Delta City: Rise of Chameleon


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"Good, now on your knees." She goes to her knees. "Close your pretty eyes for a moment." She does. Hypno Lord removes his orange uniform and pulls out his aching hard cock and puts it in front of Shapeshifter's nose. "Do you smell that?"

She breaths in and catches a familiar scent. It disgusts her. "Yes my Lord."

"It's my cock, you can smell its masculine musk, and it's a strong and potent smell. The more you smell it, the more your feminine side takes over, the more the feminine part of the mind prepares itself. Can you feel it, your masculine mind struggling with these emotions, these feelings, but the feminine mind starts to take over, making you want it. Deep in your mind your primal urges as a woman repressed by your masculinity start to break out, making you want it, making you turned on even more. Breath it in, deeply." Shapeshifter breaths in and exhales though her mouth, a moan escaping her lips. "That's it, you are wanting it more and more, you want to be submissive, you want to be feminine, you want to feel my cock in your mouth, you want a man to fuck you. You want to be a slut, a whore for me. Breath it in, be more feminine, drive the masculine part of your mind away, be my fuck doll." A moan escapes her lips again and she licks them. "Open your eyes." Her eyes open and they look entranced, they just seem to stare ahead. "What are you my dear? Are you male or female?"


"Smell my cock, breath deep." She does and she moans again.

"I'm...I'm a female my lord." Shapeshifter replies.

Hypno Lord smiles. "What do you want?"

She smiles back at him. "I want you to fuck me my Lord, I want to suck your cock. I want to be your whore, your personal slut. I am yours." Shapeshifter says.

"Then claim your prize." Hypno Lord says triumphantly.

"Yes my Lord." Shapeshifter takes his cock in her hand, feeling its warmth, feeling it pulsate in her hand and she opens her mouth and takes it all in. Hypno Lord groans as she works it along her mouth, using her tongue along the tips and shaft. She cups his balls and massages them as her head bobs along his cock. She goes deep and can feel her gag reflex trying to kick in, tears roll down her face and she gags on his cock and she pulls away and back again. Hypno Lord grabs her hair and forces her to move her head faster. He can feel his cock about to erupt when he stops her and pulls her off. She breaths deeply staring at him with pure lust, her cock aching and leaking pre cum all over her panties. "I want you my Lord, take me, make me yours."

"Stand and bend over, put your hands on the wall."

"Yes my Lord." She says seductively and places her hands on the wall and bends over. Hypno Lord takes off his clothes showing a ripped muscular body as he grabs a tube of lube and marches to her; he caresses her perfect ass then slides the thong away showing her ass hole. He puts some lube on her ass then uses his finger to glide it in and out. "Oh my Lord, you tease me, fuck me please."

He pulls his finger out and puts some lube on his cock and he then aligns it with her ass hole. "Breath deep my dear." He says as he penetrates her ass. A moan escapes her lips as he does this and her ass is so tight but he pushes more and more and her ass relaxes and soon his whole cock is up her ass. "You're are so tight, time to make you mine." He then pumps, first slowly making her whimper and moan, then he builds up the pace and starts to fuck her hard. Shapeshifter feels a strange yet pleasurable pressure in her midriff as she gets fucks and her cock seems to feel tighter and tighter as he fucks her and all she can do is moan and except it.

"Oh god my Lord, I'm gonna cum, I'm going to soil my panties for you."

She screams as she cums right into her panties, soon cum is dripping out of the sides as she continues to cum, then Hypno Lord pulls his cock out, spins her around and starts to masturbate, he pulls the cups of her bra down revealing her perfect tits and he shoots his cum on her tits and then into her waiting open mouth. She moans and cums a little more as he does this and she starts to rub the cum around her chest. "I have marked you as my property, no one else can have you; you belong to me."

She falls to the floor in a trance rubbing his seed on her body. "Yes my Lord, I am yours, forever."

