Destined Hearts Ch. 05


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After almost two hours of driving, Praveen arrived at the biggest temple that he had ever seen in his life. He got out of the car and felt a cool breeze hit his face, making him slightly close his eyes. He somehow felt peaceful, hopeful and really amazing. It was as if that place suddenly brought out something in him. He loved going to temples with his mother when he was young and it brought some memories to him. She would have been really happy seeing him there.

He slowly moved his eyes towards his left and saw a really big ocean just close to the temple. There were a number of people just walking by the shore, taking pictures. He could tell that most of them there were foreigners who had probably come to see the famous temple.

"Wow!" He said simply, looking all around. "This is really beautiful."

"This temple is mostly known as marital temple and although it serves many purposes," The driver paused and smiled brightly. "Its main purpose is marriage. Many people come to get married here and even married couples get their blessings from this very temple. It is believed that when couples are having problems, the almighty can resolve their differences at this place. You can pour your problems at this place and they can be resolved."

Praveen was really impressed. The temple was really big and there was a log staircase leading to some form of temple. People were going up and down the staircases and he could see foreigners taking pictures as well.

"Do you think it really works?" He asked, his eyes still glued on the temple.

"I believe there is nothing the almighty cannot do." The driver said simply. "Even though you do not have problems, I suggest you get blessings so that you and Mr. Antonio can always be happy."

Praveen took a deep breath as the driver's words slipped through his mind. He started thinking, wondering if that was ever gonna happen. There was a lot that he had to think about but maybe he needed to get blessings for himself and his family.

"You are probably right." He said softly. "Wait for me here."

Praveen walked away from the driver and found himself standing at the edge of the staircase. He looked down and saw the sandals that were there and he didn't need to be told that he had to go inside the temple barefooted. He removed his slippers and started walking towards the temple, climbing up the stairs.

He was only focused on the temple and the closer he got to the temple, the more peaceful he felt. He was feeling really nervous but it was something that he needed to do if at all he wanted the almighty's blessings. Many people were going in and out of the temple.

But finally, he reached the temple and was welcomed by a really beautiful idol of the almighty. His hand was extended forward, his palm open as if he was blessing him. A strong wind blew on his face, blowing away the band that was tying his hair. He didn't even bother but started walking forward.

Praveen's hair was blowing strongly backwards, revealing his beautiful face. But before he reached there, he met with the priest who applied oil on his forehead before he finally entered.

He stood in front of the idol, bowed down his head and rang the bell that was held on top. He folded his palms together, staring at the statue. There was just a lot that he wanted to tell the almighty, hoping his problems would be solved once and for all. He needed answers.

"My entire life...." He started. "...I grew up worshipping you and believing in whatever that the priest told me you wanted me to. I have been a devotee to you and not for once have I felt like cheating you."

Praveen's heart was pounding deep in his chest as his breaths became harsh. There was no one else around him. It was just him and the almighty.

"I recently got married to a man that...." He started getting emotional. "...a man that I didn't even know. I didn't want this but I did it because everyone told me it was your will for me to get married to him. I did it because I wanted to make everyone and you happy. Even though I don't love him, I was willing to give my marriage a chance but....."

Praveen felt tears building up in his eyes but he didn't wanna cry.

"....but ever since my marriage, I have known nothing but pain." A tear went down his cheek which he didn't even rub. "I had asked for only one thing and that was to be happy, living a fairytale life with him. But my husband hates me so much. He doesn't love. He is in love with another and I live as if I'm an obstacle in their relationship. I am supposed to be happy but I am filled with so much pain."

Praveen was feeling really terrible. "I don't know whom to speak to or who to tell what I feel because I am helpless. I am supposed to be the legal husband but I am like a home wrecker. Since the day I got married, the smile has faded away from my face."

He furiously rubbed his tears.

"Please, I need answers." He pleaded, putting his hands together again. "I don't know the person who can answer all my questions but I need answers from you, God. Please, help me understand why this happened.

Growing up, I was told that Antonio and I were destined to be together. I thought I was gonna be happy even though I don't love him. I thought I was gonna learn to love him but I don't think that will ever happen. We live as incompatible strangers with no relationship between us." He sobbed softly, feeling more air blow on his face.

