Den Mother Ep. 02: TRUE NORTH


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Taking the knife, the warrior eyed it's design up close then chose a truly insane thing to do, he began cutting off his shackled hand without expressing any pain whatsoever. Grimacing, Harker found very little blood spilling, instead the blade itself began faintly glowing before appearing as if it were drinking the giant's blood. As soon as the butchered hand fell away, taking his shackles with it the giant stood tall holding his arm into the air. Nodding at Harker with what seemed to be a smile made him respect this man. Easy to see he was one tough bastard. "Need another drink after that?" He offered the flask. Taking it with his good hand, the knife tucked under his armpit for safe keeping, the giant drank it all in one guzzle. "Hey! Maybe I wanted more of that."

"Bloodiron." He dropped the flask to the cave floor to grip the blade once more.

The giant mumbled poising the bloodied blade as it glowed with a sponge like appearance absorbing his blood into it. Moments later the steel blade became normal. It was then the giant also reverse flipped the knife in his good hand to offer the hilt back to Harker. Taking it Antonio sighed heavily and sheathed it into his boot.

"That's some trick. Are you going to bleed out?" Harker tapped his own hand then pointed at the severed one on the ground, having fallen from the chain cuff. Bending to pick his hand up the giant looked as if he were trying to reattach it to his wrist. Harker thinking him crazy was ready to offer a tourniquet but heard a hissing noise. Shining his light on it the man's body was miraculously bonding with his lost member, tissue almost like tentacles recalled what was missing until it literally healed itself. Fingers began twitching back to normal, nerves fusing to their original state. Puffing his cheeks Harker shook off the initial shock of seeing the impossible. Of course, this guy did have a jaw of diamond. "Like I said ... some trick. You going to cut the other chain off like that?"

Lifting his opposite shackle, he first began winding it around his arm until holding the bolted clamp on his knuckles. From there he began smearing blood on the metal until it, like Harker's knife began glowing. This time the metal became liquified and surrounded his arm into a metallic shell simulating armor, the bolts forming into knuckle spikes. "I don't know how you did that but I'm just glad we're on the same side. At least I hope."

A handshake confirmed Harker's thoughts, his recently reattached hand at that. Amazed by the strength in his renewed grip Harker just shouldered his beliefs. Noticing a bloodied knuckle on Harker's blade hand, the giant used his own blood covered hand to touch Harker's. A jolt of energy, call it adrenalin surged through Harker's frame healing it instantly, wiping the blood on his pants he realized the wound as nonexistent. From one shock to another the warrior took Harker's blood droplet on his fingertip and pressed it to the roof of his own mouth. Tilting his head back it trickled down his throat making the giant laugh slightly.

"I hope that's your way of saying we're blood brothers now. Not drinking your blood, Buddy."

"Yes!" The giant closed his eyes but spoke clearly in English. "Now we understand one another?"

"Well, I'll be. My blood broke the communication barrier?"

"Yes, it did."

"That make you a vampire?"

"Of a sort. Magic rules my body my new friend. Thank you for aiding me."

"Why do I feel you could have broken free on your own?"

"The walls here are enchanted. As long as I was bound to them, I was weak. When you broke the first bond my strength began returning. I owe you, my life."

"Alright! Works for me. What do I call you? Diamondjaw?"

"You are not the first to refer to me as that. My true name is lost to me. Diamondjaw is ... worthy."

"DJ for short?"

"As you wish friend Harker."

"So, we getting out of this cave or what? Where are we anyway?" Antonio put his parka back on.

"You do not ask how I come to have a jaw of diamond?"

"We can talk later when we put some distance between us and the bat cave here. I just know there's bats. Not fond of those pesky critters."

"Aye! My blood has reached their nostrils by now. We must hurry." Diamondjaw began walking away, into the cave.

"Air flow is that way." Harker pointed without any response, "Why are we going into the cave? Enchanted walls everywhere, correct?"

