Demoted to Boss's Fucktoy Ch. 05

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Mr Blackwood introduces Dani to the new supervisor.
4.6k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/17/2023
Created 06/06/2023
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Thank you for all the feedback you've given me so far. I have taken it all on board and hopefully, that'll show in this chapter. Please feel free to leave thoughts, feedback, and things you'd like to see in the comments.

On with the story...


When I arrived at work on Tuesday morning I refused to look at any of my colleagues. I couldn't face the shame and the humiliation after what John had done to me in front of them all. What I'd let John do to me. I couldn't concentrate on my work, my mind too consumed with the memory of John's hands on my body, spanking me, fingering me, making me cry and moan.

At about ten am, Mr Blackwood came striding out of his office. He stood with his feet firmly planted apart and hands on hips, surveying the room that had gone eerily silent. He cleared his throat and in a booming voice demanded everybody's attention.

"It has come to my attention that an employee in this department has behaved....inappropriately," said Mr Blackwood.

John stared at me across our desks, a shit-eating grin on his face. He knew, just as I did, that I was about to be subjected to yet another humiliation. I stiffened in my chair, anticipating whatever punishment my boss had in store for me.

"I am speaking about the severe misuse of company property," Mr Blackwood continued.

Confused looks were exchanged around the office. It didn't sound like this had anything to do with me and yet I still couldn't release the tension that had gathered inside me.

"John?" Mr Blackwood turned suddenly to face him, eyebrows raised inquisitively. "Do you have anything you'd like to confess?"

"What...I...What?" John spluttered, looking around the room for help.

A smile slid onto my face as I watched John squirm under the scrutiny.

"Speak in whole sentences, John," Mr Blackwood said.

"I haven't misused anything," John said.

"Oh really?" Mr Blackwood walked across the room, taking his time, making John sweat as he approached. Mr Blackwood stopped behind me and I felt my pulse quicken. I felt his hands settle on my shoulders and I jumped as if I'd been zapped with electricity.

"I have it on very good authority that you misused Dani yesterday and whilst Dani is company property only very senior members of staff have authorisation to use her. You are at the bottom of the pecking order, you barely have the authorisation to operate a stapler," Mr Blackwood, his voice full of ice. I could feel his breath on my hair, feel his fingers pressing into my shoulders.

"Mr Blackwood, please. I think I--"

"You're fired. Clear your desk and fuck off." Mr Blackwood released my shoulders as he strode back to his office. "Dani, follow," he commanded without even looking back at me.

I took a moment to offer John a gloating smile. He was sitting in his chair staring blankly back at me, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"Bye John," I said as I stood up and followed Mr Blackwood. I walked with a spring in my step, feeling the first bit of happiness in days. My colleagues were all watching me but now none of them were laughing at me.

I entered Mr Blackwood's office and closed the door behind me.

Mr Blackwood perched on the edge of his desk. His eyes were intense, like an eagle searching for prey, and he held his arms firmly across his chest, anchoring him in place.

"You let him touch you like that in the middle of the office," he said accusingly.

"You told me to obey him," I said, refusing to let him blame me for what he'd told me to do.

"Take off your shoes," he said.

I was confused by the command but did so without argument. In such a small amount of time he'd conditioned me to obey his commands almost without question. I slid the stilletoes off my feet and kicked them away from me. I lost over an inch in height and suddenly felt much smaller.

"Making him coffee, running errands for him is one thing. Letting him finger your cunt in front of everybody is quite another matter." If I didn't know better I would have said he sounded jealous.

"I didn't realise there was a limit to what I was supposed to do," I said, trying desperately to keep my tone respectful.

"Remove your stockings," he said.

I peeled my stockings off quickly and flung them to join my shoes on the floor. Unlike before it felt like Mr Blackwood was having me strip purely for punishment rather than for any sexual reason.

"Dani. I had plans for you. My plans did not involve you getting finger-banged by John in the middle of the office," he said.

"Sir, I did not mean to go against your wishes, I misunderstood your instructions," I said carefully.

"Oh, so you're just an idiot instead of a raging slut?"

I fought back the instinct to protest, balling my hands into fists at my sides. "Yes, Sir," I said, feeling the burn of embarrassment creep up my neck.

