Deliver Us From Evil Ch. 01


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"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Monday, August 2nd, from the roof of the building at Riverside and College, with Police Headquarters in her distant background. "The Town & County Council is demanding answers from the Police Department!"

After the hard-charging music intro, Bettina began: "The Police are promoting four Detectives to Lieutenant today, and several Members of the Council are demanding explanations for both the promotions and the timing of them. Let's go to trusted political reporter Carl Lemay for more. Carl!"

"That's right, Bettina." said Lemay, also on the roof of the same building, but with City Hall in the background. "Council Member Susan Weston has told Channel Two News that she is completely dissatisfied with what she calls the 'lame excuses' of the Police Department to explain their reasons for promoting four Detectives to Lieutenant. She is calling upon the Council to subpoena Chief Sean Moynahan and especially Commander Donald Troy to appear before the Council and answer questions related to the matter."

Lemay: "And Ms. Weston and co-Council Member Sheila Sorrells are demanding that the Police explain why they have been so slow to hire a new Commander of Internal Affairs after Ted Orosco left the position months ago. They also want to know who is making internal investigations while I.A. remains leaderless, and wonder who is making sure Commander Donald Troy is, quote, 'coloring within the lines', unquote. Back to you, Bettina."

"Thank you, Carl!" said Bettina as the feed switched back to her. "And speaking of Commander Donald Troy and alleged malfeasance, let's go to trusted reporter Amber Harris for more. Amber!"

"That's right, Bettina!" said the short, athletic blonde from that same rooftop, but with the Courthouse in the distant background. "Channel Two News has learned that Assistant District Attorney Savannah Fineman filed a complaint with the I.G.'s Office, claiming that Commander Troy ordered the TCPD to not cooperate with the District Attorney's Office in any of her investigations. She is claiming that the Police are attempting to stonewall and sabotage her prosecution of Stanley Locklear for the first degree murder of his business partners Tom Maple and Chuck Hogue, which is scheduled to be tried within a few weeks."

Amber: "Reached for comment, Police Spokesman Captain Damien Thompson said that Commander Troy's non-cooperation order was directed explicitly at ADA Fineman, not the entire D.A.'s Office."

Amber: "Additionally, District Attorney Miriam Walters's lawsuit against Commander Troy is expected to be heard soon. It concerns Commander Troy making unilateral plea deals with suspects without the authorization of the D.A.'s Office nor even consulting with the D.A.'s Office. Political and legal experts believe D.A. Walters will prevail, and Commander Troy's abuse of power will be curbed..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"If it weren't for Commander Troy," said Deputy Chief Tanya P. Muscone with a wicked gleam in her eyes, "Channel Two News wouldn't have anything to report on."

"They'd find something." I replied bitterly as Sheriff Griswold, Myself, Chief Sean Moynahan, EMS Chief Leonard R. Cordell, Commander Muscone, and Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle drank coffee and watched the Bettina propaganda-cast in the Chief's Conference Room. We were not wearing our jackets, but would be in formal uniforms with medals for the Joint Ceremony with the Emergency Medical Services.

"They are right about one thinnnng." drawled Chief Moynahan. "We doooo need to get crackin' on getting an I.A. leader in there."

EMS Chief Cordell asked "What are y'all doing in the interim?"

I replied "We're relying on the I.G., especially for upper-level issues. For lower level issues, we can ask the Fire Marshal, who is the I.A. for the Fire Department, to come in and investigate. We have a couple of Sergeants in the Police I.A., but the Lieutenant and now Lieutenant Commander positions remain unfilled. And the Chief is right: we've been dragging our feet on it."

Chief Moynahan said "I asked Wes 'Coldiron' Masters, who used to command the City Police I.A., if there was anyone in City I.A. that might be good and want to come over here, and he said after his experience with them earlier this year, he advised me to trust no one at all." (Author's note: 'Who Watches The Watchers'.)

