Descent into Debauchery Pt. 10


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"Let's do a comparison." Nicci pressed their rock hard nipples together. Jen was quite comparable to Nicci's cantaloupes. Nicci stared down at their breasts and said, "I think you're a little bigger." When she heard no reply, she looked up and saw the stunned eyes of Jen.

That was when Jen finally gave into her lust. She leaned in and frenched Nicci hard. Then they were laying on the couch with Jen on top. Their hands explored each others bodies as they made out. Then they found their pants and shoved them down without looking.

Jen pulled Nicci up and slid into a scissoring position with her. As they dry humped each others bald wet pussies, they kissed and fondled each others breasts. Jen kept breathlessly protesting how they should stop as her hands reached around to Nicci's back and pulled her closer. Her hands slid down to Nikki's tight young butt and gripped it firmly.

Jen moaned and said, "I wish I still had a firm young butt like that."

"I wish I had your wide hips."

That was when they heard the front door open. "Mom! How many times do I have to tell you. No sex in the common areas." Nicci suddenly felt embarrassed and hid her face in Jen's shoulder so that Jenny could not see who she was.

"Jenny, I'm sorry, this isn't what it looks like." Jenny stormed off to her room and slammed the door behind her. Jen thought about going to talk to her, but she was so close. "Well, she's seen me do worse."

That statement made Nicci squirt a little. She wanted to hear all of this woman's stories, just not right now. They picked up where they left off at a fever pitch. And moments later their pussy's were trading liquids. They screamed and moaned and held each other so tightly that they feared they would squeeze the breath out of each other.

Jen laid back on the couch and Nicci fell forward using her breasts as pillows. They laid their for about thirty minutes falling in and out of consciousness.

At a certain point, Nicci suddenly had a crisis of conscience. She felt no guilt about having sex. That was still amazing. She felt guilty that they had been trying to manipulate Jenny this entire time. This guilt got so intense that she had to confess it to someone.

So she told Jen. It took several minutes as she told the story from the very beginning. With her and Tom's first meeting. Jen held her silence the entire time and Nicci wondered what she was thinking. "I'm sorry. It was wrong of us to try and seduce her into something she didn't want to do."

"I don't think you should stop." Those were the last words Nicci thought she would hear in that moment.


"I hate what pressure our society puts on sex. Sex should be fun, you should enjoy it. Do it as much as you can, and in as many creative ways as you can." Jen then told her their family's story. After having Jenny, her ex got really strict about sex. He started seeing every woman as someone's daughter. He would barely sleep with Jen, let alone try anything adventurous.

The final straw came when they found out that Jenny had lost her virginity. Her father lost his mind. He went on a rant about how she is filthy and disgusting. He threatened to send her away to an all girls school. He had already picked it out. Brownard University.

"That was before the big sex scandal came to light. I finally had to take a stand. I divorced him and got full custody on the grounds of his constant verbal abuse. Ever since then, Jenny has struggled with two natures. The sexually liberated ideology from me, and the sex is evil side of her father."

"Has she had sex since?"

"Yes. But she has to be dating a guy for a while before she will have sex with him. And then it's just sex, nothing special. I get the sense that she won't even take all of her clothes off during the act."

Nicci thought back to the pool. How much she tempted Tom. She basically stripped for him. Nicci asked what Jen thought about that.

"That's exactly why I think you should press on. I think that's a sign that she wants to get past these restrictions, but it is so hard for her. If you can help her branch out past her comfort zone, I think that would break this stone facade she has built up over the years."

Nicci thought about that for a second. "Any ideas."

"Plenty, but right now the only thought in my mind is that you haven't tried out my sybian yet." Jen pulled Nicci to her room, and they rode the sybian together. Then she introduced Nicci to a lot of her other toys.

Nicci enjoyed that night, but she was also walking home bow legged the next morning. When she walked back into her apartment, Tom and Mary Ann were laying butt naked on the floor. Mary Ann was covered in cum and the floor was soaking wet from her squirt.

"So? What's the plan?" Nicci demanded impatiently.

"After you made the introduction to Jen, I've been texting back and forth with her. We've been strategizing how we can pull Jenny out of her shell. We are going to have a little party, and Jen is going to help us stock it with tons of alcohol. Inhibitions being lowered is the first part of the plan. The second part will be a surprise that the two of you will have to find out about the night of."