* * *

The next few months fall into a strange routine. Whenever they go into the exercise yard, Shapeshifter returns to his male self, remembering everything and feeling disgusted. He wears the orange uniform but underneath is women's lingerie, whenever the exercise time ends he returns to the cell and becomes the sexy slave girl for Hypno Lord again. He can't control it anymore, it's like he created an alternate person that he cannot control, the moment the door shuts he is already transforming back, wanting a fuck. One day exercise ends and he refuses to go back, the guards point their guns at him and order him back but he refuses, he would rather get shot. Until Hypno Lord appears next to him and whispers in his ear he will always return to the cell. Then it doesn't happen again. The bag of clothes always come back with new kinky sexy outfits, School Girl, sexy Nun, sexy cat girl, even a sexy superheroine outfit. They fuck every night and they now share the same bunk. Four months of this go by when he is informed via a letter though the door he is being released early due to good behaviour. He is relieved but the sexy girl alternate person is upset by this. Hypno Lord tells her not to worry, soon everything will be fine. The day of his release he is now male Shapeshifter and his is allowed to wear the male clothes, now he is wearing the suit he wore in court. He stares at Hypno Lord as he leaves but he can't tell anyone what happened as Hypno Lord told him not too, it will take some time to try and break the control he has over him. As he signs out the warden smiles at him. "Well, I hope the time alone teaches you to behave."

Shapeshifter turns to him. "What do you mean?"

The warden just laughs. "Invent an imaginary friend did you? Not surprised spending the last four months alone. Even the guards in the exercise yard said you were talking to yourself."

He feels sick and he just leaves the prison and walks out quickly. He boards a bus that will take him into town and he sits down afraid for the first time, as soon as he gets to town he is going to Shape Shift into someone else and flee town and hide. Another freed prisoner boards the bus and it leaves, he watches the country side slip away then he notices the bus misses the turn off for Delta City and heads for the industrial area. "Hey, wait." He says before he feels a prick in his shoulder as the freed prisoner behind him puts the syringe away as he falls asleep.

When he wakes up he is in a big abandoned warehouse, he is lying on a table and he looks down and he is naked. "Oh god no." He struggles as he hears footsteps approaching. He turns to see Hypno Lord wearing a smart suit and his goggles.

"Welcome Shapeshifter. I suppose you have a lot of questions?" Hypno Lord asks smiling.

He struggles with the restraints. "Why? How?" He asks angrily.

"Simple yet easy to answer. I have always wanted a sidekick, a female preferably, and no matter how many girls I could seduce with my power, none of them fit the bill. I knew if I wanted the perfect companion and sidekick I would need to... make one, design one to my liking. Then I heard you were caught by Invincible Man, and then I controlled the judge to give you a lighter sentence. Then I heard they were constructing the perfect prison cell for you so I went on a little visit to the prison. I hypnotized the warden and the guards to make the room suitable for two, and I hypnotized them to bring two sets of food, two bags of clothes, one with sexy girls clothes the other with male clothes for me. I also programmed them to make me invisible to them, you would be the only one who could see me and talk to me, then I got to work, I learned as much as I could about you and your powers in the first week, so when the female supplies arrived I would be ready. True I had to make you Shemale but hey, beggars can't be choosers, right." He laughs. "I decided to go along with it. I gave little notes to the guards when they picked up our lunch trays who then forwarded the instructions I wrote to others to prepare us for this day. I have some good news for you, you passed, and you are the perfect choice to be my sidekick."

"Fuck you." Shapeshifter says trying to fight out of the bindings.

"Oh you will, you see you are still in my power. Change into the female form you created for me, but keep your male mind." Hypno Lord orders.

"Yes my Lord." Shapeshifter can feel his body changing again back into the female form but he still has his male mind at least.

"Now your problem Shapeshifter is your power is all mentally based. That's why you can't become a full girl it's all in your head and your DNA seems to be, well, male. But after some nice scientists did some research for me we may have a solution." He pulls out a large syringe filled with a strange brown liquid. "This Shapeshifter is a specially constructed chemical compound of stem cells and Estrogen. This will communicate with your body to help you go from male to female easily using your ability of shape shifting mixed with this compound. In theory it should help you create a pussy and internal female organs. Shall we try it?" He says smiling wickedly.

Shapeshifter looks panicked, his heart racing as he fights the binding on the table but it's no use. "No, please don't" He begs.

Hypno Lord smiles then places the syringe needle directly into Shapeshifters already small penis, he screams as he injects it, but soon it's all gone and Shapeshifter's penis seems to be shrinking a little reacting to the strange compound. "Now listen, I want you to imagine your penis and balls retracting, feel them being sucked into your body, your penis is becoming a clitoris. Your body now knows how to do this, the cells in your body are changing, and they now know how to make a female. Feel it, imagine it and do it, believe you can. I order you to do this." Hypno Lord says.

