Deep Blue Ch. 01


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I recognized the unconscious need to change the subject that was driving Trish, and I went in the direction she wanted. I put my hand on her shoulder as the elevator rose to the sixth deck. "That's nothing to be ashamed of. I'd throw up if I had to dress in a Hooters' outfit, so we're even." She didn't jerk or pull away from my touch. I guessed she was one of the enlightened few who didn't think lesbianism was contagious and found myself growing to like her.

"I need to take Mister Niccio his key," Trish said uncertainly to Gretchen as we went past the fourth deck.

The door opened and Gretchen gestured out with a flourish. "I left his key in his room, so he can call a purser to let him in. If that ticks him off, tell him I'm responsible. We're in the very back."

Gretchen led us to the very back of the ship. I took the key from her and opened the door. Looking around, I let them unload the bags. The suite was magnificent. It had a monstrous living room, a master bedroom, two smaller bedrooms and a huge balcony. The suite was 1215 square feet with an 810 square foot balcony. The furnishings were very posh and they looked comfortable to me. The master bedroom was on our right as we entered, the balcony doors in front of us and the enormous living room stretched off to our left. I wished I could play the piano - that baby grand looked wonderful. Gretchen could entertain me instead.

Trish stopped dead in her tracks as she took in the living room. "Wow! This is fantastic! It must have cost a bundle!" Then she looked back at us and blushed guiltily. "I didn't... "

Gretchen and I laughed.

"It's okay," Gretchen told her with a pat on her cheek. "It did cost a pretty penny. Escorting can pay really well if you do it right." That put Trish in a thoughtful mood, and I didn't see the need to inform her that it also helped when my father-in-law, Hans Werner, was the majority stockholder in Imperial Caribbean Lines.

I wandered out and looked at the balcony while they unloaded the cart. The view was breathtaking, even docked. I watched the swooping gulls and listened to the relaxing crash of waves against the dock. This vacation was such a good idea.

The deck furniture was all satin finish, lacquered hardwood, and there was a lot of it, including a big table with seats. We could have quite a party out here. I looked up and over the side. The view was fantastic, and I knew it would only get better when we left port. We were the balcony furthest back on the ship and no one could look at us here. That could make things really fun once Ted and Lisa moved into their room of the suite.

Ted and Lisa Stansbury: a sweeter couple would be hard to imagine, and they were wonderful friends. They had become my lovers after a murder conspiracy tangled us all up and threw us together. I'd introduced the lovely Lisa to women, and Ted had shown me that even a lesbian could enjoy a man. The right man, anyway. I could even love him, in my way. Actually, I loved them both, just nothing like I loved Gretchen.

"Escorting can pay this well?" Trish asked hesitantly as I came back into the suite.

Gretchen nodded. "With your looks, combined with the right skills and connections, you could make more than enough to afford this suite. And that's without even talking about sex for money which, besides being illegal in almost every state, isn't right for everyone," she said frankly. "Though, if you do decide to add sex to the mix, it can be a lot of fun and take your income to the next level."

Trish chewed on her nail for a few seconds and then ventured another question. "If I, like, have some more questions could I talk with you?"

Gretchen smiled and nodded. "Sure. Feel free to ask me anything you like, and I'll give you the lowdown." She slipped her arm around the small of my back. "It's lunchtime. Let's go sample the main dining room and see how long it takes for Ted and Lisa to show up." Her eyes had an evil twinkle in them, and I knew what she was thinking. She knew I'd been having dreams in the weeks leading up to the cruise, and I was still a little uncomfortable with how prominently Ted featured in them.

"Lunch sounds good," I said, ignoring her jibe. "I have to keep my strength up."

Gretchen put the cart in the hall with a laugh and came back in to get us. With her usual gregarious nature in full force, she slid her other arm around Trish's waist and led us back out of the room and toward lunch. Trish didn't object. Neither Gretchen's hand nor the mention of Ted and Lisa jarred Trish. Her thoughts were really weighing on her mind. Interesting.


Tubers Restaurant was at the rear of the third, fourth and fifth decks, and pretty much under our suite. When the three of us walked in we could tell that the crowd of passengers was picking up as the place was humming along. By the time we sailed in a few hours it might even be crowded. This line made itself different from some of the others by avoiding buffet meals. The restaurants, cafés and dining room were open 24/7. The passengers paid more for the privilege, but I think it was worth it. They also avoided the assigned and timed seating, except for dinner here.

It was a glitzy place with lots of mirrored glass and brass. Crisp white cloth and brightly polished silver covered the many tables scattered throughout the three levels of the dining room. The bottom floor was huge and dwarfed a huge restaurant like Luby's. The upper two floors were basically wide balconies overlooking the lowest floor. Uniformed waiters sped through the rooms like bees going from the hive out to various flowers.

We found a table, sat down, and promptly attracted a 'bee' of our own; a short man, shorter than me by a few inches but very young.

"Welcome to Tubers Restaurant, ladies," he said with the same hint of Italy in his tone as the officer that welcomed us aboard. He immediately handed us menus. "My name is Antonio. Here are the menus. What can I get you to drink?"

I eyed the wide selection of alcoholic beverages with regret. Gretchen hadn't let me drink since the first month I'd gotten pregnant. "Tea," I said, "with lots of lemon."

He nodded and took orders from the other two, as well. "Do you need a few minutes to look over the selection?"

I nodded. "Yeah, give us a few minutes, Tony. Say, are you from Italy?"

He nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. I grew up in Tuscany."

