Designated Driver


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The girls headed inside, and were waiting on me at the VIP ropes. The kid minding the store was slack jawed at the old guy escorting eight hot babes into the VIP area. Of course they hammed it up before the billiard break to the dance floor.

I LOVE these ear buds. I was listening to some nice mellow jazz while I watched tits and ass wiggle and jiggle. I could feel the music, but I didn't have to listen to it. As some of the girls came and went, I found I had to cock one ear bud just a little to let some of the noise in so I could hear what they were saying.

I was keeping an eye on Sonya, and the guy she was dancing with was being a bit aggressive. I was just about to go intervene when he let out a howl and started to drop to the floor grabbing his crotch. Her fist met his nose as he went down changing the tone of the howl. The girls just cheered her on. Lance shook his head as the guys dragged the idiot out the door.

Cherry grinned. Sonya had four older brothers, she knew just where to plant the knee and fist. Her brothers had to use padding when they worked out with her. I laughed and shook my head, she just grinned and smiled. The guys left her alone if she stopped them.

Cherry tried to get me out on the dance floor.



"They don't play anything even close to my speed."

"We could pretend..."

I sighed, she smiled. I thought a bit, then had an idea. "Hang on."

I went to Lance and got a pair of ear plugs. I took one of my ear buds out and put a plug in, then handed a plug and ear bud to Cherry.

She grinned and put the plug and ear bud in and drug me to the dance floor.

I selected a nice slow number, and she grinned and cuddled against me. We could still hear the racket from the club in the background with one ear plug apiece, but she cuddled in and put her head against my chest. I put my arms around her back and we did a nice slow dance in the middle of the pandemonium.

She grinned as she handed me the plug and ear bud back and went off to gyrate with her friends. I was surprised Marci, Claire, and even little Sonya got in on the act. Of course Claire and Sonya just happened to be at the end of the night so the girls wormed an extra hour out of me.

We only lost one to alternate transportation tonight.

Cherry was a bit less inebriated tonight, we actually walked back to her apartment. She tried to invite me in with a lot of kissing and grinding. I was very tempted, VERY tempted. But she was under the influence, so no.


It was only a two week gap this time, and seven girls. The outfits had gotten a bit more interesting, but not a lot. There were several of the other young women on the dance floor that were having more success in catching the guys for the night, and my herd was not happy. I just chuckled.

"What?!" Marci hollered. "What do those sluts have that we don't?"

I looked over, and while the girls they were pointing at weren't dressed all that different, "They're just not hiding their figures."

"WHAT!" Marci gasped and looked down at her barely encased body. "Like what the hell am I hiding?"

I rolled my eyes, I should have kept my mouth shut.


I glanced over at a particularly hot babe, tits jiggling and a nice hint of nipple, then back at Marci. "You wearing a padded bra?"

"Of course."

I just smiled.

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

I scanned the women at the table, all had the 'perfect shape'. "Are any of you not wearing a padded or shaped bra?"

I think Cherry was the only one that raised her hand, and I knew she had a pink lace thing of some sort on.

"So you all have the perfect shape, and every guy in here knows it. And I bet none of you have that shape without one."

Marci had too much to drink, "SO!"

"To a guy, that's false advertising."

"How's that?"

"Some of you like hairy chests, some don't. Now what would you think if every guy in here wore triple breasted long sleeve shirts buttoned up so you had no clue if he had body hair or not?"

I had seven fish out of water. I turned to my phone and selected the next few songs. The table was a bit solemn, and we called it an early night. I got a soft not to drunken kiss from Cherry.

I wasn't expecting to be their driver again.


Surprised the shit out of me, I got a text four days later, 'Lunch?'

I looked at my current ride and the one in queue. 'One o'clock at The Bistro?'


I found Cherry in her medical school scrubs, and Marci in a shirt with one button fastened over what looked like a sports bra and leggins.

I sat down and looked at them a bit, the waitress coming up for our order just prolonged it. A bit more silence after that...

"So?" I said.

They tried to talk at once, then Marci took over. "We wanted to say we're sorry for the other night. It's just that those guys were being so... so..."

"Human?" I finished for her

Her mouth dropped. "But they were so... and those sluts were so..."

