Destruction and Rebirth


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"Go put your stuff away, honey," I directed as we entered the three-bedroom condo Catalina and I had bought after coming back from our honeymoon. The one the company had supplied wasn't large enough for our needs after Alondra's birth. Contentment flooded my heart at the sound of my daughter's feet racing towards her bedroom. I was in our bedroom as I changed out of my suit when my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered as my t-shirt slid down my chest. When chasing a four-year-old old comfortable clothes are a must!

"Dad?!" My lip trembled at the sound of my son's voice.

"Dad, I put Carson on a three-way call with us. I hope that's alright. He wanted to talk with you, too, when I told him I had reached you."

"And how exactly did you get my number?" I inquired as I walked back out to the living room as Alondra was sitting in her little chair at the coffee table with her coloring books and crayons before her. Walking into the kitchen, getting Alondra's favorite cup, that she just had to drink from, out of the cabinet and pouring her a glass of apple juice before screwing the lid on and placing a straw through the hole for it on top of the lid. It helped to keep spills to a minimum should Alondra accidentally knock it over. "Here you go, honey," I said in a loving voice setting Alondra's drink before her.

"Gracias, Papi," Alondra chirped with that toothy loving smile of hers.

"De nada, mi Amor" I replied in kind. Watching those cheeks heat like her mother's always did.

"Dad, who was that?" Carson asked, confused.

"My daughter," I spoke truthfully as I lowered myself onto the couch. "Your baby sister," I informed them. Watching my daughter's head snapping up at that.

"Papi? Do I have a brother?" Alondra asked, switching to English like she normally does. I got used to it, so I just roll with it.

"You do," I nodded, "and a sister." Smiling as I watched my daughter jumping from her seat and racing around the table, she climbed into my lap.

"Papi, I want to hear, too," Alondra spoke with those doe-like eyes as she peered up at me.

"Okay, honey," lowering my phone and putting it on speaker, "Carson, Amber, I'd like you to meet your sister, Alondra Hal, say, hi, baby," I encouraged her as I rubbed her back.

"Hola!" Alondra said excitedly as she bounced on my leg.

"English, honey, they don't know Spanish," I informed her, seeing her nod in understanding.

"Hello, little sister, I'm your big sister." I heard Amber's trembling voice.

"Hi! Where are you, are you here? Or are you close? Are you coming over?" Alondra spoke rapidly like she always does when she was excited.

"That would be hard for me, li'l sis. I'm in California at the moment. But I would really like to meet you," Carson said; I heard my son trying to hold back his own emotions.

"Amber told me you joined the Army."

"I did; I had to get away from Mom. It got worse after you left. I'll tell you later...."

"No, don't, I don't care what happened to her. That's in the past, and I'd rather keep it there," I said sternly.

"Okay," I heard my son sniff, "so Dad, I heard you got married again."

"I did, and she's the most amazing woman you'll ever meet," I said proudly.

"I hope I can. Only if you're okay with it. I know I said something hurtful to you that day. For the past seven years, I've hated myself for it. Can you forgive me?"

"I think we all handled that day very poorly. I let my emotions get the better of me, but I was beyond hurt..."

"I know, Dad, and we can't apologize enough for it. But can we try to build back our relationship that we ignorantly destroyed? I know David and I would really like to be a part of your lives," Amber cut in.

"First, answer my question."

"I found it at Papa's one day when I was helping clean out a room for them. They said they've been waiting to give it to us, but you always told them no."

"Ah." Which was true. I did tell them no, a lot.

"Amber," I nodded when Alondra looked at me when she silently asked if she said it right, "where do you live?"

"In Dad's old hometown, I never left."

"Kansas City, honey, I'll show you later," I supplied when Alondra looked up at me in confusion.

"Papi, when can I see my brother and sister?" That caught me off guard; I was not expecting her to ask that.

"Dad, why does she call you Papi?" Carson asked, confused.

"Because she's half Latino, and Papi means dad, father, daddy, depending on the context," I stated.

"Really? You married a Latino woman?" I could hear the disbelief in my son's voice.

"I did, best decision I've ever made, otherwise I wouldn't have this little munchkin," I said, tickling my daughter, listening to that giggle of hers.

"Papi, stop?!" Alondra said between giggles of laughter.

