Den Mother Ep. 01: Wendigo Blues


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Turning toward her Kodi lifted his eyes, and she knew. "Oh, crap! Wendigo!" His eyes blood red Kodi pulled her over the edge of the staircase and a brilliant green aura lit up the end. Giving chase the dogs all followed her through. Faithful to the end.

Lights out!

Moments later foot soldiers having seen the departure hovered below the staircase until their Commanding Officer dropped in from a snow machine ride down the hill. Stepping off he joined his men.

"Report!" He expected with a stern voice.

"You're not going to believe this Colonel Harker. I think I just saw Dawson naked go up those steps then disappear. No offense Sir, but I'd know that perfect ass anywhere. Looked like a boy and her sled dogs with her."

A secondary soldier surveilling the rear base of the staircase called out with, "They didn't fall off the other side either."

"So, they vanished into thin air?" The tall Colonel of Hispanic and German heritage winced then chose to head up the stairs on his own. Slightly hazy in thought he asked, "Are we certain this woman at my feet isn't the one you saw Ferrecs? She is naked."

"No Sir! I know Dawson. She stepped over this woman. See there's a human footprint in its blood." Eying it Harker scowled and proceeded higher on the staircase. "How are they naked in this temperature Sir?"

"As if I'd know."

At the top Harker felt energetic reaching out to touch open air. Suddenly, a hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his wrist. Engulfing him in more green light, the hand with no body to back it up yanked him through. Astonished by this his men rushed up behind him as he was pulled through the fading light. Before reaching him, the staircase became ethereal and the unit toppled down into a patch of snow, banged up and confused. The staircase was gone.

"How do we explain this?" Sargent Dalton Ferracs shivered.

"We don't."

They would inevitably all be questioned, isolated, then discharged and sent home a month later. PTSD! Without ever knowing the truth. In the days ahead Black Ops would take over the scene and quarantine the area until...

"I was dreaming."

Aurora woke up finding her dogs laying around her in a tight unit. A cool breeze enticed her to wake up, staring into the bluest sky she had ever seen. "That cloud looks like an elephant." It did actually.

Regaining her senses, she sat up amongst her pups. "We're not in Alaska anymore, are we?" All around her was a lush green scenery right out of some fairy tale. "Ummm?" Birds flew overhead assisting her in believing they were still on Earth at least. A rabbit darted across their path making her dog Bosco take off and secure her dinner should she be hungry. Returning with it limply in his jaws he dropped it in her lap.

"I'm not hungry but thanks. Wait! Where's Kodi?" She stands up and covers her chest as if modest then gives up knowing she was never going to be able to wear clothing again. "Might as well get used to it, unless that effect wears off." Eying the rabbit at her feet she bends over and apologizes to it before ripping it apart until its pelt was bloody in her hand. Laying it over her shoulder it too dissolved. "Best not get too close to me guys I might make you shed the hard way. Unless maybe it only devours whatever isn't magic based? Can't tell me this isn't some sort of sorcery." Food for thought.

Stepping from their circle she looked on the ground for footprints to see if she could locate Kodi's direction. None were to be had. Diverting her gaze to Ghost she narrows her eyes. "So, you guys are werewolves in sheep's clothing. Why not turn human now? Surely, you can do it at will if you people showed up back there."

Ghost uses his paw to etch something in the dirt. The word "No." was pretty easy to read. "Alright! So how did you turn human then but can't now?" Ghost merely shook his head and sniffed the air. Fresh and crisp in his lungs he suddenly choked as if he had swallowed something too big and gagged. After a lengthy fit he returned to normal. "Hairball?"

"No. I ... I can talk?"

"Sounds that way. You couldn't before?"

"Not in our canine form. Until now! It must be this place."

"So, I was right. Magic, huh!"

"Possibly so."

"So, do I call you Ghost still? Or do you have a human name?"

"I'm happy with Ghost."


"My real name is ... don't laugh ... it's Garameth Snow Wolf. My lineage goes beyond recorded history."

"Ah! I'll stick with Ghost seeing as you're not a wolf ... more a Malamute."

"We were able to change form from a dog to an actual wolf up until now. We chose a malamute to live among humans without questions. We are what you humans call Skinwalkers. Not the spirit kind of the western United States but we are shape changers."

"I've always heard those legends, but they were referred to as evil spirits. Kind of like that Wendigo."

"Some are evil, this pack is not. A Wendigo is a demon with the ability to change its form into whatever suits its need, stealing the form of anyone it comes into contact with. The pure form you saw is its original body. How it ended up on that plane is a mystery."

"Poor Kodi! Is there any way to save him from that thing's possession?"

"I do not know."

"You're not Inuit, any Indian, like some of the others in your pack."

"Like I said I have survived a very long time. It's because I was a Prospector once, I was born in what is now Germany, my brothers and I came over to the New World in 1861. Make no mistake I am far older than you may think."

