DemonSEXoligy Ch. 07


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Damian placed his hands around Amanda's hair and pulled her head closer to him as they kissed, her breathing started to get faster. Scratching down Damian' back; she moaned. "Fuck. I'm gonna cum" Feeling a wave of pleasure all through her body; Amanda's pussy erupted all around her lovers cock, as they both climaxed together, kissing and biting they finished off their sex. Damian's climaxes were just loud grunts and groans followed by an army of sperm filing up Amanda.


"So you won't get pregnant?" Damian kissed Amanda's black hair.

"This body was made in the depths of hell, it is sterile." Smiling as they caressed one and other's build. Their moment was disturbed by a scream in the distance; the scream grew more, forcing the pair out of the bed to investigate. In a mad rush get put on half of their clothes and got to the window. They could see an army of women, completely or half naked; marching like zombies.

"Naked women?" Amanda pondered at the sight.

"There is a brothel up the road." Damian replied as he went to put on the rest of his clothes.




***The Hell Prince: Part II***

Damian & Amanda (V)

Damian's lungs no longer hurt as he ran through the cold air; his body had recharged and was back to its peak performance. Amanda was lagging him, her body felt tiered and weary; she knew that her time on this earth was near a close.

"There they are!" Damian charged forward, spreading his wings to finish of the remainder of the journey, trailing behind came Amanda. The pair stopped the horde of prostitutes, just in front of a cliff. As they landed, the prostitutes stood still and gazed mindlessly at them. A vulture circled the cliff and gave a dreadful cry.

"Alright now, my name is Damian and this is Amanda, we're here to help." Ever careful to defuse the situation he came closer to them.

"No point in saving them. I've already made my mark." The women all opened their mouths and spoke collectively.

"Who are you?" Amanda demanded to know.

"I am Rhoho'ca the trickster and I have a game for you."

Damian raised his brows. "What game?"

"I have taken the form of one of these lovely women. To save them from the cold or the fall below, you must kill me; but kill the wrong woman and they all die." The demon soon sniggered afterwards, and the woman formed ranks of four rows in a military fashion.

Damian looked at Amanda. "We have to do it, I will keep them warm the best I can with my powers, and you try to sense them, Damian." Amanda spread her wings and radiated a large ray of light on the woman to keep them warm, but Damian sense that it would not hold much longer. Inspecting each women to find the demon, Damian saw into their minds; into their past, one of them was kidnap and passed along several other handlers until she ended up here, another was abused by her father and found her way into prostitution to feed herself, another chose the life because she gets pleasure of the idea of being a prostitute, there were many stories that Damian saw by the time he moved to the last row. Suddenly there was a shift, Amanda's ray began to falter and fail, and the whores in the front rank started moving to the right, towards the cliff. Stepping close to the edge, one jumped off and the other stepped in her place. Amanda flew down grabbed the woman.

"You time is limited, which one am I?" The collection voices spoke.

"Damian, Hurry up." Amanda bought the woman back to safety.

Damian shut his eyes and emptied his mind. A familiar voice spoke in his ear; the mystery man that had guided him. "Look into their past, ignore their physical appearance, see their soul." He was calm and soothing when he spoke to Damian. "Which one of these women has a brother and a sister?"

"Really?" Damian spoke, but Amanda was confused to who he was speaking to.

"Yes, you missed that, didn't you?" The voice replied.

"I did." Damian smiled and grinned. Opening his eyes he pointed his palm at the vulture. "die daemonium" He cast a spell which fired and hit the prey of prey, causing him to crash to the ground.

"You did it!" Amanda sprung up; overjoyed. The vulture turned by into its demonic form; red and skinny and a horned spike and long face. He screeched as his body turned into ash.

The woman all panicked and ran form the edge as they were lifted from the demon's trance. A flurry of lights and sirens filed the air, and grew brighter and louder.

"Police." Amanda spread her wings, as did Damian and flew off to position where they could see the women brought back to warmth. They both hide at higher cliff ledge, so they could keep an eye on them. Amanda looked at her hands, the skin began to blister and flake. "This body is dying; you've surpassed me in power, Damian. I'm so proud." Damian wrapped his arms around Amanda and kissed her head.

"How will I survive this without you?"

"You will. You are the most amazing man I've met from your time." Amanda smile "My battle will soon be over and I can rest in Heavana, in peace. Aren't' you happy for me?"

Damian chuckled. "Yeah." Staring up at the sky he tried to imagine a life without Amanda; it was too painful for him to continue doing so.

***The Hell Prince: Part III***

There was a crackle in the air and beam of fire came hurdling down towards the couple. "Shit! Move!" Damian yanked Amanda out of the way as they both spread their wings to fly clear. In the distance, came Lilith. The bat like wings and sharp horns of the queen of hell seemed bigger and stronger since the time when they last met.

