Descendant of Baccus Pt. 04


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He was letting me know about a board meeting that was scheduled for this Friday and gave me a quick rundown on what was on the agenda. The main piece of business was just a formality. Uncle Steve was to step down and I was to be elected as Chairman. Given the fact that I held a significant controlling interest the outcome was assured. The balance of the agenda didn't sound like anything too complex but I did make a few notes just to be sure I'd be prepared.

The second was from a client I'd spoken with yesterday and this one simply asked me to call back so I rang him. Josh McKenzie was the owner of a major construction company based in Houston. Their primary focus was on commercial high rises and they were one of the few companies I had become familiar with through Annie's studies. She mentioned them often as an excellent example of what a good construction company was capable of. No project ever came in over budget and every structure they built met the strictest building codes for safety and security. I also remembered some notes in Dad's files on the services he had provided. The one I found most interesting was a contract to train Josh's eldest daughter. She was apparently a bit too rebellious and Dad had been brought in to help settle her down. I remember thinking that the training sounded like she was being prepared to become someone's slave but as it turned out he was just breaking her as if she were some wild horse. I kind of liked the idea.

Josh picked up the phone directly and with an almost comical Texas drawl he introduced himself. "This is Josh McKenzie."

"Josh, this is Kenny Marcus returning your call. Good Afternoon."

"Hey Kenny, good of ya to call. Real glad to hear from ya so soon. We still set for next week?" I had set an appointment with him for the following Thursday.

"Absolutely, next Thursday for lunch right?"

"Ya got it. I wonder if you know about a job your Dad did for me a while back involving my eldest daughter Katelyn?" He was testing me to see if I was doing my homework.

"Certainly, a bit of a wild filly as I remember it. Dad helped settle her down. Is she having difficulties again?"

"Nah, she's doing great. Your Dad really did a great job with her. She's married now and I have three fantastic grandchildren." He was beaming and no doubt would have broken out the pictures if we had been sitting across from each other.

"Actually, it's my youngest daughter Shane. She is having a real tough problem and no one seems to be able to help her through it." I sensed he was a bit reticent to explain the true nature of this problem so I prodded him a bit.

"Josh, just as it was with my father, anything you tell me will be held in the strictest confidence. What can you tell me about this problem?"

"Ah hell, I guess I ought to just come right out with it. The poor kid was raped. This miserable cocksucker at the university broke into her frat house and abused the shit out of her. Now she's so damn scared she can't get near any man. She's even a bit uncomfortable when I try to hold her and comfort her. Her Mom and I are at a loss for how to help her. We've taken her to the best counselors and got her together with a very reputable support group and nothing seems to be helping. I was thinking that your special brand of counseling might be her only hope." The concern in his voice was thick with emotion and it was infecting me. I had to take this case. I had no idea how but I had to help this kid. I tried my best to sound completely confident.

"Ok Josh. No problem at all. I can help her get past this. It may take a bit but I'll be happy to take this on. How about bringing her along next week. Do you think She'll come with you?"

"I know she'll come but Kenny, I'm not sure she'll be able to sit in the same room with you. She's so scared just the idea of being alone with a man sends her into fits."

"I'm not surprised. Please let me worry about that. I have some ideas on how to ease her into some effective one-on-one session with me. I'll make this work. You just get her here. By the way Josh, this one is on me." I was not going to profit off her pain. Dad had done more than a few good deeds in his life and this was my first opportunity to do the same.

"That's real kind of you but I won't hear of it. You get her through this and I'll pay whatever you want." He was the tough Texan again.

"You will hear of it Josh. I won't profit off your daughter's pain. I take this one only if you agree. By the way, I'm going to charge you handsomely for the services I provide to you so don't be too quick to give away the store." I laughed a bit to let him know I was just joking and all was going to be fine.

"All right. You're a real hard ass ya know. Just like your old man. We're gonna get on real well, you and me. I'll see y'all next week and I'll bring Shane along. Take care."

"Take care."