Chief Moynahan: "I also talked to Chief Frank Soltis in Midtown and Chief Molly Evans in Nextdoor County. Soltis has problems finding people of integrity for his ownnnn I.A. Department, and Molly suggested Captain Paul Price... who might just be a good guy, but she's recommending him to get him off herrrr handzzz."

I said "Price is to Molly what Jerome Davis is to Claire Michaels."

Teresa quickly asked: "What about Lieutenant Shane O'Brady in Pottsville?"

I replied "I've worked very hard to make him into a good cop... which means he's no good for an I.A. Department anymore." Everyone laughed.

"All kidding aside, that's part of the prob-lmmm." said Chief Moynahan. "We need an honest person, someone of integrity, in that post... but I suspect the Council won't ratify anyone that isn't openly anti-Crowbarrrr."

Tanya said "And Malinda Adams will insist upon it being a woman." Teresa and I nodded vigorously in agreement.

Sheriff Griswold said "We'll figure it out. Meanwhile, we've got a lot of candy to give out today... at least that's what Susan Weston is calling it. So let's go to work. Chief Moynahan, Chief Cordell, stay here. Everyone else, find somewhere else to be..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

9:00am, Monday, August 2nd. The ceremonies proceeded in an orderly fashion. After other promotions, certificates, and medals were completed, we had a retirement: Lieutenant Myrtle Wausau, head of Personnel & Records. She was awarded the Sheriff's Medal for her 20 years of service, and received a strong ovation from the Police Force and the EMTs.

The four Senior Detectives were brought up, and were promoted to Lieutenant. Joanne Warner's silver bars were pinned on her shoulders by her husband Seth and Captain Michaels. Teddy Parker's insignia were pinned on him by his fiancée Janice Holloway, who was wearing her TCPD uniform, and Your Iron Crowbar at Parker's request.

As we pinned the insignia on, I whispered to Teddy "When are you going to make an honest woman out of this woman and marry her?"

"Whenever she sets a date, sir." Teddy replied, making Janice grin.

Theo Washington's insignia were pinned on by his wife Nareese and his brother, Superior Court Judge Franklin Washington. And Christopher Purvis's bars were pinned on by his grandmother Dottie... and by Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle. "I've always respected Commander Croyle, from the time she was our leader in Vice." Purvis had said. Teresa was surprised, and she wasn't the only one. But she said she'd be honored to do it, and so she did.

After the round of applause for the four new Lieutenants, they all began moving to the side. I took Janice's arm and said "You two stay here a moment." She and Teddy did.

I said loudly "With Lieutenant Wausau's retirement after a stellar career of service to the TCPD, we have a position to fill. And I'm pleased to say that Janice Holloway has agreeeed to return to us. Please raise your right hand." Janice did so, and I administered the Police Officer's Oath, returning her to the service of the TCPD badge, then handed her her gold badge to put on her uniform.

Yeah, this had been slipped into the package along with Lt. Wausau's retirement, and none of the Council Democrats had caught it, or perhaps had just said nothing. And there was more. As Chief Moynahan read the proclamation, Teddy and I pinned the silver bars of a TCPD Captain onto her shoulder epaulettes. Then Captain Holloway received strong applause from the Force.

"And we have one final thing before we go back to our duties." Chief Deputy Cindy Ross said loudly as she came up to us. "Auxiliary Detective Troy, would you please come up here?" Carole had been sitting with Tanya, and now came up to us, wearing her 'Sunday best' dress and her Badge on its chain around her neck.

Cindy said "This aspiring Police Officer needs to learn a very important lesson... that Police Officers love doughnuts for a reason! And since yesterday was her birthday..."

With that, Cindy lit a sparkler in a doughnut on a plate and handed it to Carole. As it sparkled brightly, the Police Force sang 'Happy Birthday' to Carole, who just grinned...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alison McFarland had been standing among the Press Pool during the Ceremonies, and no one really noticed that she went into Headquarters through the gym doors with many of the other Officers. She came on down the hallway with Tanya to my office, and Teresa was right behind them.

Carole was in my office with me, working on her (actually my) iPad, when she said "Uh oh, Alison is coming, and she has something important to tell you. I'll stay with Pete's mom while you talk to her."