And so, we sat there chatting away as the minutes grew from ten to twenty, to an hour then two before Carson had to say goodbye to head off to his duty station. I agreed that Carson could call later when he was off duty. Then Amber left only after a tearful goodbye to the two of us. With Alondra standing on the couch between my legs and my chin resting on her left shoulder with her leaning against my chest, we took a picture together. We sent it to the two of them. Then my son sent one to us, after texting me his number, of him in his uniform. I have to say my boy did look good in it. I was very proud of him; I worried, but I was very proud of my son. Takes a lot of courage to put your life on the line, no matter if he only did it to get away from his mother. Then came the picture of Amber and David snuggled together. I could see my daughter trying not to cry in it. How my daughter had grown so beautiful while I was away. God. I hate myself for missing these years with them. However, what's done is done; nothing can change it. All we can do is move forward in hopes of making up for lost time.

Catalina walked in that evening at her usual time. 5:30 on the dot. I never have to worry about her sneaking off like the Bitch did, for however many years she whored herself out. No, not Catalina; I knew her family would disown her if she broke her vows of marriage, not that she ever would. That's how much I trust Catalina compared to the nightmare of seventeen years. It's funny, isn't it, that you don't see the signs until it's already over and history.

"Mi Amor, te he estranado," Catalina sighed as she sank down into my lap after cuddling with our daughter. It was her favorite saying whenever we were a part for a long period of time which translates to: 'My love, I've missed you.'

"yo Tambiean a ti," I replied before embracing those lips I will never get tired of kissing.

"Do you want to talk about today?" Catalina whispered in my ear as her hand lightly rubbed my chest. She could tell how torn my heart was right then.

"I think I do," I nodded.

"Mi Amor," Catalina cooed to our daughter, "why don't you turn on your cartoons while your Papi and I have a little chat, okay?"

"Okay!" Alondra chirped before rushing to turn the TV on.

Catalina rose from my lap, that fine ass of hers brushing along my manhood as she did. Taking me by the hand and leading me towards the kitchen. She likes to talk while she cooks. Plus, I think she knows I stare at her ass when she does this. I have to say, who wouldn't stare at it; it was divine! So, I stood there watching her prepare our dinner for the night. She never lets me cook; says I have no skill in the kitchen. Hey, if she wants to cook, I'm all for it; it doesn't mean I don't do the clean-up since she did the work. That's what a marriage is supposed to be like a united front, each sharing the load equally, or that's what I think anyway. Plus, I have to admit; she is a better cook than I am. I noted how she listened intently as I told her about the conversation Alondra and I had with Carson and Amber.

"He so looks like you," Catalina cooed sweetly when I showed her the picture of himself Carson had sent me. "Oh? Don't they just look adorable together," she uttered when I showed her the picture of David and Amber. "So, honey, what do you want to do?" she asked, shooting me that look of hers. I know it never sat well with her that I and my children were estranged, yet she never pushed the subject when I knew it cut against her upbringing. To her thinking, family is supposed to stick together no matter who pissed whom off. Blood is thicker than water, as the saying goes, and her family adhered to that saying like they did their faith.

"I want to see my daughter; I want to see my son. Hell, I just want to hold them again," I stated, arching an eyebrow when Catalina began to smile.

"About time," Catalina said, throwing her arms around me and planting a kiss on my lips. "I know it will take time for the three of you to get back on good footing, but I'm going to be here with you. I am your wife after all, and I'd never leave you stranded," she said in this loving tone as she stared up at me.

"So you ready to become the mother of two more kids?" I asked to which Catalina just nodded vehemently to my question. Catalina came from a very large family, and I knew she wanted more kids. We were waiting to get Alondra into kindergarten before we tried for another. That way, Catalina wouldn't be overburdened with a four-year-old underfoot and her pregnancy.

"Now, you call that daughter of yours; I wish to speak with her and set a date for their visit," Catalina said, patting my chest.

"Amber, do you have video calling on your phone?" I texted her.

"Dad? I didn't think you would contact me so soon. And no, not on my phone, but my laptop does; why?"

"Go get it; someone wants to speak with you," I texted back, giving her my Skype ID. I use it to talk to Alondra whenever I have to go out of town for business.



"Okay, hold on, don't go anywhere?!"

"Of course, she's excited; she gets to see her Papi," Catalina said in a loving tone as she caressed my cheek when I showed her Amber's text. "Relax, it will be okay," she reassured me when she saw how nervous I was to see my daughter after seven years apart as the ring tone for my Skype played.

