the first thing I thought of was a blow job from you. I've heard my asshole brother brag about them often enough and frankly, it's not one of Elaine's strengths."

Tamsen again smiled at the compliment, while my wife frowned at the dig.

"But that would have just sunk me to your level, so I'll settle for an uncontested divorce with an 80-20 split of assets, no alimony, and you stay away from my retirement. It's not much but it's mine."

"That's ridiculous. Why would I agree to that?

"Because I can send you to prison and take it all. Isn't 20% and your freedom better than nothing."

She agreed, though reluctantly. I suppose she had been looking forward to a life of leisure and this was all incredibly disappointing.



The divorce did, in fact, move quickly. The judge asked why she agreed to such an uneven split, and I briefly wondered what she would say. Would she be willing to take a chance at prison herself to get me in trouble? I mean, technically what I did was blackmail, but exposing me would expose herself.

"I treated him poorly and he deserves it," was all she said.

The judge signed off on the agreement and it was final in just a few months. To my surprise, Mr. Herman started giving me rave reviews and I received a promotion not much later. My brother, on the other hand, became depressed when his plan didn't work, and at the prospect of working shitty jobs the rest of his life, he started drinking more and underperforming at work, and he was let go.

Tamsen finally got a sense of what she was in for if she stayed with him and divorced him. She was still young, and hot, and she went back to the strip club where Porter had found her. She makes more money than he used to and is doing well for herself. She now says she married him because she wanted out of the business and he didn't mind that she had been a stripper, but she was prepared to do what she had to do.

The last I heard, Porter was working the overnight shift as a security guard making minimum wage.

After the divorce was final, Tamsen showed up at my front door. I was wary of why she would just show up, until she lifted her top to reveal her braless breasts and offered me that blow job I had mentioned during the confrontation. I'm ashamed (well, not really) to say I took her up on it, and have done the same several times. We're certainly not dating, but she does come over a few nights a week and we fuck like animals. I can see why Porter liked her so much. She will do anything. Usually she goes home afterwards but sometimes she spends the night. It will certainly stop if either of us meets someone, but I don't think either of us is looking right now.

Elaine was not happy when she found out. She came over that night pissed that I would 'fuck that slut' and offered herself in Tamsen's place. I declined but did offer to let her join us every once in a while, assuming Tamsen agreed, which she did as long as it was no more than twice a week.

So, I have a great job that I love and as much no-strings-attached sex as I can handle. And, truth be told, more than I can handle, leaving Elaine and Tamsen to play together sometimes while I rest up...and watch.

Life is good.



Inspiration: The scene with the gun safe popped into my head and I built the story around it. I went back and forth on who should be found in my wife's bed. At first it was my boss and his wife, and I also briefly considered using my parents, but I think using my brother worked the best.

I had intended to make this more of a BTBAB (Burn the Bitches and Bastard) but then I made Tamsen hot and slutty, completely by accident of course, and so the bitches didn't get quite so burnt.

Permission: I hereby give my permission to anyone interested in writing a follow-up or alternate version of any one of my stories. Please just remember to give credit where credit is due. I'm not always very diligent about checking my email for permission requests.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

I love they way he turned the tables

EastCoaster1EastCoaster128 days ago

Too funny !

Having gotten all of the info ahead of time, and being ready for the confrontation, when he totally took the wind out of their sails was an enjoyable part of an enjoyable story !

'Living well is the best revenge' and he was doing that...

...along with his ex-sister-in-law AND his ex-wife, while his brother struggled along doing menial labor.

Loved it, 5 stars worth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Why would the author portray the MC as such a pathetic man? Paying for sex would be far less demeaning than having sex with either of those two sluts.

Harvey8910Harvey8910about 2 months ago

This was a kind of boring story with very little character development. I give the story only 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Amusing story. It always generates a chuckle that these fantasy stories seem to occur in a vacuum. Where everyone is civilized and STD's don't exist.

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