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The next splash was across her left nipple and she cried out again, her back arching as she tried to move away from the sensation, but it only followed her. She whimpered and moaned, unprepared as the next splash came across her right nipple and breast and she cried out again, pulling at the restraints and suckling the gag as she moaned and sobbed. She felt the heat as he added more wax to her pussy and then across her belly. She twisted and fought as the heat was spread across her inner thighs and then her breasts again, across her biceps and then down the center of her chest and when he finally stopped she could feel the cool wax over most of her body, cracking and breaking as her skin moved. Her pussy and breasts especially were coated and she knew that if he hadn't shaved her it would have taken hours to get it all out of her hair.

She felt his hands then, clearing away some of the wax as he caressed and soothed her and she was grateful for the affectionate, calming touches as he knocked and brushed the wax from her thighs and belly before his hands carefully lifted the thick plate of wax from her pussy all at once. The cool air felt wonderful on her hot skin and when he lifted the larger pieces from her breasts she was so grateful that she smiled and sighed in contentment.

His hands carefully cleared away the wax from her whole body and when he was done she felt the brush of something against her sides and limbs and knew that he was clearing the floor of the wax as well. She knew then that he wasn't finished with her, that she was still in for more and she smiled and suckled the gag all the more as she waited in anticipation. She knew that he would play with her a bit more, but she hoped that he would fuck her soon. She was so aroused that she was leaving a puddle on the floor with her wetness and she wanted his cock. And when she felt his fingers caressing her pussy she smiled and lifted her hips obligingly.

Would he fuck her now? She hoped so... it would hardly be the first time he had fucked her in bondage, and she was so wet right now that she could have taken his fist if he had tried. She mewled as his fingers caressed her and she felt her pleasure rising. He found her clit easily, he was familiar enough with her pussy that it was no problem, and she moaned at the feel of his mouth on her, his lips caressing and his tongue parting her labia and lapping at her flowing nectar. It felt so good and she could already feel an orgasm rising. When his mouth left her she whimpered and tried to lift her hips after him, pressing her flesh more firmly into his fingers and she was rewarded with the sudden cool sensation of something being rubbed onto her clit and inner labia.


She whimpered as her near-orgasm receded, his hands and mouth leaving her body. She collapsed back to the floor and pulled fruitlessly at her restraints until she felt him blowing on her pussy. Her brow furrowed and her head lifted as she tried in vain to see what he was doing and why. But blinded as she was it only added to her frustration and she lay her head back, her mouth working at the gag between her teeth, suckling automatically at the plug for comfort as her pussy seemed to warm as he blew on it. A moment later she realized what he had done to her and she whined at the realization even as the gel he had put on her clit and inner labia began to grow warmer and warmer with every passing second. As bad as the menthol shaving cream had been, this was already worse and it was growing warmer and warmer by the second. She sobbed as the sensation, aided by her recent shaving and the sensitivity left by the wax, grew more and more acute.

When she felt his hand grasp her breast, she knew what was coming and she shook her head, trying to beg him wordlessly as she twisted and tried to move away from his grip. But it was futile and she felt the cool gel applied to both nipples, one after the other, and then the sensation of him blowing on them sped the heating of the gel even as her pussy, already heated, drove her wild. She writhed and fought her restraints as the heat grew, moment by moment, and her mind reeled at the sensation. He had never been this cruel or creative and she felt sweat growing on her body, trying to cool her heated flesh even as her nipples and pussy grew warmer, well past the point of comfort. She thrashed and fought her restraints, her head turning back and forth, trying to deny what she was feeling as she sobbed and chewed at the gag. But no matter where she turned, the sensation followed. She couldn't soothe herself, couldn't rub the heated flesh with her fingers or press her thighs together to ease the heat between her legs, couldn't even beg him to make it stop as she contorted her body and moaned, suckling the gag constantly and mewling as the feelings threatened to drive her crazy.