"So please answer me," He said in a raised voice, looking at the statue without even blinking. "Is this a punishment for something that I did? Did I commit anything against anyone or anything because the life I am living is something that I don't want to live?

If not then, please help me and show me a way out of this. Show me a way out."

He closed his eyes and started praying to the almighty with his entire strength.


Meanwhile, at the beach, Antonio and Bruce were having the time of their lives. They were really happy, playing and walking on the shore. They were not a lot of people on the beach and some people recognized both Antonio and Bruce and took selfies with them but that was just it.

"I am really having a good time with you." Bruce said, holding Antonio's hands tightly, sweetly rubbing on them. "I love you so much and I hope this moment never ends."

They were standing on the shore with their feet in the water, looking at each other. Both of them had sunglasses on them and they looked handsome.

Antonio smiled, removing Bruce's sunglasses and stared into his eyes. "There is nothing more I would like than to be with you, baby. I love you and I will love you forever."

Bruce's heart started racing the moment he heard that. "Really?"


"All I want is to be yours forever. I don't care if you are married but I want you with me forever."

Antonio breathed in deeply, wrapping his arms around Bruce's lovely neck. He smiled brightly at him, leaning down softly. "That will happen soon because I want to marry you too. I just need to find a way to get rid of that boy."

"And I can't wait."

Antonio chuckled, getting closer to Bruce's lips. "But for now, I wanna taste those wonderful succulent lips that I have been dying to taste."

They both laughed as they got closer to each other, slowly closing their eyes. Antonio's heart was yearning for Bruce's lips... his body yearned for him and his soul wanted to be with him forever. He could feel Bruce's breath on his face and it made his body hotter.

He was getting closer to Bruce's lips when suddenly, he felt as if something just entered him, something strong. He quickly opened his eyes widely and was welcomed by a really sharp pain in his chest. He held out his chest and suddenly started coughing, dropping to his knees on the shore.

He couldn't understand what was going on at all. It was as if something had suddenly possessed him, something that he failed to understand.

He touched his chest and coughed uncontrollably. When Bruce heard that, he quickly opened his eyes only to find Antonio on his knees, coughing uncontrollably.

"Baby?" He rushed to him, kneeling before hm. He held him, trying to rub his back. "Are you okay?"

But Antonio couldn't even speak a word. He just coughed uncontrollably while tears went down his cheeks. He felt so much pain and he couldn't understand why.

"Baby, you are scaring me." Bruce had never been so scared. "Say something....."


Before Antonio could even say something, the pain suddenly stopped and he stopped coughing instantly. He sat there looking like a lost cat. His short was completely wet and he was confused. He slowly rubbed his tears.


He raised his face and looked in his lover's eyes, staring in them without blinking. "I.... I don't know." He gasped, touching his chest but the pain was gone. He couldn't understand.

"But what really happened?" Bruce was about to cry. "You scared me."

"I don't understand anything. It was as if something was trying to pull my breath out of me. I felt so much pain and I couldn't even understand."

Bruce was now confused as he had no idea what to do or say.

Antonio on the other hand couldn't even move from where he was seated. His eyes were blood red and his face was blank. He couldn't put any of what had happened together. It was all so confusing. What the hell had just happened?


Back at the temple, Praveen prayed earnestly, pouring his entire heart to the almighty. He slowly opened his eyes, rubbing his tears.

"I know that I might not get the answer to my question but I know that you are always there for me." He said softly, smiling at the idol. "One day, I will get to find out the reason why you made this marriage happen. I will remain faithful to you because you cannot do something that is lethal to my life. I have always been your devotee and nothing will ever change that. I just ask for one thing from you,"

He paused and took a deep breath.

"Please, make my new family happy." He smiled softly. "I am not asking for my happiness but the happiness of my new family. Help Aunt Victoria and her family and may they always be happy with everything that they do. I know that telling anyone something would breed trouble and I am willing to suffer but just make the people that have been good to me happy. I don't know where my life will be in a day, a month or year but I shall always be faithful."