"I honestly underestimated you. You have survived too many of my generals and soldiers, but now is this the time for my errors to be rectified." Lilith smirked.

"Well we're a bit harder to kill, I suppose." Damian smiled and winked.

"I see you're letting the man take lead, nowadays." Lilith looked at Amanda; still smirking.

"Let's see about that." Amanda rush forward at locked palms with Lilith, the sheer power and momentum caused a ripple of light to be produced. Damian used a fire spelled in an attempt to burn Lilith, but it had failed. Lilith pushed a side Amanda and punched her as she moved forward towards her. Kicking Damian and twisting around so he would not be able to get a clear show of her; the women came tumbling down to the ground, with such force that would kill a mortal. As demoness sat on Amanda's chest; she flung a few fire balls at her, each was hotter than the last.

"Fuck!" Amanda screamed in pain, but nevertheless was helped by Damian who swooped in on time, and pushed the queen hell off.

"Are you okay?" He placed his hands on Amanda's face before looking down on her soot covered armour and burnt chest.

"I'm okay." Amanda bared her teeth as she struggled to her feet.

Lilith walked towards them; hardly scathed by the conflict. From her hand Lilith threw the box that she had in London. The little cube flew toward the end of the cliff and floated in mid far above the abyss below. The darkness gathered all around and then came a beam of light shooting towards the heavens, illuminating the sky in reddish-orange light which gave the illusion of a sunset.

"Too long have we waited for hell on earth, and I shall be the one to bring it." Lilith extended both of her arms, Damian looked at the sky for a second, his entire eye turned red as his wings got bigger, he charged. Lilith struggled to hold up against Damian, but soon was able to stabilise to an equal footing, but no longer was Damian limiting himself to simple spells; instead he was using his entire arsenal. A flurry of purple lights hit Lilith, and sent her in a daze, in that opportunity Amanda charged up and tackled her. In unison they fought, hitting Lilith one after the other. Finally, the signs that the demoness began to tire were visible. "I never expected to be this tired from a battle, in my entire life." Lilith grinned and charged Damian alone. "Let us settle the score with an old friend of mine." Lilith's tail soon took the form of a sword, as it did in past battles with Damian. Though she was quick enough to get close to him, he still managed to dodge the jab however; the demon sword of black and red flame sliced his abdomen, lightly.

"Oh fuck." Damian crashed to the ground, he felt the force smash his body and his brain rattle in his skull. His visions went blurry for a moment but when could see again however, he was unable to move. Above him Amanda fought Lilith in with Naga; an old Damascus steel sword belonging to her friend, by Damian's side appeared the orcish sword that was used against Naga thousands of years before. He tightened the grip and stood on his feet, and then fell to his knees. "I must. I can't. I have to." Coughing blood he stood once more spread his wings and flew. The two women were locked in heated combat, though the demoness was closer to victory. The weary Damian swung the orcish blade lit in a green flame, and hit Lilith... Though she still drew breath... He only managed to slice of one of her horns which crashed to the ground, followed by Damian.

"My horn! You fucking cunt! You will learn your place." Amanda was pushed back by the enraged demoness.

"Damian, the spell you must never say! Now I the time." Amanda shouted, before drawing arms up against Lilith, once more. Both flaming swords gave tremendous screams as they clashed and danced. Damian held the horn up high as it glowed red. "Iam tenemus cornua inferni aperta te pubem portisque moveri nequissimi ignea bell" After the enchantment, Damian's body went limp and his collapsed once more to the ground. The beam of light from spewing from the box, was disturbed and deformed; to swallow both women up, the orcish blade too was dragged in.

Amanda & Lilith (I)

They clash their weapons as they tumbled and hit every rock and stone in Hell. Their faces were inches away from magma and centimetres from molten spikes. Lilith hit harder and faster, Amanda block and defended, but never got the chance to strike back. Twisting and twirling through the depth of hell, the two fought each with renewed energies, though it seemed that burnt through quicker.

"I gave you all my trust and love!" Lilith swung; red with rage. "We fought battles together; we would have been Queens of hell."

"I know, but I only have one love." Amanda hit back and managed to deal a small cut to her opponents' wings. Lilith retaliated and swung; blocked by Amanda, she bought her sword ever closer to Amanda's face. Lilith was close to winning. They fought well above the soul engine; a gigantic world furnace powered by the souls of the damned; to the side an invasion forces of several hundred thousand demons that could be seen could be seen.

"That's what the box is for?"

"Yes, my love. It will pave way for Hell on earth."

"Don't call me that!" Amanda let sword slide to the left; allowing Lilith' sword to plunge into her heart. "Well, you always were better than me with a sword." Amanda smiled as Lilith came closer. "Is that a tear?" She placed her hands on her opponent's face; wiping it." The golden Damascus sword, Naga fell into the fires of the world furnace.