I shook my head and sighed. They really had no clue. But in this day and age and a total lack of education in the real world, they probably thought the fantasy world many of their teachers preached and the corrupt media echoed was reality. "What about them?"

"They were putting it out there practically flaunting their boobs!"

Well, in for a penny in for a pound. "As opposed to hiding them behind foam padding."

"But we were looking hot."

I shrugged, "To a woman maybe, but only momentarily to a man. The outfit might catch our eye, but then we look at what's behind it, try and figure out what she's hiding."

"I wasn't hiding anything."

I raised an eyebrow at that.

"I wasn't!"

"But how do I know you don't have some long sagging udders rolled up in the padded bra?"

Marci's mouth dropped open and Cherry sprayed me with a mouth full of water.

"Just like that sports bra. All the lines and patterns are meant to obscure what's hidden behind it. Not to mention adding another layer of the shirt. It practical screams 'I'm hiding something' to any man that looks."

Our food arrived, Marci got hers to go. Cherry and I ate in silence for a bit.

"Are guys really that... primitive?"

"More like biological. Women want to fall in love before having sex, while guys want to make sure the sex is good before falling in love."

She looked at me stopping in mid bite.

"All your romance novels and such. The fantasy world a lot of the teachers and professors promote are all about good feelings and fairness. It's not the real world, and for the most part it never will be. Equal opportunity is in no way related to equal outcome." I sighed, "Can we eventually remember to put the toilet seat back down? Sure."

Cherry smiled and finished her bite.

"But stopping us from watching a woman's ass as she walks away, her chest move as she walks toward us, even wanting to reach out and caress that ass and give it a bit of a squeeze, that's all biological."

She smiled and shook a finger at me as she ate.

"That ranks right up there with the woman that thinks she can train the man she wants into doing things the way she wants him to do it. Little things maybe, but wanting to ravage you in a bikini and ignore you in a parka is just mother nature."

"Ouch, had a bad one did you?"

I shrugged, "First marriage, and a few bad girlfriends since."

"So give me an example."

"Well first off you have to assume you aren't wearing a live bra..."


I smiled, "A live bra, one that can stand up all on its own."

Cherry groaned and shook her head.

"So you see a guy glancing several times at your chest. Do you hunch to hide, ignore him, sit back a bit to give him a better view, or arch your back and cross your arms behind your back?"

I give her credit, I didn't get a shower this time, but she was coughing and looking at me bug eyed.

I shrugged, "Guess which end of that men and women are on?"

"I mean, the pink lace corset was hot, but you can't wear that all the time," I continued.

She about choked on what she was eating. "When did you..."

I smiled remembering those nice dark nipples showing through, "Birthday," was all I said.

"But I had my shirt over..."

I was still smiling as the blush went up her chest, then shook my head.

Cherry gasped and ran for the door, and yes I watched her ass as she did. I paid for our meals and went back to driving. I revisited the birthday and down blouse videos that evening.

And life went on.


It was several months later in the sweltering heat of summer, and I was mid-way through editing my latest video treasure. A young woman in a scoop neck crop top and gray leggins.

A nice pair of large C or small D cups, braless of course, and some prominent nipples standing out. The occasional beam of sunshine across her lap giving evidence to a hungry shaved pussy. Several nice speed bumps and pot holes making her bounce up enough to give me some nice bare underboob, and one good side turn had her nipple almost popping out the neck line. I did get a nice shot of a large dark crinkled firm areola though.

I was about half way through cropping and slo mo'ing the bouncing tits when I got a text.

'We still friends?'

I smiled, not sure if friends was quite the right term. 'What's up?'

'Was wondering if you'd drive us to the club and back Saturday?'

'The usual gang?'

'Not quite, and no Marci so we'd need to use your car.'

'Send me the info and I'll look at it.'

Just because I could, I put a nice still shot of Cherry in her pink lace corset on my monitor while I went through her text.

The addresses were a bit more spread out, and I smiled and shook my head, it was four names, an extra space, and then Sonya. A different club I had to look up as well.

I didn't recognize it, so I gave Lance a call. He made a few calls. He talked to the owner, but no VIP treatment on a Saturday night. Best he could do for us would be complimentary valet parking and a reserved eight top.

