Destined Lovers Ch. 05


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He got out of his chair, took his jacket and left the office chatting and laughing with Andrew.

They were about to exit his engineering company building when he just froze and remained motionless. It was like he was dreaming but it was all real. He tried to make his mind believe that all this was a fantasy but he was still standing there in front of him.

"Jake!" he finally said quietly after what seemed like eternity.

Jake came near him smiling and gave him a tight hug until Andrew cleared his throat. Jake moved to Andrew and gave him a tight hug too. Henry was breathless; he could not believe that after so many years he had met with Jake again.

Jake Williams, 23 was Henry's childhood friend too and they dated years back. They were so much in love until Jake's parents moved overseas and took him with them. Henry had lost contact with him due to unknown reasons. The same Jake was standing in front of him. He had grown up, handsome as ever. He had a round face with beautiful green eyes like George's, dark brown hair long hair and his face was now full with beards which he kept in great shape and were cut perfectly. He wore a red t-shirt, dark green skinny pants and red snickers. All that he wore was perfect.

"What are you doing here?" Henry asked still surprised and unable to believe that Jake was real in front of him.

"I came here to see you... I can see that you are doing well and in great shape." He said as he smiled.

Henry was so excited seeing Jake. Not that he was still in love with him or anything but because he was glad to see his friend after so long. Although they had been in love, he had never loved anybody the way he loved George. Maybe in the hierarchy he would be on the second if Henry was asked to put them in order but right now he felt nothing for him. He had given all the love to George and had nothing more to give to anybody.

"While we are here trying to catch up..." Andrew finally said. "We should never forget that this is a work place...... let's go somewhere we would catch up properly."

All of them agreed and went to Henry's house to catch up with their own cars. They had arrived at the house and they could be heard in the living room laughing as they talked. Henry finally learnt that Jake was a model, singer song writer and an actor as well as a graduate with a bachelor's degree in pharmacy but he preferred being a celebrity. He was back in the country because he had a contract with one of the best and biggest modeling and acting companies in the country. He had bought a house in the same city and Henry also learnt that Jake had been back for 3 weeks before he decided to locate him.

"Why didn't you call?" Henry asked.

"It's not like I did not know how to contact you......" he giggled. "You are now famous and it was easy but I wanted to be fully settled first."

"Really!" Andrew asked.

Jake nodded smiling.

They continued talking over a glass of wine until Henry heard footsteps coming downstairs. He looked and found George coming down slowly. When he came to the living room, he first greeted Andrew whom he was familiar with and then moved on to Jake. Henry got up and planted a quick kiss on his mouth which made him smile and blush at the same time.

"Jake, this is the love of my life, George." Henry said as he introduced the both of them. "And George, this is Jake...... my friend."

Those words made him feel good. It was like Henry was saying, "Hey he's mine. Stay clear."

Henry saw Jake stand and shake hands with George as he said, "Nice to meet you."

Both of them were wearing beautiful smiles on their faces.

The day went by beautifully. The guys talked almost whole day. After dinner, both Jake and Andrew left for their respective homes with an excuse that they had to go to work the following day. After they had left, Henry took George to his room and they had sex before they finally slept.

Weeks went by and everything seemed to be all right for Henry. His love life was perfect, his work was stable, and he had his friends and everyone who loved him. What else could he wish for?

In a few weeks, Jake's career as a model and actor was viral. His pictures were all over newspapers, magazines, televisions, fliers, everywhere. He became very famous in just a few weeks that he was the talk of the country when it came to celebrities. Henry was really happy for. On numerous occasions, he had his friends over and they talked, played ball outside and argued about things sometimes. Any chance he got, he had sex with George.


A month passed and things seemed to be getting better and better between Henry and him. The bond was getting stronger. In a few months was George's 19th birthday and Henry had promised him a grand celebration. George had lost the number of times they went on a dates and had sex in that one month. Life with Henry was just really wonderful.

