Dented Ch. 01


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I woke up slowly. The sun was just starting to peak over the trees that lined the Eastern Shore. The Obsidian was still in the shadows but there was enough light to show me that Jess wasn't in bed with me. I sat up, looking towards the head but it was dark and empty.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and made my way up to the main area. I found Jess sitting on the aft deck with a blanket wrapped around her. She was staring at the wisps of fog that the morning sun hadn't yet burned away. She heard my approach and smiled at me.

"Hey," she said softly.

"Hey. You okay?"

"Mmhmm," she said, scooting over so I could sit beside her.

As soon as I sat down, she leaned over and kissed me. Softly at first then the kiss quickly grew in both passion and strength. Without breaking the kiss, Jess slid onto my lap and wrapped the blanket around us. I could feel her naked body against my chest and I wrapped my arms around her to pull her against me.

For several minutes we made out, kissing and gently caressing each other underneath the blanket. Then with one quick motion Jess pulled my shorts down and freed my cock from its confines. She didn't say anything as she slid up, positioned herself, then slowly sank back down with me inside her.

We both sat still for a moment, enjoying the feeling and again marveling that we were finally at this point. Slowly, she started rocking her hips back and forth.

"God, you feel so good inside me Jace," she whispered in my ear.

I reached down and held on to her soft ass, squeezing it as I pulled her closer to me. One of her hands slid between us and down to where we were joined. As I pulled her to me, she slowly began rubbing herself. I could feel her muscles start to tense, and I sped up. She came softly, her whole body going stiff for a moment before relaxing a little as small spasms occasionally making her twitch.

It was more than I could handle, and I felt myself start to cum. Jess sensed it too because she leaned down and kissed me, moving her hips to match my thrusts. I came almost as quietly, small moans escaping our lips.

We sat like that for several minutes and I could feel her pussy gently squeezing my slowly softening dick.

"Tell me again why it's okay for me to cum inside you?" I asked worriedly.

"What? You don't want two-headed kids?" she asked jokingly.

"Well, it'd be hard to find clothes that fit right." I joked back. "Seriously though?"

"I figured we'd end up like this-" she bounced a little with me still inside her, "-eventually. I knew I didn't want anything between you and me. Not clothes, not latex, not even air. So at my last doctor's visit I had her put in an IUD."

"You've been scheming."

"Planning for the best," she said, kissing me then standing up slowly. I slipped out of her and a few dribbles of my cum dripped out. She looked down then back up at me.

"You made a mess. I'm going to shower. Start breakfast?"

She let the blanket fall to the deck then slowly walked back into the boat. I just sat there, watching my sister walk. She turned and blew a kiss my way before turning into the bedroom.


We lounged around the boat the rest of the day, watching TV or reading. Whatever we did we did it in each other's arms. Most of the time we were in the aft lounge, Jess using my body as a pillow. We had a comfortable silence between us. Neither of us felt the need to fill it with meaningless words.

As she drifted off in an unexpected nap, I moved a few errant strands of hair away from her face and looked down upon her. My breath caught in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes. Here was my sister in my arms, sleeping peacefully because she knew she was perfectly safe with me. I knew it too. She knew that I'd never hurt her. That I would always protect her and be there for her. That I would do anything for her. I thought of the girls in the past that I'd told I'd loved and every one of them felt empty and hollow when compared to how I felt about Jess. All of them had left and I was now so grateful that they were no longer in my life.

A tear rolled down and dripped onto Jess's forehead. She opened her eyes and looked up, concern filling her expression.

"I love you, so much," I whispered. "I feel it. I'm in love with you too."

She spun around, embracing me as sobs of relief came from both of us. We were bound now and nothing could separate us now.


The next couple of days were a virtual blur. We slept. We ate. We made love. Repeat. There wasn't a flat surface inside the boat that we didn't use at least once.

We were just coming down from an afternoon session when the phone rang. Jess was bent over the dining table, her ass pushed against me as my last few spasms emptied myself into her. My head was so fuzzy I almost didn't hear the ringtone. The phone was beside me so I was able to reach over and answer it. It was dad calling.

"Hey, Dad," I said, trying to get my breathing under control. I held the mouthpiece away so he hopefully wouldn't hear. Jess looked back at me, trying not to laugh. She wiggled her butt against me, sending a shock through my hyper-sensitive cock.