"Dad!" Amber said excitedly, the moment our lines connected.

"Hello, honey," I greeted; I couldn't help it. I was smiling as I peered at my now twenty-three-year-old daughter. She wasn't the only one trying not to cry at that moment. Leaning against the counter next to the stove so my phone would capture the two of us. "Amber, meet Catalina, Catalina meet my eldest daughter, Amber," I said, introducing the two of them.

"Hello," Catalina said with that warmth she just naturally radiates.

"H-hello," Amber spoke with a trembling voice.

"It's okay to cry; this is a joyous event. So if you have to, don't let me stop you," Catalina said in a motherly voice. "You must be David?" she uttered when we watched as Amber's fiancée eased down beside her and wrapped his arm around her as Amber's tears of happiness ran down her cheeks as she gazed at me.

"I am; it's nice to meet the two of you," David said politely.

"I'm sorry. I told myself I wouldn't cry anymore today," Amber uttered, drying her eyes.

"Amber, it's fine; you should be crying. It's the natural thing to do. Now I hear from your father you'd like to visit us," Catalina said, giving me this look that said: 'See? That wasn't so hard, was it?'

"Yes, we would, only if it's alright with the two of you. We can find..."

"I will not have my stepdaughter sleeping in a cheap motel when we have a perfectly good room here," Catalina said, cutting Amber off causing her to gasp. "In my family, everyone is welcome here, and you are family. I'm sorry it took your father this long to wise up, but he can be stubborn," she spoke, wearing this teasing smile as she did.

"We're talking now; that's what matters," Amber said, her eyes glanced between us.

"So," I couldn't help myself as I glanced down and ogled my wife's ass as her skirt moved along it as she reached for her spice mixture she handmade for tacos and other dishes, "when were you wanting to come?" Catalina asked, lightly smacking my arm when she caught me. Yet she had this bashful look in her eyes as she brushed her hair behind her ear while heat flooded her cheeks. I can't help it. After five years together, it still felt like that first date. In all that time, her beauty hasn't waned.

"Not this weekend, but next, we're free to fly in for a few...."

"No, no," Catalina wasn't having it, "you must stay a week with us. How else are we to get to know each other? In two days, it can't be done," she said in that motherly tone. "When's the wedding?"

"March 16 of next year," David supplied.

"Hmm... does Alondra have anything planned in the next three weeks?" Catalina asked, looking at me, knowing I would remember off the top of my head.


"Then you fly in on that Saturday and stay till the next Sunday. Since you're a part of this family and you're joining it soon, you must meet the rest of your family," Catalina spoke as she stirred the sizzling meat and the onions mixed with green peppers. She likes the heat; I can't handle that high, so she only uses jalapeno peppers and bell peppers to cut down on the heat level.

"Dad? You okay with this?" I could see how nervous Amber was as she waited for my answer.

"I am; I want to see you, honey. I've missed you so much," I said truthfully.

"And I missed you too," Amber said, trying not to let her emotions get to her. "David, can we?"

"Of course, baby, whatever you want." I hate to admit, what father likes some guy when he's dating his daughter, but it seemed to me David was a pretty decent guy. "We'll just have to put in the request for the time."

"You two work together?" I asked with an arched eyebrow.

"We do, I got a job as a pharmacy tech, and David is the manager of the store I work at," I noted how my daughter had this loving gaze as she peered at David.

"Don't chide them; remember we met at work too," Catalina said with this sexy little smirk of hers.

"You did?!" Amber asked, her interest pegged.

"It's not an appropriate story with a child within earshot," I said, hearing the sounds of my daughter's feet racing towards us.

"Mamá, may I have some more juice?" Alondra asked, holding up her glass.

"Of course, Mi Amor." Wiping her hands on the dish towel that hung on the oven's doorhandle.

"Papi, who are you talking to?" Alondra asked, peering up at me and my phone. I noticed how Amber had her hands cupping her mouth when Alondra stood before me.

"Your sister," I answered, smiling down at my daughter.

"Really?!" Alondra uttered in a high pitch squeal. "Hi!" She waved ecstatically as she bounced on her feet.

"Hello, Alondra, it's nice to see you," Amber said sweetly.

"You look so pretty?! Are you coming to visit?" Alondra asked again.

"Very soon, and thank you, you're adorable," Amber nodded.