He slowly bent down and touched the sacred ground near the idol of the almighty. He was just hoping his prayers were gonna be answered. He stood up and looked at the statue with seriousness on his face. Then out of nowhere, the wind stopped blowing and everything was back to normal.

He bowed his head and wanted to turn when....

"Wow!" He heard a really sweet voice say behind him, a voice that he had never heard before. "That was really nice and powerful."

Praveen frowned, suddenly turning. He found a really, really beautiful man that he had ever set his eyes on. He was really handsome, angelic and he somehow felt as if the almighty had sent an angel to him. The man had a beautiful round face with really long dark brown hair that was made into braids. His eyes were deep blue, his lips pink and that smile on his face made Praveen's heart to feel at peace.

The man was wearing a really bright shiny white shirt which was halfway done, a tight black designer's trouser and white designer's shoes. His body was amazing, curvy and really gorgeous. He was perfect in every way and he seemed really rich. Praveen had never seen any man so beautiful.

"I am sorry," The man gave him the brightest smile he had ever received from anyone before in his entire life.

The man leaned down and touched the holy ground, slowly bowing his head just like Praveen had been doing before. Praveen watched everything the man did and couldn't help but smile genuinely. The man was definitely attractive.

"I am sorry," The man apologized, slowly turning to him. "I just saw what you were doing and I couldn't help but admire it. I have never been to this kind of temple before. It's actually...." he paused, chuckling softly. " first time doing this kind of thing."

Praveen still thought he was some kind of angel. "No!" He gasped, shaking his head. "You did great if it is your first time. What I know is that...." He paused and looked at the idol. " doesn't matter how we pray to the almighty. What matters is the heart with which we pray to him." He was grinning, remembering each and every word someone had told him long ago. "If you pray sincerely and with a pure heart, the almighty won't disappoint you, never."

"Hmm," The man simply nodded, impressed by Praveen's wonderful words and intelligence. "Whoever had taught you that must be really wise."

"Yeah!" He nodded, staring at the man again. "My mother taught me that when I was growing up."

"And now you've passed it to me." The man said, resting his hand on Praveen's shoulder. He smelt really nice but he didn't care about statuses like Antonio and Bruce or Andrea. "Please, thank her for me because I will never forget what you've taught me."

Praveen dropped his eyes to the floor and took a deep breath. "I can't." he felt a little sad. "She's no longer with me. She died two years ago."

"Oh!" The man said in a sad tone. "I am truly sorry. I understand what you passed through and I didn't mean to remind you of it."

Praveen raised his face and smiled brightly. "It's okay."

The man smiled back, dropping his hand slowly. He was definitely happy and it showed on his beautiful face. "I have always heard of this famous temple from my country so I decided to visit it. I heard that it is mostly used for marriage purposes and married people can get their blessings from here."

"Yeah!" Praveen was talking to a stranger but they seemed to have some kind of connection that he couldn't even explain. The man was lively and cheerful. Praveen somehow felt happy and at peace talking to him. "Unlike you, I live in this country but it's actually my first time coming here.'


"Yes! I came with my husband on our honeymoon and...."

Praveen trailed off when he realized what he had just said. He shouldn't have uttered that in excitement. Now Antonio was back to his mind and it was kinda irritating and hurting him. He didn't like that at all.

"Are you okay?" The man asked.

Praveen raised his head and nodded. "Yes! I am fine."

But he wasn't fooling anyone because the man could see right through him. "Hmm, well, I am sorry for saying this but...." He paused and cleared his throat, getting closer to Praveen. "...I was here the rest of the time and I heard your prayer to...." He gestured because he had no idea what to call the idol. "I also know that you have a husband and... somehow, you are not happy."

Praveen raised his face and couldn't even speak. The man was stranger and he was supposed to ignore his questions but....

"It's a really long story and I don't think you will understand." He gave a half smile. "It's actually a little complicated."

The man smiled brightly as he took a deep breath. "I know that I am a stranger and you probably shouldn't be talking to me but...."