As she got up to go, the door opened to reveal Alison, with Tanya behind her. "Thank you, Fussbudget. Thanks, Tanya." I said as they went into Tanya's office. Teresa came on into my office behind Alison.

"Y'all sit down." I said "Get coffee if you want some. Whassup?"

After closing the door and getting coffee, Alison sat down in the near-side hot chair, and Teresa in the other chair. I turned the bug-killer on.

Alison began: "Geiger and Keith found something, and they've gone to The City to check it out. As you know, they've been looking at couples with children that left the church, and especially with the kids turning bad. One couple they found just the other day was Fred and Ginger Thomas, who were members of the City Cathedral, the main church where Cardinal O'Leery maintains his office. They had a son, Kevin, who we have confirmed is in the City prison system."

"How did y'all get onto them?" I asked.

Alison said "Geiger and Madden have been contacting people who went to the church then left, and have a child or children that became problems. When they attempted to contact the Thomas family at their LKA (last known address) and phone number yesterday, they got a call back from a woman that said she had worked with Mrs. Thomas, and that they'd left the church under rather suspicious circumstances."

"Don, what is it?" Teresa asked as she observed the look of horror on my face.

"This could be a trap." I said. "Alison, call them and tell them to be super careful, that they might be walking into an ambush---"

Just then my office door opened and Carole burst in. "Daddy!" she said in a near-panicky voice, "Alison's friends are in danger! You have to help them!"

"Right you are, Fussbudget." I said, not doubting it for a minute. "Alison, make those calls. Carole, stay with Aunt Tanya until your mom or someone comes to get you. Teresa, go change, and get your armor."

After they left, I hurriedly changed into civilian clothes, and moments later Teresa and I were tearing out of the parking lot in my Police SUV...

Part 8 - Explosive Consequences

Timothy Geiger and Keith Madden entered the diner and saw the woman sitting at a table near the back side. She was white and in her early 40s, with 'washed out' reddish blonde hair, and a generally 'mousey' appearance. Her clothing was inexpensive and rather old, but she gave every outward appearance of a typical middle-class housewife.

"Lana?" Keith Madden said as they came up to her.

"Yes. Please, sit down." she said, showing good manners and decorum. The table she was sitting at was in the middle of the room, and she was sitting facing the window, forcing Geiger and Madden to sit facing her. Madden sat opposite her, while Geiger sat to the side in order to keep as much of the diner as possible in his field of vision.

"Thank you for coming." said Keith Madden. "I'm Keith, and this is Tim---" He stopped as the server came up, and Madden asked the woman if she was hungry. She said she was, so all three ordered breakfast with their coffee.

"May we record this conversation?" Keith asked.

"Yes, but the audio only." Lana said. "I don't want you to video my face."

"Good enough." Keith said reassuringly as they both turned on their tape recorders.

Madden said "You returned our phone call to Fred and Ginger Thomas?"

"Yes." Lana said. "I was friends with them."

"Was?" asked Madden.

Geiger said "Why don't we start at the beginning, ma'am. How did you know the Thomases?"

Lana said "I used to work in the Diocese office, doing their bookkeeping. I quit, and my husband and I stopped going to the church after... well, I have suspicions, but that's all. And those suspicions started with the Thomas family."

"What can you tell us about them?" Keith asked.

Lana: "Fred and Ginger were nice people. He was in upper management of a manufacturing firm, and she worked with me in the Church Office, volunteering her time. They had a son, Kevin. He was a really good kid. He was in the Boy Scouts, got his Eagle Scout in two years. When he turned 18, he became an Assistant Scoutmaster for his old Troop, which the church sponsored. Then he began working on the Boy Scouts's Religious Award for adult Scouters, and wanted to get it before he went to college at the University in the Fall."

Lana: "Cardinal O'Leery was personally mentoring him for the award, as he had mentored several other boys and adult men. But after the first session, Keith wanted to quit going. His parents insisted that he go, saying that for the Cardinal to be personally mentoring him was a really big deal, and he could not insult the Cardinal nor the Church by not going."