"My love, your allegiance to realm of men has torn us apart, but I did not let go fully." Lilith gave a sad smile. "Even demons can love." Suddenly like a breeze into a hurricane, her face went blank as Amanda shoved the Orcish blade into her. "You cheated."

"Even demons can love, and I too loved you." More tears filled Lilith's face as the two women fell freely into the fires below, Atom by atom the furnace torn them apart.

Damian (I)

He watched the visions he received in the hotel as they were becoming true; a gigantic inferno ring in the sky and from the centre of the ring thousands of winged creatures poured out however, this time those creatures were dragged back into the ring and in their place shot a dozen or more bright scarlet lights which resembled shooting stars. Damian turned over as he estimated how many there were "Twelves, Thirteen, Fourteen." The pounding headache made him loose count.

The ring had shrunk and retreated into the light beam which retreated to the box. "Fuck me. She has done it." Damian chuckled with the dirt on his face. The fell and Damian saw a bright light above him. "Amanda?" He smiled.

"Yes Damian, but in this form I am known as Boudicca." Her hair was no longer black, but instead it was blonde and she wore bright white gown; covered by the Leather jacket that Damian buried her with. "My second body died in the fires of the world furnace along with Lilith, but now my soul is free, thank you for that." Her soul sat on Damian crotch as she did when they first met. The sky had faded and was swallowed up by darkness and the stars. The two spent their final moments tougher on the hard cold ground. "It's your war now." Amanda rested her upper body on Damian's chest and kissed him.

Damian's voice was filled with sorrow. "I am destined to be evil?"

"I'm so sorry." Amanda gave another kiss, to prevent Damian from speaking again. "I must go now. You will do fine."

"It's not fair."

"Good bye, Damian Smith, you will always be in my heart." A bright light, shun down and pierce the darkness, Damian got to his knees as he watched Amanda ascend into it. He stood to his feet, though it caused him great pain and discomfort.

"You can't do this Amanda! You can't leave me to be a monster, Boudicca." Damian screamed as he sprung his wings; filled with rage and grieve, he was close to following Amanda as she disappeared into the heavens, but he was too injured to do so, his head was lightened and began to spin, he last saw flashing lights in the distance.

Spending an entire day in the hospital, Damian regretted not saying a proper good bye, his wounds had healed but he was sore all over. The light of day warmed his skin but he felt much of his soul become cold with his powers. "I still there are still thirteen more demons left." Damian spoke to himself. He closed his eyes once more to the sound of hospital equipment chattering. He saw a woman, skin so pale that it almost looked sliver; she had silk-like metallic wings that dwarf that of Lilith's. Her shiny black wings could fold and wrap around her to make an elegant dress. Damian thought about the new threat and the loose ends.

"Here we go again."

Amanda (I)

The long distance figure suddenly became clearer, as Amanda's past life where she was known as Boudicca, had come to embrace her with open arms. The death of second body had released her soul from its part in the war, though at the cost of her powers; she was free. She kissed her beloved Mike and was surrounded by her sister and friends.

"To long have I waited, to come by your side."

"We as well have ached for the day you join us, Boudicca." Said Gliese, her sister who began to play with her hair. They looked upon the golden palaces and majestic landscape that were so grand it would bring a mere mortal to their knees; awestruck and in tears. They looked down upon the earth to see Damian stepping into the cold night with his coat and a cigarette; lighting it with the zippo lighter he wrenched out of Samantha's dead body.

"He will do just fine." A winged man with a golden hand said as he appeared before Amanda and her old friends. "He will make an excellent foe."


My name is Damian Smith, and in this world of Love and lust, angels and Demons you might find that you are in a bit of a shit storm with one of them, when that happens, I step from the dingy shadows and lend you a hand. Aye, I am nice guy but don't get his twisted, I'm not going to be you friend, I walk alone in this business, because only crazy people choose me as their friends and let's be honest, how many crazy people have you seen live to old age? Oh yeah and no need to worry about me, I've been trained and groomed in this lifestyle, I am practically born for it, I am the devil's blood, I am the Hell Prince.

Damian will return in: DemonSEXoligy: The Thirteen.

AUTHROR'S NOTE: Thank you for reading yet another series. I apologise for the lack of illustrations in some of them, this was due to technical difficulties. If you wish to, please go and read my series; A Journey into a Strange Mind, which is set when Amanda was alive and known as 'Boudicca.'

I would like to thank my friend Tuhankhan for editing the first two stories in this series.

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sexymomma57sexymomma57over 8 years ago
Five stars

Loved the story! Was pleasantly surprised how it turned out.. This story had it all.. Blood, sex and adventure! Looking forward to more of your work

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