Rudy Ch. 02: Deflowered and Betrayed

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Justin deflowered his long-time sweatheart and then cheated.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/10/2023
Created 05/04/2023
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Rudy Ch. 2: Stacey

Stacey's long-time sweetheart deflowered her, and then he cheated.

Category: Erotic couplings.

TAGS: Cheating; Creampie; Cunnilingus; Deflower, First time, Fellatio, Student sex



This work plays off in South Africa before the introduction of cell phones in 1994. The academic year starts January/February and ends November/December.

Students interested in teaching positions at government schools are required to complete the 'Higher Educational Diploma' (HED), which was a postgraduate diploma offered at the major universities at the time of the work.

This can be read as a stand-alone work.

The events and characters in this story are entirely fictitious and chosen purely to fit into the work's lot. All characters in sexual situations, real or implied, are 18 or above.


Earlier in the series:

'Chapter 1': Rudy and Lisa shared rides, and a room in a guest house, during their trips between Stellenbosch and Pietersburg over breaks on the University's calendar.

This Chapter can entirely be read on its own, and no pre-knowledge of Chapter 1 is required. Readers who've read Chapter 1 can look out for a common event - which would only play a role much later in the series. Leave a comment if you are the first one to spot it.



I am much indebted to kenjisato for the thorough editing of the text (multiple times) and making this story much more readable and enjoyable than I could master on my own. I take responsibility for any error that remains.


September 1976

Maria walked over to her daughter, Stacey, where she was washing dishes and cutlery. Justin, Stacey's boyfriend since grade eight, was next to her and drying the washed items. Stacey's eighteenth birthday was two months ago, but to make sure her ailing grandmother, whom she was named after, could share in her happiness, they delayed the big party until she had recovered from a serious fall. Grandma and her granddaughter were very close, and Stacey insisted on the delay.

The party was over and all the guests had left; it was only Justin and Stacey's parents, who were cleaning up. Maria put her hand on Stacey's shoulder to draw her attention. "Stace, it was a long and busy day for you, go home and get some rest; let Justin take you."

"You sure? There's still a lot of cleaning to be done."

Maria, looked at her daughter, and stroked a hand lovingly over her hair. "Go home and rest; tomorrow will be another busy day for you. And don't worry about us, I booked a room for your dad and I. We're also tired, but will go to bed as soon as we're done, so, don't expect us home."

Stacey gave her mother a hug. "Thank you, love you." There wasn't a lot of stuff in the sink to finish, so she decided to finish it off, because it would be less work for her mother.

After the water had drained and she had cleaned the sink, she took Justin's hand and went to her mother to give her a goodbye hug. Her dad also got a hug from her. Justin, who almost felt like family, also hugged Maria goodbye and shook Jeff's hand, before the two walked out to Justin's car. Although she had started dating Justin in grade eight, and their relationship grew intimate over time, it had never gotten sexual.

Justin looked at Stacey, as soon as he got seated in his car. "Your mom is cool."

Stacey looked at Justin and took his hand, she knew well what he was referring to, but she faked ignorance. "What... Why?"

"I think she knows... and she approves of our plans. I mean, why would she tell you that you shouldn't expect them home tonight - in my presence? Why arrange to 'sleep over' if the house was less than thirty kilometers (20 mi) away?" Justin leaned over, kissed Stacey, and slid his hand over her breast.

Stacey broke the kiss. "Let's go then, why waste time in the parking lot, if we have the whole house to ourselves..."

Maria looked on, as Justin's car's taillights turned left at the venue's entrance, and a knowing smile appeared on her face. Stacey asked her on her actual eighteenth to make an appointment at a gynecologist for a birth-control prescription. She admired the two for abstaining from sex for so long. Maria trusted Justin, he would put his life on the line, to protect Stacey. They were an item for almost four years, and he never had set a foot wrong in all that time.

As the lights disappeared in the distance, she imagined Justin helping Stace out of her dress, fumbling along, and drawn out as an entree to their foreplay. Her heart was racing and her breathing shallow. Curious about her own state of arousal, she touched her own breast. Her hard nipple confirmed to her, that her longing thoughts of being in Stacey's position, of being eighteen again and losing her virginity, was turning her on. She'd better focus on finishing off so she and Jeff could take an early, intimate break...


