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Immediately we entered into a deep hug kissing fervently, and our hands began to explore. She had examined my cock in detail while I had not touched anything of importance below her face. I moved to rub my hands and my mouth on her breasts and very erect nipples. As if a whisper of a dream my lips glazed against, and caressed the lines of her neck, shoulders, and upper chest. Very slowly my lips and tongue began to search out the sensitive spots on each of her breasts. I sensed the tension in her body; tension that was momentarily released when my teeth grasped her left nipple and Alyson bucked upward in a small orgasm. It was the first, and it suggested many more were to follow.

I licked, nibbled, and caressed every surface of both her breasts and upper body before I shifted my focus. It happened that as I moved Alyson also moved curling into a fetal ball with her back toward me. I bent down and sloppily kissed my way downward over the bumps of her spine in search of her buttocks, the tender spots on the backs of her knees, and what I soon discovered were very ticklish feet and toes. Each area received attention, but on the upward route I applied special attention and concentration to her lower buttocks and the tiny brown anal opening; access to which was gained by spreading her cheeks. She responded very favorably to that lingual onslaught. So much so that once again her body shook in small orgasmic thrills. To me the indication was clear that Alyson was pleased and would enjoy a more substantive anal adventure.

There remained one more region of her body to which I had not paid oral homage. Toward that region I proceeded by rolling Alyson to her back, spreading her legs revealing a cleanly shaven pussy, and positioning my face where her nether lips resided. Using my tongue and lips I slowly and gently licked and kissed up and down the outside of her labia. The ultimate target was the clit at the top where the labia joined, but that objective was not planned as a target for a long time to come.

Slowly I licked inside and outside of the labia never quite reaching her vaginal opening or clit. Many times I ventured very near, but never touched either of them. In response to my ministrations Alyson’s excitement level grew, but so also grew her frustration level; a level that suddenly maximized and in a sense detonated.


Alyson grabbed the sides of my head and positioned my mouth exactly where she wanted me. I received the message and the perceived threat that failure to obey might prove perilous. My tongue assaulted her entire genital area applying wet direct pressure to everything I touched. She climbed higher, but what sent her over the edge was the sharpness of my teeth as they nipped at her clit. Alyson exploded in an orgasm of monumental size, strength, and duration.


I learned long ago when a woman speaks in such a manner it is a good time to follow directions. Leave any misplaced macho image behind and do exactly what the woman says which is exactly what I did. Alyson was well lubricated and the rigid member between my legs slid into her cove of pleasure without resistance. It slid in fast and deep, and once in position I commenced the traditional in and out movement as fast and hard as I could. POUND! POUND! POUND! I crashed my pubic mound against her clit while my dick moved back and forth along the wet velvety walls of Alyson’s cunt until I crested the summit of no return and reached the point where I could no longer pump. I reached orgasm, and in the manner of men free from any bounds screamed out my release.

Inside her cunt Alyson felt my cock begin to eject squirt after squirt of warm liquid, and she enjoyed each contraction as the cock planted my seed deep in her vaginal canal. It was these contractions that brought on Alyson’s most intense cum of the evening. Her orgasm came from a spot deep in her being; a spot which she had never visited before. A spot arrived at through a combination of physical and emotional stimulators. Her orgasm was as intense as any she had ever known. It was not so much due to the sex, which was grand, but rather due of the man; a man that until a few hours ago had not existed in her world. He did not exist before, but he existed now and Alyson knew she never wanted to let him leave her side again. With that warm comforting thought she entered a deep sleep as did he.

Next morning I awoke to find myself alone. Was it a dream after all? If it was a dream it was the sweetest, and now that I was awake the saddest I had ever experienced. I headed to the bathroom where on the vanity mirror in lipstick was written: “See note on table. ITILY, Alyson.” It wasn’t a dream. She actually existed.

Despite my excitement over the message on the mirror, I heeded the demands of my bladder and took a long morning piss before rushing to the table and finding an envelope addressed “My Dearest Nick.” I wanted to rip it open, but restrained myself to preserve this wonderful memento. Instead I carefully opened the envelope and extracted a key and a note that read:

Dearest One,

I hope you do not object to my terms of endearment. As much as I wanted to remain I had to attend to some business at the office; they paged and I had to go. You were out like a log, and I did not want to disturb your rest; you will need your energy later. What I’m doing should not take long.

Do you feel there is something between us? If so please do the following things.

1.Notify the people where you live that your schedule has changed, and you will let them know more later.

2.Check out of the hotel.

3. Move your things to 315 Green Leaf Drive apartment 203

4. Call me at 713 555 1212 when you are settled.

5. If you can cook please fix a romantic dinner. If not I will pick up something on the way home. We are not going out tonight, and maybe not this entire weekend.