Shapeshifter is sweating profusely as his/her mind goes into overdrive. Feeling the strange substance working its way through his body, he can feel it changing him and he can feel it changing his mind."" He/She screams as his cock shrinks and contracts, his balls go into his body and he feels a void where it once was and he feels it change and he cries knowing his cock is gone and now there is a pussy where his male parts once where.

Hypno Lord goes over and sees Shapeshifter's new pussy, he pokes a finger in and an involuntary moan escapes Shapeshifter's lips. "Well done, you did it. You mastered one of your weaknesses. But I'm afraid I am going to have to create a new one."

"What do you mean? Just leave me alone, let me live in peace." Shapeshifter says.

"I wish I could, but you are my greatest creation and I cannot let that go. Please accept my apologies." He says smiling, Shapeshifter spits into his face, he just wipes it off. "You are forgetting what you originally looked like. I order you to forget your male image, I order you to forget how to become a male." Hypno Lord orders.

Shapeshifter can feel her mind trying to fight this command. " mustn't...forget" She says fighting it with all her will.

Hypno Lord removes his goggles and looks into Shapeshifter's eyes. "Obey my command, you cannot resist, you can never resist."

Shapeshifter look ahead at nothing fully entranced. "Yes my Lord. I obey." He puts the goggles back on and Shapeshifter snaps out of it, and she thinks and thinks, she can't remember her male image and she can't remember how to become a male again. "No, no stop."

Hypno Lord now undoes the constraints holding Shapeshifter down. "Put yourself in my position, would you stop?" Shapeshifeter hates to admit it, but if the roles were switched she probably wouldn't stop either. "Stand up and don't move." She stands off of the table and stands to attention. Hypno Lord walks off somewhere, Shapeshifter tries to move her naked body but it won't budge, no matter how much she tries to break his command over her. She hears footsteps returning and Hypno Lord is holding something green and scaly in his hands. "Put this on."

"Yes my lord." She says as she takes it off of him. It feels weird, wet and sleek, it's very smooth to the touch and yet the scale design allow it to grip to her touch. She unravels it and it seems to be a body suit of some kind. She places a foot in and forces her leg through. There is no hole for her foot, she puts her foot in and places it on the ground and it seems to grip the floor really well. She puts her other leg in then pulls the suit up, she puts her arms in and her hands going through but her fingers and thumbs on into a glove built into the suit. Hypno Lord goes behind her and seals it up. "Brace yourself." He says and presses something, suddenly the suit sucks in on her, it moulds around her breasts, clings to her hips, she feels it travel up her ass cheeks and she looks down and even her belly button is showing as it has sucked itself in so tightly to her it feels like a skin, even her toes are visible now when they weren't before. "This I had it made especially for you through instructions I sent while in prison, I call it Smart Skin. Don't worry though, it has..." He pushes his fingers into her pussy making her jump. "Holes in all the right places." He laughs and pulls his finger out. "I had to control some scientists to create it but they had plenty of time while we were in prison. Now, imagine a sexy school girl outfit."

"Yes my lord." Suddenly the suit around changes and morphs into a sexy school girl outfit, complete with stockings, shoes the works, even her skin is exposed in places. "How?"

"I said it was Smart Skin, it obeys your mental commands to become whatever you want, it also has some great abilities, run to the wall and try to climb with just your hands and feet."

"Yes my lord." She says, she runs to the wall and jumps onto it with her hands and feet and they stick, they actually stick the wall. She them climbs the wall easily. "How?"

"Part of the design, the feet and hands grip anything, although you don't appear to be wearing it you are in fact always wearing it, you can only take it off by imagining yourself back in the suit then taking it off. You could even take off that school uniform outfit and look naked but you would still be wearing it. Come down." She jumps down and lands on her feet. "You remember the green scale design, now imagine that style in a tube top with straps, fingerless gloves going to your elbow, skin tight pants and matching high heeled boots." She does this and her outfit changes to this, it's the same style as the body suit with the green scales and wet look, the boots match as well as the top and pants, the gloves look the same except for her bare fingers. "Now, I want green nail polish and green makeup on your face." She changes to this, green eyeliner, green eye shadow and green lipstick. Her nails are now a matching green. "Perfect, now, the eyes, close them." She does this. "Now, imagine lizard or snake eyes, how the pupil is straight, how the color surrounding the pupil is multicolored, green, red, orange all different colors. Now change your eyes to that, make them like a lizard or snake." Her eyes seem to tighten a little. "Open them." She does this and Hypno lord takes a step back, her eyes are not human anymore but look like a lizards eyes. He pulls out a small mirror from his inside pocket of his suit and shows her and she looks horrified.