George had just finished cleaning Henry and his room. He arranged his clothes in the other room and cleaned the second room which was only were Henry did all his work when he was home and needed to work on his numerous projects.

George headed downstairs to see Claire for he really found it benefiting hanging around the woman especially when it came to Henry for she knew him better as she had been staying with him for a long time.

"I am so sorry George." she said apologetically. "Today I have a lot of work and if you are not busy, I need your help."

George could not deny the woman anything. As long as it was within his powers and his reach, he would happily do t without hesitation.

"Anything for you." He responded.

"Thank you." She said flipping her long hair as she looked at him.

She took a note from her apron pocket and gave it to him smiling.

She explained to him that Greg was busy trying to arrange the kitchen well and therefore had asked her to buy food stuffs from the market but since she too was busy, she practically begged him to buy the food stuffs for her. George agreed and took the budget list and the money from her and went outside. He called the driver who took him to the mall to buy everything on the list.

The super market was a bit crowded by people. It was expected since it was really large. He got just two of the items on the list when a man came to him. The man looked like he really needed help. It was not like he was looking lost or anything because he really looked rich.

"Hey buddy." He said softly. "Can you help me? I am kind of new here"

"Of course." George smiled. "I will if I can."

"Thank you but this is private.... Can I whisper in your hear?" the man asked him looking as if he was unsure of what he was asking.

"Sure!" George responded wondering what was private that the man wanted to whisper.

He brought his mouth so close to George's ear and when he whispered George was smiling or rather was about to burst into laughter but he knew he had to control himself.

"Do you know if there is a section where they sell condoms and if possible dildos?" the man asked feeling embarrassed at his own question.

George went near his ear and whispered back, "I am sure I have seen condoms somewhere but as for dildos, I have no idea."

When George withdrew from the man's ear, he was really smiling. This man was crazier than the craziest person he had ever come across, Henry.

He gave the man directions as to where he had seen the condoms and the man thanked him and left. George quickly got everything on the list, paid for it and went outside ready to go home, hoping to find Henry home already. He got outside, put everything in the car and the driver took him home. He was so tired so he went to get a hot shower to massage his body and make him feel better. When he came out, he found Henry in the living room talking with his friend Jake who was a celebrity.

"Henry really has the coolest friends." He thought.

He didn't want to disturb them so he went back to the room to read a magazine. A few minutes later, Henry joined him and they had hot and passionate sex. Things were working really well between them.


Claire and George were coming out of the super market when George saw a face which looked really familiar to him. Where had he seen that face? He tried to remember and suddenly it hit him. It was Mason his childhood friend. He went there and as soon as Mason saw him, they hugged as they had not seen each other for four years.

"Oh my god!" George exclaimed. "I can't believe it's you."

Mason was acting surprised that he could not say anything. Mason was George's best friend ever. He was tall, a bit fat, his eyes were grey and he had a round face and handsome face with dark long hair which fell to his face.

"Is this you?" Mason asked in surprise.

George had his mouth wide open but no words came out of his mouth. He hugged Mason one more time before exchanging contacts with him and agreed to meet with him the following day at a café. They said their goodbyes and George went with Claire telling him about Mason and his friendship. He was so happy that he had reconnected with Mason after so long. He went home that day very happy and told Henry about Mason. Henry was also happy for him.

The next day he was excited as he exited the mansion. He took a taxi as he would be long and went to their meeting place. He found Mason already waiting for him. He was dressed in a green t shirt and blue cargo trousers and his hair was tied which made him look younger. When he saw George they hugged and sat on their table. They spent the whole afternoon catching up on the lost time and their childhood memories. George learnt that Mason was now in his first year at the university pursuing his bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering. He was on break and would go back to school in a few days and George wanted to really connect with his best friend after so long in those few days. George felt happy for him and hoped that one day he would pursue his career too. They talked and talked for hours. George told him all about Henry and Mason expressed his happiness knowing that George was dating such a famous business man. By the time he realized it, it was already 7.30 pm.

