Designated Driver


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My fingers and tongue work in concert, stimulating her nipples and clit, my fingers matching the speed and pressure of my tongue, and soon she's moaning loudly. My cock is growing harder as her clit swells in my mouth. I stop licking and rubbing and Mia pants in frustration. I flick hard with my tongue and her hips buck. I flick again and she bucks again. With each flick her body writhes and her moans grow louder. I quicken my pace and now she's yelling, calling out to a higher power. Her body stiffens and she cries out as her orgasm washes over her. I move my mouth down and gently lap up her juices. After she quiets down, I lay my head on her stomach and she runs her fingers through my hair.

"God, Jon, that was . . ." She gives up, unable to find the words, shaking her head.

I kiss her stomach. My cock is fully hard again, and I'm ready to go, but I want her to catch her breath. I wait but soon her hands become still and her breathing is slow and steady. I look up and she's asleep. I crawl up next to her and pull the covers with me. She snuggles her body against mine and murmurs something inaudible. While I'm ready to go now, I can wait. I know she'll wake up in a couple of hours and we'll continue then.

I lie there next to her, my arm wrapped around her, and I listen to her sleep. I'm extremely happy at the moment, and for the first time I'm glad Rachel dumped me. Right now, it appears to be the best thing that's happened to me, outside of tonight. I think about Rachel and I wonder if she's happy with Rick. To my surprise, I hope she is. At this instant I have enough good will for the whole world, including her.

I enjoy the moment, lying next to Mia, listening to her steady breathing but the call of nature urges me out of bed. I make my way down the hall, find the bathroom and relieve myself. I just step back into the hallway when Jo's bedroom door flies open and she stumbles out. She hurries towards me, her hand against the wall to keep herself upright, and rushes past me to the bathroom. I don't think she even noticed I was naked. I go back to Mia's room, pull the door closed and lie on the bed listening to Jo retch.

Eventually, it stops and the house is quiet, except for the sound of quiet crying. I gently shake Mia trying to wake her up, but she rolls over, snoring softly. I'm not sure what to do. Louder sobs convince me to check on Joann. I get up, pull on my jeans and shirt, and go out into the hall. I knock quietly on the bathroom door.

"Jo?" I ask quietly. "Are you okay?"

The sobbing lessens. "I don't know." Her voice sounds raw and weak.

"Can I come in and help you?"


I open the door and blink at the bright lights until my eyes adjust and I find Jo sitting in front of the toilet. The smell hits me and my stomach lurches. Jo is sobbing again, too weak to stand. Under the sink I find a clean washcloth and wet it with cold water. I kneel next to her and offer it. She takes it and wipes around her mouth, cleaning herself. I rinse it out and give it back.

"Jo? Do you want some water?"

She nods and I go down to the kitchen and fill a plastic cup with water. I take it to Jo and she sips carefully. I apply the wet washcloth to the back of her neck and Jo holds my hand there with hers in gratitude. When she's ready I help her to her feet and back down to her room. Good, she didn't throw up in here. Jo walks forward and crawls into bed. I pull the covers up and I set the cup on the night stand. I turn back to her and she's looking at me with those gorgeous green eyes.

"Thanks," she says weakly, and closes her eyes.

I go and turn off the bathroom light and I stand in the hall outside Mia's door uncertain of what to do. Do I climb back in bed with Mia, or do I go home? She asked me to stay and I should. If I leave now, I'll hurt her feelings for no good reason. I go into her room, strip, and climb into bed. I check the clock: 3:37. I'm glad I'm not working brunch or I'd have to get up in an hour and a half. Mia's body is warm and inviting under the sheets. I lie next to her and close my eyes and try to sleep.

All I see in my mind's eye is Jo crawling into her bed, her tight, round, panty-clad ass in the air, her legs slightly apart. I didn't intend to look, but I did, and now that image is seared in my mind. The scene plays over and over again in slow motion, and with each replay, Jo's face turns to me, inviting me to follow.

I'm such a jerk. Here I am, lying in bed next to a beautiful woman and all I can think about is her best friend, who's going through a rough time and is vulnerable. Maybe Rachel was right, maybe I am no good. That's what she called me in the end, explaining why she had been having the affair. It was my fault, she told me. I drove her away, I was never around, I was always working at night, we never had enough money because I wasn't ambitious enough, and on and on.

I drift off to these thoughts.

Through the fog of sleep, I hear the bedroom door open and close and soft footsteps pad across the floor. Mia is sleeping to my right and to my left I feel the covers lift and a naked body press against mine. I'm not fully awake yet but I know it's Jo. She shouldn't be here. If Mia finds her here she'll be pissed at Jo but even more at me. Jo's hand rubs my chest and nipples slowly before moving down my stomach towards my stiffening cock. I can feel her perfect breast and perfect nipple pressing against my side, the down of her pubic hair against my thigh. I have to stop her before Mia wakes up but I'm all tangled in the web of sleep. Her hand moves down and closes around me, stroking and twisting vibrantly. I awake with a start.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to startle you," Mia says, kissing my chest.