"Lose the blouse," he said. I undid the buttons and shrugged the garment off my shoulders. I was so used to stripping on command that I barely felt any shame about it any more. I dropped the shirt on the floor and stood before him in my bra and skirt.

"You really are stupid. I told you not to wear bras anymore," he said.

"I forgot," I said in a whisper.

"Drop the skirt."

I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor. I stood before him in just my bra and panties. My bra was made of white lace and I was wearing a simple white thong. I'd known it was a bad idea to wear a thong to work considering how my days tended to turn out, but all my other panties were in the laundry.

Mr Blackwood stood up and walked around me slowly, his eyes taking in every inch of my body. "I was wrong about you," he said as he stopped directly behind me. I could feel us eyes on my bare ass cheeks.

"You're an idiot and a slut."

"Yes, Sir," I said, not daring to disagree no matter how much I wanted to. I was not a slut until he forced me to become one and I certainly was not an idiot.

He moved in closer and his hand landed on my ass, squeezing a handful of flesh. I was breathing hard as his hand slid down my buttock and he pulled my panties to one side. I felt his finger slip between my buttcheeks moving lower. His finger found my pussy and he gave a soft noise of satisfaction. Then he pulled his hand away leaving me with a deep yearning.

I heard him draw in a deep breath before his hand came crashing down onto my ass. My knees buckled with the force of the slap but I managed to stay standing. His hand landed again, this time on the other cheek. I could feel his breath, feel his body so close to me that I was almost pushing into his crotch. My nipples hardened as he pushed himself against me.

"Such a fucking whore," he whispered aggressively into my ear and I felt my pussy tingle. "Go and sit on the sofa."

I walked across the room, the carpet soft against my bare feet. I perched on the edge of the sofa and waited for my boss to join me but he never did. He went over to his desk and pulled out a legal pad and pen.

"Here," he said, passing them to me. "Take notes."

I took the items and looked back at him in confusion. "Notes about what?" I asked.

Mr Blackwood picked up his desk phone and punched in three numbers. "Hello, Annabelle, would you come into my office please?"

"Mr Blackwood I'm not dressed," I said quickly.

"I'm quite aware," he said, flashing me a brief smile before sitting down next to me on the sofa and turning his attention to the door. "Annabelle, come on in."

"Yes, sir," I heard her respond.

Annabelle was a member of staff who until very recently had been under my authority. She was about the same age as me but acted several years younger. Annabelle and I had never really gotten on. She frequently showed up late, did as little work as possible, and spent most of the day gossiping. I'd pulled her up for her job performance at least once a week for the past year and I knew that she was going to enjoy every minute of my current humiliation.

The door opened and she stepped inside. She obviously hadn't expected to see me sitting almost naked on the sofa. "Oh, Dani, I didn't know you were here," she said with a nasty smile on her face. Her eyes wandered over my barely clothed body and her smile grew wider.

Annabelle was an attractive woman which only made me dislike her more. She had long dark hair which she toned with indigo highlights. She had full round breasts that were so big they made mine look small, and a curvy bottom to go with them. She was dressed in a black skirt which showed off her long legs and a bright red blouse that showcased her impressive cleavage. Her shoes were black and pointy, giving her an air of sophistication that my bare feet could not match.

"Please take a seat," Mr Blackwood said, gesturing to the chair next to the sofa.

She pushed her fringe away from her eyes and walked over to us, giving me the briefest of glances. As she lowered herself into the chair that was right next to me, she let out a small sound that might have been a giggle.

"Annabelle, you know Dani, she's going to be taking notes today," Mr Blackwood said pleasantly, gesturing to me.

"Yes, she used to be my supervisor," she replied, giving me a triumphant smile as she emphasised the words "used to be".

"Indeed. That role wasn't quite right for her but I think she's settling into her new role rather well. Apart from yesterday's misbehavior of course." Mr Blackwood gave me a stern look and I averted my gaze and focused on my notes. "Annabelle, I've been impressed with your work lately and I think it's time that you stepped up to a new role."

My heart lurched as I realised that he was going to give my job to the person I despised the most. I thought about how much gloating I was going to have to suffer. Annabelle would never let me live it down. My hand shook as I forced myself to write down what Mr Blackwood had just said.

Annabelle clapped her hands excitedly. "Really, that'd be great."