And she was so acutely aware of the feel of the gel, of the growing heat after everything else. He had been so careful to avoid her pussy and nipples when he had been teasing her, and then the shaving and the hot wax had only heightened her sensitivity, bringing blood flooding to the surface of her skin. And now there was the gel drawing all of her attention and all of her concentration to those parts of her body and only those parts of her body. She strained harder against the restraints than she ever had before, using all of her strength and energy to break free even though she knew that they would hold her easily. She had picked these restraints for the very reason that they could hold her no matter how hard she struggled and they did their job with blissful impunity toward her suffering.

How long did the gel last? Was it an hour? Only a few minutes? Or was it the eternity that it felt like it was lasting as she lay there and fought against the feel of it. It seemed to go on and on and he did nothing to help her, nothing to soothe the feeling. Though she supposed that she should be grateful that he did nothing to make it worse as the heat gradually subsided and she lay back on the floor, nearly exhausted as she felt his hands come to soothe her, massaging her muscles and working out the cramps and aches. He knew just what he was doing, getting the blood moving and keeping her safe, and she was grateful. She knew that there wasn't much more he could do to her, and she knew that soon he would fuck her and then untie her and they could relax and cuddle for a while and when his hands moved across her belly and down to her aching, throbbing pussy she moaned around the gag at the feel of his strong fingers massaging her labia.


But she had forgotten how creatively cruel he could be. She lay moaning and pushing her hips up against his hand as he caressed her pussy, parting her labia and stroking his finger across her entrance, up across her vestibule and rubbing at her clit. It felt wonderful to have her sensitive pussy caressed this way. With all he had done to her so far, she was more sensitive than she had ever been in her life and she knew that it wouldn't be long before she came and she needed that release right then more than she needed breath.

But just as she was getting close, just as she was nearing the point of release...

He stopped.

She whimpered and shook her head, trying to beg him wordlessly, trying to deny what a part of her already knew. Her pleasure receded and she lay limp and helpless, her eyes searching in the darkness for some ray of light, some shred of hope. But there was none to be found and she was at his mercy as his hands came back to her pussy and began to gently caress and massage her once more, stroking across her warm, wet folds, parting her labia to caress her entrance and slip slightly into her. He rubbed at the top of her canal with one finger while his thumb rubbed at her clit at the same time and she moaned and smiled. It felt so good... so very good that she never wanted it to end.

But it did, just as it had before. He stopped just as she was nearing her peak and she sobbed now. She knew without a doubt what he was doing to her now, and she cursed his heartless sadism even as she lifted her hips and pressed against his touch as his hands returned to her, caressing and stoking. She was breathing deeply and suckling the gag constantly, tonguing the little plastic cock in her mouth. She had bought this gag because she had thought it was a funny little design, just something cute that made her giggle, but now she understood the why of it as she sucked it for comfort and wished that it was the real thing, wished that his was his cock past her lips, wished that it was him in her mouth. It was her only comfort as his skilled fingers brought her back to that peak and then stopped again.

And then again...

And again...

She hated edging, hated the clear joy she knew he took from watching her as she helplessly drew closer to release only for him to deny her the last little bit that would finish her off. She knew that he loved the looks on her face and the sounds she made as her frustration mounted and she more desperately sought release, only for him to deny her again. She felt herself whining and moaning with every exhalation and she hated herself for it. To give him what he wanted this easily...

But then it hadn't been easy, had it? How long had he kept her bound like this? Long enough that he felt he had to massage her limbs against cramps or worse. Long enough that she had slept and awoken again. She had been kept bound and blinded and deaf for hours, she knew, and she would be sore and aching for days to come. But as he brought her to the edge once again and then let her back down she knew that when he finally did fuck her it would be worth everything else he had done to her before that. She smiled around the gag even as she twisted and moaned and tried to lift her hips after his departing hand to get the last caress that would send her over. She knew that when the time came she would cum so hard that it would hurt.