"How can we guarantee that Jenny will actually come?" Asked Nicci.

"That day at the pool she was practically begging for Tom to take her. Jen even said that as soon as she got home from the pool that day she darted for her bedroom and locked the door. She's positive she heard some moaning through the door."

Tom was starting to get hard again just thinking about the fact that Jenny was masturbating to thoughts of him.

Tom made the invitation to Jenny personally. He felt like a boy bringing flowers to the cute girl next door. For her part, Jenny blushed and grinned like the innocent neighbor girl. She agreed and promptly showed up at 8 p.m.

The party was small and had a mix of men and women, young and old to abate suspicion. Jen even came as well. Part of Mary Ann's plan was for Nicci and Tom to pretend not to be a couple for the night. Nicci thought the play acting sounded fun and wanted in. So she and Mary Ann pretended to be a couple as well.

Tom and Jenny flirted shamelessly all night. And her glass never seemed to run dry. Ironically, it was her own mother that kept filling it. Mary Ann and Nicci had so much fun pretending to be a couple. Guys were throwing themselves at them, but when one thought he might be getting close. Mary Ann would walk over and say, "Hey babe, want a refill." Then they would kiss passionately and then part to dropped jaws and full pants.

That became their second game to play until the second part of the plan kicked into effect. They would spot a tent from across the room and one would dare the other to "accidentally" make contact. Nicci would squeeze between the guy and the person he was talking too and let her butt bump his tip. Mary Ann was a little more direct. She would join the conversation and at a funny point she would double over laughing and swipe her hand down. This way it looked like she accidentally tapped it with her palm.

By the time Jenny's face was inches from Tom's and she was playfully touching his arm, hand and shoulder. Jen knew she was ready and she started subtly trying to move the party goers to her apartment. Unsurprisingly, the only ones to really follow were the young single men. The older people left about 10:00, and the few remaining women and couples got uncomfortable watching Mary Ann and Nicci nearly humping each other on the couch.

The couch make out session was partially for that, and partially because they were getting really hot from people watching them. As soon as it was just the four of them, Marry Ann and Nicci came over and asked if Tom and Jenny wanted to play a game.

Jenny suddenly realised the situation and asked, "Where'd my mom go?"

"Oh, I saw her leave with about four guys. She said something about having more fun back at her apartment." Nicci explained.

Jenny face palmed and sighed. "Not again."

"OK, so this game." Mary Ann suggested.

"I don't know." Jenny said. Even slightly drunk she was suspicious of the two women.

"No, don't go home yet?" Tom pleaded as he gently took her hand. This was a loaded plea though. One, it showed further interest from him. Two, it reminded her of what was going on in her apartment at the moment.

"OK" Jenny looked optimistically at Tom. "What game do you want to play?"

Pretending she was just thinking up this idea, Mary Ann chimed in with "OOH! We could play Sardines." Everyone looked surprised, and everyone but Mary Ann was. She wanted their honest confused reactions to sell the spontaneity of the suggestion..

"What is that?" Tom asked honestly.

"It's kind of like reverse hide and seek. One person hides in a blacked out house, and the other three look for them. As soon as one of the seekers finds them, they hide with them, this carries on until the last seeker finds the group."

Jenny couldn't help but laugh at the visual she got of one person struggling to find a group of people huddled in a mass in the dark. But then she thought of something. "How is that going to be a challenge in a one bedroom apartment?"

Mary Ann briefly looked crestfallen, but then she brightened with an apparently new idea. "I know, we could play in the leasing office. They have three offices, a copy room, storage room, living room setup, kitchenette, computer room, bathrooms and showers for the pool area, exercise room, tanning room, and laundry room. It's like a big house."

"Wait. How are we supposed to get in there, it's well after hours?" Tom asked genuinely confused.

Mary Ann waved away their concerns. "I do some cleaning for them after hours for a slight discount on my rent. So I have a key."

Tom and Nicci were so excited by the idea, that Jenny felt obligated to go along. So they scurried across the dark parking lot to the leasing office. They discussed who should be the first to hide and, unsurprisingly, Jenny was picked. The three started counting as Jenny hurried off. As soon as she was out of hearing range, Mary Anne filled them on the plan.