I was digesting this new assignment when the buzzer sounded and Rachael led Savannah into the office. Savannah was stunning. She was wearing a very short leather skirt that looked like it had been tailor made for her. The blouse was light blue silk, cut in a v-line and trimmed neatly with a darker blue lace pattern of flowers. Her hair was pulled back today and her makeup was almost invisible. She had done her nails in an eggshell white and each seemed to be trimmed with the same type and color of flower as the lace. She was wearing stockings, or at least I hoped they were stockings, that were only visible because of the slight sheen they added to her fantastic legs. If they proved to be pantyhose she was in deep trouble. She wore sandals in the same off white as her nails and again her toenails were done to match. She was the complete package and my little head was definitely taking notice.

"Good afternoon Savannah. I hope you got some sleep." Rachael gave a bit of a sideways glance toward Savannah as she remembered me saying I was a bit sore this morning. A quick probe let me know she was just a bit jealous. I'd have to deal with that.

"I'd did Master, thank you." She was clearly embarrassed as this was the first time outside the family that she had referred to me this way. That was one more thing I'd have to deal with.

"Good. Did you remember my instructions on how you should dress?"

"Yes Master. I hope I did ok with my makeup. You told me to wear very little and only colors you selected but you didn't tell what colors would please you. I hope I did ok with these colors." She had no idea how good she looked and I wasn't going to tell her either.

"Your choices will do for now. In the future you will ask when you have doubts. You will not try to guess or assume anything. If you do so again I will have no choice but to punish you. I presume you're not wearing panties and those are stockings rather than pantyhose." She shuttered just a bit and Rachael shuttered right along with her. That was nice to see.

"You are correct Master and I promise to remember to ask in the future."

"Did you bring the paperwork I require?"

"Yes Master, it's all here." I did another quick probed and discovered she had gone nearly mad trying to find one bank statement. It was an old CD account she had almost forgotten about and she literally tore the house apart looking for it. I was pleased.

"Good. Let's get down to business. Rachael, you will witness the transfer of Savannah's assets to me." It was Savannah's turn to issue a sideways glance as Rachael responded with a simple "Yes Master". That was good. Now everyone knew his or her place.

I had her sign her house deed over first and then we went through creating a simple receipt for the transfer of her car. For the accounts, I simply took each of the statements and reviewed their values. Most of the accounts had on-line and ATM access so I had her make quick notes of the pin codes and passwords. I got on-line and transferred the amounts into my account and then closed each of them out. Two accounts remained that would need to be handled at the bank as would the emptying of a safe deposit box. I decided to leave that for the morning. I also had her remove all of the credit cards she held and I summarily cut each into small useless bits. The only thing left to her was her pension as a teacher that would soon name me as the sole beneficiary and her social security. Unfortunately there was nothing I could do about that.

When Savannah had entered my office an hour ago she was reasonably independent and had a net worth of just under half a million dollars. That was rather impressive for a teacher. I'd have to find out how she had managed to accumulate so much. Now she was destitute. She looked frail as she began to realize the extent to which she had already submitted to me and I was only just beginning. It was time for her first taste of punishment and I made a quick decision to have Rachael participate. That would make it all the more demeaning.

I popped the door open.

Rachael, show Savannah into the training room and wait for me. I wanted them to go ahead so Savannah could take it all in before I came in to introduce her to the various implements and the effect they had on pitiful, disobedient slaves.

I followed in quietly and startled both of them as I pushed Savannah forward and quickly closed and locked the doors.

"Look at me and tell me why you are being punished bitch." She flinched at the venom I spewed with that command.

"I was paying attention to your private conversation when I should have been focused on being a proper slave, Master." She was shivering as she said this.

"Exactly, You are a worthless excuse for a slave but to your credit you have admitted your failure. As your reward I won't use the whip on you this time. I think the riding crop will do." She followed my eyes over to the wall and a nasty looking leather crop. She didn't think she'd won much of a reprieve until she continued to follow my scan over to the area where the whips were displayed. She shuddered again and said "Thank You Master' in the smallest voice I've ever heard issue from her mouth.