"Oh shit!" he said suddenly getting up. "I have to get going....... It's late."

"You mean Henry is waiting." Mason teased him.

George smiled and gave Mason a hug before he went outside looking for a taxi cab which gave him a hard time finding. Finally he arrived at the mansion at 8.20 pm and he knew Henry was waiting for him. He entered the house and saw no one but he went straight to Henry's room and found him waiting for him in the room. He had barely entered the room and Henry was kissing him like crazy. They had great sex but the following day George was too tired to have sex that he just kissed Henry and slept. This continued for 2 days without having sex. On the third and final meeting with Mason, he came back home very late and to his surprise, he found Henry wondering about the room looking angry. When he saw George, he came straight to him and just stood in front looking at him. He was neither smiling nor talking. He was just staring at him.

"Where have you been?" he said angrily.

"I told you I was meeting a friend..." George said.

"Of course.... You were there the whole afternoon and you came back this late." He said getting out his anger. "Even I do not stay this late..... These past few days you are always home late and always tired... what's up with that?" Henry said before turning back to go to the bed.

George felt bad that Henry was feeling this way. He looked and saw him already lying on the bed with his back to George. George had never seen him like this and he had never acted the way he was acting around him until now. It was like George had committed a huge offence against him. George went near him slowly and touched him but he was not responding. He pretended like he was sleeping and George knew he was probably in a bad mood and it would be better to talk to him the next day.

He left the room wondering why Henry had acted like that. It was not like he had done something very wrong but he wanted to wait until morning to talk to Henry when he would be a good mood.

In the morning when George woke up, Henry was already gone. Was he that mad at him that he had to leave very early? This was all hurting George a lot and as soon as Henry came back from work, he would talk to him and apologize to him if he had done anything wrong.

It was afternoon already and George prayed Henry to come home early so that they would talk. He went to the living room to wait for him and after a few minutes, he heard a knock and his heart began racing. But then it hit him, "Why would Henry knock?"

He went to the door and found a guard telling him that there was a man looking for Henry. He told him to allow him in. The man came and he was dressed elegantly just like a business man. To his surprise the man was wearing cologne just like Henry's. When the man came, he told him he was meeting with Henry. George told the man Henry was already at the office but the man assured him that Henry had left the office and was coming home in a few minutes. George took him to the living room and sat with him without saying anything. He had offered the man a drink but he declined, he seemed serious. The man kept staring at George which made him feel uncomfortable.

George heard the gates open and he knew Henry was coming so he decided to go to his room, let Henry talk with this man and later he would talk to him. He thought if Henry saw him, it may not be good if they argued in front of his guest. He just stood up and went upstairs to his room. He was lying on the bed face down when he heard the light switch being switched off and the whole room got dark leaving only little light which was coming from the window that was completely closed. He turned to see what was going on and saw a man slowly coming towards him. He knew from the aroma that filled the room as he entered that it was Henry probably because he knew he had overreacted and came to make it up to him. He came close to the bed but George couldn't see his face as it was dark but he was sure he was smiling.

"Henry, I am truly sorry for making you feel bad last night... I ..." before he could finish the sentence, Henry had his finger on his mouth.

He drew near and kissed his hands caressing them as he smelled them with his nose. He laid him down as he came on top of him kissing his neck making him moan with pleasure. He removed his jacket and threw it on the other side of them and was now removing George's shirt. He threw the shirt away and began sucking on George's nipples making him moan even more. After a few seconds of this, he moved to his mouth and locked his lips with George. Something was not right and George could feel it as Henry stuck his tongue in his mouth kissing him. This was not Henry and he could tell from the kiss which he felt nothing from. Henry's kisses were hot but he felt nothing, this was not Henry. Before he could do anything, the door flung open and the light was switched on. He broke the kiss and saw the furious looking Henry standing on the door way coming towards them. The man who was on top of him got up quickly and when he looked at him, he was surprised to see it was the man who had come to meet Henry.

