Destined Lovers Ch. 06


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With the help of Jake he had made this plan of inviting another guy to fuck him in the house as a way 0f showing that he had already moved on and George was nothing to him anymore. He knew George would be cleaning his room so he brought the guy to his room and saw that the bathroom door was open because George was in there. They began fondling each other making all kinds of moans so as to make George hear them. He got on top of him and began kissing his neck while he moaned like crazy and making all kinds of comments.

Henry felt no emotions attached to the guy and he was not feeling anything but was moaning loudly so that George could hear him. His plan worked as soon he saw George standing on the bathroom door crying heavily. He took his hands and put them on the guy's waist, unbuckling his belt. Before he looked again, he saw George running away from his room shutting the door behind him as he left.

For the first time since he caught George with the guy who was kissing him he got affected when he saw him leaving crying. He had never seen George cry like that ever since he had known him. Maybe he was innocent after all. By the time he realized it, he felt the guy he had brought getting off of him and he began dressing up.

"I see the way you look at him...... You are in love with him." the guy said as he dressed up.

"You don't understand. That boy cheated on me." Henry responded.

"What makes it different from what you have just done?" the guy chuckled. "I am not your boyfriend and neither are we in a relationship..... We just met a few hours ago.............. I have never been in love but I am not blind to see when two people are in love."

The man was right, what was the difference between what George had done and what he had just done. This all was confusing him but he needed to get back with George. He did not care whether he had to crawl on the ground to beg George to forgive him or be begging for the rest of his life but what he was sure of was the fact that he needed George in his life. He heard the door close and realized the man had already left.

He slowly got up, got dressed and wondered for a few minutes if George would want him back after acting like an ass for several days. He left the room to see George. When he entered George's room he knew something was not right. The wardrobe was wide open and there were no clothes. What mostly bothered him was when he saw the watch he had given to George on the bed.

"Oh no!" he cried out and ran downstairs to see if George was in the house. He saw Greg holding Claire and she was crying. When they saw him, both of them were looking at him strangely which made him feel really bad. It was like something really bad had happened in the house.

"Claire, where is George?" he shouted as he came downstairs.

Claire did not say anything but just stared at him. He asked again and he heard her respond quietly.

"He's gone."

"He's gone!" Henry shouted. "What do you mean?"

"He couldn't take what you are doing to him anymore so he left." This time Greg was the one who answered.

"Where has he gone to?"

"We don't know. He left a few minutes ago."

As soon as Henry heard that, he left the house to find George. He needed his love and forgiveness. He went outside but did not see him. He asked the guard at the gate and he told him he left a few minutes ago. Henry went outside the gate hoping to see him but there was no sign of him anywhere. What had he just done? He just drove away the boy he loved.

He went back in the compound and took out the car to go and look for George. While driving he kept looking outside hoping to see George walking by the road side but he was not lucky. He looked everywhere around town but he did not see him. It was already dark.

He found himself back at the house sitting on the floor in his room holding George's watch with a bottle of liquor. He couldn't believe George was gone and he was the cause of it. All he wanted was to make all his troubles to go away for at least the night but it got worse when he got drank. He could see George sitting on the bed smiling at him which brought tears to him. He wanted George out of his life and now he got his wish but why was it hurting so bad?

He was screaming at himself and he hated himself for what he had done. He felt dizzy and couldn't even get up. Everything was spinning. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked but couldn't see Cleary who it was that touched him but he was sure George was back. The last thing he remembered was calling George's name.

When Henry opened his eyes, he had a hangover and felt a bit dizzy from the amount of liquor he had consumed the night before. He could feel he was naked underneath the sheets and he did not know how he got into the bed. Maybe George had come back he thought. He was stretching his arms when he felt a body beside him. He looked but couldn't see the face as the person had his back turned to him.

He felt so good feeling that George had come back to him. He took his arms and held him and he could feel as he stretched in his arms and turned his face to him smiling. Henry froze when he saw the face. His eyes widened and his mouth was wide open. He was expecting to see George on the bed with him but he saw Jake and both of them were naked.