Although Justin's parents were divorced due to his mother having an affair years ago, it didn't seem to affect Justin like so many rebellious kids from broken marriages. As a matter of fact, the situation made him determined to be true and loyal to his partner.

Justin, an only child, lived with his father, Wilson, who was a respected lawyer in Cape Town. He made sure that his son had good manners. And although money wasn't an issue, Justin was never spoiled rotten.

His parents' break-up came about when his mother, Retha, fell for the advances of a more senior colleague. She may have resisted, had it been anyone else, but Bill.

When their paths initially crossed, Bill was an honors student, while Retha was in her first year. They met on a weeklong field excursion arranged by the geology department of the University of Cape Town (UCT), where they studied. She felt flattered when she saw him constantly ogling her during the bus ride to the site. At the site, he pitched his tent next to hers. He was also constantly close by, during the day in the field, showing her interesting rock samples. Nervously excited, she managed to evade him the first night, using the group as a barrier. She had an uneasy night, thinking what could have been.

On the second night, Retha was understandably tired and withdrew early from the bonfire, where the group normally chatted and socialized until late. Bill saw her leaving, and got up to walk her to her tent. Once he caught up to her, he pointed out different clusters of stars, and shared interesting astronomy facts about the constellations and the legends behind them. He asked her if she was interested in viewing Saturn through his small telescope, promising that it would be a spectacular object to view.

Saturn was indeed spectacular, and she should have ended the telescope viewing session there, but she fell for his promise that the moon, too, looked spectacular through his telescope. It did, but he had his hands on her hips. She fell for viewing the Great Orion Nebula, which, too, was impressive. She shouldn't have asked where in the sky it was because he slipped his hands over her tummy to stand right behind her. Whispering softly in her ear, he showed with his free hand where to look, while working his hand over her tummy and onto her breast. It was all over for her when he nibbled her ear, and slipped his other hand into her panties. A wonderful evening turned into a sex-filled trip, and ended up as a very special year for the two.

Bill was the top student of the year, and easily got a lucrative offer from Tuks (University of Pretoria) as a lecturer. Although the two tried to keep their relationship alive, their feelings for each other faded over time, and they lost contact. Bill finished his Ph.D at Tuks, where he got an appointment as an Associate Professor. He also met Netta, got married and had a son and daughter with her.

In her final year, Retha met Wilson, who was studying part-time for a postgraduate degree in law and they got married a year later. Retha was appointed as a research assistant to a professor at UCT after the completion of her studies. Soon, she got pregnant with Justin, and had a hysterectomy due to serious complications during his delivery. After Justin's birth, she received an appointment as a junior lecturer in the geology department, as she could no longer assist during field trips.

Wilson was in a comfort zone in his career. He attained the most senior position, in the law firm where he practiced, a non-partner could attain. It left him with sufficient family time to attend to his family's needs.

When Justin was fifteen, Bill returned to UCT as a professor. He had recently divorced Netta, and immediately applied for the position, when the UCT vacancy was advertised. Bill still had feelings for Retha, but she resisted his advances. Her love life with Wilson bloomed due to her higher levels of arousal, and Wilson didn't disappoint.

Then, a year after Bill's return to UCT, a partner in the law firm retired early due to health issues, which opened up an opportunity for Wilson to fill the vacancy. It took a toll on his family, due to the much longer hours required he had to work. Wilson was often too tired to attend to Retha's sexual needs, and she eventually gave in to Bill's advances. Her first transgression occurred when she offered Bill a lift home, when his car wouldn't start.

Still, Retha and Wilson separated amicably, and both parents could be proud of Justin.

The work environment at UCT became uneasy for Retha and Bill, when word got out that Retha's divorce was because of her cheating on her husband with Bill. Lady luck was with them because both applied successfully for two senior vacancies advertised in the 'geology department' at the University of Pretoria. They married shortly afterwards.


Justin slowly started to undress himself, while driving on the road. His bowtie was the first to go. At a red robot (traffic light), he managed to pull one arm out of the sleeve of his blazer, before the light turned green, when he had to move on. Along quiet parts of the road, he managed to pull his second arm out, and discarded the blazer onto the back seat.