"I'd like you to take over the role that Dani used to have. I made a mistake in promoting her over you. I think you'll do a much better job. Under your supervision the department can really start performing well. Will that be okay with you?"

I could barely believe what I was hearing. He'd done a complete one-eighty on me and given my job to Annabelle. This was worse than the humiliation of what John had done to me yesterday. I felt the tears start to come and I tried to hold them back.

"Oh my God, Mr Blackwood," Annabelle was overjoyed. "I would love that."

"And, of course, you know how I punish failure," he said.

Annabelle's eyes slid over to me and her tongue flicked over her lips as she grinned. "Yes," she purred, never looking away from me. I refused to look back at her. I kept my attention on my writing.

"I'll have the paperwork ready for you to sign this afternoon and you can begin your new role with immediate effect," said Mr Blackwood.

"No!" I shouted, leaping to my feet. "Please, Mr Blackwood, I'll do anything, please don't give my job to her," I begged.

"It isn't your job any longer, Dani. Please sit down," Mr. Blackwood said firmly.

"Mr Blackwood she's a terrible choice for the job. She's always late, never does any work, and slacks off all the time," I protested.

"Oh, shut up, Dani. Your just jealous," Annabelle snapped.

"You shut up, Annabelle. You're a stupid bitch and the only reason you even have a job is because I didn't fire you ages ago!" I shouted, rounding on her with all my frustration.

Mr Blackwood's large hands encircled my arm and he tugged hard, sending me over his lap in one swift motion. His fingertips dug into my skin as my feet kicked the air fruitlessly.

"No!" I screamed, understanding what was about to happen and determined not to suffer the humiliation in front of Annabelle.

"Stop struggling," Mr Blackwood ordered as he pinned me in place. "Now, you've given me the perfect opportunity to teach Annabelle how to discipline an unruly member of staff. Pay close attention Annabelle."

Mr Blackwood's hand glided over my bare ass cheeks and I squeezed my eyes shut in shame, knowing that Annabelle had a prime view of my butt.

"Please," I whispered, trying to make it so that only Mr Blackwood could hear me begging.

"You will be taught obedience and respect, Dani," Mr Blackwood said. His hand left my bottom as he pulled it up for a slap.

"Wait," Annabelle said, causing Mr Blackwood to stop before he made contact with my supple flesh. "Can I do it? I mean, wouldn't that be the best way for me to learn?" Her voice was sickly sweet and I wanted to ram my fist down her throat.

"No, please, Mr Blackwood, no!" I begged as I thrashed and writhed on his lap.

His hand slapped my ass hard enough to make me stop wriggling. The sting burned through my butt cheek.

"Since you are senior staff now, I think that would be a stunning idea. After all, what better way to make sure Dani respects your new position?" Mr Blackwood said, hammering the final nail into my coffin.

I heard Annabelle stand up but I refused to look at her. I couldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing how humiliated and angry I was. And yet that familiar reaction was already starting between my legs as I anticipated what was to come.

"I'll make sure she knows how to behave," said Annabelle, her glee was evident in her voice. And with that she gave me a hard slap across the left cheek.

"Ow!" I protested in indignation as I twisted in Mr Blackwood's lap.

"Spank her again, Annabelle," Mr Blackwood ordered.

"Yes, Mr Blackwood," she said eagerly, kneeling beside me and positioning herself so she had a better angle on my ass.

I held my breath as Annabelle's hand swept over my ass, caressing my skin before delivering a hard smack. She had more strength in her little arms than I'd expected and my eyes filled with tears.

"I'll make sure that she learns to respect her superiors," Annabelle purred.

Annabelle gave me another hard slap and I almost yelped. "That one was for all the whining about my tardiness," she snarled. I felt her hand slide over my butt and squeeze my cheeks.

My body wanted to resist but I enjoyed the touch. She kneaded my ass cheeks and her fingers pinched my skin repeatedly in quick succession. The hot slap of her palm against my skin sent a jolt of electricity through me, and the sensation only kept growing with each strike. I could feel a slick wetness between my legs. My ass was burning hot and I was biting down on my bottom lip to stop myself from moaning in pleasure. I didn't like the pain at all but the sordid humiliation of the act was soaking me through my panties. It didn't help that I could feel Mr Blackwood's monster cock swelling against my pussy.

He didn't say a word or move in his seat. He just sat there with one arm clamped over my back, and the other hand holding my head, his fingers tangled in my hair.