"Tom, you are going to find her first. When the two of you are huddled closely together in the dark, don't be afraid to get a little personal with her. She's ready for you. I can tell by the way she looks at you. Keep in mind that this is only the middle step. So don't push her too hard in there."

Tom understood and took of feeling his way like a blind man through the dark building. He searched through three rooms before he got to the room with the tanning bed. There was a very subtle amount of light coming through the blinds from the street lamp outside.

Tom knelt down by the bed and raised the lid. He could just barely see Jenny in her white tee and short white tennis skirt laying there. He pretended he couldn't though and began feeling around. His left hand went to her stomach, and his right touched her arm, shoulder, and finally he groped her breast.

In her drunken state, Jenny thought he really couldn't see her and she giggled at his 'Mistake'. "That's my boob. Get in here."

Tom giggled in response and climbed on top of her before closing the door. As much as Jenny enjoyed the weight of him on top of her, he was squashing her a bit. "Let's flip." She whispered.

They wiggled around until Jenny was on top of him. Jenny was a little unstable balancing on his firm body, so she asked, "Can your hold me steady so I'm not wobbling around?"

Tom reached his hands around her and accidently grabbed her butt. That time it was an accident. He was going for her lower back. "Oh, sorry." And he moved his hands to their intended goal.

"No, that's ok. You can leave them there." Jenny's statement made Tom stiffen up, and she noticed instantly, but said nothing.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She said as she smiled down at him.

Tom lowered his hands back to her luscious firm butt. Images of her dancing around in the laundry room flooded his mind. The she surprised Tom with a kiss. Tom returned the kiss, and his hands instinctively began to knead her glutes. The skirt was already half way up and his fondling slid it the rest of the way. He was now groping her butt through her thin cottony panties.

As they continued to make out, Toms hands inched further and further between her legs. Until he was finally stroking her lips through the material. As her pussy started to moisten the cotton, Tom could feel more definition. They both let out a soft moan just before the lid to the tanning bed flung open.

Nicci could see quite a bit in the faint light, but just like Tom, she pretended she couldn't see them. Nicci reached down and felt Jenny's lower back, before her hands started working their way down towards her butt.

Jenny said nothing at first because she foolishly hoped that Nicci would think they weren't there and leave. But when her fingers started to slip beneath the hem line of her panties, she spoke up immediately.

"We're here. You found us."

"OK. Scoot over so I can get in.

As they were changing positions, even in the dim light of the room, Tom could see her hard nipples poking through her thin shirt. She was absolutely not wearing a bra under her thin midriff. Combined with the sight of her long legs in her Daisy Dukes, Toms shorts were getting very uncomfortable.

In all the shifting around so that they all could fit, he managed to adjust himself so that his erection was pointing up as much as possible. When all was settled, Tom and Jenny were facing each other and Nicci was facing the back of Jenny. They were packed so close together, that they really epitomized the idea of the game.

No one spoke, but Tom and Jenny's breath was getting rough from the excitement. Tom's erection ended up pressing perfectly through their clothes against her clit. They weren't the only one's getting excited though. Nicci's hard nipples were getting her excited as they brushed up and down against Jenny's back with every breath. If that weren't enough, her free hand just naturally fell on Jenny's side butt.

Jenny tried to pretend she didn't feel Nicci's smooth soft hand on her, or the rock hard nipples burrowing into her back, but they were impossible to ignore. She told herself that her arousal was simply from Tom and his prick pressing into her, but it was a lie.

Jenny didn't realise that she was flexing her hips back and forth until it was too late. They were all breathing heavy and on the verge of cumming when the lights turned on and they all noticed the lid was fully open. Mary Ann was standing there staring at them with a smirk on her black lipsticked lips. Her dark hair in pigtails, she was wearing a schoolgirl type skirt that ended just below her knees. Her black socks came up to just below her knees. To top the school girl ensemble off, she was wearing a white button up that was tied off just below her breasts, and the top several buttons were undone.

"OH, well. I guess I lose." Mary Ann chimed, acting completely oblivious to what had been going on. Jenny struggled to worm her way out of the sandwich and rushed out of the room embarrassed.

