Destined Lovers Ch. 07


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Henry had been bothering him but he hid from him most of the time. He had even gone on a vacation with his son just to avoid him but the man was not giving up. He had even succeeded in getting closer to his son that he even called him Uncle Henry. And worst of all, Henry knew where he lived.

Ivan was in his car with his son coming from the airport. His father had left and he was missing him so much. The house was going to feel so empty without him and to help with this; he had decided to buy a new house. At least he would not miss him that much in the new house. He had even decided to visit him as soon as he got the chance.

He was so lost in thought when his phone rang. It was a message from his secretary reminding him of his meeting with a client that was interested in publishing him in a magazine where he would show himself to the world.

"Driver, take us to Rodriguez suns hotel?"

"Yes sir." He heard the driver respond as he turned the wheel.

He called the nanny to meet him at the hotel so that she could take his son home. It took some time to reach the hotel but in no time he found himself at the entrance. He didn't want to take his son with him so he waited for his son's nanny to arrive before he proceeded to the meeting. It was not long before he saw the nanny coming. She tried to take Noah but he rejected. He wanted to go home with his father. Ivan knew he had no power to persuade his son so he decided to allow him to wait for him while he was in a meeting.

"Nanny will show you around the hotel while daddy goes to a meeting okay."

His son agreed to that and with one kiss on the forehead, he saw him run around the hotel with his nanny. He turned to go to the hotel restaurant when he suddenly heard a voice.

"George, I can't believe it's you."

He turned around and found Jake with another model he had seen before. This was the moment he had been waiting for ever since he returned.

"I must say..." Jake said as he glanced at him from head to toe. "You are looking really good."

Ivan did not say anything. He was standing there looking at him as if he did not know him.

"It looks like you have become a professional whore and you deal with influential and powerful men." He said as he laughed.

"I am sorry but I don't know you and I am not George." he said as he smiled. "And please don't insult me because it might land you into trouble." He warned.

"You have changed your name too... You really are shameless." Jake said.

"Sir, the client is waiting for you." He heard a waiter say to him.

"Tell him I am already here." Ivan said.

After the waiter had left Jake continued to talk.

"You came here to meet a client? I thought people like you usually did your dirty business in those dirty little hotels and not five star hotels like this." Jake was talking too loud that people began gathering to watch them. Ivan took it as an opportunity to embarrass Jake and ruin his reputation.

"Security!" he called. "Someone call security."

"Yes call them." Jake answered.

In a few seconds Ivan saw the security guards running towards them and when Jake saw them he began talking to them.

"Get this cheap boy out of this hotel." Jake suddenly said.

"You get out of my hotel." Ivan shouted at Jake.

Jake looked surprised as the security guard held his hand and began pushing him out of the hotel. He tried to object but he was pushed further. Many people were taking photos and Ivan left smiling.

When he saw his client, he apologized for being late and they got on with the meeting. It took about an hour or so. Mr. Noel was very happy that he had signed the modeling contract with Ivan and the photo shoot would begin in a week. This was going to be a long and tiresome week for him.

"Cheers!" Mr. Noel said as he raised his glass of champagne to him after the meeting.

Ivan raised his glass to him and took a sip of his favorite drink, champagne. He was about to stand when his son's nanny came to him. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Nanny Gloria, are you okay... You don't look so good." He asked getting worried.

"Sir it's... It's... It's your son." She stammered.

"What has happened to my son?" Jake asked suddenly wondering where this was going.

"I can't find him."

"What are you saying? Where was the last place you saw him?" he asked his heart racing.

"We were playing hide and seek and he went to hide but I can't find him." she said tearful.

"It's okay nanny... I am sure we will find him... He is just hiding somewhere."

Ivan was not feeling good about this but he did not want to make the old woman feel any worse. He apologized to his client and went with Gloria to look for his son. He called all the staff and security and all of them began searching for his son. They searched everywhere in the hotel rooms and outside but did not find him. Ivan was really worried that he wanted to cry but had to be strong for the nanny who was looking like she had not slept in weeks.