Annabelle stopped abusing my backside abruptly and I heard her sniffing the air. I turned my head, risking a glance back at her. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks were flushed. She took another deep breath and then her eyes met mine, glinting with malice.

"She's enjoying it. Eww," she said, sounding disgusted.

"How can you be sure?" Mr Blackwood asked, and I understood the suggestion in his question.

My heart picked up speed as I waited to see if Annabelle did what he was implying. I didn't want her to do it but I knew that at this moment I was powerless to resist. Not just because I was pinned down but because I was in such a state of arousal I'd allow anything.

"I can prove it." Annabelle's fingers slipped beneath the waistband of my panties and without meaning to I let out a small whimpering moan. She tore the garment down, leaving my thong bunched around my knees. "Look at how wet they are," she said.

I lay draped across Mr Blackwood's legs, my ass now fully exposed to them both and my filthy wet panties halfway down my legs. That was until Mr Blackwood plucked them off me completely and tossed them to where the rest of my clothes were piled.

"She obviously doesn't need this anymore," Annabelle said as she leaned over and unclipped my bra. I tried to stop her from seizing my last item of clothing. It was my last claim to dignity and I would not relinquish it.

Annabelle slapped my ass again and then tugged on my bra with all the strength she had. I tumbled off Mr Blackwood's lap and lost my bra in the process. I landed on my ass, my legs spread, and body bared to them both as Annabelle stood over me holding my bra like a medal.

I curled my body into a ball, squeezing my knees together and wrapping my arms around myself in an effort to conceal my nakedness from her gaze.

"Is she allowed to cover herself?" Annabelle asked Mr Blackwood.

"Absolutely not."

"So she should be punished more?" Annabelle said, her face already glowing with excitement.

"Let's see what you can do," Mr Blackwood said smoothly as he leaned back on the sofa to watch the show.

"Oh, just watch," Annabelle said gleefully. She stepped forward. She pushed me by the shoulders, forcing me down onto my back.

"No! No! Please Annabelle," I begged, turning my head away from her face. I knew what she was going to do and I hoped I was misinterpreting her intentions.

"I'm going to sit on your pretty little face and you are going to lick me clean," Annabelle said as she stepped over my body. For a moment she looked down at me, her expression blank. I shivered with terror at the thought of her shoving her pussy into my face.

She hiked her skirt up around her waist and then pulled her cotton panties off, dropping them on the floor next to my head. I noticed they were as damp as mine were.

My body was still humming from my spanking and my pussy was slick with my juices. My heart sank as I looked up at her moist pussy and recognized my hopeless situation. I'd never done anything with a woman before and had always considered myself to be straight. And yet I found a part of me wanting to taste her, however, most of me was strongly against the idea.

"Don't you dare," I said. My voice had gone hoarse again but it didn't matter, Annabelle heard me. And she ignored me.

Annabelle lowered herself slowly, making sure that her pussy was positioned right above my face. Her vagina was right there, drenched and swollen with need.

Annabelle leaned down and grabbed me by the hair, pulling my head up to meet her.

"Lick," she commanded. I twisted my head away from her and she yanked my hair in response.

"No!" I protested, trying to shove her away from me. She was stronger than I was and she didn't budge an inch. Mr Blackwood laughed at the sight of us fighting.

"Lick me or I'll make you lick the other hole," she warned.

"Please, Annabelle, don't," I begged, my cheeks burning with shame.

"Last chance," she warned.

My eyes were wide as her trimmed bush tickled my nose. As terrified as I was, I didn't want to be forced to lick her asshole so I parted my lips and let my tongue poked out my tongue, submitting to her will. Tentatively, I rand my tongue along her slit. It was musky and damp and exactly how I'd imagined a pussy would taste. I could feel my cheeks going even redder. Annabelle moaned and began to rub herself against my face, grinding her pussy against my lips and rubbing my face with her throbbing clit. I could feel her wetness on my cheeks and I let out a small whimpering moan myself.

I kissed and licked at her pussy lips, my tongue darting out every so often to touch her clit. I could hear her moaning and her grip on my hair was growing tighter.

I heard Mr Blackwood's zipper being undone and the buckle of his belt being unfastened. A moment later I heard the telltale sounds of him stroking himself as he watched us.