Destined Lovers Ch. 02


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George watched as Henry walked away from him went and put on his shirt and went away leaving the confused George lying on the sand. 2 minutes must have passed before George got up, put on his shirt, arranged the stuff properly and started walking to the car slowly not knowing what to do or say when he reached the car and saw Henry. He knew that their relationship was never going to be as it used to be the past few days and it might turn out to be worse, not after what had just happened between them.

When George reached the place they had packed the car, Henry was already inside seated on the driver's seat ready to drive home. George opened the boot and put all their stuff for the day and he slowly opened the door and entered. He looked at Henry and the guy looked like he had not slept in days. He was looking upset and as if he had been thinking for days, his face looked pale and when he looked at George, George felt shy and looked outside the window.


When George reached home, he got out of the car before Henry did, took all the stuff from the car boot and went inside the house. As soon as he entered the house, he found Claire in the living room and they both went to the kitchen where Claire insisted George to tell her of the day at the beach. George couldn't deny her that and he narrated how the day was, trying to sound fine and calm but he left the kissing part. After he had narrated the story Claire left the kitchen and he tried to finish the food she had left for him but he couldn't. He had lost his appetite. When she came back, she looked worried and George knew that something was wrong.

"Are you okay Claire?" he asked with concern.

"Sir Henry has refused to come to have his dinner. He is not even opening his door and I am worried something is wrong with him."

George got up fast and tried to assure the old woman that Henry was okay.

"He said he was tired and he would be going straight to sleep." He knew he had to cook up a lie to make the woman feel better and it worked.

George kissed the woman goodnight and he went to his room to get some sleep. He got to his room, took off the short and t-shirt and just slept in his boxer briefs. He found it hard to sleep as soon he found himself thinking about the incident over and over again and he didn't want to think about it anymore but looks like his heart and mind had different plans for him and to be honest he could not understand his feelings any more. He kept thinking for 3 hours and he kept wondering why he could not get Henry out of his mind. Ever since he was young, he had no affection for girls but he found the company of men good and loving. Did this mean he was gay and was he falling for his boss? So many questions where running through his head that he drifted off to sleep.

George had just slept for a few minutes when he woke up and he was sweating. He had a dream about Henry again and this time they were kissing in Henry's room on his bed and both of them seemed happy. George did not know why Henry was on his mind again and he knew he was not going to sleep very soon. He wondered what Henry was thinking. Was he also unable to sleep? Was he feeling the same way? George knew this was going to be a very long night........


After George had broken the kiss Henry just left and went to the car. He did not know what to say. Why did he act like a fool? Why did he have to kiss George? When he entered the car, all he wanted to do was to just disappear before George came to the car but he had to stay at least to face George. He did not have to wait for long before he heard the car boot open. A few moments later, George opened the door and entered the car without saying a word. It was like he was trying to avoid even looking at Henry and that added to the way he was feeling. Henry started the car but he could not say anything to George. He felt hot even his face was a bit wet.

He drove a bit faster home but it felt like forever to reach. He knew he had to drive carefully as he did not want to cause an accident. All the way home, George was looking outside the window and soon as they reached home, he got out of the car before Henry parked the car properly.

When Henry had entered his big mansion, he did not see George anywhere. He just went straight to his room and locked the door. He was so confused, he was not even thinking properly. He wanted to apologize to George but George seemed to be in a rush every moment. Henry thought that George really hated him for what had happened and Henry was feeling guilty. He wanted to apologize but he did not know how to face him and he did not the words to say if he met him.

Henry struggled to sleep. No matter what he did, he found himself thinking. He heard a knock on the door but he did not bother to even see who was outside the door. He heard the door knob moving after some time but he was lucky he had locked the door. After sometime, whoever was knocking at the door left and Henry continued with his thoughts.

When Henry looked at his watch, it was already 2 am and he had come to a conclusion. He was going to talk to George. He got up and left his room heading for George's room. As soon as he reached at the door of George's room, he was filled with fear. Fear which he never knew he even had in him. He wanted to knock on the door but withdrew his hand before he even knocked.

"What am I doing?" he thought.

"I made a big mistake earlier today and now I am trying to deny him sleep."

"I am not ready to face him yet."

Henry returned to his room and decided he needed to be away from George for a few days. At least to give George some time to think and forget about what happened. The last thing he wanted was for George to see him and be reminded of that particular incident at the beach. A few days would be enough for George to forget and hopefully when Henry returned, he would be able to explain himself to George.

"I will stay with Andrew for a few days. I am sure he would not mind." He thought.

Doctor Andrew Jenkins was Henry's childhood friend and the person who usually helped him when he was in deep trouble and he was sure he wouldn't mind if Henry stayed with him after all they were friends.


George woke up suddenly. He did not know what woke him up. He did not even remember how or when he slept because the last thing he remembered was thinking about Henry. He looked at his watch and it was 7.30 am. He got up, took a quick shower and went downstairs to the kitchen. He did not see Greg or Claire but he found his breakfast on the table, bread and butter. He just had a slice and drank the coffee before he decided to resume his daily routine. He slowly walked upstairs to Henry's room wondering how his reaction would be if they saw each other. He wished for Henry not to be home but it was still a weekend and that was impossible so he got himself ready to meet with Henry and probably have the most embarrassing moment of his life in Henry's room.