"What are you doing to me?" She asks fighting back the tears.

"I'm making you better. Now, remember when I said that the smart skin bodysuit could only be removed by making yourself wear it again?" She nods. "Well, you don't remember that, you don't remember any of that. You don't think you are wearing it. This image you are now, eyes and all, this is what you think you actually look like now, when you change back to your original self this is what you turn back into."

"No...stop." She says holding her head as these instructions sink in. All her thoughts are being re-written and she can't stop it.

"You still believe yourself to be a lab experiment gone wrong, but you were the victim not the scientist, you killed those involved, you are no longer Shapeshifter, that name means nothing to you, you are now...Chameleon."

She falls to her knees holding her head fighting these instructions. " me." She says fighting it; she closes her eyes to help her concentrate. She is trying to hold on to her memories but they are slipping through her fingers as easily as water.

Hypno Lord pulls his cock out and places it under her nose. "Smell this my dear, the more you breathe it the more the feminine side takes over." She breaths in and moans a little. "You want this, the female part in your mind does. She is not Shapeshifter, she is Chameleon, my sidekick and lover and she will stand by my side, forever. Smell it, smell the masculinity. Feel it penetrate your mind awakening Chameleon, your feminine alter ego. Feel her come forward while Shapeshifter disappears."

"I...I...can't...think...can't..." Shapeshifter says as she breaths in the smell of his cock and lets out a moan.

"I'm not murdering you, you are being reborn, I'm making you better, stronger, and I'm making you perfect. You want to be perfect, you want to be stronger, and you want to be reborn."

She breaths in deep again feeling her pussy getting wet, feeling her mind slipping with each breath. "Yes my Lord. I want to be stronger, I want to be reborn."

"Then smell my cock, feel your feminine side return, become Chameleon, become perfect." She breaths in deeper and deeper moaning all the while and then she opens her eyes and stares ahead entranced. "Now, what is your name?"

"My name is Chameleon." She says.

"Good, how did you get your powers?" He asks putting his cock away.

"A lab accident gone wrong my Lord, I killed the scientists who did this to me."

"What sex are you?" He asks smiling, his heart pumping fast.

"I am a woman my Lord."

"Now, you can change your appearance but can you change sex?"

"No my Lord, I can change my appearance into another woman, not a man."

"Were you ever a man?"

"No my Lord. I have always been a woman." Chameleon replies.

"Good, now who am I?"

"You are my Lord and master. I belong to you, mind, body and soul."

Hypno Lord puts his cock away and grabs her hand and pulls her gently to her feet. "Awake my dear."

She blinks a couple of times and sees Hypno Lord and smiles. "Hello my Lord. What are we doing tonight?" She asks seductively.

Hypno Lord smiles and rubs her shoulders. "Well, first of all I think we should have some fun, and then to business as Invincible Man is coming later, I would love to introduce you to him."

Chameleon smiles and leans into Hypno Lord. "Yes my Lord, what fantasy do you want tonight?" She changes into French Maid. "Sexy Maid?" She changes again into a School Girl. "Sexy School girl?"

Her eyes change to human every time she changes and Hypno Lord just strokes her arm. "I want you, your real image."

She changes back into the green outfit and lizard eyes. She looks away embarrassed. "My eyes are hideous."

"No, they are beautiful; don't let anyone tell you any differently." He tells her.

She turns back and smiles and they lean in and start kissing. Soon they break apart and Hypno Lord is undoing his pants and pulling his cock out again. Chameleon knells down and immediately starts to smell his cock. "I love the smell of a man's cock." She says then engulfs it in her mouth. She uses her tongue to stimulate the tip and Hypno Lord groans as she does this. She then starts to cup and massage his balls. He places his hands on her head and forces her head further along his shaft and she starts to gag as he deep throats her. Rather than fight it off, she enjoys it and continues to deep throat him. He pulls it out suddenly to stop himself cumming. Chameleon coughs and smiles despite the tears rolling down her face. "Why stop?"