Lana: "Kevin went to a second meeting, but didn't come home. He disappeared that night. The City Police were called and began investigating. Cardinal O'Leery said Kevin left the meeting and didn't seem to be upset or anything out of the ordinary. The Police actively searched for two weeks, but there was no sign of Kevin nor clue where he might have gone or if anything had happened to him."

"How old was Kevin at the time?" Geiger asked.

"He'd just turned eighteen." Lana replied. Geiger nodded and Lana continued: "So what happened was that six months later, the City Police busted three guys holding up a convenience store. One of them... was Kevin. He'd been living on the streets and apparently had been committing armed robberies and selling drugs with that gang. And he may or may not have been a male prostitute, as well."

Lana: "His parents were stunned, of course. Ginger and I talked a couple of times, and she told me that Kevin's father was very angry with him. She said he refused to try to help Kevin in any way. Kevin was tried and convicted, and was given a six year sentence, but as a first time offender, he was eligible for parole in three years with good behavior. His parents never visited him. Cardinal O'Leery tried to visit him, but Kevin refused to see him."

"Is Kevin still in prison?" asked Keith Madden.

"Yes." said Lana. "But he's scheduled to be released soon, though I'm not sure exactly when."

Geiger said "So his meetings with Cardinal O'Leery and his disappearance was less than four years ago."

"Yes." Lana said. Geiger held a straight face, but inwardly was elated that this was less than five years before.

"Do you know where his parents are?" asked Madden. "How can we contact them?"

Lana said "I don't know. They stopped coming to the church right after their son disappeared. Rumors started up that something had happened between Cardinal O'Leery and Kevin, and it was not the first time I'd heard such things. I stopped working for the Diocese office, and my husband and I stopped attending the church. And we never heard from either of the Thomases again, though admittedly we didn't try to."

"Do you have any children?" Geiger asked casually, a bit too casually.

"No, we never had children.:" Lana replied.

Their food came, and they stopped talking to eat. When they were done, Lana said that she needed to go. Madden gave her his card and asked her to call him if she learned anything new. After she left, Madden paid the bill and got a receipt so he could comp it.

Geiger's car was parked in the lot that was to the side of the building, with a row of cars between their place and the windowed side of the building. Those windows would've given a view of the vehicle, except that they'd been sitting on the other side of the restaurant.

As they got in the car, Geiger on the driver side, he asked "Where to next?"

"The State prison here in the City." Madden said. "If we can talk to Kevin, we need to do so as fast as we can---"

He stopped as they realized that their server had come outside and was looking for them. Geiger got out of the car, and the young woman yelled "Sir! Your cellphone dropped out of your pocket!" She was holding up Geiger's cellphone.

Geiger went over and said "Thank you very much." as she handed it to him. He reached into his pocket to give her an extra tip---


The force of the explosion pushed Geiger against the girl, and he instinctively tackled her to the ground. As many car alarms began going off, he looked back and saw a huge fireball rising above his vehicle!

"KEITH!" Geiger yelled as he picked himself up and ran towards the car. It was engulfed in a sheet of flame, a massive conflagration. He tried to get to the car, but it was too intensely hot. He saw within the raging flames that Madden was slumped over, and twisted unnaturally, and he realized that there was nothing he could do...

Keith Madden was dead.

To be continued.

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chytownchytown5 months ago

Very interesting starting chapter. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum7 months ago

They’re going to be one pissed off IC. Someone had to watching Ginger’s car to set off bomb. Couldn’t be on timer nor ignition wired because Geiger hadn’t started car. On to next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was not to long ago that Bettina was enjoying having sex with Don. Now she is trying to screw him in another way.

She should have stuck with the sex.

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Things are hotting up now. So is that more swamp frog activity sheltering the evil priest?

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 1 year ago

" to censure the Democrats that refused to stand for the Pledge. " Come on Crowbar . That's not even a thing . Other than that . GR8 chapter .

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