"Old man, huh? You looked pretty fit back there Fabio."

"I stopped aging around 2600 B.C. As did my brothers."

"2600 British Columbia? Just joking I know what you mean. Under any other circumstances I'd call bullshit but hey I'm gabbing with a talking sled dog. I fought a Wendigo right next to a Sasquatch. So, either I'm on some good drugs or I'm dead and in the afterlife."

"I do not believe you can die now."

"What? Because of that green ooze? What did it do to me?"

"I believe the liquid was a chemical used as if formaldehyde. It was likely keeping that Wendigo's body preserved. Whomever had that thing thought it dead, but it was in hibernation. The magic it exudes mixed with the chemicals."

"So, it changed my body chemistry. It gave me the strength and agility of the Wendigo, resistance to pain." She pauses, "Yet the Sasquatch ripped it apart once it got its hands on it. So, it wasn't invulnerable. Which means I'm probably not either."

"A Sasquatch has the strength of twenty men. It took everything he had to kill the Wendigo's body if not its spirit. I think you can survive much."

"Yet not immortal like you people ... pups?"

"To be determined I suppose."

The other dogs begin choking one by one until voices could be heard. Folly sighs, "This is strange."

"Says the hot chick in fur." Aurora smiles, "Sorry! I noticed you back there. Inuit I take it?"

"Yes. My real name is Arnapkapfaaluk."

"Folly it is. I'd never be able to pronounce that name."

"I am fine with that."

"Sorry about Tailchaser." She recalled her fate.

"Her spirit will guide us."

"You all object that I just call you by the names I know well? Less confusion that way." She addresses the other dogs. All but one agreed.

"I prefer Mathias." A grey dog choked up. "I'm not the oldest one here but I reckon it's respect now that you know our secret. Might as well be formal seeing as we're stuck here together."

"I'll try to remember that Yukon, sorry Mathias. Wherever here is." Aurora sighed.

"I would be more concerned over when this is." Ghost looked about, "The smells in the air are untimely. No pollution in the wind. It reeks of magic."

"So, time travel now?"

"It is not out of the realm of possibility." Mathias added, "I would know. I was born during the Middle Ages, from what is now France to be precise. King Charles IV was in power. My family were werewolves. To this day they merge with society in one form or another."

"Will they come looking for you? Any of your kin for that matter." For many heads hung low out of uncertainty. Garameth ... Ghost nodded; he knew his brothers would at least try.

Bosco opens up, "You going to eat that rabbit?"

"Bon Appetit'!" She tossed the leftovers of the half-dissolved rabbit at his feet. "Sure, it's safe after melting over the grill that is my body?"

"It smells edible. Only one way to find out." He cradles the carcass between his paws and begins ripping bites from it. "Tasty!"

"I think our immortality wards off whatever magic your body uses to resist attire." Ghost considers. "Still, we should be wary in case I am wrong."

"You know I don't want to harm any of you, right?" Aurora makes it known. "We're family as far as I'm concerned."

"Agreed! Nor we you." Folly replies, "We love you Aurora, you have been a blessing since you came to Last Ditch. When Mister Bitterly died, we were left without a Master."

"Simon Bitterly? The old man I replaced. I wish I had a chance to know him when he was alive."

"He was kind to us, as you have been." The dog Kyoot acknowledged.

"Thanks. We're all in this together for better or worse. If you're immortals I guess, I don't have ... wait! Tailchaser was immortal too, right? How did the Wendigo kill her? I mean yes, she lost her head, but if immortal what does that mean?"

Ghost grumbles slightly, "That is a very astute question, Aurora."

"Perhaps, Tailchaser is not truly dead?" Luna the only other female of the pack besides Folly now pondered. "Yet, she was beheaded. Surely she could not have survived."

"Can she grow a head back?"

"We do not know. This has never happened to our kind before today." Ghost sighed. "We will learn all things together."

"FAMILY!" Aurora pointed at them. "Hold on a second she looks at her hands then her body. While seated in the grass she had no concept until now. Standing erect she found her pack stepping back to adjust to her. "I think I'm taller than I was. I used to be 5'7. By looking at you guys I must be a good 7 foot tall now. How in the hell?"

"You touched a Sasquatch's blood. Perhaps, you absorbed some of its DNA."

"Guess I'm not growing hair my pubes are still missing." She touched herself sending a quake of sensations through her body. "HOLY FUCK! Super sensitive down there. I ... am I bleeding?" She reaches deeper between her thighs to discover something unexpected. "It's like a period." The male dogs grew edgy seeing blood on her fingertips. Digging up inside her deeper she realizes something even more confusing, "I think I think I'm a virgin again. Holy crap! How?"

"LEAVE HER BE!" Folly and Luna circled Aurora from both sides.

"Say what?" Aurora bulged her eyes.

"Your cycle is arousing the males."

"You have got to be kidding me."