He had so many questions running through his head that he did not know which one to ask first. Jake was coming closer to kiss him but Henry declined.

"What are you doing in my bed...? Naked?"

Jake was just smiling trying to kiss his lips but he still declined.

"Come on, don't you remember what happened last night?" Jake said smiling.

"What happened last night?" Henry asked by now getting angry at Jake.

"Well since you don't remember I will tell you....... Last night you confessed your love to me and as you can see....." He chuckled. "We had sex."

"What?" Henry shouted as he got off the bed.

He picked his clothes off the floor and put them on not minding that he was naked in front of Jake. He was filled with so much anger that he had just slept with Jake. He felt dirty as he left the room going downstairs to the living room where he sat as he sobbed. What was he turning into? How could he have confessed to Jake who he did not love anymore? This all was not feeling right.

He sat there remembering all the good times he had with George and how their relationship had come to an end. He knew his life would never be the same without George. He knew Jake would now cling to him after they had sex but he promised himself never to stop looking for George. He gathered himself and went with the hope of finding George.


George was sitting on a bench on the street after a long day trying to find work in town but it was either all the positions were filled or he did not qualify for it or they did not need more workers. All hope was lost and he did not know how he would survive but he was glad he had left Henry's mansion though he was still hurting inside.

When he had left the mansion, he took a look one last time and left for town in a taxi cab. He had just reached town when he saw Jake's car. He had tried to avoid him but unfortunately he had seen him as soon he heard him calling his name coming close to him.

"Finally you have left...... now we can leave in peace." He said with an evil grin on his face.

"Well I must say you have won...... and I hope you will be happy." He said courageously.

George went away and heard Jake laugh which made him filled with anger. He had tried to look for a room in town but all of them were expensive and he knew he couldn't afford the room. He asked for help and finally he found a motel room on the outskirts of town which was cheaper and affordable. Now all he needed was a job which was really proving to be difficulty.

He was brought to reality when he heard a car passed by honking at the car in front of it. He got up ready to go to back to the motel. He began walking slowly following the road which led to his room.

The next day, he was walking on the road in the afternoon coming back from job hunting with no luck. He might have been walking for an hour when suddenly he heard a loud noise like a crash from a distance. Somehow he found himself running towards the noise and what he found was a car flipped upside down which was damaged really badly and there was smoke coming from it.

He knew the car would explode soon so he decided to check if there was anyone who was inside the car. He rushed towards it, checked the driver's seat and found a man who was unconscious with blood on his head. He tried to open the door but the door was stuck. He tried again but it was not opening. By now the smoke was now much that anytime it would catch fire.

"What do I do?"

George tried everything until he took a stone and broke the glass. He crawled inside the car to save the man that was unconscious in the car. He saw that he was wearing a seat belt and he was lucky that it was not stuck. He unbuckled the seat belt and slowly dragged the man outside the car. When he had completely dragged him out, he noticed that the car was now on fire and he knew he had to get the man away to safety. The man was heavy but he did all he could to bring him out and he went about a few meters away when he heard an explosion. He thanked God that he had escaped that and saved the man at the same time.

He stared at the man and saw that there was blood on his head and neck. He saw that the man looked in his mid 40s and was dressed smartly. He had seen him somewhere but he just couldn't put his finger on it. George removed the man's fancy jacket and shoes and unbuttoned his shirt to allow air to pass through him with ease. He checked to see if the man was hurt anywhere but it was only the head which was bleeding. He quickly got up to look for a cab but there was no car that passed for twenty minutes.

George was now getting worried for the man had not moved ever since he got him out of the car. He decided to go at a distance and was lucky to see a car coming towards him. He stood in the middle of the road waving at the car as it came near. When the driver stopped the car, he seemed mad.

"Hey do you want to die?" he shouted.