But it was getting there that would prove to be the real trial, she knew, as his hands sought her again, this time aided by his mouth. She felt the caress of lips and tongue on her skin, felt the slick slip of his tongue as he parted her labia and lapped at her nectar, as he delved into her and devoured her with all of the skill and enjoyment that he normally took in the act, as he drove her higher and higher and higher. She felt the mounting of her pleasure and hoped that this time he wouldn't stop, only to feel that torment when he stopped again...

And again...

And again...

Until she had lost all track of time, all possibility of keeping track of what he had done to her so far. Her mind was at the point of exhausted surrender when his hands left her and didn't return. She was once again given water and she pleaded weakly for mercy, but the gag was returned and she suckled at it as she lay in her sweat and the heavy scent of her arousal, helpless against whatever he was going to do to her next.


She was at once grateful for the rest and frustrated that he could leave her alone for so long with so little attention after that. She wasn't sure if she slept or not, the difference between waking and sleeping was so minimal that she wasn't even sure she was awake when she felt his touch return. She moaned around the gag, suckling reflexively as she felt his hands stroke across her inner thighs and then gently massage her pussy. She knew that he was up to something immediately but she wasn't sure just what as something smooth and warm caressed her labia, parting her outer lips and pressing gently but firmly at her entrance. She wiggled her hips, sure that it was his cock, that he had finished with all that he wanted to do to her and now she would get release, she would feel the amazing sensation that he had been slowly building within her for all this time.

But as it slipped into her, welcomed by her body, she whimpered at the feeling. It wasn't him, it was a toy. She felt the egg slide deeper into her core, pressed in by his finger and she could feel the slender cord that trailed out of it as his hand left her. She wriggled and clenched with her core, trying to keep him there, but he slipped away and the toy he had left within her rested where he had left it. She felt a hand at her breast as his fingers caressed the soft flesh and then gently pinched her hard nipple, rolling the bud and sending pleasure jolting through her. She moaned at the feeling and smiled around the gag. But her smile vanished when she felt the pressure close in on her flesh and she knew what it was even as his hand moved to the other side and a second clamp was applied there. She could feel the rough teeth of the cloverleaf clamps and when he pulled them tight she arched her back up to ease the tension that pulled them tighter. He must have set something up to keep the chain tight because there was no relief, just tension. She knew that if she relaxed back onto the floor the clamps would pull tighter and close more firmly and she sobbed as she tried to keep the tension at a minimum.

He chose that moment to activate the toy he had put inside of her. There was a sudden deep thrumming in her core, a pulsing that shook her very bones and she started, causing her back to straighten and the clamps to pull tighter as her inner muscles clenched around the vibrator. She sobbed and tried to ease the tension on her breasts only to have the toy pulse faster for a moment and make her flinch again. It was a game to him, she knew. He would wait until she had taken the tension off of her nipples before he dialled the speed of the toy up drastically and where it sat, deep within her core, near her cervix, she felt it through her whole body. She whimpered and sobbed, her body moving reflexively and the tension on the clamps sent painful jolts through her.

The worst part was that the vibrator wasn't quite enough to make her climax, not when every pulse of the toy was accompanied by a jolt of pain through her breasts. She sobbed and fought against the duelling sensations, trying to keep her back arched and her breasts raised to relieve the tension on the clamps that made them squeeze her nipples. It hurt, made all the more painful for the blood that had flooded her nipples in the aftermath of the heating gel. And as her mind tried to cope with those sensations, as she tried to concentrate on not allowing pain to overwhelm pleasure, the egg would thrum to life again and she would jolt and the pain would flash through her again, chasing away the pleasure that came from the vibrations. She was moaning almost constantly now. She couldn't hear it, but she could feel it in her throat, feel it where her teeth rested against the plastic as she suckled on the gag, her head thrashing side to side as her whole body shook in a mixture of exhaustion and denied release.