"No, it's fine." Praveen said with a genuine smile. "It's just that no one would understand what I have been going through."

The man shook his head and groaned at the beautiful boy in front of him. He was wearing glasses but that didn't prevent his beauty from showing. He was simply amazing and the man liked him. He felt some kind of wonderful connection with him.

"I would because we may not be as we appear." The man lost his smile as he went in deep into the past.

Now Praveen was confused. He couldn't understand any word that the man had just uttered.

"I don't understand."

"I am married like you." The man said as his smile reappeared. "I have a husband and we've been married for quite some time now, five years to be precise."

Praveen couldn't believe he was hearing that. He somehow got curious because he was happy for the man he was speaking.

"Five years," He gasped as he eyes widened. "Wow!" The man looked young and Praveen was wondering the age at which he had gotten married.

"Yes!" He nodded. "And I have been through a lot of things, things that almost crushed me."

Praveen still couldn't believe it.

"I am sorry for this but...." He extended his arm because he wanted to greet the man. " name is Praveen..." He paused and cleared his voice. "Praveen Garcia."

"Nice to meet you, Praveen." The man extended his hand and shook it excitedly. "I am really honored and I must say, you are very, very beautiful."

Praveen blushed, feeling a little shy. Someone had told him he was beautiful and it somehow melted his heart. "Thank you so much. May I please, know your name?"

The man chuckled as his face brightened up. He looked at Praveen and both of their eyes met, staring into each other's souls.


Ethan was dressed beautifully in a black designer's trouser which was fitted tightly on his body like a second skin, looking really handsome, seductive and sexy. He had a pure white designer's shirt which was half way buttoned, revealing his beautiful muscular chest on which a beautiful gold medallion was placed.

He had white shoes on his feet and his hair was combed backwards perfectly. He was at his friend's company where he had been working with his friend. He was also the one handling all the affairs of the music.

He was going to see Andrea for something really important and he was hoping that Bruce wasn't there because he definitely didn't wanna see him. The man shouldn't have even returned because he probably brought nothing but trouble.

"Of course, sweetie...." Andrea laughed, putting her legs on the beautiful glass table. "I know you are really enjoying yourself there because you have the man you love with you. I know that you will surprise me, Bruce."

"Bruce!" Before Ethan even knocked on the door, he stopped in his tracks and wondered what was going on. "Bruce is with the man he loves?" He gasped, feeling his heart pound deeper in his chest. "What's going on because...."

He was really hoping that Antonio didn't do anything stupid and foolish.

"I trust you, Bruce and very soon, I know my brother will bring you into our house." Andrea's smile was everlasting. It was beautiful.

"I really can't wait." Bruce said on the other end of the line, even happier than Andrea was. "I love him so much and because of that whore...."

"You shouldn't worry about him." Andrea assured, slowly moving on the chair from side to side. "That boy is stupid. We are smarter so just enjoy yourself, okay."

"I am." Bruce chuckled. "Right now, we are at the beach and I can't tell you how happy and fulfilled I am."

"Hmm, he is really serious about this." Andrea gasped, taking a deep breath.

"Why can't he be when I drive him crazy?" Bruce chuckled evilly. "You should have been here to see the look on that boy's face."

"Hmm, but I can already see it." Andrea chuckled, folding her arm on her chest. "Just have fun and when you come back here, you know what we have to do. It's three against one and you know who will win in this situation. He will be out of our lives soon."

"Thanks." Bruce was happy. "Anyway, I just called to say hi and tell you about our little honeymoon. I gotta go because we are going boat surfing."

"Alright, have fun."

Andrea cut the call and started laughing at the top of her lungs, throwing her phone on the table. Everything was going as she had dreamt it was gonna be. She knew she was gonna be successful. Her brother and Bruce were in on with her and it was fun. The boy was fighting a war he knew he was gonna lose and....

"Where is Bruce?" Andrea heard a familiar voice ask.

She quickly raised her face, dropping her legs to the floor and saw Ethan staring at her with his arms folded. He seemed really serious and somehow made Andrea really mad. But she managed to maintain her smile and got up from the chair in her classy outfit and black high heeled shoes.