Finally he reached the door but was too afraid to knock on it. After gathering enough confidence, he knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again but still no answer. He slowly touched the knob wondering whether Henry was not answering because he did not want to talk to him or because he was in the shower. He was even tempted to turn back and just leave but he could not neglect his duties. Besides, it was what he was paid for.

George slowly entered the room and was greeted by its silence. The bed was made as if no one had slept in it. The bathroom door was open and George knew Henry was not in the room. He saw a note on the bed and looked at it.

"I am sorry for what happened and I hope it does not ruin our friendship."

George felt relieved that that Henry was not in the house but then again he wondered where he had gone. He quickly cleaned the room and went downstairs where he found Greg and Claire talking but when they saw him they remained silent.

"Hi! George?" Claire and Greg said.

"Hey!" George answered while looking at their faces. It was like they were discussing something that they did not want him to hear.

"Are you guys okay?" George asked them.

"Of course we are."

"Come on, I can see that something is bothering you guys or you are worried about something."

Claire Looked at Greg before she sighed and began talking.

"Henry has left the house for a few days but before he left, I noticed that he was not looking very good so I persuaded him to tell me what was bothering him. At first he wouldn't say anything but due to the fact that he's like a son to me I got it out of him and he told me what had happened between you two."

George's mouth flung open. He couldn't believe that Henry had told Claire what had happened at the beach. He felt embarrassed and his face was feeling hot. He was looking at the floor hoping the ground would just open and swallow him whole.

"Look son, I have known Henry for years now and he is a very good boy. I am sure that what happened was a big mistake." Claire sounded so serious and confident.

"Sure, he is gay and all but he is not the type of guy who would take advantage of you. He left so that he could give you some time to forget about the incident that happened and please help him out okay. It was all a mistake." She spoke so sweetly to him that he started feeling bad. Henry left because of him after all.

George assured Claire that he would try his best. She was so sweet to him and then she and Greg left for the kitchen.


It had been 3 days since Henry left and George always had the image of Henry in his head. Things started getting worse after Claire had spoken to him the day Henry left. That night, he went to bed and he woke up in the middle of the night sweating as if someone had poured water on him. He had gone back to sleep but the dream was still there. Henry was there. When he had woken up in the morning, he was missing Henry so bad. Where that came from all of a sudden he did not know. The whole day went by without seeing Henry and he was missing him badly that he was almost tempted to ask Claire to call him back. The second day was not good either. He was missing him so much that it hurt so much. It was like he was missing a part of him that was very important. Henry was always on his mind. Then he came to a conclusion, he was really in love with Henry and that he was gay. On this day he was going to call Henry back. It was what his heart was telling him to do.

In the late afternoon, he gathered the courage to ask Claire for Andrew's address. When he asked her she smiled.

"You could just call him you know."

"I know but I want to personally bring him back because I was the reason he left in the first place." He responded.

"You don't even know this town that well. You may get lost." She said by now sounding worried.

"I will take a cab and I will be fine."

Claire did not argue but just wrote the address on a piece of paper and kissed him on a cheek. After that he left for his destination.


"You did what?" Andrew shouted when Henry had told him what had happened when he had arrived at his house.

"I kissed him." He replied feeling embarrassed at his answer.

"Seriously you have messed up and you left a note on the bed." Andrew asked before he busted out in laughter.

"You could have just talked to him you know." Andrew was still laughing at him.

"I know but don't make me feel any worse than I feel right now."

"All right, but I'm just saying."

Andrew took him to the guest room where he would be sleeping. After he had showered he went to the living room where he and Andrew talked while they watched a football match. Henry felt better but after dinner that day, the memories came back. He was missing George so much. When he slept he had a dream about George and it was too good he didn't want to wake up from it but was awaken by the alarm which he had set. He got up and went to work and probably had the worst day of his life. He could not concentrate on any work. All he wanted was to see George but he couldn't, he wanted him to forget about the kissing incident and he knew he had to endure it for a few days. When he came back from work he was so tired that he went to sleep without having dinner.

The second day, he did not go to work but spent the whole day with Andrew who also did not go to work that day. They spent the whole day playing video games and watching a football match. Andrew always made Henry laugh every time. They were laughing like little children.

It was the third day, Henry and Andrew had planned to go to a bar to have a drink. At exactly 5.30 pm, both of them left for the bar in Henry's ford s-max.

When they arrived at the bar, it was only half full but there were a lot of people because it was huge. They had barely sat and Andrew excused himself smiling as he went away from him. Henry wondered why but in a few minutes he saw him talking with a woman with blonde hair and he knew the reason why he had left smiling. He couldn't really see the woman's face but the both of them where already laughing. Henry decided to order some wine to help him clear his head. When the waiter brought the wine to him, he took a sip before looking towards where he saw Andrew a few minutes ago but he couldn't see him. He began looking around to see if he could spot him but to no avail. Then he heard his voice behind him,

"Looking for me?"

