Descendant of Baccus Pt. 13


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"Sit on my cock."

She moved slowly but deliberately until she had me buried in her dripping cunt.

"Now, reach back and spread your ass open."

She looked back and saw Philippe standing at the ready and this time she whispered, "Oh no". But, she did as told and spread herself open for him.

Philippe wasted no time getting himself buried in her ass once again. This was the first time I had shared a women with another guy and feeling his cock through her cunt walls was a bit unsettling at first. That quickly changed as he began pumping her ass. The feeling of her cunt walls rippling along the length of my cock as he moved in and out of her ass was extraordinary. I didn't need to move a muscle and as he increased the speed and force of each thrust she began bouncing back and forth on my cock so the sensation was that much more intense.

"Don't hold back. I want you to cum."

She didn't need to be told twice. She began moaning in rhythm with Philippe's continuing assault on her ass and before long she let go again and this one never stopped. It just kept wracking her body with wave after wave of orgasm until she finally collapsed on top of me. That was when Philippe let loose and when I decided to make my own deposit as well. She was quaking with aftershocks as we filled her holes to the point of overflowing and by the time we had deposited the last drops she was unconscious again. She was not going to come to anytime soon.

Philippe slowly withdrew his cock from her ass and once he was clear I lifted her up, popped open the back door and carried her to the bed. I didn't let my cock leave her pussy until I'd laid her down on the bed and as I slipped free of her she twitched one last time. That was the last movement she made until it was time to call it a night. She was out for the better part of four hours.

In the meantime Philippe and I got showered, dressed and got on to the business at hand.

It didn't take long for me to realize I had already solved one of his problems. He had been beaten down for so long by his wife that he had begun to have serious doubts about his masculinity. Today's activities had helped him realize he was just fine. It was the bitch that he was married to that was the problem. Having regained his confidence he was ready to run back and attack all of the issues impacting his businesses and he was confident he could and would succeed.

That left us to talk about how he wanted to handle the real problem. Her name was Corrine. She was 32 and from the pictures he showed me she was very well maintained. She was also very high maintenance. Everything had to be first class with her. She couldn't buy anything off the rack even if the rack was full of top shelf designer wear. It was custom made or it was worthless. Even a simple thing like having her nails done was an event. Corrine would not be seen in a normal salon where she might spend 250 Francs to have a manicure. It was a top name salon and 1,000 Francs before she would consider the results acceptable.

When things were going well and she was still acting like a reasonably loving wife Philippe endured these eccentricities without complaint. He described her as an excellent lover. She was always willing and drove him to heights of sexual pleasure he'd not experienced until he met her. She was also warm and charming with all of his friends and associates. When it came time to entertain, it was the parties she threw that everyone wanted to attend. She could warm an ice cube when she wanted to and that had made the difference between closing or losing deals on more that a few occasions. As he described it, she had been the perfect partner during the good times.

That all changed when things started to get tough and the change in her came so quickly it made him dizzy just to think about it. She became a cold fish both in and out of bed. She threw temper tantrums often and always belittled his abilities. She went from professing undying love for him to calling him a worthless idiot with a limp dick. It didn't take long before she decided he should move to a separate bedroom and not much longer after that when she started suggesting she wanted a divorce. She was completely open about her intent to take him for all he was worth

She had done such a good job of beating him into submission that he'd actually started doubting his own self worth and as each new problem arose he was less fit to deal with it. It really became a vicious cycle. With each new problem came more abuse and as the problems mounted his ability to deal with them continued to be eroded. With his confidence restored he would be just fine and today's activities had gone a long way to restoring that confidence. Now we needed to devise a strategy to eliminate the cancer that had started him down this destructive path.

As we went through this history I found myself becoming more and more angry. Corrine was clearly a bitch straight from hell. I pictured myself taking her into my dungeon and not letting her out again until she had been completely reeducated. I would not feel the slightest bit of anxiety about loosing control with her. The training wouldn't give Philippe the wife he thought he had married but it would give him a wife he might have some fun with and he would certainly have far fewer headaches with the wife I'd return to him.

"Philippe, let's cut to the chase. I've heard more than enough to understand where the source of your problem is. How you would like to deal with it is the only real question."

He didn't take a second before he responded, "I want her dead". He was emphatic and as I probed his mind I found absolutely no doubt that this is exactly what he wanted. He wasn't interested in any other solution.

"Philippe, you are running well beyond the bounds of what I can do for you. I can influence people in many ways but I cannot and will not kill people. I hope you weren't expecting me to kill your wife for you." That was exactly what he was hoping for.

"I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. Please let me explain. I've thought about this quite a bit and the only real solution I can come up with is to have her dead. You see, if I divorce her she will get at least half of everything I own. I just can't stomach the thought of her owning half of everything my family has worked so hard to build. Given the way the courts work, that would happen regardless of who filed for divorce so I couldn't even push her to leave without suffering the same result. I've also thought about asking you to influence her to simply leave but that won't work either. I would still have to support her extravagant lifestyle and she could still decided later to go for the divorce. The only real way to permanently eliminate the problem is to bury her." He paused and it was clear he was about to get to the real point.

"I was thinking you might influence her in a different way. If she were to commit suicide I would finally be free of her. Actually, it would be true poetic justice if she could be driven to that point. The best part is, instead of having to pay through the nose to be rid of her she'd be gone and I'd collect on her life insurance. With that cash I could undo most of the damage she's done over the last few years. I know it's a radical request but I just can't see a cleaner way to get beyond this." I was probing him throughout this little dissertation and found that he had truly weighed all the options and this was truly the only one that would absolutely resolve all of his problems. I was about to be placed in a very uncomfortable position.