Mary Ann grabbed Nicci and told her to go after her. "Make sure she doesn't go home. Remind her what's there. Tell her that you think Tom actually likes her, whatever. Just keep her from going home."

Nicci rushed out of the room and Tom laboriously climbed out of the tanning bed. His tent was blatantly obvious, and his pants were wet from a mixture of pre cum and pussy juice.

"You look like you could use some relief. We can't have you popping to soon and making a mess everywhere." Mary Ann closed the door behind her and dropped to her knees.

She freed Tom's shaft and sucked him into her mouth. It was only a matter of seconds before he was sending blast after blast of cum down her throat. She sucked him until he was flacid to make sure there wasn't a mess.

Nicci was able to get Jenny to stay and they headed back to the apartment. There was a brief awkward silence as they settled back into the room. Mary Ann was making everyone another drink.

The silence made Jenny second guess her decision to stay. "Actually, it's kind of late, maybe I should go."

Everyone voiced their objections, but Tom was the one to save it. He walked up right beside her very casually and began stroking her low back. "No, stay. The party was just getting fun." His hand then slid down to her butt. That made her freeze a little. "I'm sure the next game will be even more exciting." His hand moved underneath her skirt and felt her lace panties and warm flesh.

No one else could see what his hand was doing, but they knew something was happening by the pleasurable look that Jenny was trying to hide. "Oh, ok."

Mary Ann handed everyone their drink and motioned them to sit in a circle on the floor. Everyone was cross legged and Mary Ann could just see the wet spot in Jenny's panties. "OK. The next game, is truth or dare."

The idea terrified Jenny with this group, but she also thought it might be her perfect opportunity to get closer to Tom. "Ok." She agreed.

"And if you decline to follow through, you lose an article of clothes." Jenny immediately protested against that. But again it was Tom's soothing erotic hand that led her back.

He touched her thigh and rubbed it up and down. Every stroke moved a little further up her leg. He pulled away just as his finger tips inched under the hemline.

They kept the game very tame at first. Do a shot, a handstand, sing your favorite song like Goofy. Slowly they got more risky though. Tom passed three times in a row. Not because he had an issue with the dare, but he was secretly an exhibitionist. He was down to his shorts, losing his shoes, socks, and shirt. Mary Ann couldn't play the same game because it would have been too obvious. So she pulled her shirt off showing her then black bra. She elected to keep her shoes on.

Nicci had done the opposite. She lost her shorts. She shook her cute butt in its cream colored thong as she dropped her shorts. Jenny decided to lose the tennis skirt after losing her socks and shoes. She figured she wasn't covering much sitting on the floor anyways.

Tom picked truth. Jenny had enough alcohol in her to finally get a little braver. "Tom. How long is your penis?" Everyone oohed.

"Flaccid or erect?"


"About 3 and 8 inches respectively." Jenny unconsciously licked her lips and glanced down.

Mary Ann looked at Jenny and asked. "Truth or Dare."

"Dare." She was feeling a bit frisky with that visual in her mind.

"I dare you to take a measuring tape and see if Tom is telling the truth."

Jenny wasn't sure if the tightness in her pelvis was from embarrassment, or being turned on. "Well. That's not exactly fair. That's asking Tom to do a dare when it's not his turn."

"Fine." Nicci said. "Tom, I dare you to let her measure you."

Tom looked at Jenny and said, "I'm game if you are."

She didn't want to look too eager, so she simply said, "OK."

They got up and went to the bathroom to have a little privacy. Tom immediately dropped trou. And Jenny stared hungrily at it. It was at about half mast. "I just realised that might be a problem." He gestured at himself.

"What problem? I don't see a problem."

Tom laughed. "I'm not flaccid, but I'm not hard. And with the way the game is going, I don't see myself going flaccid any time soon. Especially with you staring at it with that lust in your eyes."

Jenny's eyes flitted up to his, finally breaking her staring contest with his member. "Well. I could help you out with that."

"What do you mean?" Tom played stupid.

In response, Jenny dropped to her knees, licked her palm and began jerking him off. Tom was already getting weak in the knees. But she stopped when he stopped growing. She took the tape measure and checked it. "You were being modest. You're closer to eight and a half."