Desire Incarnate


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"Apparently the boy she was dating was shy and wouldn't even hold her hand on their date, so she kept wrapping her arm in his and pushing her chest into the poor boys side all night. She could tell her touches were affecting him, and noticed a bulge growing in his pants.

"As Crissy's story went on, Beth was obviously getting worked up. Her hips started to shift, and she was pulling harder on her long nipple.

"Crissy kept telling us about how her date kept trying to hide his embarrassing development from her, and how she kept trying to get him to relax about it, saying it was okay, and that she was flattered . . . even curious. She took him into a dark coat room and started to unbuckle his pants, telling him that she just wanted to see it. Then she told us about how impressive his cock was once she got it out, going into fine detail, telling us about how she just wanted to drop to her knees, wrap her lips around it and swallow the whole thing; and also about how she did just that!

"Of course Beth was completely into the story. Crissy actually started acting out the scene of giving head to her date. She slowly licked the air, pushing her tongue out and licking up and down. Then she opened her mouth and lowered it down around an invisible shaft. She even made slight gagging sounds, which sent Beth right over the edge. Her legs spread apart, and she started pushing her fingers against the crotch of her panties right in front of us. Crissy watched this movement and a slight smile appeared on her face as she licked her tongue up the imaginary shaft. Beth was obviously far beyond caring if we knew what she was doing and started asking questions to spur the story along.

"'Did you pull his pants down?' she asked Crissy, who just nodded.

"'Could you fit his whole cock in your mouth?' she asked, and Crissy looked right at her and slowly shook her head back and forth. Beth moaned and said, 'Oh god, it really was a big cock, wasn't it? Keep sucking it!' Beth was going off the deep end. Her other hand lifted the edge of her panties up and I caught a glimpse of her dark pubic hair peeking out from underneath . . ."

Penelope sat back to take in her progress and analyze her next move. She was quiet for a while, and then turned to mix a couple dabs of maroon and peach together into a vibrant orange red. She turned to look me in the eye.

"How are you doing?" . . . as if she even had to ask.

"Jesus, this is intense," I said honestly.

"Well, we've made it past the first phase. Usually there are two, but I think I'm going to go for a more complicated piece with you. I really think you've got what it takes to make something fantastic, so let's keep it up," she said with a wink and nod in the direction of my penis, accentuating her pun. She lowered her voice to me, "My god Ben, can you believe Beth was actually touching her pussy right in front of us?"

I just shook my head, and then I quickly nodded. She chuckled at that and turned back to her supplies, grabbing a new brush and dipping the tip into the fresh orange red circle of liquid color.

As she turned back to continue painting, her story continued as well.

"Before I knew what was happening, Beth's hand was deep in her underwear and she actually started masturbating right in front of us! I was fascinated, as honestly my life had been pretty straight laced up until then. I'd had sex a number of times, and even read a lot of dirty stories online, but never did I imagine how overpowering somebody else's close sexual energy could be.

"And Beth kept on asking questions too, 'Did you kiss his balls?' to which Crissy would moan and mimic a light kiss on a pair of invisible balls while her hand stayed wrapped around the virtual cock above, pumping it up and down. 'Did you put them in your mouth?' which prompted an open mouth, upturned to allow a pair of unseen jewels to settle in as her tongue swirled in circles.

"Beth was enraptured by the tale and Crissy was focused on her act, which allowed me to pinch my own hand tightly between my legs without notice. It was really getting to me Ben. These drunken girls were making me extremely horny . . ."

I lay in stunned agony as my cock twitched, begging for release. I had never been so hard without touching myself or having someone else touching me, so I was deep into uncharted territory of pleasure and suffering.

The story stopped for a while as I tried to keep the vision of Penelope's fascinating tale fresh in my mind. I must have been extremely hard, as I felt many dabs to dry the tip of my penis, and the silence stretched out longer than before. When I craned my neck, I could see numerous colors adorning my cock, and the main focus was definitely on the right side of it, facing the artist.

I wondered what she meant by 'a more complicated piece.' I was secretly hoping we were almost done, as the sweet torture of this process was a little much to take.