"Philippe, I understand what you're saying and the simplicity of your solution makes a lot of sense. I just don't know that I can help you with this. I have and my father was committed to helping people. As far as I know, we have never taken a case where the desired result is the death of anyone. Let me offer you an alternative and tell me if this wouldn't work just as well for you." I gathered my thoughts and formulated my argument. I wasn't sure it would work but I had to try.

"What if I could remake your wife into a totally different person? What I mean is, what if I could turn her into your slave. She would be totally submissive. You would be able to use her in any way you wished. She would not be the woman you married but she would not be the bitch you have been living with either. She would also loose the will to seek divorce so you could live with the peace of mind that your assets would remain intact. It would still be fairly radical and it would offer its own form of poetic justice. Just imagine seeing her bent over, tied down and begging for you to do as you wished with her." I really did like this image and this was something I could do for him and to her without hesitation. She really did deserve that much and more.

He thought about it for a while and I probed as he mentally listed all the pros and cons of this solution. It was good to see him actually working through this. However this worked out I'd at least be comfortable knowing that we had weighed the alternatives intelligently and not emotionally. He was settling on a result.

"I'm not sure that would work very well. You see if she's still around it will make things complicated. All those who have know her will wonder about the drastic change and that will raise far too many questions. Also, in my business I really need a woman that can help me entertain clients with style and class. Especially as a vintner, I need the kind of woman who can interact with people who are or at least believe themselves to be among the upper class. I don't see how Corrine can do that effectively if we turn her into a slave. If we strip her of her will I imagine she would be little more than a puppet. I can't see how she could be an effective partner in that state. I do like the idea of a lifetime of payback for her actions. I'd love to see her submit and have her know exactly why she was submitting. I just don't know that I can afford that pleasure at this stage."

Having been shown an alternative I found him starting to doubt that suicide was the right solution. He also had a conscience and driving his wife to kill herself if there was an alternative was not going to sit well with him. I was comforted knowing he had a conscience but was unsure how to counter his arguments against my solution. I was going to need time to think this through. Until then, maybe I could help him see how a properly trained slave might be able to meet his needs.

"Let's think on this for a bit. When are you scheduled to head back?"

"My flight is set for Tuesday night but I can extend if necessary. I really want to find some solution before I go back." He was in fact, desperate to find some solution. I could probably use that to my advantage.

"Good. If you don't mind I like to send a visitor over to your hotel tonight. She is also one of my slaves. I'd like you to spend the weekend with her. Take her out. Do all of the things you might need to do with her if she were your wife. Use her as well. Imagine she's Corrine and you can abuse her the way she has abused you. I will instruct her to respond to you as her master. I will also send her over with enough equipment so you can treat her as Corrine will need to be treated. After you've had a few days with her we can talk again. One last thing; your emotions will be fighting for control. Please try to keep them in check. I need you to return my slave in one piece." I laughed a bit to lighten things up just a little.

I was hoping that Savannah would show him how a balance could be struck between a truly submissive slave and a socially acceptable partner. I was confident Savannah could be both. I had no idea if Corrine could be but it was worth a try. I was sort of settling on the idea of trying to create this balance in Corrine and if I failed I could always revert to his original plan.

"That sounds like it could be a fun way to pass the weekend. When do you want to get together again?" He was already flashing on images of how he might use my slave and he was getting pretty excited by these ideas.

"Why don't you come to the house Sunday night for dinner. We can talk then and see if we can't reach some decisions. Also, if you need anything at all I will leave you with my home number. You can call at any time." With that set, I needed to get a few more details squared away and then get the hell over to the board meeting. This wound up being a far more tiring meeting than I'd expected and I was looking forward to getting out of the office.

I rang down for the car, walked Philippe out, and wished him a good weekend. My first session with my first real client had gone reasonably well and as I headed back up to my office I was felling pretty pleased with myself. I was remembering a line from an old movie "It's good to be the King". I decided it was good to be me.

The board meeting was uneventful and thankfully short. The vote was taken installing me at the helm. A very nice and heartfelt tribute was offered for Uncle Steve's fine leadership in my absence. A few project updates were offered and 2 new projects were presented. In all, it lasted 2 hours and 2 hours was about all I could have stood for. All-in-all, a perfect match.

I went back to my office, woke Rachael and sent her off to relax for the weekend. She really looked like she was going to need the recovery time and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be needing her again until Monday. I also called home and gave Mom instructions on getting Savannah prepared for her weekend. She would be the one needing recovery time before too much longer. The last thing I did was arrange a car to take Savannah to the Hyatt later that night and then locked up and headed home. I still needed to head to Mac's house to fill her parents in. Eric would be arriving tonight as well and I wanted to spend some time with him to catch up and help Annie and him to get off on the right foot. I suspected Carrie would be expressing some needs as well. I had not paid very much attention to her in the last few days.

I might also need some recovery time before this weekend came to a close. Maybe being king is not all it cracked up to be.

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MoheekoMoheekoover 12 years ago
Dear Anonymous...

if you hate it so much, quit reading it...oh and grow some balls and post as a user

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

What's the matter with you people? Guys banging the same girls, handing girls out to his clients? Did you want to be a pimp as a teenager and still do? I thought this story was to be something good. A guy taking slaves. Great, I thought. I can live out my fantasy through this story. But no, he starts handing them out as candy. What's the point in that? Do you have a secret fantacy of being a pimp for your wife or something? Dude, you seriously need some heavy counseling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago


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