His waistcoat's buttons were next to be undone, and he released the last one, as they drove into the driveway at Stacey's house. He opened the door for her, and threw the waistcoat onto the blazer on the back seat.

Stacey blushed. "Seems as if you can't wait!"

Justin chuckled. "You're dead right. It has been the only thing on my mind since we started to discuss it on your eighteenth. I would have done it on that night, if you didn't stop me. You wanted to wait for your party. Remember, your mom left a note saying they wouldn't be home before midnight. I eventually jacked myself off on the toilet."

Stacey looked at Justin. "I wanted it to be special, not rushed. I had my period anyway, so it would have been messy. And my breasts were sensitive."

Stacey waited for him to lock the car and took his hand, leading him to the front door. "Let's go in then, I'll need help to get out of this dress, and I see you can't wait to volunteer." She took his hand and led the way to the master bedroom.

Stacey wore a sleeveless, sky-blue princess dress with a built-in bra. The back was laced up in a tight fit around her waist. It took Justin some time to unlace the back, with his trembling and sweaty hands. Stacey kept the bodice in place by holding her hands over her breasts.

When Justin was done, she turned around to face him. Then, nervously, she slowly lowered her hands to reveal her breasts to him for the first time ever. He had touched and fondled them since her eighteenth, but always through her blouse and bra, and she had always stopped him from slipping his hands in under her dress, wishing for her 'big reveal' after her big party.

She and her mother had been planning her defloration, since Stacey asked her mother to make the appointment at the gynecologist. They deliberately chose a dress which required a second person's assistance to undress, one that required no bra, so her breasts could be revealed as the dress slipped off to the ground.

Stacey's heart raced in anticipation, as she saw Justin's eyes light up and a happy smile grew on his face, as first one, then her second nipple, was exposed, as she slowly lowered her dress.

With all revealed, at least for now, she released her dress when her hands reached her stomach and the dress fell free onto her feet. Dressed now in a petticoat, she slipped her feet out of her shoes, as she stepped out of the dress and towards Justin to lift his chin to close his mouth. She leaned in until their lips made soft contact, waiting for Justin to take her lips with his.

It took Justin a few seconds to thaw out of his frozen state, and with his hands on her bare waist, pulled her closer and hungrily kissed her, her breasts pressing into his chest.

With Stacey's hands wrapped around his neck, Justin had his hands free to explore her body. He didn't waste any time in reaching for her breasts, which caused Stacey to purr when his fingers pinched her nipples. After enjoying the sensation, Stacey unwrapped her arms from his neck, and pushed Justin slowly back while ensuring that he continued to cuddle her tits.

She reached for his shirt's buttons. "You're overdressed."

After his shirt had dropped onto the floor, she guided Justin's hands to the petticoat's buttons at her back, and reached for his belt herself, to start removing his pants. Justin seized the opportunity to lean in and took a nipple into his mouth. He had been dreaming about this moment, since sex with Stacey became a topic between them.

Stacey's knees buckled, the way Justin took her nipple between his lips and swirled his tongue, was better than in her dreams. She didn't know how she managed to stay upright, maybe Justin supported her. Soon, her petticoat slipped down and Justin's experienced hands displaced hers at his pants. He, too, was eager to get undressed.

Justin reluctantly had to interrupt kissing Stacey's nipple. He tried to work his shoes off his feet, while simultaneously trying to loosen his pants. Stacey seized the opportunity to push him back. With his pants around his knees, he only managed two steps before losing his balance and falling backwards onto Stacey's parents' bed. Stacey helped him out of his shoes before pulling his pants off, leaving his socks on his feet.

Stacey looked at his erection, straining to escape from his briefs. "Seems as if you have a prisoner who wants to jailbreak." She leaned forward and pulled his briefs off and let them fall to the ground.

Justin, now naked except for his socks, took Stacey's outstretched hands and got back onto his feet. All that was left, was to remove Stacey's panties, so he reached down. Surprised at what he found, he stepped back and looked at Stacey's hips, he didn't expect to see a tight pair of granny pants He exclaimed as if disgusted, "You're booby-trapped."