Arrangements were made and I planned my pick up route. Sonya was in the middle.

This club was a few notches up from Lance's place. Fancier shorter outfits and a lot less bras from all the pointed movements on my herd. I settled in and the girls took off. It was nice that a few of them had taken some of what I said to heart.

Cherry still had a lace bra on, but the neck line was lower and the top thin enough to see the lace texture. Sonya still had a bit of something on, but she at least had some movement there.

I was enjoying the view as they came and went. A couple hours in they all returned with several friends and two cackling like mad. I had to rotate my ear bud just to make sure it was all good.

Extra chairs were drug up, but they were still one short, so Sonya proceeded to make a big show of wiggling her ass as she settled in and sat on my lap. Problem was I had the natural reaction to a twenty one year old barely covered wiggling ass in front of me.

Sonya shifted a bit, then I felt more than heard a soft groan as she realized when she was sitting on. Leaning back against my chest giving me a look down her top and a baby blue demi cup bra didn't help. If this was a different situation, I would have brought both hands up to cup and play with them before one of them went clit hunting.

And she was still grinding on my hard on until they went back to the dance floor, she was giggling and whispering to Cherry and another girl. They both glanced at me, but I ignored it.

I should have known better.

After the next round of epileptic fits, Cherry came back with her top unbuttoned two more buttons letting a fair amount of pink lace show... and she ground as she settled back on my lap even though there were three chairs open. Her groan was not so subtle.

Sonya was giving her the eye.

The girls upped their game.

Sonya took the next round, after prominently depositing her baby blue bra in the bag with her purse. She sat back and ground on my cock while giving me one hell of a look down her top and her little pointed B cup tits, maybe even a large A for the way they stood up.

"They look like they need to be nibbled on," I whispered in her ear.

Her nipples crinkled up, and she turned her head slightly, "Them and a few more things," she whispered back as she rotated front to back on my hard cock. She was one of the last ones to leave the table, and she turned and bent over enough to let her top gap fully putting those pointed beauties on full display before she went dancing.

I watched them all, but I kept a close eye on her since she was usually facing my way and making sure I had a good view of her chest and nipples poking out.

But Cherry wasn't backing down. She hadn't lost the pink lace, but she did fold the cups down putting her firm dark nipples out where they could be noticed. As she ground on my lap and leaned back, those dark firm nipples stood out nicely in her thin top.

Her top was clingy enough that I didn't get a look at bare nipples, but the prominent points gave her something hard to squirm on... then I was drug to the floor for a cuddling slow dance with my ear buds. I had a soft woman with hard nipples pressed to my chest while grinding her mound on my cock.

Not much later, I had a petite woman wanting the same. But about half way through the dance, she turned her back to me and leaned back letting her top flutter as she ground her ass against my cock. Just as the song was about to finish, she pulled my hands up from her waist to just under her tits, pulling them away as she brought them up just grazing her hard nipples before turning and pulling my head down for a soft kiss.

In a bit different location she would have been bent over something screaming in orgasm for that. I was glad it was about the end of the night.

We only had four to drop off tonight. We all chuckled as the first girl managed to stumble to her door. Cherry was next, and I got quite the kiss before she made a pretty decent walk to her door. I had to help the third, she fell asleep in the back seat.

Sonya was my last drop off, but after she released her seat belt, she didn't open her door, she turned and crawled across the console for a long deep kiss, the tips of her nipples just barely pressing my chest.

It startled me a bit, and then a moment later I was back in high school. I wrapped my arms around Sonya and drew her close. A little squeak and then a sigh into our kiss said she was good.

And since her arms were wrapped around my neck, I let my hands go wandering. My right made it to her firm ass first. There was a hitch in her breath as I got a good grip, but she wasn't slowing down.

As my other hand arrived under her tit the kiss stopped. She didn't pull away, but she stopped. Then the kiss returned as she arched back to allow me access to her tit. If I hadn't been locking lips I would have chuckled at the guttural groan as I cupped her tit. The gasp as I rolled her hard nipple between thumb and finger just got her more wound up.

We were well past steaming up the windows when Sonya pulled back gasping for air then licked her lips smiling. "Are you staying for breakfast?"

