Destined Hearts Ch. 03


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"No!" he thought, shaking his head. "This is wrong. It isn't Antonio I heard in Andrea's room. It's impossible because..." He paused and rested his hand on a wall, slowly moving to his room. "...because he's my husband. He can't possibly be the one I heard talking. No!"

Praveen was trying by all means to deny that it was Antonio he had heard talking but he kept on hearing that same voice. No matter what he tried to do he couldn't forget about what he had heard back in Andrea's room.

But why would Andrea say that about him, he thought as he tried to forget but he couldn't? He hadn't done anything to her and he hadn't known her before that so he just couldn't understand anything. He was trying really hard to forget he had even heard that but he couldn't do it. It was making him worried and he was hurt.

He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that he had even reached his room. He stood still at the door, held the door knob and got lost in his thoughts again. But no matter how much he thought about it, he just got more confused and he couldn't understand.

He slowly opened the door to his room and went straight to the bed. He slowly sat and tried to calm himself down but he knew he was never gonna be at peace.

"I have to talk to Antonio about this." He said softly with his eyes on the floor, rubbing on his hands. "I am sure I am mistaken about this. I cannot come to any conclusion without talking to my husband. I have completely misunderstood this. I shouldn't be worried."

Praveen remembered the wedding and it somehow helped in calming him down. But he wasn't gonna smile. He decided to wait for Antonio and then clear up the misunderstanding. He knew that his husband was gonna tell him the entire truth.

He sat on the bed waiting for over two hours without even feeling the need to sleep. He was really tired but he wasn't gonna go to sleep until he talked to his husband. He took a deep breath and then took a quick glance at the watch. It was almost midnight and he was getting really anxious.

He quickly got up and took a deep breath. "I can't wait any longer. I have to go and look for him."

With those words, Praveen started moving towards the door but before he even took two steps, the door opened, revealing Antonio who was holding the door knob. Praveen stopped in his tracks, staring at his husband. He looked so handsome, so innocent and really kind. He couldn't have been the one he had heard talking.

"Fuck!" Antonio cursed, gripping the knob as hard as he could.

He had thought he was gonna find the annoying boy asleep already but seeing him, he got irritated and really angry. Fuck! What the fuck was he up for, he thought as he slowly entered the room and closed the door behind.

Without saying a word to Praveen, he started entering the room with his eyes on the bathroom. His plan was to just change into his pajamas and go to sleep without talking to Praveen. But when he was about to pass him, Praveen blocked his path and stared at him.

"I have been waiting for you." Praveen said softly, still staring at him.

Antonio moved his eyes and sighed, still really annoyed. "Why? I am very tired and I need to sleep?"

"Please!" Praveen pleaded, still not moving from the way. "It's very important that I talk to you so that..."

"Can't this wait?" Antonio rested his hands on his hips. "I am very tired and I can't talk to you right now."

"Please!" He just wanted to know the truth. "It can't wait because it's very important and..."

"I don't have time for this." Antonio shook his head and moved past Praveen, surprising him. "I am very tired and I have to sleep. I don't think I have the strength to talk right now. I have had a long day and I am tired."

Praveen was definitely surprised but he wanted to have that conversation at that time because he wasn't gonna sleep. He quickly turned and started following Antonio behind, rushing to him. Reaching him, he gripped his arm and stopped him.

Antonio immediately stopped when he felt Praveen pulling his arm. His anger instantly came back... he clenched his fists as his heart started pounding deep in his chest... his blood instantly started boiling... his body trembled in fury and he did his best to control himself but he was just too angry. He felt like an animal at that particular time and even though he tried to control himself, his emotions had already taken over.

"Please..." Praveen pleaded, sweetly rubbing on Antonio's arm. "I promise it won't take long and..."

But Praveen didn't even finish his sentence before Antonio furiously turned, releasing his arm from the boy's grip.

"What the fuck is your problem, uh?" He raged.

To say Praveen was surprised would definitely be an understatement. His heart immediately started pounding deep in his chest that he felt as if he was about to have a heart attack. His breaths came out harshly as he took a step back and his eyes widened. He hadn't expected that at all.