I must have been distracted enough by that point as she jumped back into the story.

"So by this time Beth was slouched on the sofa blatantly fingering her pussy right in front of us and not a care in the world about it. And she keeps egging Crissy on, 'put that cock in your mouth again honey, that's it. Suck that big dick.' Crissy made it look real as she mimed a juicy blowjob. I didn't know where to look; Crissy was obviously well versed in cock sucking as she left little to the imagination, and Beth was humping her hips up into her fingers, a couple of them obviously sliding inside.

"Then Beth asked in an exasperated whimper, 'Was he getting close?' Crissy nodded her head. 'Was he holding your hair?' and another nod while her open mouth bobbed up and down on the imaginary cock, her hand cradling a set of balls. 'Oh my god, did he actually cum . . . in your mouth? Crissy?' and all Crissy replied with was 'mmmmmhmmmmm'.

"Now Beth was really fucking herself and I was enthralled, hypnotized by the crazy drunken scene. Beth was getting frantic, almost crying out, 'You swallowed it, didn't you? You had to; you were in the coat room. Oh my god! Crissy!! His giant cock exploded in your mouth and you swallowed it all!!'

Fuck. Penelope's story was getting me close to exploding all over that room. I was actually glad when the story paused again, a light dab on my penis touching down to absorb the flowing desire.

I lay there quivering with stimulation as my proud peacock stood tall and unmoving except for the racing pulse from my heartbeat. Penelope quietly worked on her art while my mind began to recover. This was an amazing process, and I wasn't sure if her story was true, or if it was merely designed to keep a man hard as a railroad spike. Either way it was working.

After a minute or so she looked over at me and said simply, "She had an orgasm Ben, in case you were wondering." Her enchanting smile widened, "I couldn't really go into it. Probably would have spelled the end to our night here. I can tell you it was amazing watching Beth squirm and climax right next to me, her big breasts shuddering as she came all over her fingers." She laughed lightly and added, "You're holding up very well."

"Oh my god," I managed, "thanks, I think." She patted my chest and slid her hand down my abdomen and onto my hip, lightly cupping my bare balls for an instant. That small touch pushed another couple of PSI into my fully inflated member, and then back to work she went, weaving her sexy tale along the way.

"The silence in the room was awkward after that as we sat and listened to Beth's heavy breathing and the faint sound of music playing in the background. Crissy talked more about her date and how he really started opening up after that, and the other places they went that night. I glanced at Beth after a while and noticed she was passed out cold. I motioned in Beth's direction with my head and eyes, and Crissy said, 'I figured as much, she was really on edge . . . and wasted. Just so you know, she might not remember all of this tomorrow, in case it comes up.'

"So we hoisted Beth up and moved her to her bedroom. We really had to support her body, and the whole time I had a big naked boob pressing into my side. Once Beth was safely in bed, Crissy and I wandered down to her room.

"We sat on her bed for a while talking and laughing, clearly annihilated and giddy. Crissy asked if I minded that Beth was so forward like that, and I had to be honest that I would have acted differently had I been sober. She told me about how she used to get really uncomfortable about it too, until their roommate Carla started messing with Beth whenever she got drunk like that.

"I listened as Crissy told me about their previous year at the house, and she started telling me the story: 'As you already know, Carla started having Beth take her shirt off when she would get excited, but that wasn't all. We'd sit around and Carla used to dare her to do things, like lick her own nipples in front of us. That was actually pretty funny, but then Carla started taking it further each time we drank together. The next time she had her take her pants off too, and then she talked Beth into showing us her little bush.'

"So my eyes must have been bulging out of my head since Crissy added, 'I know, I felt the same way. It was sooo weird. When she first eased her panties to the side we could tell she was extremely turned on. Her lips were swollen and red, spreading to wide to either side. She could have covered it back up once she showed us, but she just sat there with her pussy out, looking between us, watching us stare at it. So then Carla says, 'take 'em off for us honey,' . . . and she does!'