Since it was just after 2 am., that left several hours to find something to do. "How do you like your eggs?"

She squealed and wrapped her arms around me to resume our kiss, then pulled back and was scrambling for her door. I followed at a bit more stately pace, she was impatiently waiting at her door dancing from one foot to the other.

She dashed in as I got to the door, and was waiting on the middle of the living room. I began to raise my arms and she was against me. She giggled as I lifted her by her ass to bring her up to kiss.

Sonya squirmed down a few moments later and pushed me to the couch and climbed on my lap to continue.

She unbuttoned my shirt a bit and played with my chest hair as I cupped and played with both tits. She hesitated a moment as I let my hands drop to the hem to try and put my hands up under. That hesitation was followed by both arms flashing straight up.

I smiled, that works for me!

I lifted her top a little slowly, taking in the bare skin as it appeared. My eyes locked to her small pointed tits and hard nipples on crinkled areola. She began to bring her hands down to cover her tits, but I stopped one and surrounded her nipple with my lips.

She wasn't real convinced at first, but after groping and nibbling on her tits and nipples for a while she relented to my enjoyment of them.

Now she hadn't just been sitting there for my enjoyment. Sonya had been grinding on my hard cock while I enjoyed her tits, and she was starting to get a bit aggressive. After a squeeze of ass, rolling one nipple between fingers and nipping the other she roared and stood up. Well kinda.

She leaned forward and started in on my belt and then pants. They and my shorts were pulled down to just above my knees and then I was attacked. Sonya was bobbing for her life for a minute or so, then she shucked her jeans and thong on one move, launched for my lap, and impaled herself on my cock.

She screeched as she bottomed out on me, I think we were still for a few seconds, then the reality of a hot tight coed landing on my cock set in. I grabbed her tiny waist and lifted her enough to pull partially from her, then jammed her right back down on me.

Pretty soon we had the motion of the couch springs sorted out and were bouncing her high and hard on my cock. She started screaming and wrapping her arms around my neck, and that set me off holding her down tight on my cock as I erupted in her spasming pussy.

We were panting in each other's ear, and Sonya giggled, "Basted."


"My eggs," she clenched her pussy on my cock. Only her being planted down tight on me kept her in me. "I like them basted in a nice warm creamy sauce." Then she squeezed again and I was pushed to the entrance of her pussy.

"Oh fuck," I moaned when what she said sunk in.

She giggled again, "Relax, I'm on the pill. But it doesn't hurt to practice now does it?"

I swatted her ass, "Naughty girl."

Sonya leaned forward and pressed her tits into my chest as she went hunting for my tonsils. "I haven't even gotten started on naughty yet." She grabbed her top and stuffed it between her legs as she got up. She shook her ass at me, then turned and shook her tits at me. "You do my back, and I'll let you do my front."

I was kicking my shoes off and slipping out of my pants as I heard the shower start. I came in as she was stepping in, but held the door open for me.

Sonya slowly rotated under the shower to wet her body, the glistening just made her curves all the hotter. She handed me her body wash and turned her back to me. I started at her shoulders, that got me a sigh. Taking my time with her ass got me a nice moan.

I was going to do her legs but she decided to turn for me to do her chest. I took my time making sure both of those delicious points were very clean. Soap a little, squeeze and play a little, rinse and repeat.

I lathered her pussy, then pulled her with her back to me facing the shower and rinsed her down with my hands going all over her. Sonya decided I'd be clean enough with just the rinsing I got. She shut the shower off, grabbed one towel and tossed it to me and wrapped another around her tiny body.

I could only stare as she wrapped her body. The towel that barely went around me was a wrap and a half for her. A few wispy little curls on her mound, a flat belly, and those small tits. Physically she looked like a middle school girl, not a college sophomore.

I was being pulled to the bedroom. Sonya turned on a little light on the night stand, dropped her towel, ripped mine off, and pushed me back to the bed.

For a minute I thought she was actually going to land on me as she jumped to the bed. Landing beside me then rolling on top, arms going behind my neck as she drug her body up just a little more. My hands going to her firm ass as her lips found mine. One hand leaving that ass to go behind her to hold her tight as our tongues battled.