"Nanny I think you should go home and rest. I will continue the search and inform you." He said to her.

"No sir, I..."

"I know of your love for my son but you don't look so good right now and I am getting worried... Please go." He begged.

He interrupted her before she could finish. She listened to him and he saw her leave. He tried to call his father but the phone was off then he decided to involve the police since it was already dark. He looked at his watch and it was 7.20 pm and realized that his son had been missing for 6 hours. He wondered if his son had been kidnapped and why he had not involved the police long ago. If that was the case, he was ready to pay any amount of money as ransom.

He was about to call the police when his phone rang. It was a private number which was calling him.

"Hello." He answered.

"If you want to see your son alive and unhurt listen to my instructions." A strange voice from the phone said to him.

He held on to the phone like his life depended on it. To be honest, his son's life depended on it.


Henry had gone to Ivan's office to see him. When he had reached there his secretary had told him that he was in a meeting at Rodriguez sun's hotel. He had decided to go there to see if he could get a chance to speak with him. That day he had no guard or driver with him because he wanted to see Ivan alone.

Within the two months he had encountered Ivan, he was really sure that Ivan was really George but he did not know how to make him confess that he was truly George. When he had reached the hotel, he was about to ask the receptionist where George had a meeting but he saw Noah hiding under a big flower vase. He went to him with a cheerful smile.

"Hey little man what are you doing."

"Playing hide and seek with nanny." The little boy answered.

"That is boring. Want some ice cream with Uncle George?"

"Yes!" Noah answered.

Henry had a crazy idea which would land him in trouble but it was a risk he was willing to take. He carefully looked around and saw that everyone was busy and it was a bit crowded so he carefully took the boy out of the hotel past the security guard who was busy talking with another man and didn't notice him. He got Noah into the car, took him to the ice cream shop and brought him to his house.

Call it a kidnapping or anything but all he wanted was to know the truth once and for all. He really prayed his plan proved Ivan to be George or else he would rot in jail as Ivan had become very influential. To be honest he was even richer than him.

"Uncle Henry, why are we here?" Noah asked in his innocent little voice which made him feel bad.

"We are at my house and daddy will soon join us." He said as he rubbed the boy's cheek.

He lifted the boy and went inside the house.

"Who is this boy Henry?" Claire's question welcomed him.

"This is the key to finding out the truth." He answered cheerfully.

"I don't understand." She said to him.

"He is Ivan's son and he is going to help me figure out who Ivan is once and for all."

"This could be dangerous." She said worriedly.

"It's a risk I am willing to take." He answered.

Claire took the child and gave him food. Henry called Andrew who came in three hours.

"Have you suddenly gone crazy?" Andrew's voice filled the living room. "You did what?

"Look that is not important. Will you help me or not." Henry begged.

"I am a doctor not a kidnapper... I thought you were the one who drove him away. Why do you want him suddenly?"

"Because I love him so much and I want him in my life."

"You are crazy man... I thought you are with Jake now." Andrew said as he gave him a soft punch on his hard chest.

"You know I don't love Jake... I went into this relationship because I just couldn't put up with him following me around... I want to put an end to his no sense."

"Anyway that is not my business." Andrew suddenly said. "I will help you but we really need a plan for this."

"I have a plan but first go to my room and change into a t-shirt and a cargo trouser. You are looking too smart for this job." Henry joked.

Henry spent an hour explaining to Andrew the plan and two hours playing with Noah who kept asking about his father. The time was now 7.20 pm which should give Ivan an impression that his son was kidnapped. Henry called Claire and she took the child with her.

"Call him right now." Henry told Andrew.

Henry was using a private number to call Ivan.

"If you want to see your son alive and unhurt listen to my instructions." Andrew said with a fake deep voice which made Henry feel happy.