"What part of I don't wanna talk to you don't you understand?" He yelled, angrily pointing at him. "I have done everything possible just to avoid talking to you or looking into your stupid face but you keep on following me around. What do you want from me?"

Praveen felt tears building in his eyes and his body instantly started developing sweat. He was deeply hurt by Antonio's words.

"Antonio, I..."

"What?" He groaned, breathing like a beast. He was coming closer to Praveen but all Praveen did was take more steps back because he was scared. "Antonio, what? What do you want from me, uh? What?"

Praveen was speechless. He had never been so scared in his life before. He wanted to run away but he couldn't do it. By this time there were more tears in his eyes. He wanted to go back further before he suddenly hit the wall. He couldn't move any further and Antonio was still coming closer to him.

"I... I just wanted to... to talk to you and..."

"Talk to me?" He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. He couldn't keep quiet anymore. "What do you want to talk to me about? Who are you to me, uh?"


"You are nothing to me, nothing!" He yelled.

Tears poured down Praveen's face as his feelings got hurt. It was like someone had just pierced his heart with a really hot sword. He couldn't hold his tears anymore. He didn't recognize the man he was staring at. He couldn't believe it was Antonio.

Antonio reached the scared little boy and looked angrily at him. He didn't care what was gonna happen because he had lost it. He furiously gripped his arm, pinning him to the wall.

Praveen winced as more tears went down his face. The pain he experienced at that time was nothing like he had ever experienced before. The tears felt as if they were burning his face.

"Now you listen to me," He warned, adding pressure to the boy's arm. It hurt a whole lot. "You and I share nothing at all. We might be married but that's nothing to me. I don't care about you or anything that you do. I am not your husband and I will never be."

Praveen's pain increased. "Then why did you marry... if... if..."

"This marriage is nothing but a punishment to you." He yelled, twisting Praveen's arm painfully. "You are gonna suffer in this marriage and that's my promise to you because I am not foolish. I know exactly what and who you are. I know exactly what you want from this family but I will make you pay for it. A marriage is a blessing but for you..." He paused and chuckled manically, putting fear into the boy. Praveen closed his eyes and moved his eyes away from Antonio. "...this will be your hell but you will experience nothing but pain from me."

Praveen tried to wail but he couldn't find his voice. He had a really big lump in his throat. The only thing he was able to do was sob uncontrollably.

"I know how slutty boys like you are." He laughed, inflicting more pain on the boy's arm. "You thought you could manipulate your way into this house but you have actually found that I know everything about you. You thought getting married to a rich man like me you would end your poverty stricken life but you were wrong."

"Ouch!" He winced in pain but Antonio seemed not to care as he kept on twisting his arm.

"I am not your husband and I will never be." He warned, getting closer to Praveen's face. He was still crying and in pain. "You might be married to me but it's just for show." He chuckled bitterly, scaring the boy out of his skin. "You and I will share no marriage relationship. I may be known as your husband but I will never perform that role in your life... I will never sleep with you and not to talk of acknowledging you.

This marriage is a punishment for you." He yelled his face. "You are going to suffer for the rest of your life."

Hearing what Antonio had just said, Praveen opened his eyes and stared into Antonio's eyes. He couldn't see anything but anger and hatred in them. It was confirmed at that moment that he had made a really big mistake. Praveen didn't know what was hurting the most whether the way Antonio had painfully twisted his arm or the words he had said to him.

"That's right..." He raised his eyebrows, pulling him closer to his body. "...this charade of a marriage will be your punishment for everything. You will regret stepping your feet in this house and you will regret the day you knew my mother."

Praveen looked away as warm tears poured down his face.

"You wanted to come to this house, welcome to your greatest punishment." He laughed manically. "You thought you could trap me but I am far smarter than you think."

"W-why?" He cried as more tears poured down his face.

"Why?" Antonio laughed, shaking his head. "Because it's what you deserve. You deserve to suffer for everything. I hate you so much and I will make you suffer. That is my promise to you and you should always remember it."