"Is the whole crew Italian? Not that it's a problem or anything," I said with a smile, "but it seems like there is a pattern in the accents."

He grinned at me, his white teeth in sharp contrast to his olive-colored face. "Most of the officers are Italian and a good part of the crewmen, yes. Imperial Caribbean Lines is an Italian company, and they do most of their hiring from Italy. Besides, it sounds more exotic than someone from Brooklyn."

I laughed. "Yeah, I suppose it does. Please, give us a few minutes to settle our minds on the food."

With a short bow, he hurried off, presumably to get our tea.

"There aren't any prices by anything but the drinks," Trish said, looking up. "They're free, right?"

"The food is included in the cruise price except for the items with a price beside them," Gretchen assured her. "I think a soup and salad will work for me," she concluded as she set her menu down.

I eyed the lunch selection and decided the grilled chicken salad would hit the spot. It was hard to find room for food, even though I'd discovered that I was almost always hungry now. I also needed to use the bathroom all the time. I set the menu down and stood up. "I need to go use the bathroom. Order me the grilled chicken salad with Italian dressing, please. I'll be right back."

Gretchen started to rise but I waved her back to her seat and headed for the bathroom. She was such a worrywart. "I'll manage just fine," I called over my shoulder with a laugh.

As usual, taking care of business took longer than before I was pregnant, and it was almost ten minutes before I'd washed my hands and stepped out of the restroom. As I did, a man was stepping out of the men's room. He was older and handsome in a patrician-like way. He was also familiar to me from somewhere. He was familiar in a way that made the hackles on the back of my neck rise. I professionally blocked the sensation and kept my feelings off my face.

"How long until you're due?" he inquired. "Forgive me but I can hardly imagine you being any further along than you already are." His voice triggered an emotional response but his identity still eluded me. It was the voice of a kindly grandfather, or a trusted uncle. Or a politician, my inner cynic said.

I held out my hand to him. "I'm Hawk." As he gently shook my hand, I continued. "I'm carrying twins and I still have almost four weeks until my due date. I won't be going into labor on you," I assured him.

He laughed softly and smiled. "That's reassuring, but I've seen my share of births and babies over the years. I'm not shocked at God's magnificent miracle of birth." My brain clicked and I knew who he was right before he spoke again. "I'm the Right Reverend Billy Swaggwell. I don't mean to keep you, but is Hawk a nickname?"

Reluctantly, I decided I had no choice but to give him my name, even if it was consorting with the enemy. And make no mistake, as congenial as this man seemed, he was the enemy. From his televised pulpit, he railed against the sin of homosexuality and the destruction it was bringing to the country. Admittedly, that was only one of his targets in the "war for the spirit of this great country." Gambling, cable television and its racy shows, pornography, liberalism and anything smacking of pleasure had a place right alongside me in his sights.

"It's a nickname," I admitted. "My last name is Hawkins and I'm not fond of my given name."

"Tell me," he gently commanded. He sounded like a man who was used to others obeying him.

I could have told him to go to hell, but that almost seemed redundant. It would be easier to send him on his way if I cooperated. I didn't have "lesbian" tattooed on my forehead, after all. He didn't know me from Eve.

Though some fanatics disputed my claim to being a lesbian, I wasn't going to strip myself of that label. It had been mine for most of my life. The accusations had flowed fast and furious from a very vocal minority about my pregnancy and made me ready to bash heads. However, cooler heads had held me to the floor while they hauled the activist elements away to safety.

The majority of the lesbian community had closed ranks behind me, to my surprise. A truly astonishing number of them seemed to be pleased that I was going to have a baby and ecstatic that I was going to be having twins.

"Shauna. My name is Shauna Hawkins, but please just call me Hawk."

He nodded. "I can never argue with the wishes of a lady." Uh huh. "I should return to my lunch and let you on your way, then. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I hope we meet again."

"God's will, Reverend," I said with a straight face. "I do have one question for you, though. This is about the most fancy pleasure cruise available and you're just about the last person I would have expected to find here. Clue a poor girl in, will you?"

At the mention of God, he smiled brightly and nodded. "Even a poor minister in the Lord's service needs a break sometimes," he temporized. "And in this case, I can mix business and pleasure."

That sounded ominous. What could he be up to? "Business?" I prompted.

"God's Work," he assured me. The capital letters were obvious in his tone. "Smiting the works of the Adversary is always a cause for celebration and this ship is hosting the work of the Devil." When he said that, an almost fiery gleam came to his eyes.

Great. I was between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.

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jzimmerlijzimmerlialmost 18 years ago
I like all your work

and I am glad that you are posting a new one with these characters. I do how ever have one problem with the story. Hawk is pregnant with twins, and she is 8 months along 32-34 weeks is my guess. Normally twins have a due date about 4-6 weeks less than a single birth which would make her ready to go at any time. No OBGYN would advise a vacation at this stage of the game with twins. I know this a mute point and perhaps it is your plan for her to give birth on the Deep Blue Sea.

Once again I have enjoyed the last two stories and I hope to enjoy this one just as much!!

mudpupmudpupalmost 18 years ago
Thanks for the return of Hawk and company

Thanks for the return of Hawk and company. I'll be looking forward, for the rest of the story.

hornyinwvhornyinwvalmost 18 years ago

I can't wait, I'm going now to read the next chapter. I've never read any of your work before, but am going to watch for new stories now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
This first chapter was absolutely

marvelous. Funny, witty, charming, very different from what I had expected. Your writing is beautifully done, not flamboyant but down to earth. I can't wait for the next chapter.

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