"Strip now and make it fast." She moved quickly despite her shaky finger and in less than thirty seconds she was buck-naked.

"Now bend over the table and spread your legs." She took her position without hesitation.

"Rachael, get some rope and bind her the way I bound you. Make sure you do it right or you'll be assuming the position next." She did exactly as commanded and if anything, she had bound Savannah more securely.

"Now get me the crop." She moved quickly and retrieved the one I pointed to.

"Savannah, with each stroke you are to repeat the following; "I am a worthless excuses for a slave. Please forgive me. Say it now so I know you have it."

She repeated it verbatim.

"If you fail to repeat it exactly I will add five strokes to your punishment. Do you understand?" I asked this as I moved into position.

"I understand Master." As the last syllable left her lips the crop made violent contact with her ass and she creamed. I think this scream was as much from shock as it was from pain and she repeated the phrase.

The next stroke caught her a bit lower and now the scream was pure pain. She repeated the phrase once more but this time it was from behind gritting teeth. The next ten strokes were delivered in quick succession with only enough time between each for her to repeat her new mantra. She was balling like a baby and I could tell she wanted to beg me to stop but was too scared to utter the words. This was proceeding perfectly.

The crop was leaving ugly welts rather than the red splotches of the paddle. I realized very quickly that I had to be careful not to strike the same spot twice or I was sure to break skin. I had no desire to draw blood.

When I reached fifteen strokes I sensed she was nearing the point where she would pass out. I decided not to push her that far but I wanted to be sure to punctuate this session with one last blow that was particularly vicious. I zoned in on my target and with an uppercut swing I landed the crop squarely across her cunt. The scream that resulted was blood curdling and mantra was barely repeated before she passed out.

I had gone too far again. I really needed to get a handle on this before I did real damage. I made myself a promise right then and there that this would be the last time I lost control.

"Rachael, there's some salve in the top draw with the medical supplies. Apply it to Savannah and when she comes to you are to help her get cleaned up and dressed. Buzz me when you're done."

I left her to the task and exited feeling miserable at my failure to maintain control. It was almost the perfect session and I ruined it. I was going to need some help with this. Maybe Mom could help me find my self-control. This was the last punishment I would deliver until I found a solution to this.

It was twenty minutes before the buzzer sounded and what I saw when I reentered the bedroom was pathetic. Savannah was dressed as she had been when she arrived. Her makeup and hair were fixed as they had been when she arrived. Everything was the same except her. Her posture told it all. She was broken and it broke my heart to see her that way. Once again I berated myself for loosing control.

I took a quick scan of her thoughts and found a new and more determined slave. She was clearly in pain but was determined to fight it off and prove that she could accept her punishment with the grace she thought was appropriate for a true slave. She was determined to make me proud of her and as this last thought reached out to me she fell to her knees, looked up at me and asked, May I speak Master?"

"You May." Her determination to succeed made me feel worse about my own failure.

"Thank you Master for taking the time to help me understand the role I've chosen. I deserved my punishment and I promise to do everything I can to not force you to punish me again Master. Tell me what you want from me and I promise to do my very best to please you Master." She looked squarely at me as she delivered these heart-felt words and immediately looked down in submission as she finished.

I patted her head like she was some sort of loyal mutt and wondered if she was truly broken so easily. Some how I doubted it but I hoped it could be true. It would allow me time to get myself in order if she avoided the need for more punishment.

"You have done well and I truly hope you have learned your lesson. Despite what either of you might think, I don't enjoy abusing you. I would prefer to cherish your commitment rather than to have to beat you into submission. Make me proud and the next time we enter that chamber it will be for enjoyment alone."

"Now, tell me, did you cum last night?" I was looking to change the subject. I'd had enough of this depressing shit for one day.

"Yes Master." She held her focus on the floor.

"How did you accomplish that?" I wondered if she used any of her toys or if her fingers were enough to do the trick.

"I fingered myself and my orgasm came quickly." That's pretty much what I figured. She had to be right on the edge by the time she got to it.