"'So Beth is sitting there completely nude, and slowly spreads her legs apart, eventually showing us her furry naked beaver again. Now we're both watching her, and Carla says, 'Go ahead and show us how you touch it honey, we won't tell anyone. Do you want us to watch?' Beth surprisingly nods and I'm simply trying to keep air in my lungs at that point. Then Beth's eyes glaze over and her hand drops down, and after a little light touching, we're suddenly watching her go to town. I mean really stroking herself and humping her fingers like she was doing tonight. I look at Carla and she's staring at Beth with wide eyes and a giant smile. She starts talking really dirty to her, like 'that's it, rub your pussy for us Bethany. Show us how wet you can make your naked little cunt . . .'"

Suddenly Penelope stopped talking and looked at me, staring for a moment. "You don't mind a few obscenities, do you Ben?"

"I'll manage," I sighed in frustration and delight.

She smiled knowingly and continued.

"So I'm sitting there with Crissy in her room, hearing her tell me all of this, and I'm completely enthralled. She tells me about how Carla would sit right next to Beth, watching her masturbate, talking dirty to her and pushing her over the edge. Carla would even reach over and play with Beth's breasts too, saying things like, 'Look at you Beth! You're the only one naked in here. Are you an exhibitionist? Do you like to show us how you do it?' Well, she obviously did, and I guess Carla would keep pushing things, even though it was making Crissy uncomfortable. Although she did admit it was making her uncomfortable in more ways than one.

"I knew what she meant Ben, because I'd been feeling the same way that night in the kitchen, and then again watching Beth touch herself on the couch. It was awkward, but stimulating, you know what I mean?"

Then Penelope looked at me with a blank gleam. "Of course you do. You know exactly what I mean, don't you Ben?"

"Indubitably," I sighed.

She smiled at that and turned back to her work, her eyes extremely close to my painted cock.

"So Crissy is telling me all of this, and I'm seriously wondering how far they all ended up going together. Carla really exposed Beth's exhibitionist side, as well as her own lesbian side. Carla would even have Crissy sit on the floor and stare right between Beth's open legs, while whispering dirty things in Beth's ear about how she must love having Crissy looking right at her pussy. Carla would tell Crissy to get a good close look, and Beth would just watch her getting closer, her hand rubbing her excited little clit around.

"Then Crissy really dropped the bombshell on me. She admitted that before she could stop to think about it, her mouth was up against Beth's wet fingers, and then her tongue was out and licking her juices off of them. Suddenly Beth pulled Crissy's face right in, and before she knew it she was actually eating her first pussy.

"I didn't know what to say, besides, 'Oh my GOD,' and then, 'How was it?' She admitted it was strange, erotic and a little messy, but from then on the three of them played around like that pretty often until Carla graduated and they all left for home that summer. She warned me it might get a little weird sometimes, like it already had been, and that she and Beth didn't want to freak me out or anything.

"On the contrary Ben, I was more willing than ever to see where these erotic feelings I was having would take me, and with alcohol building my courage, I leaned over and pushed my drunken lips right into hers . . ."

Yes, I thought as I envisioned the forbidden connection of female roommates.

Penelope paused for a moment and switched brushes, dribbling a little extra paint onto her palette. I heard her chair roll toward me and I looked up to see her angelic face hovering above mine, her eyes twinkling with the raw passion of an artist and an avid voyager of exhilarating experiences.

She whispered right into my soul, "I totally kissed her Ben . . . my roommate . . . a girl . . . right on the mouth . . . like this."

My heart exploded. I watched in slow motion as her sensual lips disappeared from view and then touched against mine in an electric connection of warmth and desire. Her delicate mouth was open and inviting, and I felt the traces of her wet tongue just beyond her scrumptious pillows of pink skin. The kiss was the best of my life, lasting just a few seconds, but I knew I would be haunted by the memory of it for the rest of my life.

As her heavenly lips drew away, a smile spread across her adorable face, "She probably liked it, don't you think?"

My eyes rolled back and my cock lengthened further, and I thought I might split her painted art in half as it surged. I could only groan in obvious longing and agreement as she turned, rolled away and grabbed up her thin brush again.

She quietly leaned in and resumed her work. My mind was short circuited from the sensations and titillation of the kiss. I never knew my body could be so on fire from the inside. How long could this process really last; hours?!