"Yes. Try not to touch them."

"Why was I not chained up?"

"You were deemed unworthy."

"Ever heard the term Fuck You Buddy?"


Antonio just hissed under his breath and followed the giant. At 6'3, Harker was still shorter than his ally. Guessing him to be 6'8 intimidated even Antonio. For a Colonel even he knew when to follow the leader.

Who knows how far away?

"I smell horses." Yukon aka Mathias spoke, halting next to Ghost, "Human's on horseback."

"A Mediterranean scent." The runt of the pack Lingo stepped closer to his leaders.

"Perhaps we should seek cover in that wooded area and see what transpires." Ghost nodded toward timber then turned to face his pack and his Den Mother. "Aurora? Men on horses come this way. I advise we seek shelter until we can discover if they are friend or foe."

"Or we can walk right up to them and ask." Aurora joined the leads and peered out over the countryside, her eyes amplifying the terrain. "There! Maybe a mile out. I'm guessing, don't know my range yet. I've seen the movie Gladiator guys; they look like Roman Centurions to me. I count three dozen give or take."

"Roman's here?" Mathias winced, "How come, they to be here?"

"How come, we to be here Old Timer?" Aurora added. "I say we just say hello. What's the worst that could happen? We're all lost, right?"

"Need I remind you that you are a seven-foot naked Goddess with the strength of ten or more men?" Canuck chuckled.

"I'll just say I'm Aphrodite. They are Greek." Off she went into the field on her own.

"Does Aurora speak Greek? Aphrodite would, right?" Lingo sounded naïve.

"Prepare for battle." Ghost had a very bad feeling. "We hide until they seek to harm Aurora."

"Damn that ass is fine." Kyoot wagged his tongue at Aurora's bodacious booty darting from side-to-side in her steps. That green glow about her body only made it more attractive.

"Really, Kyoot?" Luna scowled then bolted after Aurora.

"Yours is too." Although rolling her eyes Luna did wag her tail at his observation.

"Not the time Stud." Folly shook her head then joined her wolf sister. Faithful to the end. The girls did find resistance, Aurora sending them back so as not to intimidate the Roman's any further than she might. Tails between their legs they sulked.

"Three fine pieces of tail. Even if they are tucked in now."

Kyoot followed his pack.

Easing in behind the ladies for a better view.

Kyoot was a dog.

Weren't they all?

His penis followed True North!

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 3 years agoAuthor
Soon enough Friend

Maria will be back around October 19th. as my schedule dictates. I only release 3 chapters each week of various stories. Starting from Scratch is written so far ahead I can offer 2 chapters a week and not run out until mid 2021.

So here's a bummer because I like monthly schedules myself but for me to offer new episodes of my long gestating older series I had to go bi-monthly for Cougar House and Be My Guest. I might have to do the same with Midnight, Den Mother, even Baby Sister. I want to share as many series as I can but we both know I can only write so fast. While yes I can write quickly, averaging 15 newly written stories a month, even I need relaxation.

As the writer I'll always satisfy my own itch before anyone else, which means my muse has requirements. If I feel like writing say STACY PUMA before another Baby Sister I will. As it stands right now I have Baby Sister written up to Chapter 18, 19 being written this week. 20 is already written. While yes I can stay monthly for 7 months, what if I can't get to 21 before say June of 2021? Sooner or later it will run out of material and have a pause anyway.

I know it sucks but let's just see what happens. I'm really trying to get it into my head that I need to continue many of my older series that have suffered a 2 year hiatus.

All I can ask is if you're a fan of my work please be patient.

So...Baby Sister 14 : BULL WHIP on or within days of October 19th.

Thanks Indianon! I have faith in you my friend.


indianonindianonover 3 years ago

You definitely have a knack for blending fantasy into your stories Zen, but is it too much to ask for another addition to the Maria saga already? Don't get me wrong, I love reading most of your stories, but Baby Sister is definitely your crowning jewel.

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