6. If you do not feel as I do please call and talk with me. I will try and change your mind.

7.Personal questions: where do you live and what do you do? Do you need a good attorney?

ITILY, Kitty Alyson

PS: You are the only person I know who calls me Alyson. I like it that way.

I read the note twice more then refolded and put it away. It was a very significant invitation that could create a large and important change in my life. As I sat at the table I thought about the situation for a long while. It was just one night, but she was wonderful; everything I could ever hope for and she seemed to like me also. You can’t tell everything from one night, but . . . It seems there is always a “but.” My big dilemmas were two. One: our age. There was quite a difference in our ages which meant we had generational differences in perspective. Two: her parents. I had not associated with them in many years, but I still harbored a sense of loyalty and wondered how they would feel about Alyson and I as a couple. The rational negative thoughts seemed to overwhelm the passion driven positive thoughts. The conflicts drove home the aspect of how a great situation can have difficult solutions.

Ringggggg went the phone next to my right hand. I placed the receiver next to my ear, but before I could speak:

“Nick, please don’t say a word; just listen. You are worrying and fretting over us aren’t you? I don’t know how, but I sensed it. My guess is you’re scared about our age and my parents. Is that right? You don’t have to answer; I know what you’re thinking. I have thought about the same things, and I can read your mind from here. Well, stop it! I have. You have a say and so do I, but my parents don’t count at all. Your age does not matter to me. Actually, I find it arousing and the difference is only a state of mind. Next, I am an adult woman. I make my own decisions, and do what pleases me. I do not need my parent’s permission to do anything.

You have a choice. You can run from this if you want, but if you do without giving us a chance you are a fool who does not deserve me.” She paused to take a breath, but again before I could speak, and in a calmer voice she continued: “I am sorry if that sounded too harsh, but I want you to understand what is happening on my side. I don’t know why, but I just know you are supposed to be a very important part of my life. I want to give us a chance. I don’t know what that means other than a huge amount of change. It will require much, and it begins with enough bravery to step into an unknown future. Do you want us? Are you brave enough?”

At last she paused and waited for me to speak: “You’re right about everything. I was thinking, and I was getting scared. Those issues are significant to me, but it’s mostly that I’m just scared of what we are undertaking. The manner of what we are talking about is very out of character for me. It is fast without much time for thought. I . . . . .find it difficult to believe we are talking like this.” I paused to take a deep breath before making the fateful decision. “But it is also exciting, and it feels right. What the hell. I am a very good can cook. I’ll see you at home later.” I started to hang up, but rapidly said: “Alyson, in answer to your questions I live in Maryville on the other side of the state. I will tell you what I do later.” Again I paused: “You didn’t ask one very important question, but I will answer it anyway: I am neither married nor involved in any established relationship.” With that I hung up the phone and prepared to carry out her instructions.

On the way to Alyson’s apartment I stopped by the market to get some things for a very special dinner I planned to prepare. What I had not told Alyson was my position as owner and Executive Chef of Melville’s an upscale gourmet steak and seafood restaurant. I wanted this piece of information to come as a surprise. It was at this point that self doubt and fear again emerged. I knew so little of this fabulous creature. I had no idea what food she liked or disliked. How could I chance this? Of course I wasn’t exclusively thinking about dinner? The fear was momentary before I resolved to trust in us; particularly in her. That thought enabled me to think more clearly, and to realize if she was adventurous as me she would probably like anything I prepared. I selected the needed items and headed home. It seemed strange to say home, but I felt comfortable doing so.

At two that afternoon she called to say she was on the way and she had a very peculiar itch she needed my help to scratch. By that time I had most everything prepped for dinner so it was easy to put it aside to wait for later. The important task now was to position myself so I could scratch her itch.

Alyson burst through the front room yelling: “Nick, Nick where are you?” I was naked reclining under the sheets in the bedroom which was her next destination. She ran and jumped on the bed cuddling to me with as much of her body as she could match to mine. “Oh God Nick I have missed you so much. I can’t believe and I don’t understand what is happening, but I like it and I’m not running away from it.”

We lay there a few minutes just holding each other before she whispered in my ear: “Do you have the right tool to scratch a very specific type of itch?” My cock had gotten hard when she called and now it just got harder.

“Maybe, it depends on the location of the itch.” As I spoke she ran her hand under the sheet and up the inside of my leg to grasp my rigid dick.

She squeezed and caressed my manly member then whispered:

“I think this is the perfect tool to scratch most of my itches. Do you mind if we give it a try?”

I placed myself under her command; it was her itch and her show. Besides it did not really matter to me which itch got scratched first as long as I was doing the scratching.