"Did you cum more than once." I was certain she hadn't but I wanted to hear her say it.

"No master, only one time as you instructed."

"Good. You've done well and as promised, when you do well you will be rewarded. Remove your clothes and lay on the bed."

She did so quickly and as I got a fresh view of her ass I cringed at the damage I'd done.

"Rachael, you will eat Savannah's pussy. I want her to cum as often as she wished. You will not stop until she begs you too. Also, be careful. She is sore and I don't want you to do anything that exacerbates her pain. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master." She moved immediately to her task.

I walked over to Savannah and whispered.

"Savannah, enjoy this for as long as you wish and remember how much I cherish the gift you've given me. When you've had enough you can shower and dress and then buzz me to let me know you're ready."

To Rachael I said, "This is Savannah's gift. You will not cum. If you do well and hold your own orgasm at bay I may choose to reward you later."

She removed her tongue from Savannah's pussy long enough to say, "Yes Master" and went right back to work. I noticed Savannah's pussy had not endured as forceful a stroke as I'd feared and that left me feeling just a bit better when I left to get back to work.

It was a little more than an hour when the buzzer sounded again and as I popped the door Savannah emerge looking much more like the Savannah that had entered my office that afternoon. I allowed myself one more sigh of relief.

"Go home and collect some of your clothes. You may take dresses and skirts. Also bring a few bathing suits. You will have no need for pants or panties. Leave those behind. You may bring lingerie as well but nothing too conservative. When you have collected your thing go to my house. My mother will be waiting for you. Do as she says and I will see you tonight". I rose and gave her a light kiss as I sent her on her way.

As she left I was feeling a bit better but no less determined to get this new role of Master mastered. I gave Mom a quick call and explained what had transpired and asked her to attend to Savannah's welts. Now it was time to release some tension.

"Rachael, did you enjoy eating Savannah's pussy?" I saw the look in her eye's when she came out of the bedroom and there was no doubt she'd had a good time.

"Yes Master." She was her usual chipper self.

"Did she cum often?"

"Yes Master. She came at least 3 times that I'm sure of. I think there may have been two other time as well but they were less intense." She seemed proud of herself and I decided it was time to give her confidence a bit of a boost.

"Excellent. You did well today with just one small exception. When Savannah first arrived I detected a bit of jealously from you. I cannot tolerate that. Get it under control before I'm forced to take action." I didn't want to give her too much of a boost.

"I think you've earned a bit of a reward yourself." I rose and led her to the bedroom.

For then next two hours I made love to her. It was the first time I'd eaten her pussy and I was pleasantly surprised at how good she tasted. She was sweet and as I racked my brain to identify the flavor I realized is was a subtle taste of honey I was detecting. Her pussy was very small with puffy lips that held her tightly closed. As I opened them I got my first surprise. Given her position the first time I fuck her, it was a detail I'd missed. She had an amazing clit. I stood proudly from its hood and was blood red and glistening. It was like a beacon and I was drawn to it like a fish to water. It was also extremely sensitive. It took just a few strokes with my tongue and she exploded with her first orgasm of the afternoon.

I spent a good deal more time eating her pussy and as I began fingering her cunt I got my next surprise. First, she was very tight but then I knew that from our first session. Not, quite as tight as her ass of course but still the tightest pussy I'd had the chance to explore. The real surprise though was her g-spot. I'd managed to find it with the girls and Mom with a bit of effort. I'd even managed to find Savannah's although that took quite a bit more effort. With Rachael, it was impossible to miss. As I curled my finger upward there it was and as soon as I slid my finger over it she exploded again. She was proving to be a real firecracker with a very short fuse.

I also spent some time fingering her ass and while she was still extraordinarily tight she had definitely loosen up some. Her work with the dildo was paying off. I worked her to one more orgasm with one finger in her ass, two in her cunt and my thumb working her clit before I removed my fingers and slid my cock into her. I had to push with persistence before I hit bottom and as I did this little firecracker shot of once again and there was the snapper action once again. She was amazing.