Henry heard Andrew chuckling and then he looked behind and saw him looking at him smiling.

"For a moment I thought you had left me here alone." Henry said.

"What made you think like that?" Andrew asked him still smiling.

"I saw you talking to that chick and I thought you had left with her."

"No! Actually she is the lady I met years ago. Her name is Natalie and we used to be friends when I was in the university..... Well we kind of dated." Andrew said.

"Knowing you, I think you want to get back together."

"Hmm could be or not." Andrew said.

After chatting a bit about Andrew wanting to get back with Natalie, Henry dropped the topic. Andrew ordered beer and he was busy drinking as he talked with Henry. An hour later, they were joined by Henry's friend Natalie. She was really beautiful and the kind of Lady Henry would have loved to date if he was straight. She seemed nice as Andrew introduced her to him. She seemed extremely happy when Andrew mentioned he was Henry Rosenberg. When they began talking, all they talked about was Henry's business and how he handled being famous and later Andrew and Natalie's relationship in the university. Henry felt left out as he was not contributing much on their discussion. Rather he was asking questions about their relationship while at the university. He did not want to get drank so he had only one glass of wine. Looking at them, Henry saw that they used to be in love and there was still a possibility of them still being in love with each other. This reminded him of the boy he loved, George. He imagined he was with George in the bar and both of them were happy. As he was thinking, he was looking around the bar admiring the couples that were in the bar. When he looked at the entrance to the bar his eyes paused. Did he just see George at the door? He wondered. Maybe he was drunk and the brain was playing tricks on him. He looked again and saw George but he was looking confused and just turned around and left.

Henry just sat there trying to bring himself under control. Was he thinking of George that much he was even starting to see him in the bar? Many questions were running through his mind. But everything seemed to be so real and whether it was George or not, he was going to find out. He got up without saying a word and went outside looking in all directions to see if he could see him.


Though George had a difficult time reaching Andrew's place, he had finally reached there at 5.43 pm and was happy and nervous at the same time. He didn't know how to act if he saw Henry but all he knew was that he had to bring him home. When he had reached there, the employees of the house had told him that both Henry and Andrew had gone to the bar and would be back very late. George couldn't wait so he got the address to the bar and also had a difficult time reaching there. The cabs seemed to be occupied so he had to walk a bit asking for directions before he finally got a cab that was vacant.

The cab had left him at the bar and now he was standing at the entrance. He looked at his watch and it was now 8 pm. As he entered the bar, he started getting nervous again. On one hand he really wanted to see Henry and on the other hand he didn't know how to face him. Both of those feelings got hold of him and he stopped at the entrance of the bar. He felt confused and he knew it would show on his face and he didn't want to face Henry in that condition and he wanted to be confident when he was talking to Henry so he decided to go outside to cool off before going inside to look for Henry. There were still a few people outside and they were busy talking loud and drinking so he decided to get away from them to clear his head because they were not making things easy for him with the noise. George began walking to a place where there were no people and he was glad it was quiet. He could not see anyone else so he began walking slowly and finally stopped to think. A few minutes later, he heard a noise behind him and for some reason he could have sworn that someone was behind him but he ignored it. After all it was probably someone coming from or going to the bar.

It was not long before he felt a cold piece of metal on his neck which he soon realized was a knife. Fear took over him and he heard a deep voice of a man speak to him.

"Scream and I will cut your neck."

George was shaking. He wanted to beg the man to let him go but somehow he couldn't find his voice. Without turning to see the man who had a knife to his neck, he was led into what he recognized as an alley and it was quiet. He was thrown to the ground and he had the chance to see the man that was threatening him. A blonde and pale man stood in front of him with black eyes which were really scaring him.

Quick as a flash he grabbed George's neck with one hand and pulled him up from the ground. George tried to breathe and break from his grasp but this blonde pale man was just too strong for him. The blonde pale man threw him to the wall that was about seven feet away. He hit his back first and the back of his head hits the wall hard that he couldn't see clearly what was going on. He fell to the ground and grabbed the back of his head and could feel blood on his hands. His feelings were still intact as fear took over him and he felt pain. He did not know what to do anymore so he began crying and crawling fast away from the man who was abusing him but the man was too fast as soon he catches up with him. George's head was spinning so fast that he was at the verge of throwing up. The pale man held him firmly and spins him on his back and he got on top of him. The man started sniffing his neck and George's heart began beating faster with fear. Tears were coming down his face but he couldn't hear his voice and he was feeling very weak as he pleaded with the pale man to stop but he just laughed and continued.

George could hear as the man took one of his hands and placed it on his ass and squeezed it. He wanted to put up a fight but he was too weak and the man was just too strong. Then he felt the man's tongue licking his neck as he heard the man unzipping himself. Thoughts of his uncle trying to rape him one night flushed through him. His uncle had failed but this man was really going to rape him. George did not know where he got the strength but he could hear his own cries for help but the man covered his mouth. He struggled and cried harder but no sound came as the man had his huge hand on his mouth.