"I know," Alondra said with a wide grin as she swooned.

"Alondra, why don't you go back and watch your show while we work things out," Catalina said in a loving, motherly voice as she bent down and handed Alondra her drink.

"Bye, big sister!" Alondra waved up at my phone before scurrying back to her cartoons, or that's what I thought she was doing. Only to have Alondra run back into the kitchen ten minutes later with a drawing she had just made. "Look, Papi?!" she said excitedly as she held up the picture of five crudely drawn stick figures standing beneath a blue sun.

"And what do you have there querido," I asked as Catalina turned to look at it as well.

"A picture of all of us," Alondra said proudly.


"Mmmhmm, that's you, Mamá, my brother and sister, and that's me!" Alondra said, pointing to every person on the drawing.

"But why a blue sun?"

"Because it's pretty!" Alondra said as if that was a logical response. Which to her probably was, not that I would criticize my daughter's artwork. That would be poor of me as a father.

"Well then, shouldn't we put it up on the fridge for your sister to see when she comes?" I asked to which Alondra nodded her head very vehemently.

"Go on, let your Papi and I finish our discussion with your sister," Catalina said, guiding Alondra out of the kitchen after she had hung the picture on the fridge's door.

"Okay, dinner is almost ready, we must say goodbye, for now, it was very nice meeting you. I've wanted to ever since your father told me about the two of you. But you know how stubborn your father can be," Catalina said, getting a giggle out of Amber. "You two have a good night, and don't hesitate to call."

"We will, bye Dad, I love you, we'll call when we know something about our vacation," Amber said, pressing her fingers to her lips before lightly touching the screen on her laptop.

"Now the handsome father should set the table," Catalina said, giving me that look that I knew meant one thing; I was so getting fucked tonight.

God, those tacos were good. I ate four that night. As I led Alondra to her bedroom, I peered back at my wife, who sauntered seductively to our bedroom that was on the other side of the condo. Watching how she reached back and slowly lowered the zipper of her skirt. Allowing it to cascade down her legs and pool on the floor. Showing off that firm apple shaped ass, her black thong parted her ass cheeks. I felt my manhood rousing, knowing just what she would be doing while I read Alondra a bedtime story.

That was the longest twenty minutes of anticipation I've ever had, knowing my hot wife was just across my home getting herself ready for tonight's event. The sweet scent that she always wore when she readied herself for our night, mostly nightly lovemaking. Sometimes it didn't happen; it happens after all when you have a young child you're raising. Sometimes you're just too damn tired for sex. That didn't mean we didn't get each other off. There she stood, her hands pressed against the doorframe of our bathroom. Those 32C breasts of hers stood proudly on her chest as the soft light of our bedroom played along her light brown skin. My lips instinctively smacked, longing to be wrapped around those brown nipples of hers. Our condo complex has a gym on the ground floor, so we stay fit, not ripped muscle out the ass but enough definition to know we have them well in Catalina's case. I still have the hard body I earned in the two years of going to the gym every day. I felt my cock flexing in my old shorts that I only wear around the house as my eyes ran down her body. Rolling my tongue in my mouth to swallow the drool that was overwhelming it at the sight of my naked wife as my eyes ran along her triangle patch of trim fur. Down those legs of hers that I knew felt so divine brushing along my hip when I was between them. Then again, let's be truthful, they fucking feel great regardless!

"So is my Amor ready for the ride of his life?" Catalina asked in this sultry tone as those brown eyes of hers ran down my body as I quickly stripped.

"Llevame al cielo," I replied, watching those eyes of hers flare then narrow as the fires of her passion grew as my words settled in her ears.

"Heaven, huh?" Catalina mused as her index finger pressed on the middle of my chest as I walked backward to the bed. Only to have my knees buckle, dropping me down onto its surface.

"Have you met you?" I asked with a coy grin. "Definitely Heaven." My hands ran up Catalina's thighs as she straddled my lap.

"That so," Catalina purred before her lips hungrily tore at mine as her inhalation of breath was loud in my ears. Her hips rocked forward as my hands held firmly onto her ass. Feeling the heat of her womanhood on my rod as our tongues explored one another's. Hearing her light mewing in my ear as I nibbled lightly down the side of her neck. Her gooseflesh danced under my touch as my hands moved up her back. "Then let me take you to seventh Heaven," Catalina purred in my ear.