Mia is on my left, her hand between my legs, and no one is on my right. Through the window I see the grey dawn sky of morning. I exhale, trying to relax.

"Sorry," I mumbled, "you caught me in a dream."

"Must have been good."


"Your dream. It must have been a good one to make you so hard," and she gives my shaft a playful twist.

"Yeah, but it's all hazy in mind. You were in it, that's for sure," I added, yawning.

She fondles my sac making me even harder.

"Enough dreaming," she says, "it's time to wake up. You and I have unfinished business."

She kisses me seductively on the lips. Fully awake and fully aroused, I kiss her back. She climbs on top, her breasts heavy against my chest. My hands roam over her back and ass, enjoying the curves of her body. Her pubic hair brushes against my cock, inviting me in.

"Sorry I fell asleep on you last night," she apologizes, her lips pressed against mine.

"No problem. I wasn't going anywhere because I knew you'd wake me when you were ready," I tell her.

We kiss some more and Mia slides her pussy along my shaft, her labia parting, wetting my cock with her juices. I want so much to slip inside her, to feel her tight pussy wrapped around my cock, to make love to her, but I have to stop this before it goes too far.


She's kissing and licking my ear. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have a condom. I don't think we should do this."

She gets up on all fours, her pussy pressing down on my cock. "I think we should and we shall," she says, matter-of-factly. She smiles down at me. "I have some," she adds with a tilt of her head and crawls up towards the night stand.

She pulls open the drawer, reaching around inside, searching. Her stomach is above my face and I kiss it softly, my tongue between my lips. Mia looks at me and smiles, and resumes searching. I scoot down, kissing lower and thread my arms between her legs. She now has the box in her hand but the condoms are forgotten as my mouth reaches her wet pussy. She sits up and grabs the headboard for balance. She oohs and ahhs as my lips surround her clit, my tongue darting. In less than a minute her moans fill the room and her thighs squeeze my head as she comes. I kiss her sex softly as she slowly relaxes, her thighs trembling. She lies next to me and I sit up.

"God, you're so good at that," she says, out of breath. "You're tongue is incredible."

I smile and take the condoms from her hand. I open the box, pull out a condom and proceed to unwrap it. Its texture feels different them I'm used to and I ask her about it.

"It's lambskin," she tells me. "I have a reaction to latex, sort of like a skin allergy, that's why I have my own supply. With a regular condom I get all irritated, you don't want to know," she says, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

I laugh, place the condom my rod and roll it down. She's lying on her back, her legs apart, expectant. I kneel in front of her, and with one hand, guide the tip of my cock to her wet slit. She starts a little when the cool skin of the condom touches her. I rub my head against her opening, coaxing it open, and slide in, a little bit at a time. I wait for her to relax before sliding in some more. At long last, I'm in all the way, and even through the condom I can feel the intense heat of her pussy. It grips my cock snugly, like a velvet glove. I slowly rock my hips, savoring the sensation. Mia has her hands locked around my neck and one leg is draped around me, her foot just below my ass. We move as one, our eyes slitted from the intense pleasure. She let's go of my neck and puts her hands up by her head.

I put my hands in each of hers, our fingers interlocked, and I put them back above her head and hold them there firmly. This really turns her on and she wraps her other leg around me, her feet encouraging my thrusts. She feels so good as she moves under me, and I see her bite her lip, and watch her breasts shake with each thrust. My balls feel heavy again, aching for release. My hips thrust faster and I close my eyes, trying to prolong the moment.

In my mind's eye, I see Jo crawling on the bed again in slow motion. I open my eyes quickly and Mia's looking up at me smiling and panting, her feet spurring me on. I feel guilty, but physically I'm almost past the point of no return. Mia raises her head and kisses me, her heels dig into my buttocks, pushing me closer to the edge. I close my eyes to hang on and there's Jo again, on all fours waiting. What's wrong with me, why can't enjoy the moment? Mia squeezes my hands tightly and I continue to pound. In my mind, Jo's head is slowly turning towards me and I know when she looks back at me she's going to invite me to mount her, but when I see her face it's Mia, not Jo on the bed, saying, 'Fuck me, Jon, fuck me hard.'

"Ooh, fuck me hard!" she's saying under me.

I open my eyes and explode, moaning in ecstasy. My body becomes rigid and the sound of our heavy breathing fills the room, and Mia cradles my head in her arms. I smile and give her a kiss and slowly pull out of her, and flop onto the bed exhausted. Mia strokes my cheek and I see we're both covered in sweat. I want to sleep, holding her like this, but I get up to tend to the condom.

When I return from the bathroom, Mia is still awake but sleepy eyed. I crawl under the sheets with her and take her in my arms. While I know she didn't have an orgasm, I'm glad she didn't fake one. It will take me a while to learn her body, but I'm willing to try over and over again, whatever it takes, until I succeed. We sleep.