Stacey chuckled and lifted her breasts. "Can't be, my boobies aren't trapped." It was her mother's idea, and it worked out better than expected. She was still savoring the moment when it was her turn to be pushed onto the bed. Justin wasted no time to take the panties' waistband and pulled them off her.

Now fully naked, Stacey flopped onto the bed and worked herself further onto the bed, until her head was laying on the pillows. With her finger, she beckoned Justin closer. Justin got onto the bed and shuffled closer. "Let's not rush this, we've got the whole night. Let's explore each other's bodies, it will never again be as special as it is tonight."

"That's deep, I love you. Thank you for making it easy to delay a bit longer." Stacey had thought about it and continued to offer her idea. "Let's start with just kissing and touching. Then you can inspect my breasts, play with them, and see how they react. After that, I'll love to see what your dick looks like, play with it, and even taste it. When I'm done, you can work my pussy, getting me wet, getting me ready to accept you inside."

Without saying a word, Justin leaned in, meeting Stacey's lips, while slowly working his hand towards her breast. Stacey's hand drifted to Justin's dick with the aim to wrap around it for the first time.

It was Stacey, who guided Justin's lips towards her breasts, eager to move onto the next phase of discovery. Justin was fascinated by the darker hue of her areola. It was much lighter when she had slid her dress off. He blew softly over her nipples, wet from his saliva, and was captivated to see how the areolae contracted. He wondered how they would react, if they were rubbed with ice. He patiently played and waited for Stacey to move on.

The stimulation of her breasts, which weren't used to the amount of ministrations they received, became too much for Stacey, and she decided to move on. She pushed Justin away from her breasts, and onto his back. Then she crawled in between his legs and wrapped her hand around his rock-hard dick. Only then, did she notice that her hand couldn't wrap entirely around his dick, and realized that the large phallus in her hands, would soon be filling her virgin pussy. Doubt started to swirl through her mind, fighting with her desire to keep exploring. Its length was longer than the width of her hand, almost as long as the width of both her hands combined. Squeezing it, a pearl of pre-cum formed on the tip. She touched the blob, intrigued by the silk-like thread it pulled, when she brought her finger to her tongue to taste it. She leaned forward and licked off what remained on the tip, and was surprised by the twitch reaction.

Another pearl formed when she pulled his foreskin down, surprised to see the helmet was purple. The twitching intensified, as she spread the slippery blob over the purple helmet.

With a turbulent mind, she flopped onto her back, her knees bent and her feet slightly apart. Justin read the signs, it was his turn to explore her pussy. He kneeled between her legs - it was his first view of her hairy pussy, of any pussy. First of all, he parted the hair and noticed the glimmering split between the lips. Her juices pulled their own silky strands when he pulled the lips apart.

The dark folds inside surprised him, as sex-education illustrations showed them as pink. A lighter patch caught his eye, 'the hymen' flashed through his mind. He worked his hand higher to where her clitoris should be. The hood looked like a cape over a head, and he pulled it back, as if he wanted to expose the head. A glimmering button appeared, he leaned in to smell it and then he licked it. Stacey's body stiffened, and she exhaled deep after holding her breath for a second or two. Stacey's body shook as he lapped her pussy from bottom to top, gathering her juices and swirling it in his mouth when he was done.

His tongue probed into her hood, and he must have hit the mark. Stacey's body tensed and started to shake as an orgasm erupted inside her. Her legs clamped onto his head and only started to release, when she started breathing again.

Stacey's hands reached for Justin's head. She was afraid to do this, but her urges were stronger, compelling her to pull his head closer to hers. Working his boner closer to her virgin vagina. The delay when his lips kissed her nipples, was a welcome relief, but her need for sex urged her on, to pull his head even closer, to have his lips on hers.

Relieved when their lips met and his tongue was hungrily exploring her mouth, she reached down. His erection was near her anus, and she guided it to her vagina. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, as she pulled the foreskin back.

Justin's lips parted, he needed to concentrate. It was a big moment, the first time that he'd claim a pussy. This was the only pussy he wanted to claim in his entire life. He slid his hands under her back and curled his fingers around her shoulders. Then he started to push, slowly to allow Stacey to adapt, to react if she felt any pain.