"There is a burnt building on the outskirts of town near Edmond road... Go there and I will meet with you there and then we will discuss everything." Andrew said in his fake deep voice. "One more thing, you should never involve the police. You should come alone with no one to accompany you... If I sense that the police are with you, I don't care whether I die or not but my boys will surely kill your little boy." He threatened and began laughing, his voice filled with evil.

"I said you should not come with any money. We will discuss about the ransom at the building."

Henry couldn't have been more proud of what he had heard. They got ready and Henry took him near the spot where he would meet Ivan.

"Please be careful." Henry said as Andrew got out. "Take this cloth and cover yourself." He said to Andrew.

After Andrew had got off, he turned and went back to his house. The plan was for him to listen on the phone whatever was going on. He prayed everything go according to plan.


Ivan had reached the agreed destination. He was alone as he did not want to put the life of his beloved son in danger. He entered the building and it was so dark he could barely see.

"Hello." He called loudly. "Is anyone here?"

All he could hear were the echoes of his own voice. He kept going inside and he was starting to get scared. He went in through the shadows of the dark. He stood there trying to see if there was anyone in the building.

"I hope you have not come with the police." A voice echoed.

"No! I came as you instructed." He said with fear not seeing whom he was talking with.

"Now where is my son?"

"He's safe but his life depends on you so be careful." The voice echoed again.

"How much money do you want...? I will give you anything you want just for my son." He begged.

"I am not here for the money but something else."

"What is it you want? I will give you anything you want." He begged.

"Good! Listen carefully to what I have to say... I don't have anything against you but the boy who looks like you." The voice said calmly.

So this was about George. It seemed like everyone wanted him to reveal his identity but he didn't know it who wanted his true identity this time.

"Who is that?"

"George." the voice echoed loudly.

"So I ask, are you George?"

This was really a trick question and he was not going to give in easily. If he denied being George then they would release his son.

"No! I am Ivan, son of Lucas Rodriguez." He said courageously.

He heard the man laughing loudly.

"We all know Lucas had no son. So how did he have a son out of the blue?"

"He had an encounter with my mother years ago and he got her pregnant." He answered bravely.

"That is just nice but if I find out that you are not telling me the truth, I will bring your son to you in pieces."

"No! It's the truth." He answered.

"Before I came here I had gone to the hospital and found out that Lucas cannot impregnate a woman so how did that happen? Or do you want me to call my boys?"

"No!" he shouted. "I was adopted."

"Before that what were you called?" the voice asked.

"Ivan Rodriguez." He answered. "I was adopted when I was a baby."

"For the last time, are you George?" the voice asked angrily.

"No!" he shouted.

"All right you can go."

"What about my son?" he shouted.

"I just figured that since you lied to me about Lucas impregnating your mother, we will have fun with him." the voice said as the man began laughing.

"Please don't do this. Take me instead." He begged.

"Rules are rules."

He could hear that the voice was fading probably because the man was speaking while leaving the building. He didn't know what to do anymore. He was in a dilemma but he knew exactly what to do to save his son.

"Wait!" he shouted. "I am George." he could hear as his own voice echoed loudly.

There was silence all around. Ivan thought the man had already left and he had not heard him. What if he kills his son? His face was now wet with tears. He heard footsteps and saw a man standing at a distance. He was wearing something over his head and it was really dark that he couldn't see properly.

"How do I know you are not lying to me simply because I said I would kill your son?"

"Because I am really George Anderson." he sighed.

He told the man a bit about his life history and where he used to work five years to further make the man believe him.

"Good! That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Ivan's face was wet. He had just revealed his identity to someone he didn't even know.

"Now turn around so that I can take you to your son and discuss what I really want from you."

Ivan turned around and heard footsteps getting closer to him. His hands were tied and his face was covered with a cloth that he couldn't see a thing.

"Give me your car keys." The man said to him.