Alyson arose from the bed to disrobe. Her moves were very utilitarian with no hint of seductiveness, but to me the opening of every button, hook, snap, and zipper was arousing. It was as if I had never seen her before, and in a sense I had not as much of what we did last night was done in the dark and it was now daylight. As long as I live I will never forget the bend of her neck, the curve of her breasts, the swelling of her nipples, or the hairless view between her legs she revealed to me that afternoon. She was playful, but very direct in her manner; she wanted to fuck, everything else could wait for another time.

When she was naked she jumped back under the covers so we lay skin to skin. Her touch was like a fire of arousal; it was very hot, but it did not burn. She passionately kissed my lips then positioned herself above me with her pussy hovering over my cock.

“The first itch I want you to scratch is right here between my legs. Let me help you get it in the right place.” She correctly aligned our genitals then plunged her pussy down the rigid shaft of my prick. Her pussy was so wet from her own lubrication that no obstacle hindered the penetration of my dick along her cuntal folds. Up and down she bounced until we were sweaty and I was on the verge of cumming; she arrived first moaning and shaking then resting on my chest. I did not cum.

After a few moments she raised her head smiling: “That was good, but I have another itch that needs your specific type of help. This time you need to start with a little oral medication.” She disengaged her cunt from my cock and spun around to place that wet, aromatic, and tasty portion of her anatomy upon my face. “You can start there, but that is not exactly where my itch is located.”

I began to clean the excess pussy juice from around her labia. In response Alyson moaned and groaned with pleasure until she slightly shifted position to place her anal opening within reach of my tongue. Here was proof of what I suspected last night; Alyson enjoyed anal adventures.

“I want you to doctor that little hole very carefully and when I think it is time I want you to use your hard scratcher to satisfy an itch I have just inside the opening.”

It was not a hard, maybe a better word is difficult, decision. My tongue leapt to lave her anal aperture. I licked and slobbered for all I was worth, and while Alyson moaned appreciatively I knew she was not getting all that she needed or wanted; four fingers on each hand worked into to her ass one at a time solved that problem. I was not in a position to consider a fist, but it is amazing how eight fingers moving in and out of a person’s asshole will change their disposition. In short order Alyson was moaning in a different manner with a much different intensity.

“Do you still want to employ my itch scratcher, or is this meeting your needs?” I asked.

“Fuck you Nick! This is great but it’s not enough. I need your cock so yes I want you to use that tool. Just allow me a few more minutes of this. I’m almost ready. I’ll let you know when.” My fingers continued to move in, out, and around her rectal portal causing more and more moaning accompanied by a great deal of wiggling.

“Now Nick, I want you in my ass now!” She rolled off, spun around, grabbed, aimed, and impaled her ass on my very hard dick. There was no concern for pain as she was well lubricated and well stretched; a condition that quickly corrected itself as her sphincter clamped down on my cock.

The motion was the same, but the hole was different. She demonstrated to me another aspect of herself as she achieved anal induced orgasm after orgasm while bouncing up and down on my ass-fucking prick. I think she could have gone on for a much longer time but that was not true for me. The previous vaginal activity had left me hanging very close and it did not take a great deal of time for me to cross the threshold and begin pumping my seed into her ass.

Alyson knew what was happening and understood how sensitive the end of a cock is after orgasm. We did not cum together, and unfortunately she was left hanging just a bit, but we both enjoyed ourselves immensely. With a little help from a buzzing friend she kept in her bedside table she was soon relaxed just like me. After quite awhile of cuddling and cooing as lovers do we took a shower and I finished dinner.

It was only when Alyson walked into the kitchen to see what was for dinner that she discovered her soul mate was a VERY good cook. Just to wet your appetite we feasted on tossed green salad with sliced red onions and orange slices covered with a raspberry vinaigrette, roasted lobster-stuffed beef tenderloin with an apple/cilantro chutney, roasted rosemary potatoes, lightly steamed asparagus, hot rolls, and for dessert vanilla whipped cream topped strawberry short cake made with strawberries macerated in Balsamic vinegar: there were no leftovers for later.

All these events took place several years ago. Our lives continue along paths we have mapped for ourselves. Alyson changed my life in many ways. Because of her I am a better man; a better person, and a better human being. Our life together is happy; for me it is the happiest time I have ever known or ever will know. This all came about because of a chance meeting while walking down the right street at the right time and through pure chance encountering the one person who I literally drooled about as she walked by me. In that instant I wanted to rip off her clothes, run my hands all over her body, and then fuck her until both of us screamed in total ecstasy! It happened to me. I hope you are so fortunate.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Sometimes love can be picked up

Romance can strike anywhere, anytime. We just have to meet the right people at the right time. How can anyone be prepared for that!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Great Story

Enjoyed your story a lot. You described what we all hope for.

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