Penelope must have known her lips would keep my imagination running for a while, and they absolutely did, as she painted for a couple long minutes in silence. I knew it was mostly lust I was feeling for her, but also a level of admiration and wonder at this artsy nymph, with her dainty fingers and her thrilling techniques for keeping me rock hard. Eventually her story continued.

"Crissy really liked our kiss Ben, you wouldn't believe. As soon as I made the move, she groaned and wrapped her arms around me, kissing me right back with passion. It was my first time kissing a girl like that, and I was lost in the wild sensations of it. Crissy started getting under my jammies with her hands, so I began doing the same to her. Suddenly I was holding my second set of bare breasts that night, and was lost in a dizzy and uncontrollable fit of lust.

"Pretty soon we were jumping out of our clothes and back into her bed, completely nude. It was so weird being naked with another girl next to me, but as soon as our soft bodies came together under the covers, our lips met and our hands began feeling as much of the other's bare skin as we could find . . ."

My cock twitched visibly and she had to stop painting for a second and fix the mistake it apparently caused. I wanted to apologize, but the way she handled it let me know it wasn't an issue.

"The next thing I know Crissy slides her hand between my legs, and Oh. My. God. It was the most erotic and sensual thing I had ever felt! Her feminine fingers quickly found my swollen lips and slipped between them. I must have moaned at her initial contact since she broke our kiss and said, 'Have you ever been touched by a girl?' I had to shake my head and push myself against her invading fingers. She kissed me harder and pulled her wet fingers out, wrapping them around my wrist and guiding my hand between her own legs.

"Now I've got to tell you Ben, I've felt myself a thousand times, but to feel the heated arousal of another woman shot me over the moon. Crissy's eyes widened as my fingers slid easily inside, and her pussy was so warm and slippery that I sank in up to my knuckles. Her mouth left mine and found my ear, driving me insane as she pushed her tongue in and groaned while my fingers explored her wet sex . . ."

Penelope looked over at me, I think I must have whimpered or something, as her mischievous grin widened from cheek to perfect cheek. She rolled back over to me again and leaned her head down, I thought maybe for another kiss, but I was wrong.

Her mouth met my ear and I felt her juicy tongue press into it, blurring the sounds in my head from that side and driving me wild with chills and shudders of excitement. Then she whispered softly, and my spirit left my body for a moment.

"She started talking, right into my ear Ben, like this," she breathed her words into me and I felt them reach my toes.

"'Oh Penny . . . hhhh, that feels so good. I can't believe you're in my bed, touching me, making me so hot for you. If you keep this up . . . I'm going to eat your fucking pussy. That's right. I'm going to suck you off like I did Beth that night . . .'"

My meager male brain melted down as I felt Penelope's tongue gently nudge into my ear again before she rolled away. My heart was racing and my blood was surging through every vein, looking for a way to fit more volume into my already heaving cock.

I exhaled immensely and just allowed my twitching rod to fully exist for a while. I felt another soft colorful touch against it, and my chest was thumping from within as more and more detail was added to the sexy artist's throbbing muse.

"She really had me Ben," Penelope continued, "She pushed me right onto my back and climbed on, letting her soft breasts settle onto mine. She dragged them around my chest, and I suddenly knew why so many men can't get enough of them. Her nipples touched every inch of my chest, and I was so hot I just reached up and grabbed them. She looked right into my eyes with a sexual desire I had never seen, and lowered her head, putting her open mouth over one of my naked nipples and sucking it hard.

"I moaned out loud as Crissy basically devoured my tits, one after the other in a heated naked lust on top of me. I could feel her hunger, and I knew right then she would soon have her mouth between my legs and wouldn't let up until I came all over her face . . ."

Silence spread out in the room again and I could hear my own heart racing as my body started to feel overstimulated. My cock began to feel the first signs of wear and fatigue as my adrenaline tried to keep the mask of arousal in front of the stark reality that no physical stimulation was being applied.

This time it wasn't long before she started her story again. I had a feeling that each consecutive time there would be less and less residual hardness to fill the time.