Although fighting hard against their bestial urges the nine remaining males began to uncontrollably alter their bodies once more. Magic around them evolving them once again into a half human, half wolf form. Fur still evident over muscles and exposed flesh. Only Luna and Folly remained in their current dog forms. Rage succumbing them the nine males lost their minds and swarmed Aurora in a pile up of attempts to take her sexually. Flashes of her gang rape by the military screwed with her head as she fought them off as best, she could. At this moment she was not going to win.

Mighty jaws clamping around her neck and shoulders bring her to her knees, mad humping all around her fought to take her but only Mathias had her pussy in his cock's sights, ramming deep and taking this newfound virginity. Howls echoed ferociously at their lust for Aurora. She could only endure it at the moment, strength building she couldn't even gain leverage on the ground, her wrists yanked outwardly until her face was in the soil. Teeth and claw should have shredded her, yet her skin was impenetrable. "Why can't my hymen be this invincible?" She spoke in her head, giving into their lust she found her own sensitivity craving this ordeal. "Motherfucker! This shouldn't feel so fucking good. If I were human I'd be torn to shreds."

Luna and Folly attempted to tear at their kin but found themselves easily cast away and bruised up. Protecting their Master was not going to be easy. It was the blood. Aurora Dawson was in heat. She had stepped in the blood of Tailchaser back on the staircase that brought them here, was it possible she was nearing her cycle? Had her own magical blood somehow bound itself to Aurora? So many questions. For now ... Aurora liked it rough.

Her own howls drowned out that of the pack, snarls and whimpers of conquest and competition. Mathias thrown aside Kyoot tore into Aurora's cunt viciously riding her with maddening thrusts. Brain reeling, eyes rolling up into her skull Aurora knew what was coming. It was She.


Look out pups!

You were about to get kicked out of the Den!

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SZENSEISZENSEIabout 3 years agoAuthor

Glad you discovered it. LOL! I tend to leave my fingerprints everywhere so I'll run upstairs for the Windex. LOL! Thanks for your faith in my JD.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I don’t know how I missed this one when it was originally posted. After reading some of your work, I can almost feel that SZENSEI quality to a story which is almost like a fingerprint. This one clearly has that feel to it and I am sure it just gets better from here. Thanks for excellent take SZ.


SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor
Thank you Tess

I apologize for not warning readers with certain tags. I've become accustomed to a singular tag rather than cluttering it up with say 4 tags. I suppose I could write a note before those chapters with topics that might bother certain folks so that it doesn't appear insensitive. I'll give it a shot remembering to do that. If I fail please call me out over it Tess.

Bless you for giving Aurora and the pack a chance. The ideas I have for this series are pretty darn incredible if I do say so myself. For the record there is more to Aurora's unhealthy rape than meets the eye so if you continue to read you will understand as it unfolds. She's certainly tougher than she appears.

Thanks again Ms. Tess. Welcome to my world.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
That was very different

I almost didn’t read this because one of the comments mentioned rape, I aimed towards giving it the benefit of doubt and opted to read. This most definitely full on

sci-fi. That said more tags would definitely be appreciated.

You certainly have a vivid imagination, my thanks for sharing it.

Tess (UK)

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 4 years agoAuthor
All revealed as things go along

Welcome Arrowglass and Slofred, I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter. Like all good stories the plot should be paced so that not everything gets revealed immediately. You will see things unfold over time. Harker will be in Chapter 2 in a few weeks and don't judge him not everything is cut and dry concerning Aurora's gang rape dilemma. I think you will understand once the truth comes out.

Concerning the Wendigo, he was just trying to get home and eating his way there. Poor Kodi Prescott will struggle being used as a host body until the Wendigo reaches his true home. After that? Only God knows. Well, I do. LOL!

There will be loads of interesting new characters to assist Aurora and her pack. Even on the outside world namely Alaska help will arrive. Question is will it do any good?

Where did the Military take poor Tailchaser? The plane was headed for a place known as Stone's Throw. Perhaps there is your answer.

This being a Fantasy category expect some pretty sick and twisted things to occur. Just as Aurora dealt with her dogs losing their minds with lust in a form of humanoid bestiality, that is only the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Nothing is as simple as it looks.

In a sense I'd add HORROR as a category to the Fantasy/Science Fiction.

Just as a note...this series will have ties later down the road to another new series I'm developing. That one is definitely Horror. Action and Fantasy as well. Topic for another day. Let's just see how well received Den Mother is for the time being.

For the record I'm aiming for monthly releases but if it becomes Bi-monthly don't sweat it. I am juggling over 20 series. Yes, my own fault but I love variety. It keeps my muse sharp.

I have the first 4 chapters completed so we're good until 2021. After that it I'll keep it monthly as long as I can. If I had the energy I'd keep all of my series monthly but there's just no way. So, just think of each series like TV shows, they often go on hiatus for a short period then resume.

Thanks for writing guys. See you in a few weeks for Chapter 2.


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