"Jason, everything okay?" Dad asked concerned.

"Yeah. Just doing some, uh, cleaning. How's it going there?"

"Good. Really good. Police just made the arrest."

Jess slid down, taking my cock in her hands and milking the last few drops out into her mouth.

"Wow, that's awesome," I said to both.

"Yeah," Dad said, oblivious to what was happening on others end of the phone. "Come on home. You are not going to believe who it is."


Eight versus two. Hardly seems fair really, and I suppose it wasn't. On one side of the conference table, eight of us sat looking at the two on the other side. On our side? Me, Jess, Mom, and Dad, accompanied by three exceedingly expensive and incredibly powerful attorneys and one prosecutor who was known for his high conviction rate.

On the other? One Junior public defender and the accused.

The public defender looked beleaguered and beaten. The guy who thought that he could be David against Goliath, only to realize in actuality he was the fly against the windshield. I felt bad for him. It was hard to watch someone's idealism be extinguished so thoroughly.

The accused just sat there, glaring. To say she looked angry would be a gross understatement. Is the sun a little warm? Do root canals cause a bit of discomfort? The glares she shot our way made me wish I had applied SPF 50 before coming here. The utter hatred was palpable and washed over us like tidal waves against a tiny island.

Margaret. Just turned 18. Sister of a deranged and twisted psychopath who kidnapped two twelve-year-old twins, drugged them, and took them on a mad-drive through the city. The madman who blew himself up and sent both kids to the hospital. The asshole who haunted my nightmares for years and whose memory caused my damaged leg to ache.

If our lawyers and the prosecutor felt the hatred emanating from her like I did they didn't let on. They just stared at the public defender as he read over the plea agreement. We all wanted to avoid a lengthy trial because with trials come publicity. With publicity comes questions, accusations, theories, and the ever watchful eye of the media. Jess and I argued adamantly against that. Luckily Mom and Dad felt similarly, though probably for different reasons.

Jess was staring at her just as intently. There was no murderous rage behind Jess' eyes. Instead, I could tell Jess was trying to solve the riddle that was Margaret. Where I thought Jess would harbor hatred and malice, there was only curiosity and confusion.

I wondered where her parents were. They were fairly well off if memory served so they should have been able to pay for a better lawyer than Matlock Jr. here. Something wasn't adding up. I looked over at Jess and she met my eyes. I smiled at her and held her hand, remembering fondly this morning.

We lay in my bed, the morning sun peeking through the curtains. Both of us were out of breath, silently lamenting the fact that we had to be quiet so Mom and Dad wouldn't hear us as we made love. It's what we missed the most from the boat.

Jess was draped across me, her fingers drawing lazy circles in my chest hair. Her sweaty body stuck to mine, convincing both of us to stay where we were until we had cooled off a bit.

"You ready for today?" I asked

"Yeah, I think so." she looked up at me. "You'll be there of course?"

"Of course. I'll always be there for you."

"I know." she smiled mischievously. "Plus, it helps that I have a few million pieces of you swimming inside me now." she wiggled her hips for emphasis

"Weirdo," I said, kissing her.

"We're twins. That makes you weirdo too."

"Never denied it."

I was drawn out of my memory by the defense attorney clearing his throat. I quickly looked around but no one was looking at me. Whew, no one noticed me zone out.

"I'll need a few minutes to confer with my client," he said, his voice wavering slightly.

It didn't help that this wasn't her first run-in with the law and even though juvenile records are usually sealed I'm guessing someone found the letter opener for her. We watched as the guard led her out into a private attorney's room so they could go over it. With nothing else to do, I turned my attention back to the documents containing her plea deal.

Margaret had multiple Class 3 and 4 felonies as well as a couple of Class 2s thrown in for good measure. I'm not sure if the prosecutor was trying to make a statement with this case or if my parents were able to exert some influence, but if she went to court with all this against her she'd be looking at decades in jail.

For some reason, that wasn't sitting well with me.

A few moments later, they came back in.

"My client has advised me that she will accept the terms of the plea," he said

And just like that, someone's freedom was gone. The lawyers would handle it from this point on; there was no need for any of us to stick around. The guard led her out of the room and the rest of us went outside.

Mom and dad wanted to celebrate but my stomach wasn't up for it. Before I could say anything, Jess spoke up and saved me from having to make an announcement.