"Please sir, I am sorry." George begged. "I really need your help to take a man to the hospital please."

The man now looked concerned. George took him to the spot where he had left the man. George asked him to take them to the nearest hospital. They took him inside the car and all the way to the hospital George prayed for the man to be okay.

The trip was short as soon they found themselves at the hospital. George rushed inside the hospital and came back with two nurses and a stretcher bed. They got the man out and rushed him inside the hospital. Before George went inside the hospital he thanked the man who had brought them.

He went inside and found that he was in the emergency room so that they could attend to him. George felt so restless. He couldn't even sit down and he kept looking at the clock in the hospital. He didn't know why he was feeling so scared when he did not even know the man that was involved in the accident though he seemed familiar. After what felt like forever, the doctor came out and George rushed towards him.

"Doctor how is he?" he asked with worry.

"Don't worry, he's out of danger but there is one more problem." The doctor said. "He lost a lot of blood and he needs blood for him to survive."

"I am sure you have the blood in your blood bank. Please save the man." George begged.

"That's the problem....... Mr. Rodriguez's blood type is B+ and we had run out of that blood type this morning..... We have sent someone to collect some at the next hospital but it might take a while so I just came here to inform you about that...... and..."

"Wait doctor," George said. "I have the same blood type and I am ready to donate some if it means saving his life."

The doctor smiled and quickly took him to the nurse who runs tests on him. In a few minutes the results were out and he donated the blood for the man. After he had donated blood he felt weak and the nurse took him to a cafeteria to get something for him to eat. While there, the nurse was smiling at him while he ate. He was happy he knew the man's name but he still could not remember where he had seen him.

He got back from the cafeteria and went to the man's room where he sat waiting for the man to wake up. He stayed there for about an hour when the doctor came in and told him he had called the man's house and some people would come for him. George was surprised the doctor knew him.

"Sorry for asking but do you know this man?" he asked.

The doctor laughed before he answered.

"His name is Lucas Rodriguez a very famous business man and owns one of the most popular hotels in the country......... he is a very nice man and also helps this hospital with equipments and donations."

George thanked the doctor for the information and the doctor left after checking on Mr. Rodriguez. So that was why he was familiar, George had been reading about him in Newspapers and magazines. He was glad he had saved him for he was one of the people he really admired.

A few minutes later, two men came into the room and they introduced themselves as his bodyguards and thanked him for saving their boss' life. Both of them seemed nice but after a few minutes, George figured he was not needed anymore so he said goodbye and left though both of them insisted he waits until their boss wake up but he was too tired and just wanted to rest.

George slowly got out of the room ready to leave the hospital. He reached the exit and went outside looking for a taxi to take him to his motel room. A few moments later, he saw one of the guards running towards him and he stopped to listen to the guard who was speaking to him.

"Mr. Rodriguez has woken up and he wishes to see you." The guard said to George.

George felt good that he had finally awoken after a few hours. He went inside the hospital with the guard and when he arrived inside the room, he found Mr. Rodriguez already up sitting on the bed with his head wrapped. He was looking very okay for a man who just had an accident. George did not know what to say to him so he just stood there staring at the man who was smiling at him.

"Please come and sit with me." The man said weakly to George.

George moved and sat with the man who put his arm around his shoulder.

"My bodyguards told me you were the boy who saved my life."

"Yes sir...." He said feeling shy.

"Thank you so much...... If there is anything I can do for you to show my appreciation."

George did not know whether to tell him about his search for a job or not. He didn't want the man to think that he was taking advantage of him simply because he saved his life.

"No! Sir, its okay...... anybody in my shoes would have done the same."

"I really want to do something for you..... Not everyone can do what you did and I would like to do something as a token of my gratitude."

George smiled but he could not say anything. Maybe Mr. Rodriguez could offer him a job. Before he said anything more he heard him speak.

"What's your name?" he asked sweetly.

"George." he answered softly. "George Anderson."