Antonio breathed harshly, an evil grin appearing on his face. He somehow felt really happy and light with what he did. He didn't have to hide it anymore because he had told the boy the truth straight to his face. He didn't care what was gonna happen anymore. He didn't need to pretend to be something that he was not.

"Now listen to me and listen very well," He warned, pointing straight into Praveen's face. "I am not your husband and you better stay clear off me for your own good. And to think that I was gonna accept you..." He laughed. " are not even half my class. What would I be doing with a four eyed boy?" He laughed in mock, hurting Praveen terribly. "You've been warned."

With those words, Antonio furiously released Praveen's arm and with an angry look stormed into the bathroom.

"This marriage is a punishment for you."

Praveen's strength left him and he felt to his knees on the floor as more tears flooded his face. His heart was beating but it was terribly hurt. He had never been so hurt in his life before. He wanted to wail but his voice was gone. He was sobbing uncontrollably and he was trembling in terrible fear. There was a lot in his mind that he had no idea what to think of first.

"This marriage is a punishment to you."

Everything that he had thought about his marriage, his new life and his husband had been a terrible lie. Why was that happening to him? He had never wronged anyone, not even the almighty himself. Then why was he made to suffer that way? He had been thinking his troubles had come to an end. He had been thinking his happiness had just started but he was terribly wrong. His pain had just started.

Praveen remained on the floor with his gaze fixed on the pure white floor. Tears were now dropping to the floor and he had no idea what to do. Everything felt like a nightmare but it was happening in reality. What could have been worse than your husband telling you that he hates you on your first day of marriage? It was terrible.

"Why?" He cried softly, slowly crawling to the wall. "Why me?"

Praveen just started crying on the floor. Antonio didn't still come inside the room and Praveen's pain was getting out of control. He wanted to console himself but he couldn't do it. The tears had a mind of their own. They couldn't stop flowing no matter what he did.

"Antonio is a very good and kind man..." He remembered Mike's words. "...I have heard a lot about him and I am sure just one smile from you will make him go head over heels for you."

They were all lies. His marriage was the biggest of them of all. He had never heard such painful words before.

After many minutes of crying and sobbing, Praveen managed to get up from the floor. He tried to rub his tears but more flooded his face almost as soon as he finished rubbing the others. He stood still, looking all around the room. His eyes just reached the picture of the wedding and painful memories started moving in his head.


Praveen had a really terrible headache. His head was pulsing terribly and his heart felt as if it was about to give up. He couldn't stay there anymore. He needed to leave. He couldn't just stay, especially after finding the truth about his marriage.

With a look around the room, Praveen got out the room and started running away as soon as he got out. He rushed downstairs and lucky for him, there was no one else around. Everyone was asleep because it was late.

When he got out of the mansion, he started running as fast as he could towards the gate. When he was about to reach the big gate, he rubbed his face and started walking slowly. He ordered the guard to open the gate and he got out.

Praveen started walking away from the beautiful mansion without even looking behind. He knew exactly what to do.

"I should have known this." He thought as more tears ran down his cheeks. "I don't belong in their class. I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage."

It was a really cold night and the wind was blowing heavily. His hair was being was blown backwards, revealing his flooded face. His eyes were red from crying and he was still sobbing. He had his arms wrapped around himself, shielding his body from the cold.

His plan at that time was to just go back home and never come back. He wasn't gonna come back no matter what.

He got to the road safely and soon saw a rickshaw which he stopped and gave directions to the driver where he wanted to go. He took a quick glance behind and saw the beautiful mansion. He wasn't gonna come back at all.

"I am sorry, mother..." He apologized, slowly rubbing his tears. "...but I can't stay anymore. I can't do this. I am gonna go back home and forget about everything that happened."

He placed his face between his palms and just cried because it was still hurting. He was so lost in his thoughts and pain that he didn't even know that he had reached his destination. The thing that got him out of his thoughts was a cold hand on his back. He almost jumped out of his seat. He quickly rubbed his tears and found the driver staring at him.