"Actually, I'm really not ready for that just yet. Do you mind if Jace and I just go home?"

"Of course not honey. You two go rest. We'll be home later." Mom hugged us both.

"I'm just glad all this is behind us now."


The ride home was quiet. She held my hand but kept her gaze out the passenger window. I knew when she was lost in thought and I let the miles pass in silence.

Once we were home and the door was closed behind us, Jess spun around and kissed me. Deeply and passionately. I returned her kiss, savoring every moment. Stumbling up the stairs, our clothes were hanging off by the time I shut the door to my room behind us. We were both naked once I lay her on the bed.

"Make love to me." she breathed, the need evident in her voice.

I kissed her once more, then slid down to kneel beside the bed. Her legs opened for me and I dove in. I spread her lips apart and wrapped my lips around her swollen clit. Jess gasped and moaned as I ran my tongue across her most sensitive spot. Her fingers tangled in my hair as she pushed me against her. I slid two fingers inside her, massaging her from the inside. She tasted as delicious as ever, and my fingers were quickly coated in her juice.

"Oh Jace, I'm cumming." she gasped as I felt her entire body shudder. Jess cried out softly as she climaxed and her legs clamped around my ears.

I didn't stop licking. Even as she came down, I kept going. Her body kept jerking as shaking as I did and moments later she cried out again, louder this time as another orgasm overtook her. My sheets were getting soaked with the juices running down and I tried to lap up as much as I could.

She pulled me up and on top of her, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me. She spread her legs and lifted her hips and, after a few attempts, I was sliding inside of her. As I settled inside her, we both sighed.

"I love you so much, Jess," I said, my forehead touching hers.

"I love you too," she said, smiling.

"I'm not too heavy for you, am I?" I asked. The past times we'd made love, she was on top or we were doggie style. Me on top was a little different.

"Not at all. You feel perfect."

I propped myself on my elbows and forearms, staying as close to her as I could and still perform. As I started to pump in and out of her, Jess pulled me down to kiss her.

Slowly, I made love her. She didn't need to tell me every time she climaxed, I could feel it course through her and into me. Eventually, it was too much and I couldn't hold back. My motions became faster and more forceful. Finally, I pushed inside her as deep as I could as I came. Jess held on to me as I did, a final orgasm rocking through her as well.

We lay like that for several minutes afterwards just savoring each other's closeness. After a minute I sat up and looked down at her. Her hair was a mess, most of it tangled and plastered to her head. I stood up, pulling myself out of her. I watched as my cum poured out of her and onto the bed. She ran her hand across her swollen pussy, feeling our mixed fluids seep out of her.

"That was a lot!" she said gleefully.

"It was. That was incredible. You're incredible."

"mmmm." she sighed contentedly. "I love feeling you cum inside me, Jace. It's warm. Comforting. Just makes me feel tingly all over."

"That's good," I said, flopping onto the bed beside her. "Because I love cumming inside you."

I propped up on one elbow and looked at my sister. She looked back at me, eyes clear and focused.

"I love you so, so much, Jace."

"I love you too, Jess."

We lay there, holding each other as the afternoon sun filtered through the window. We were comfortable, but I could feel that something was off.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"Something's not right," Jess answered quietly.

"Yeah." I agreed, feeling it too. "I'm not sure what though."

"Her eyes." Jess looked over at me.

"Whose? Margaret's? What about them?"

"You saw the hate? The anger?"

"Oh yeah. But..." I prompted.

"There was something else. Fear. Hopelessness. Desperation. Pleading."

"How could you tell?"

She looked at me, eyes glistening slightly with unshed tears. "Because it's how I feel every time you're not with me."

I pulled her close to me, holding her and doing my best to protect her. "I'm not going anywhere," I whispered in her ear

"I know," she said, holding my arm against her chest. "And I know how lucky I am to have you. She doesn't have someone like you."

"You saw today. I don't think she has anyone."

"That's a problem," Jess said somberly.

I nodded agreement but didn't say anything else. After a few moments we pulled the comforter over us and just lay there together, drifting off to sleep holding each other.

The sound of the garage door opening woke us up, both of us sitting up in bed. Realizing we were still naked in my bed, we gave each other a quick "oh shit" look before Jess bolted from my bed and ran through our shared bathroom and into her room.