When I wake it's after 9 and Mia is putting on a robe. She's sees me looking at her and tells me she's going to check on Jo. I lie in bed, completely at ease, enjoying the comfort of it all, but after a few minutes I decide to make her breakfast and I swing out of bed. I find my jeans and my shirt, but I can't locate my underwear. I shrug and pull on my jeans. I meet her in the hall as she comes out of Jo's room. I offer her breakfast and she accepts. It's obvious neither of us wants our time together to end.

Mia stays in her robe and we go downstairs. I whip up some omelets and make some toast, and the whole time she is talking to me, watching me, smiling and flirting. Her smile is contagious and I can't help but to smile back. We eat, sitting across from each other and during breakfast the only thing on my mind is that she's naked under that robe. I'm tempted to take her right there, on the table, but I remember Jo is upstairs.

Mia clears the dishes and comes back, walking around to my side of the table. I push my chair back and she sits in my lap. We kiss some more. She feels so good in my arms, so right. She kisses the side of my neck. My hand caresses her inner thigh under the robe, moving higher, parting her legs. She sits back and I watch her face closely as my hand moves higher, my fingers running through her pubic hair, parting her labia, finding wetness. Mia closes her eyes and purses her lips together as my finger slides easily inside her, but the sounds of footsteps and a door closing upstairs interrupt us. Mia stands up, smoothes out her robe and goes up to check on Jo. I wait in the living room until she comes back down, dressed, and tells me she needs to get her car, specifically, Jo's stuff. There's medication she needs from her bag.

I drive her back to my place and we don't talk much, but it's a good thing. It feels comfortable, natural. I pull in next to her car and I see Eric got his already, but Kurt and Linda's is still here. I turn off the engine and face Mia. We embrace and kiss, my hands roaming her body and I feel another erection coming on.

"Jo told me how you helped her last night when she was sick," Mia says, her lips nibbling my ear. I nod and shrug, my mouth busy on her neck. She goes on. "And she said you look good naked."

I pull back and Mia laughs at the shocked look on my face. My face feels hot as I blush and mumble out some sort of apology. Still laughing, she shakes her head and kisses me on the lips. Finally, she settles down.

"Seriously, thanks for helping out Jo last night, both times. I don't know many guys who would do all that."

"No problem."

Mia hugs me and whispers in my ear. "You're one of the good guys, and Rachel was fool to not see it."

She's right, I am one of the good guys. The past year I've been down on myself because of all the terrible things Rachel said to me and about me, things she had no right to say. I'm not the bad guy, Rachel is. It's not up to her to tell me who or what I am, it's up to me.

"I really enjoyed last night. And this morning," I add after a moment. Mia sits back and smiles. "Want to get together later?"

Her smile falters. "I don't know, Jon," she says quietly and I feel the bottom of my stomach fall away.

My insides feel shattered, and I suddenly realize just how fragile I am. I try not to show it on my face, but I don't know if I succeed. I want to say something, but I can't, no words can make sense of this. She touches my face, and her fingers are warm and loving. She goes on.

"I want to see you again. I believe we have a good thing together and I want to see where it goes." I can feel my insides mend at her words. "But Jo needs me right now. It would be best if we proceed slowly, and see how it all plays out." She looks out her window briefly before going on. "If we'd gotten together any other time, we'd still be at my place, having sex on the kitchen counter, or on the living room floor, or on the stairs, or in the shower." She turns to me and smiles, and takes my face in her hands.

We kiss and hold each other for a long time, long enough to steam up the windows. But it's time for her to leave. She gets out, unlocks her car and opens the door, and waits for me. We kiss and she holds me tightly, so tightly I'm aroused again. She feels it and moves her hand down, squeezing my bulge.

"This is slow and easy?" I ask, laughing.

She laughs, too. "Nothing wrong with a little fooling around."

We kiss some more, and then she gets in and starts her car. I close the door and she rolls down the window.

"Something to remember me by," she says, pulling her t-shirt down briefly giving me a quick glimpse of her bare breast. "Call me tonight."

I promise.

And I will.

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oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

After a second read I still find this is very good, very caring story, well put together and quite entertaining, makes a nice change that the lead man wasn’t a super stud, really enjoyed it.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

typical. girl admits she is attracted to him, he is a good guy, but can't right now because of her friend. Female BS talk. make some casual dates for all 3 of them, not hard to do

whacky76whacky76over 2 years ago

Where did the author go, this is another great story but it was written decades ago. I hope the author is still writing, a talent like this should always express itself. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

There is that 3:37 clock thing again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
real and tender and honestly beautiful. chapter two will be a challenge...or perhaps not. you have an easy, flowing style to your prose that makes me think the inspiration for this story came a good place...happy and personal a wonderfully intimate. grea


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