"We have already arrived, sir." The old driver said softly. "I can see that something is bothering you. Are you okay?"

Praveen rubbed his face and tried to calm himself. "Don't worry about me." His voice sounded really different and he couldn't recognize it.

He gave the driver his fare and started slowly walking towards his aunt's place. Shit! It was colder than he thought and the neighborhood seemed really quiet. It was really late and the people were probably already fast asleep.

He took a deep breath and headed for his aunt's house. He could already see that the light was on which meant they weren't asleep. He rubbed his face to make sure that he looked okay and then went straight for the house.

When he reached there, he looked through a window and saw that there were bags in the living room and they were packing some of them. He stood still, looking through the window and wondering what was going on.

"This house seems really empty." His aunt said as she looked around. "We have gotten used to Praveen so much that..." She paused and sighed. " seems really empty. I really miss him so much."

"Yeah!" Mike said in a sad sigh. "I wish I could just spend a day with him before we leave."

"Yeah!" His sister said, closing the bag she had been packing. "It would have been really nice."

"Yes! I know that you would really like that." She said softly, shaking her head. "But the truth is that we can't disturb him right now. He just got married and I am sure that he is happy at that house. He is gonna get everything that he had been lacking. He has a good mother in law..." She chuckled happily, smiling brightly. "...he has a good husband and the family is rich. Honestly, I am missing him so much but I am not worried because I know he's in good hands."

Praveen wanted to go inside and tell them everything that had happened back at the house but he couldn't move. Something was stopping him from doing so, something powerful deep inside of him.

"I know that Grace is really happy because she wanted this for her child." She sighed, sitting back on the chair. "And I am happy because her wish has been fulfilled. There is nothing left to do here because I have done everything. I am happy because Praveen is like a son to me. But I will miss him so much."

"But he also doesn't know that we are leaving tomorrow." Mike sighed. "Can we at least go and see him before we leave?"

"Oh!" Victoria moaned, smiling at her son. "I would really love to see him but our flight is early tomorrow morning. But I promise we will call his house before we leave tomorrow. We cannot see him because I don't think any of us we will want to leave when we see him. Besides," She sighed, rubbing through her hair. "We shouldn't disturb him because he's really happy..."

Praveen couldn't hear anything anymore. He moved away from the window and slowly started walking away.

"Leave this family alone because they have suffered enough." He remembered Meg's words. "They have suffered enough."

Praveen cried softly as he took a quick glance at the house. At that moment, Meg's words did wonders on him and he actually thought she had been right all along.

"Aunt Meg was probably right." He thought, walking slowly further away from the house. "I have been nothing but a burden to them and now they are leaving. They are about to start a new life abroad, a good life. How can I go back to them like this?"

He closed his eyes as more tears flowed. "They are gonna be happy after a long time and I will live knowing that they are happy even if it means I have to suffer my entire life."

Praveen stopped crying and slowly rubbed his face clean. He wasn't gonna cry anymore. He was done with all the crying. He wasn't gonna do it anymore. It was painful but he couldn't just be weak. After all, he had promised so many people that he was gonna be happy in the marriage.

Praveen had to do the right thing. He couldn't tell his aunt that Antonio had warned and threatened him. In fact, he couldn't tell anyone. How could he do that when they were all very happy with everything that was going on?

"I have to keep quiet even if it means suffering alone." He said, taking a deep breath. "I have to be strong. Knowing that everyone else is happy will also make me happy."

He knew he had to go back to the mansion even if it meant suffering in silence. Telling someone was gonna hurt a lot of people and he didn't want that. Victoria was happy, Emily was happy and so were most of the people or so he thought. He was just hoping for the best at that particular time, a miracle to happen.

He put his hands together and breathed in deeply. "God, you know exactly what I am passing through right now. Please, give me the confidence to endure this and please, make it better for me. As long as the people around me are happy, I am happy."

With those words, Praveen took a quick glance behind and left his aunt's place. He walked slowly to the road and tried to look for a rickshaw but there was nothing. He didn't know the directions but he knew the address so he couldn't go alone.