I chuckled as I grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before walking out the door.


Weeks went by in relative normality. Mom and Dad went to work. Jess and I went to classes during the day and made love almost every evening. I had fallen in love with my sister and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Mom sometimes asked if there were any girls I liked. I'd lie and say there were some I talked to but I was trying to focus on classes and graduating soon. Jess and I had three more semesters to go, and truth be told even if Jess and I weren't together I probably wouldn't be chasing anyone right now.

One afternoon, Dad came home with an announcement. He gathered everyone in the kitchen for a family meeting.

"The attorney called," he said with little preamble. "She was sent to Logan Correctional. 10 years."

"10?" I asked, surprised. "Seems a bit much."

"Priors," he said matter of factly. "And, given all the charges she was looking at, it could have been much, much longer." Dad looked at me. "What's wrong son?"

"Not sure, Dad. Just seems like there's a big missing piece to the whole thing."

"Jason, listen to me." That caused me to take notice. He rarely used my actual name. "Between what their son did, and now their daughter, I'm convinced that entire family is fucked up." that surprised me. He almost never used that word. "You can't always fix something that's that broken, and you can't always worry how it became broken."

He put his hand on my shoulder to emphasize the point.

"Some people are just broken," he said. "And there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

Later that night Jess and I sat outside by the pool and gazed up at the few stars we could see. The filters were running, gently churning and warming the water. There was a slight chill to the air and we had brought blankets with us to cover up. We sat side by side, trying not to present the form of two lovers but instead of a brother and sister just relaxing and looking at the stars.

"You think what Dad said is true?" Jess asked suddenly.

"What's that?"

"That some people are broken? That they can't be fixed?"

"I don't know. Seems kind of too absolute to me." I looked over to her. "Why?"

"Well," she sniffled, "I'm kind of... broken." I could see a few tears forming in her eyes.

"Jess, you're not broken!"

"Oh really?" she sniffed again, using the blanket to wipe her eyes. "Look at me. I can't live my life without you near me, and I don't want to either.. I can't stand to be away from you and the only thing that's gotten me through the day lately is you-" she looked around quickly "-is you making love to me. And tell me THAT'S not just a little broken too. Not just what we're doing but because I love it, and I love you so much."

"It's not normal I'll give you that, but so what? Listen, I don't think Dad is right. I think that anything can be fixed if you give it enough time. Enough attention." I gave her hand a squeeze. "Enough love."

I thought for a moment, then continued.

"You remember that old car dad worked on? The one he finally got running?"

"Yeah." she nodded and sniffled. "He still loves that thing."

"He showed me pictures of it once. Back when he first bought it. It was in really bad shape. Most people would have sent it off to the scrap yard years ago. Dad probably spent more money fixing it up than it was worth, but that wasn't the point. The point was that even though it was long ago broken, he felt it was worth fixing."

I kissed the back of her hand.

"And you? My sweet, beautiful sister, are far from broken. And this? Us? What we're doing may not be normal, but it's also far from broken. How can two people who love each other this much be broken?"

She smiled and I continued.

"We are nowhere near like that rusted out car that should have been sent off to the scrap yard, and if that thing wasn't too broken then neither are we. If anything, we're just a car that's gotten into a minor collision. We still run just fine, just a few occasional odd ticks and dings now."

"So we're not broken?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"No, we're not broken."

"Then what are we?"

I thought for a second then smiled back, "We're not broken. We're just a little... dented."

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bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg12323 days ago

"Dented Ch. 01:" - Twenty Year Old Co-ed Twin Brother and Sister, Jason ("Jace") and Jessica ("Jess").

This story subject--incest--is one of the most controversial matters of the historical, worldwide human genus of incest sex make-up, ever. The subject genre of incest is acceptable in an "underworld" secretive classification, but is very acceptable as a "whisper" (ergo, an illegal) matter for actions and/or conversation. I'm enamored and awed by the actual participants of incest and highly respectful of the life, life-style, language and actions of the genre of incest, legal or illegal, in the real world.

For the most part, there is only one (1) ill begotten reason for the matter of incest being illegal over most of the world.....and that's the risk of incestuous birth defects versus the ratio of traditional (non-incestuous) birth defects!!!!! For the most part, "substantial" incestuous birth defects is bullshit, in my humble opinion.