Ivan showed him where the car keys were and he was led to his Renault grand scenic and carefully put in the back seat. He heard the engine start and he had no idea where exactly he was being taken or what they planned on doing but all he hoped for was for his son to be all right. He just wished it was not one of his business rivals but again none knew he was George so it had to be someone who knew his past and he had quite a number of names in his mind. He felt the car was moving a bit too fast. They might have driven for an hour before he felt the car stop and he heard the sound of a gate and finally the car parking. The man took him out of the car and put back the keys in his pocket. He was led inside and felt his hands getting untied.

"You can remove the blind fold." A voice spoke to him which he found familiar.

He removed the blind fold and was shocked at what he saw. The house was very familiar. Nothing had really changed except for the couches and maybe the color but he could remember the place very well. It was Henry's house. He realized that he was not completely in so he went to the living room and found Henry smiling at him with Andrew by his side. Ivan's anger was too much and it was flowing. He went straight to Henry and before he could say anything punched him hard on the nose. He felt to the floor and Ivan could see that his nose was bleeding and his white shirt was bloody.

"How dare you do this to me, Henry?" He gasped. "What gave you that right?"

"Do you think my son's is a toy that you can play with to get what you want?" He scolded.

Henry got up with a bloody hand covering his nose.

"I probably deserve that." He groaned.

"Yes you do." Andrew said. "I told you this was a lousy idea."

"Where is my son?" He shouted.

"Please George understand..." Henry said.

"Ivan." He snapped. "It's Ivan and please can I have my son before I lose control here."

"Noah! Noah!" he shouted through the house like a crazy person.

"Daddy, daddy." He heard his son shout as he saw him coming to him.

Ivan lifted his son and began heading for the door.

"I had no choice." He heard Henry plead.

Ivan looked behind and saw Claire giving him a tissue.

"Just leave me alone Henry." He said as he left the living room.

"I am so sorry about this." He saw Andrew follow him. "He forced me into it."

"It's not your fault." Ivan spoke to him softly. "It's all his fault and please tell him to leave me alone."

Andrew nodded and leaned towards a pillar.

Ivan quickly got his son in the car and he drove off thinking about the pain Henry had just given him. To think that he almost had a heart attack from getting worried. Henry had just reached the limit. Ivan didn't like anyone playing with his little boy.

"Uncle Henry bought me ice cream daddy." Noah said.

Ivan just smiled as he run his fingers through his son's hair. He watched as his son began dozing off and he smiled. When they reached the house, Noah was already asleep. Everyone was happy that he had come with his son especially Gloria. He told everyone to sleep since it had been a long day but before that he told them that his son had gone with Henry to get ice cream. Even though he hated Henry for what he had done, he never wanted him to get into trouble.

He took his son to his room after changing him into pajamas. He just wanted to sleep with his son that night. He quickly changed into pajamas and slid into bed holding his son tightly wondering why the day had been so bad for him. He had tried to forget about the past but it came crawling at his door steps and Henry of all people. He wondered if this would change anything.

Now that Henry had come to know that he was George, what was to follow next?


Thank you so much for reading this chapter. We are almost at the finish line. Hope you liked this chapter like I did. Watch out for chapter 8 to see what is about to happen. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please don't forget to rate all the chapters, please. Stay tuned.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
for fucks sake

has ivan never heard of the police ,hitman or a restraining order. what a stupid story line .

o2byoungo2byoungover 6 years ago
Five stars for suspense

Who needs hot sex when a story is this captivating - Yeah, a few grammatical errors but the plot is great. Now on to Chapter 8!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

That's just not something to even put in a story.

Liblue74Liblue74about 7 years ago

What a chapter!!! If someone that "loved" me put my son in danger like that, my feelings for them would be over . There would be no question.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
More action!

The way you built both characters and the way ivan is now acting, i doubt if it would resolve the issue, so pls can you just let them reconcile(i hate and love suspense).I'm having this feelings that jake would do nasty things to ivan/noah to make them leave henry.

Keep it up. 5 star

This is the first story that i would comment on after reading this site story more than 2years.

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