Everything just happened in a flush. Henry came quickly and punched the man on his nose and in no time he was bleeding. George just sat on the bed trying to figure out if what was happening was a dream or a reality. He could hear punches and screams for help. He looked and saw blood on the floor and the next thing he heard was the man running out of his room. He tried to look again and saw Henry staring at him looking like a predator and he immediately got scared. Henry had blood on his hands and George got up to see if he was hurt before he was pushed with great force to the bed.

"It's not what you think." George said frightened. "That man came to see you and......"

"And you gave him the opportunity to allow him to fuck you, right?" Henry said in a hoarse voice which was really frightening. "I knew you were fucking around with men.... I knew that all friend thing was just an excuse to fuck men in town." He said as he sweated.

George got hurt, was this Henry who was saying this to him or it was someone else. George tried to explain but Henry almost punched him when he opened his mouth to talk if not for the intervention of Jake.

Looking at him, George saw hatred in Henry's eyes and he knew better than to talk to him. He was looking like a beast about to strike and then he just left without saying a word. Jake followed him and George burst into tears. He knew all this could end their relationship.


Henry was seated on his bed trying to calm himself down. He heard Jake knocking and calling him but his door was closed. He was trying to understand why George would cheat on him and of all things bring one of his lovers to fuck him in his house.

This all started a few days ago. He could still remember as he was sitting in his office talking with Jake about the places they wanted to spend the weekend in when his secretary had come in and brought something. Jake took it, opened it and his face was like he had seen a ghost. When Henry had asked him, he said that the stuff was for him and not for Henry. Henry had argued that it was impossible since it was his office. Henry finally got the package from him and when he had seen it, his eyes almost popped out of his socket. It was a picture of George with a man in the mall kissing George's ear and it was like George was enjoying it. The other showed Henry whispering something in the man's ear and both of them smiled. There was also a note which was written, from a friend.

Henry had felt so bad that he tore away the photos except for one which was to be evidence against George. He got up furiously and wanted to go and confront George but Jake had snapped him out of it saying that he had probably misunderstood it. Henry was so mad that George could do this to him even in public places.

That night he went home and George came home late and they had sex and all his doubts were cleared but the following day he had come home late and said he was tired. This continued for 2 days and Henry could not say anything though he was hurting. The day before, he had come home very late and Henry had snapped at him.

When Henry was at the office, he could not concentrate and he knew he had to apologize to George and Jake had supported his idea and he got him from the office and escorted him to his house. When he had reached the house, he was excited to see George but did not find him in his room. He decided to check his room before checking the kitchen and was surprised when he heard moans coming from George's room. He walked slowly and later stopped hearing them. He opened the door with force, switched on the light and found a man on top of him kissing him and George had no shirt on him. Henry had lost control and beat the man up badly until he began bleeding. George even tried to deny when he was caught red handed and Henry had almost punched him if not for Jake. Now he is in his room at the verge of crying. His heart is bleeding and it hurts so much.

He got up and punched the wall and felt his knuckles cut and began bleeding. He was furious and filled with rage.

"I do not deserve this!" he shouted at the top of his voice as he hit the wall once more.

Why did George hurt him like this? He was so furious and knew exactly what he had to do. He was just waiting for George to show up and he would do what had to be done. He vowed to make George pay for all the pain he had inflicted on him. No one had ever hurt him like George had done and George was going to pay for it.


Thanks again for reading. I hope this was a good chapter as well. Keep the comments coming and watch out for chapter 6.

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lonesomedove66lonesomedove66almost 7 years ago
Jake set this up

I hate manipulators

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great plot

Your story is developing well but PLEASE find a proof reader there are so many mistakes and the delivery is jerky it's just not flowing.

keyhole123keyhole123about 7 years ago

Oh no george and henry have to be ok this is so strange i bet jake and his step mother are trying split henry and george up and they set the whole thing up

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