Back and forth the sensations went, dragging her mind with them for longer than she ever thought she could stand it. She felt the strain in the muscles of her abdomen, like she had just completed a workout, and in her arms and legs as cramps threatened once again. When the tension on her breasts was released she collapsed, laying on the floor and sobbing, grateful for the reprieve, not even registering the fact that the toy within her was thrumming slowly and steadily. She felt the clamps release and her nipples were aflame with sensation as his hands caressed and soothed them. She could feel her sobs shaking her whole body and she wept shamelessly. As he massaged her limbs again, she begged him, the words muted and slurred, felt more than heard as he removed the gag to give her water and she knew that if he did anything else to her, if he had anything more that he wanted to do, she wouldn't be able to take it. She needed either rest or release or she would give in to exhaustion. She knew it as he gagged her again and she wept shamelessly as she lay on the floor, too tired to even move her head at that point as she tried to regain some of her energy while she waited to see what he was going to do to her next.


She felt his mouth on her breasts then, his hands caressing the smooth flesh and her sobs slowed and eventually stopped as she enjoyed the feeling of him giving her attention. He wrung a moan from her easily enough and her exhausted body somehow found the energy to squirm at his touch and kiss. When his mouth captured a nipple to suck, her eyes rolled back in her head and she shook all over. The sensitized flesh of her nipple was as hard as a pebble in his mouth and she would have sworn she felt every taste bud on his tongue when it caressed her. She writhed again, feeling his body as he lay atop her and she could tell by the feel that he was as naked as she was. The feel of his cock, so hard and hot against her thigh, was enough to make her moan and wiggle her hips, trying to get him into her. But that movement made her more aware of the toy that remained in her passage. She moaned at the slow, steady vibration, seeming to pulse just a bit faster in time with her heartbeat.

His mouth moved to her other breast and she moaned again, tugging fruitlessly at the restraints, too weak now to do much more than give token effort and as he began to kiss down her body she whimpered. His cock was slipping further away from her and she needed him now. But if he knew what she wanted, he didn't seem to care and his mouth moved down the valley between her breasts and then across her belly. He paused at her navel and she felt his hands glide over her skin as he moved and kissed across the arch of her ribs and then down across the flat plane of her belly once again until he reached her hips and she knew instantly what it was he was going to do. She was quivering with anticipation as he moved lower, his lips barely brushing her skin as he got himself situated and when he placed the long, lingering kiss on her pussy she pressed her hips up to meet him.

His tongue parted her labia and delved her core and she arched her back as he feasted on her. He lapped at her nectar and suckled at her lips and she felt his tongue move within her. It felt amazing after everything else he had done to her, and coupled with the little vibrating toy that he slowly dialled up faster and faster, he was driving her out of her mind. She whimpered and moaned, her head thrashing and her arms pulling at the restraints with more strength than she thought she had left as he devoured her. She wouldn't have complained a bit if he had literally eaten her at that moment, it felt too good for any complaints at all and when his mouth latched onto her clit and he sucked and caressed the little pearl with his tongue she thought she was going to explode.

She sobbed and twisted, fighting her restraints and her control and when her orgasm came she screamed around the gag, her hips bucking and her heart hammering as she pulled tight at the bindings that held her. She felt the back of her head hit the floor and stars exploded across her vision as her orgasm tore through her like a force of nature. With his mouth at her pussy and the egg still thrumming quickly within her, her pleasure seemed to rise and rise instead of ebbing away after a single peak. She was nearly insensate as she lay there. After so long reduced to a single sense, she was now reduced further until the was only aware of where his mouth was on her body, where the toy rested within her and the two sensations together sent pleasure through her body like ripples within water. It blasted away everything else; she had no sense of time or exhaustion, she couldn't feel sore or weak or tired, not hungry or thirsty or hot or cold or uncomfortable. All she could feel was that pleasure that wiped away her entire being for longer than she had ever felt anything before in her life.