Case in point. My wife and I have never practiced nor participated--except in my incestuous mind and reading material--in incest. We and our maternal and paternal family histories were/are more than half the country (USA) apart, except for some long-ago lineage of Irish and Scottish ancestry preceding the Civil War! Why do I offer my "soapbox" oratory and comments to this matter?

Briefly, my wife and I had four (4) pregnancies...but, only two (2) children, a son and a daughter being five (5) birthday/years apart . We wanted, with lots of discussion before we married, to have three (3) children of any combination, male or female. In between our son's birth, a year after we married. and our daughter's birth five (5) years later, there we TWO unfortunate miscarriages--without any obvious or medical reasons . That's ONLY five hundred percent (500%) of live birth's...which in the game of baseball, five hundred percent (500 %) is a fabulous batting average, but in the percent of real live birth's of children--incestuous or non-incestuous births--five hundred percent (500%) is not acceptable.

This story is an awesome male and female (twin brother and sister) love story. It has romance, caring, hope, persistence, determination, respect, deep-seated and infinite, unlimited care of and for each other! There has not yet been any discussion, other than their mother's speculation, as to the acceptance, of not, of the sibling's deep-seated determined lives together, and the eventual birth of children. One appreciation that I credit writer/author 'mycuriousnature' with--as most incest/taboo writer's don't--discuss any form of birth control; although this writer/author made evident with Jessica's fitting for an IUD. Personally, I think most incestuous couples are wanting a well-rounded family, with the procreation of child(ren) as the ultimate gift, aim, natural wants and needs and expectations--legal or not as any familial married or union-committed couple! Such scenarios make my heart gush and swell with high emotions, of love and envy of any and every committed male and female, and their children, being blessed, fortunate, and should be considered normal and accepted parentage.

This story is commendable--to me--and I'm thrilled with the outcome, so far, of "Jace" and "Jess" for their fortitude and passion of their love, needs and devotion. It is THE love story of all lover's ambitions! Every aspect of love and committed lovers of every genre should be so lucky as to be so in love with each other. Each character and their roles are commendable and examined in most every iota of their love and devotion. The dialogue and literary content is awesome, ease of comprehension and imagery; it's an easy read from "stem to stern" (being a Navy veteran), and should be appreciated by every reader. I'm elated there is a couple more chapters, and hopeful parentage (to me) is a subject and aim of this happy sibling love affair!! Mucho Accolades!!

jab1971jab1971about 1 month ago

I really liked this story. I have a couple of stories on this site but after reading this one I feel like an amateur. The plot development is exquisite. I don't believe that they will be able to keep their love secret and I wonder what their parents' reaction will be when they are inevitably discovered.

ToughSailorToughSailorabout 1 month ago

Loved the matter-of-fact pace of the story - The ending kind of left me hanging though as it didn't really explain what Margaret's motive was, especially after so long a period of time . . . .

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Excellent story. Very well written. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I really enjoyed reading this story!

Your writing style is deep enough to allow the characters to fully come alive in my imagination.

Having it develop more as a love story with less focus on sex was a major high point for me, as far too many stories are wet enough to overflow a large sponge and lack a large enough hand to wring them out.

The sex you did include was very savory and well described.

Adding in the boating aspect was a very nice addition to an already solid plot, and it is completely believable that being sequestered alone with her brother on the water like that would've really calmed Jessica down.

And considering the boating options available to us here in the Pacific Northwest, I offer that comment in the warmest way possible. Our San Juan islands are the location of endless meaningful beauty and encompassing serenity for the forward thinking and adventurous boater.

However, as someone who owns a yacht, and has been involved with boats for decades, I'm curious to know how many marinas will willingly move a clients boat out of it's slip, fuel it and then provision it. (Especially, a 55 footer.)

Regardless, it's a nice plot concept that fits well.

And as a fellow boater, some additional details of their anchorage would've been nice, like if they were in some pretty, protected bay or cove. I can't picture an anchorage on an unprotected and open shore of a raging monster like Lake Michigan.

So.....a fond thank you to mycuriousnaure on a finely crafted composition such as this.

I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter, and am hoping that Jason and Jessica will be taking Obsidian back out, alone, and spending many more days wrapped up together in blankets sharing their love on the aft deck watching the sun go down.



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