"George. Can I at least see your parents to thank them?"

George looked down feeling sad as he was reminded of his dead parents.

The man might have noticed it in his facial expression.

"Anything wrong dear?" the man asked.

"They are dead." He said sadly.

"I am sorry if I reminded you of them." Mr. Rodriguez apologized. "But whom do you live with."

"I have no relatives but I used to work somewhere in this town. However, due to emotional problems I left 2 days ago and I am currently looking for a job...." He said when all of Henry's memories came. "I am sorry sir, that was unnecessary....."

George felt embarrassed that the man had only asked him a simple question and he was spilling out all the things that had happened to him.

"Maybe I can offer you a job at my house..... If you want?" the man said to him.

When George looked at him, he was smiling at him. George knelt down to thank the man when he held him preventing him from kneeling further.

"Please don't...... I should be the one thanking you. It's the least I could do." Mr. Rodriguez said smiling.

As soon as George sat on the bed, he gave Mr. Rodriguez a hug. He didn't know what drove him to do that but he felt better that he had found a job. He was about to let go but he felt Mr. Rodriguez responding to his hug as he tapped on his back. George felt safe and happy as tears were falling down his face at the same time.

When he broke the hug he apologized for his actions but all Mr. Rodriguez did was smile at him. He was so happy that he was going to work and probably make enough money to go to college and achieve his dream and finally live happily and peacefully.

George heard the door open and the doctor came inside the room. He examined Mr. Rodriguez and told him he could be released the same day as he was in a perfect condition apart from his head which he had hit really bad. After the doctor had left Mr. Rodriguez instructed one of the guards to go with George and take him to his house. George took one of the guards and went to his motel room where he collected all his stuff and checked out.

They began their journey to Mr. Rodriguez's house and it took about two hours to reach. George had never been to that part of the town and it was really spectacular. They soon arrived at a large gate and after the bodyguard had honked, the door opened on its own. George was not surprised since rich people could afford such technology. The car drove into a large compound and as George came out of the car, it caught his eyes. He couldn't help but stare.

The mansion was really big even bigger than Henry's. It was a two floor house but it was huge. It was painted white and there was a huge garden which was beautiful. A large pool, a shelter and a large garage.

The bodyguard led him inside the house and his eyes almost popped out. The whole house was painted white and decorated with beautiful colored curtains which added a sparkle. The living room was huge filled with beautiful red couches and a large plasma TV. He saw Mr. Rodriguez sitting on a couch smiling at him. There was a wheel chair beside him probably because he couldn't walk properly after the accident.

"Welcome to my home George." he heard Mr. Rodriguez's warm welcome.

"Thank you very much, sir."

It was really a wonderful house filled with workers whom George found to be 8 in total. What surprised him was that Mr. Rodriguez never introduced him as a worker but only said, "He will be living here from now on."

But that did not bother him as he was too excited. One of the workers, Alex took him to his room. While going there he was staring at how wonderful the house was and when he reached his would be room, he froze in the door way. The room was big, luxurious and beautiful. It was decorated and it had a large space. This was the kind of room Henry slept in. He was excited as he explored the room which brought tears to him. He considered himself lucky to find work in such a place and he remembered the kind of life he lived with his parents. He hoped to live peaceful from then and prayed his wish be granted.


8 months had passed since George began living at Mr. Rodriguez's mansion. So many things had changed in those 8 months. He was 19 and now the adopted son of Mr. Rodriguez going by the name Ivan Rodriguez. He was now a father to an adopted son, Noah.

He remembered the first day he was about to start work when he got surprised that Mr. Rodriguez had not allowed him to work. This continued for a few days until he asked why he was not doing any work in the house. Mr. Rodriguez told him he was his guest and was not to do any work in the house. He did not argue as he did not want to disobey him though he felt uncomfortable. He used to stay with him the whole day during the time he was recovering and they got to talk. He slowly found himself opening up until he told all his life history and all about Henry which he poured his all heart out to.